3013: MATED (3013: The Series) (8 page)

BOOK: 3013: MATED (3013: The Series)
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Well, fuck him very much.

Not wanting them to out her in
front of the regents and her commander meant they were free to flirt with
whoever they wanted? “So this was all to get back at me for not wanting my commanders
to know until I made my decision? Excuse me for worrying about losing my job!
Are you really telling me there wasn’t something in between Xavier and Galan
eye fucking me from across the table and you and Brydan ignoring me?”

Suddenly, she was very tired.
Sitting down on a stone bench, she turned away from them. “Please leave. I
don’t want to talk to either of you right now.”


“Please, Galan,” she said, her
voice strained with unshed tears as her vision blurred, but she didn’t let them
fall. Not yet. “I really don’t want to do this here. If you care about me at
all you will leave me to get my shit together before I have to go back in there
and salvage what is left of this farce.”

She held her breath and finally
released it as she heard the door softly open and shut again. Closing her eyes
again she wrapped her arms around herself for comfort and rocked a little. It
was a habit she had learned when she was young. With no one to hold her and
comfort her, she had learned to depend on herself. Later when she had met
Draven and Cristof, she’d thought she had finally found someone to care about
her, but she had been very wrong. They had taken her trust and used her for
their own purposes. She hadn’t mattered to them and swore she would never allow
herself to be treated like that again.

Obviously, she was wrong on a
fucking epic level.

Giving in to the tears that
wanted to come, she put her hands over her face and let them spill down her
cheeks unheeded.

“Alexis…my love.”

She gasped as she was caught up
in strong arms. Thorn said her name in such a tortured voice it hurt her heart.
Damn it, she thought he had gone back inside with Galan. He pulled her onto his
lap as he sat down on the floor.

“Do not fight me, please,” he
whispered as he buried his face into her neck, cradling her against him. “We
never wanted to make you feel unwanted. You are the mate of my heart already,
no matter that you have not allowed us to claim you. I vow it is true.”

The sincerity in his voice gave
her pause and she stopped struggling against him, allowing her body to relax
against his powerful frame as he sheltered her in his arms.

“It took everything in me to sit
there and behave,” Brydan hissed out softly, his voice shaking with emotions.
Alexis looked up in surprise to where he was sitting on the bench. It shocked
her that she hadn’t heard him come out and join them, but then again she had
been distracted bawling her eyes out like a child.

“What do you mean?” she asked,
trying to pull herself together.

“I could not look at you,” Brydan
said after huffing out an impatient breath. He rubbed his hands over his thick
thighs and glared at her. “Do you think it is easy having felt the pleasure you
gave Xavier and Galan this afternoon then to restrain ourselves while we gave you
time to get comfortable in our presence?”

Holy hell.

She gasped. “You…felt what we

“Aye, we did. And it took all our
will not to just throw you down on the bed and take you like they did when you
returned to our quarters,” Brydan growled as he looked at her through narrowed
eyes. “Then we had to attend this damned dinner because you wanted us to. If I
looked at you I would have dragged you out of that room and taken you against
the wall. Did you want that, Alexis?”

She couldn’t even form the words to
respond as she gaped at him. The vicious snarl on his face didn’t scare her.
Instead, she felt something that had broken inside her begin to mend. Thorn’s
arms were wound tight around her, holding her close to him as if he wanted to
merge their bodies together if he could.

Communication was a bitch in a
normal relationship, and even more so when trying to navigate the current
minefield she found herself in, not to mention that her emotions seemed to be
going haywire. She felt appeased now that Brydan and Thorn had explained their
actions a bit, but she wouldn’t, couldn’t allow them to treat her in a way that
made her feel bad about herself, no matter if it had been a misunderstanding.

Perhaps she had overreacted, but
it wasn’t as if she could help how she felt.

“You…all of you made me feel
cheap earlier, and tonight at dinner made me think that I couldn’t count on any
of you the way I thought I could,” Alexis explained softly, wanting them to
understand her reaction.

Thorn’s arms tightened around
her, practically squeezing her to death, but she didn’t complain. “We never
wanted to make you feel like that.”

“I know that now,” Alexis sighed
as she let herself relax against him. “I’m sorry if I overreacted, but…I can
feel the emotions of everyone at the table, especially the women that the four
of you are talking to. I can also sense your lust—”

“It is only for you,” Brydan
swore with such vehemence that she couldn’t help but believe him.

It was humiliating, but she knew
they deserved to know about her past. Taking a deep breath, she let it out and
said, “I got out of a really bad relationship where the men treated me as if I
wasn’t good enough. They wanted me in private, but in public, they treated me
like you did tonight.”

She watched Brydan wince and felt
Thorn do the same. Thorn growled low in his throat in a sound so raw it both
thrilled her and terrified her. “Who are these males? We will end them for you
for ever making you feel like that.”

A small chuckle escaped. “That’s
sweet…and slightly disturbing. But I don’t need you to take care of them. I
ended it and moved on. I’m simply telling you this because I have some issues
with the men I’m supposed to be with ignoring me in public. It makes me feel—”

“Never again will you feel
anything less that wanted and cared for in our presence,” Thorn swore after he
turned her head so he was looking down at her with somber, glowing eyes. “You
are too important for us not to give you what you need.”

Alexis’ hand lifted to grab hold
of his thick wrist. “What about what you need?”

Fire flashed in his eyes then
they dulled again to a muted glow. She could feel the sadness coming off him in
waves and she immediately wanted to do whatever she could to ease the ache she
felt inside him. “You are not ready to mate with us.”

She didn’t know about that. It
was crazy how possessive she felt about them already after knowing them such a
short time. She’d wanted to kill the other women speaking to them, and
suspected that it would be that way as long as she knew them. Her free hand
clenched into a fist. Just the thought of any of them being with someone else
made her want to…

Hell, just thinking about them
leaving and never seeing them again had pain surging through her so acute it
stole her breath.

Jesus, she felt like she was
losing her mind!

Her body was shaking with all the
swirling emotions careening inside her. She needed to get her shit together or
she thought she was going to implode. She let out a gasp as she was hauled out
of Thorn’s arms and found herself staring into Xavier’s furious silver eyes.
Both Xavier and Galan had stormed back out onto the balcony, and she could feel
the waves of their lust and anger fueling her own.

“Enough! This pain you are
feeling is unnecessary. We want only you. It has been unbearable for my brother
and I to hold ourselves back and give you time. I was moments away from
throwing you down on the table and taking you in front of everyone because all
of those males do not know who you belong to, and yet you question how much we
want you?” he growled furiously. “You are mine!”

“Calm, Xavier,” Thorn warned in a
low voice.

Xavier snarled at him. “I will
not have our mate questioning our loyalty to her!”

“She is not yet our mate,” Brydan
reminded him

“I am not so sure about that,”
Galan said softly. “I am bound to her already. I feel it.”

“As am I,” Xavier growled with

Alexis’ eyes widened. “But
I…you…how is that possible?”

“I do not know, but this would
explain the jealousy and hurt you were feeling. Our race feels deeply, much
more than humans. If we had a blood bond with you we would have been able to
feel what you did, just as you would feel us,” Galan explained passionately.
“You would never have reason to doubt our feelings for you.”

“You have no need for doubt,
Alexis. I am already mated to you, blood bond or not. I feel you here.” Xavier
put his hand over his heart. “I know you needed time, but I have already
claimed you. You belong to me…to us, and we will not let you go.”

Alexis felt the surge of emotions
emanating from them. Somehow she could tell that all four of them were furious
at themselves, but mixed with that was a feeling of satisfaction and a deep
sense of pride that she was theirs. Yes, they’d hurt her, but she had hurt them
as well, by doubting their feelings for her and refusing their claim. She knew
they were waiting for her to explode, to scream at them and unleash her fury
for taking away her choice…but she wasn’t angry.

Instead, she felt free.

She could feel their sincerity
and had never felt more ashamed of her gifts than now. Since meeting them she
had been reading their emotions, reacting automatically to how they were
feeling, but she had been denying them that same right.

Logic had been holding her back,
telling her it was too soon to make a monumental decision that would affect the
rest of her life. She’d only just met them, yet in her heart she felt like
she’d been waiting for them her whole life. Like they were the missing pieces
of her she had never even known were missing until she saw them.

Normally, she didn’t like taking
chances. She was a planner, and liked to know what to expect before she did
anything new, but nothing about this was expected. How the hell could she have
planned meeting four alien warriors that could shift into dragons that would
want to claim her as their mate?

Alexis wasn’t anything special,
but the way they looked at her made her feel like the most beautiful woman in
the world…hell, in the entire galaxy. When she felt their emotions it was as if
they were a part of her.

When they touched her, shivered.

When they looked at her, she

Knowing they’d claimed her
settled something inside of her that had been aching. It meant that she belonged,
when she never had before…not really. It also meant that they belonged to her,
and that she would never lose them. Mating was a bond stronger than anything
humans could imagine, and she wanted that with them.

Alexis didn’t give a damn about
waiting any longer, and she knew what they said was true. In her heart she was
already their mate. The scent of Xavier’s skin was like an aphrodisiac to her
already overloaded senses. His snarls didn’t scare her. In fact, it made her
hot, so hot she couldn’t control herself, and she stopped trying. Gripping his
hair, she surprised him as she crushed her mouth to his in a searing kiss.

His taste exploded on her tongue,
and it made her want to devour him in big, greedy bites. He immediately
responded in kind, taking control of their kiss as he plundered her mouth. She
loved how commanding he was and moaned at the pleasure he gave her.

Xavier pulled back, breathing
hard. His eyes burning a molten silver as he looked down at her and she
shivered at the intensity in his gaze. “Does this mean you are not angry any

She slowly smiled. “No, I’m not.
Actually, I’m relieved. It might be sooner than I had planned, but I think the
outcome was inevitable. I couldn’t give you up. Any of you. I want to be your
mate. Actually, I feel like I already am.”

“You are,” he growled.

“She may be claimed by you, but
not by us. Not yet,” Thorn said, his voice dark with need. “And we are going to
fix that…right now.”



Chapter Six


In the time it took Alexis to
blink she found herself teleported back in the living room of the guest suite
with her four Dragon Warriors. Their magic sure came in handy and was a pretty
damn slick mode of transportation.

“Wow, now that is a cool trick.”

Xavier chuckled. “Glad I could
please you, mate.”

“Come here, my love,” Thorn
commanded as he took her from Xavier’s arms, carrying her into her bedroom that
she had taken in the guest suite.

Exhilarated, Alexis let out a
laugh. “I am going to have a hell of a time explaining all this to my commander

“You should not have to answer to
any other male regarding out mating,” Xavier growled. She rolled her eyes at
him. Somehow she had known he was going to say that.

“We shall just have to make it
worth your while then,” Brydan said, his eyes sparkling with mirth. Thorn set
her back on her feet and she shivered as Brydan lowered the zipper of her
dress, stroking his fingers along her naked back. He turned her to look at him.

“I need you. Are you ready to
mate with us, Lexie?” Brydan asked. “Blood bond and all or are we rushing you?”

Concern warred with desire,
making her hesitate for a moment. She couldn’t deny that she was still nervous
about making such a permanent commitment to them, but the alternative wasn’t an
option. Just thinking about losing them made her heart ache and she never
wanted to find out what that would feel like in reality.

Taking a deep breath, she took
the plunge and winked at him. “I guess that’s only fair since I can read your
emotions.” She wrapped her arms around his waist when she saw his glowing eyes
dim and felt his disappointment. Decision made, she gifted them all with a
serious smile. “I was kidding, Brydan. I would be honored to mate with you
fully. I want to be yours. I feel…I know we’ve only just met, but I’m ready to
be your mate.”

Brydan stroked his hand down her
cheek, loving the feeling of her soft skin as he saw sincerity shimmering in
her beautiful violet eyes. He pushed her dress down, letting it fall to the
floor so she was wearing nothing but a tiny scrap of material that hid her
pussy from him. His eyes narrowed at the offending barrier and took hold of it,
tearing it from her with one pull.

She laughed. “You could have just
asked me to take it off.”

“I liked my way better,” Brydan
said with a low growl and he took off her wrist unit and dropped it onto the
floor onto her dress. She was sheer perfection and he could hardly believe that
she was willing to give herself to them. “You are so beautiful.”

“I feel beautiful when you look
at me.”

He leaned down and kissed her
sweetly, stroking her tongue with his own, pulling her body up against his.
Sitting next to her at dinner without being able to touch her had been torture.
He’d barely been able to eat, intoxicating by the scent of her need. It had
driven him crazy not being able to hear what she was thinking, and the scent of
her pain had made him lose his mind.

He had done his best to hold a
conversation with the other people at the table, but he had wished them all to
hell for taking time that could have been spent alone with her. Knowing that
Xavier and Galan had already claimed her made him crazy with the need to take
her, to sate his lust within her body and form a bond that could never be
broken so that no one could ever take her from them.

Thorn moved up behind them,
pressing against Alexis’ back as he kissed her neck. He loved how she leaned
back against him, and he felt his cock harden to the point of pain as he
imagined taking her ass while his brother fucked her pussy. He could feel the
depth of emotion his brother felt for their little mate, and it matched his
own. Alexis was every wish, every dream he had ever had, and she was finally
going to be theirs.


By the gods, he was shaking with
the need to take her. Hunger tore through him, making him feel feral. Never had
he wanted a female so much he thought he would go mad if he didn’t claim her.
Just the sound of her laughter had his dick swelling so he was hard and aching.
He wanted to throw her back onto the bed, spread her wide and mount her. Ride her
until he spilled himself deep in her pussy, and bind her to him so she would
never be free of them.

Thorn made a silent vow that he
would always show her that she’d made the right choice, that she would never
regret binding her life to theirs. He would never fail her, and he would love
her to the end of days.

Turning his head he glanced over
at Xavier and Galan, noticing that both of his friends were tense.
“Will you
be able to wait while we bond with her?”
Thorn asked through their blood

“Aye, we will take her after
you do, but hurry,”
Xavier replied.

Thorn could feel the urgency they
felt that matched his own and knew they couldn’t wait much longer. He knew that
waiting would be harder for Xavier, since he was the most demanding of all of
them, but what surprised him the struggle he felt inside Galan. He could feel
that it was costing them both to stand back and let Thorn and Brydan have their
time with Alexis, and he appreciated it greatly. He didn’t want to have to
fight the brothers of his heart, and knew he was close to violence if anyone
challenged him right now.

Before he could say anything
else, Alexis broke away from Brydan and turned to look up at him with concern.
She stroked his cheek, and by the goddess, her soft hand on his face felt
amazing. He rubbed himself against it, imagining how her tiny hand would feel
stroking over his entire body and felt his cock pulse in his pants, straining
to break free.

“Where did you go?” she whispered

Not wanting any untruths between
them, Thorn answered honestly. “I was speaking to Xavier through our bond. They
need you as much as Brydan and I do and asked that we move this along.”

The smile she gifted him with
warmed his heart. “So, you really can speak to each other in your minds? That’s
pretty cool.”

“Aye, and soon you will be able
to do the same. I do not mean to rush you, but we are barely holding on to our
control. We need to mate with you, Alexis. We need to form the blood bond with
you while we are deep in your body and claim you as our own.”

Alexis’ eyes went wide and her
breathing sped up. “Then don’t wait. I’m ready.”

He growled as he crushed his
mouth back down on hers, feasting on her sweet taste. When he pulled back he
saw that Brydan had shed his clothing and was sitting down on the bed.

“Come here, Lexie.”

Alexis felt her heart pound as
she looked at Brydan. Stars, he looked like some sort of golden god sitting
there. All four males were gorgeous. With tight, roped muscles beneath golden
skin, Brydan looked like her wildest fantasy come to life. She held back a
laugh. Hell, this
a fantasy. Where else would she ever find four hot
males who wanted to mate with her?

Both Brydan and Thorn were
slightly shorter than Xavier and Galan, but they were also broader, heavier
with dense muscle. Brydan’s long, thick cock jutted out in front of him,
pointing straight out like it was reached toward her. She could see a drop of
pre-cum leaking from the slit and lust surged through her so strong that it
made her knees go weak. She had never felt so wild with the need to fuck, to
feel a man moving over her, in her. Her pussy clenched at the thought, and she
knew if she didn’t get one of them inside her soon she would go mad, but first
she wanted to taste Brydan.

Standing there, Alexis was surprised
that she didn’t feel the least bit self-conscious being naked in front of all
four of them. Instead, it made her feel powerful that all four males wanted her
so much. She could feel their desire for her through her gift and it eased the
part of her that had been hurting before.

No, desire was too tame a word
for what they felt.


Through her peripheral vision she
could see that Thorn, Xavier and Galan were all tearing off their own clothes,
and smiled at their jerking movements. Focusing back on Brydan, she stepped
forward and stopped him before he could lift her. He gave her a questioning
look and she smiled at him then bent over at the waist, spreading her legs as
she kept them straight. Dressed in nothing more than her high heels she could
imagine the view she was giving the others, putting her dripping pussy on

Satisfaction surged through her
as all three of the males behind her growled and groaned. Yeah, they wanted her
alright, and feeling their yearning for her took away the last sliver of doubt
and gave her courage. Giving in to her desire, she licked at the pearl of
pre-cum seeping from the head of Brydan’s cock and hummed in pleasure as he let
out a vicious growl. He went still beneath her and she looked up to see his golden
eyes burned with a new intensity so bright that it took her breath away.

“You taste so sweet,” she
whispered, licking her lips to enjoy the taste of him.

“Fuck! Take me into your sweet,
little mouth, Lexie. Let me feel you suckle from me.”

Doing as he asked, she opened
wide, stretching so she could take him into her mouth, and was rewarded as he
let out another growl. She loved the sounds they all made, letting her know
they liked what she was doing. She began sliding up and down Brydan’s thick
length as she used her hands to hold the base of his cock that she couldn’t
take. The waves of emotions coming off of him grew stronger, until she was as
desperate for release as he was.

“By the gods, her hot, little mouth
is so sweet and hot.”

“It is,” Xavier said as he sat
down on the bed, watching them intently. “She had me shooting my seed straight
down her throat. Just wait until you feel our mate’s tight pussy welcoming you
inside her.”

God, their dirty talk had her
pussy dripping even more and she moaned as two thick fingers rubbed at the
slickness pouring from her core.

“She is so wet for us,” Thorn
growled out from behind her, his voice tight with need.

She gasped as he thrust his
fingers into her pussy, rubbing against the sensitive tissue inside her, but it
wasn’t enough. She felt out of control, wild with a lust she couldn’t contain
any longer. The entire night had been like foreplay and she was done being
teased. She felt empty and the ache inside her just seemed to grow stronger.
She pulled off Brydan’s cock, looking up at him in confusion. “I don’t know
what’s wrong with me. I want you so fucking bad I’m about to lose my mind.”

Brydan’s eyes flared with lust.
“It is the mating pull. Come to me now and let me ease you.” He lifted her and
helped her straddle his lap so her pussy was directly over his cock. He lowered
her slowly, pressing the large, mushroomed head to her opening.

“Use your magic to ease her
open,” Galan said from the opposite side of the bed where he waited, making
Brydan snarl at the interference.

Alexis looked over and felt her
mouth water as Galan stroked his large cock with his hand. Before she could
reach for him, her eyes closed again as she was slowly lowered onto Brydan’s
cock. The thick crest pushed inside her, parting her muscles and stretching her
wide. It felt so wonderful to be filled with him, but she needed more.

She needed it all.

“Oh god, that’s good. So good…”

“Slowly, Lexie. Take me slowly,
give my magic time to open you for me.”

Her hands kneaded the muscles of
his chest as he leaned back so he was lying down on the bed, his feet still
planted on the floor. His hands were holding her waist and she tried to push
herself down on him faster, wanting more of him. A sharp slap on her ass
interrupted her pleasure and she turned to glare at Thorn.

“Do not rush it, or else you will
hurt yourself on Brydan’s cock. You are small, mate, and he does not want to
injure you because you are not ready.”

“Don’t tell me I’m not ready,”
she growled at him, shocking them all. “I need him. You say you want me, well
then show me, damn it!”

“We do want you, more than
anything. What is wrong with her?” Thorn shot a worried glance at Xavier who
was also at a loss for words.

“She is so tight.” Brydan
groaned, struggling to remain still. “I am on the brink of losing control

“Give her time to—”

“Stop talking about me like I’m
not here!” Alexis growled. Choosing to ignore them, she focused on the feeling
of Brydan inside her and slammed her hips down on him, impaling herself fully
on his shaft. She screamed out as she instantly climaxed as soon as she felt
Brydan’s cock hit the entrance to her womb. Muscles straining, her pussy
clamped down on him so hard she could feel every ridge of his cock.

“Fuck!” Brydan snarled as he felt
the muscles of her pussy squeezing his cock so hard he had no choice but to
come with her. His seed jetted out, bathing her channel with his release as she
grinded against him. His cock swelled, locking him inside her and his body
jerked when she rocked her body on him, milking him of every drop of his seed.

Alexis shook as her climax tore
through her, but it still wasn’t enough. She began jerking her hips against
Brydan, seeking to quench the fire in her belly and relished the feeling of his
hot release bathing her insides.

Surrounded by the four large,
tattooed warriors she should have felt intimidated, apprehensive even, but she
didn’t. Power surged through her as she basked in the strong emotions pouring
off the men in waves. Acute lust battered her system as the rest of the world
melted away, leaving the five of them together locked in the passion and the
pleasure. Nothing else mattered. She felt like an animal acting on pure
instinctual need, and it scared her.

BOOK: 3013: MATED (3013: The Series)
3.11Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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