9781618858467ASinfulEducationPimentel (7 page)

BOOK: 9781618858467ASinfulEducationPimentel
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I had some afterthoughts, and was hoping to understand a few things.” Her
breath hitched.

I am not entirely sure you should be asking me questions of such intimate nature,
but I will do my best to answer in the most delicate way.”

my lord. I was hoping you would agree. The first thing I was curious about was
that compromising position I found that woman in. Is it normal practice for a
woman to pleasure a man that way? And how does it feel? Do they all look the
same?” Lord Avonlea shifted back in his seat. His mouth opened to speak, but
she observed the shock splayed across his face. “Have I offended you, my lord?”

“You have not.
It would take much more
than that to surprise me. Emily, I think you should talk to her ladyship about

frowned, wondering why he wanted to redirect her question. “Whatever are you
afraid of? No one is here to listen upon our conversation.”

But if I get caught saying these things, I will make sure it is known that the
scandalous nature of our conversation started with you.” He pursed his lips and
groaned. “The act you happened upon does occur in marital relations, and more
often in extra-marital ones. The practice itself is not common, and most women
find it repulsive.”

for one, could certainly appreciate how offensive the act was perceived, but if
it was perfectly acceptable in a man’s eyes, would it be the same for a woman? “How
long does it take before a man releases, and do they spill into a woman’s
mouth? You still have not told me if it is truly pleasurable.”

time it takes for a man to release, I suppose, is a matter of how well a woman
is performing. It is expected that a man spills into her mouth, as well as the
woman to swallow.” By now, he had crossed his arms, and his leg went over his
knee. He looked positively cross at her, and it was his turn to flush.

for how pleasurable it is, I can assure you that if it is done correctly, then
the level of satisfaction would be evident. Each man’s member is not like anyone
else’s. They vary in lengths, girth, and—Emily, truly, you must cease asking me
such inappropriate questions.”

as he shut his mouth, her sister-in-law returned and stood before them. “Is
everything all right, you two?”

wonderful.” The earl turned away, returning his attention to the curtains
closing for the first act.

You look like a cat who swallowed a caged bird.”

is perfectly well, Isabel. You need not worry.”

“If you
are positive. Lord Avonlea, Nathaniel had made a request earlier, and it
slipped my mind until now. He would like you to stay on at Stoughton Hall until
the end of the week, if it is not too much trouble.”

lordship mumbled and nodded. “Excuse me while I catch some air before the
entertainment begins again.” Then, he disappeared.

I have offended him
She had the reputation for being the most obstinate chit London had ever laid
eyes upon, and now, she had become the most scandalous one as well.




Chapter Five


lay in wait for the old grandfather clock to chime twelve bells on the main
floor of the manor. While Stoughton Hall was magnificent in size, the clock
could be heard from any of the three floors, no matter from what room.

house had been in a flurry getting the children ready for bed and her brother whisking
his wife away for the evening. Even his lordship had retired early into his
chambers at the end of this wing. She had quietly followed earlier to learn
where she would find him and carry on their discussion from earlier.

of her scandalous questions and her mind wandering to what a nude Lord Avonlea looked
like, suddenly stirred an unfamiliar feeling in her belly. Dampness settled
between her thighs. Even her nipples had stiffened to hard peaks beneath her
cotton shift.

would he perceive her after tonight? Would he deem her the most incorrigible
female ever bestowed upon London? Or, would he call her a minx and throw her
out of his room? Her only desire was to learn, to educate herself in the ways
of pleasure for when her time came to be a wife. To become a wife in name was
not an option, nor did she want to play second fiddle to another woman. Yet,
the truth be told, Emily desired to get closer with the earl.

the image forever engrained upon her mind of a woman’s mouth wrapped around a
manhood seemed more of a challenge. The kind of challenge that would certainly
scandalize any respectable female. But she desired to know the intricacies of
said intimate moments. Perhaps Charles would find it as pleasurable. Emily
shook her head and pulled off her covers.

rose from the bed and put on her slippers and robe. Using the utmost
discretion, she opted to leave behind the candlestick and left her room in the
dark, knowing all too well it was only the two of them in this side of the

gently closed her chamber door and swept down the hall, pausing outside of his room.
The glow of the fireplace danced across the floor under the door, but all was
silent. Perhaps he was reading from the privacy of the curtained platform bed
or standing in the window, basking in the view the west side of the manor

quietly opened his door and closed it behind her.

one stirred, nor made a sound.

took a step forward, parting her lips to call for him.

soft moan caught her attention and uncertainty crept up her spine. She should
not have proceeded, but went on to appease her curiosity. Stealing further into
the room, she paused in the corner.

caught sight of his lordship through the break of the curtains.
eyes were closed, chest exposed as his hand moved
beneath the sheet barely covering his waist.
Lord, he’s a sight to
watch, but what exactly is he doing?

moved closer, but could not make head or tails of his motions. That is, until
he called out, “Emily.”

moaned then kicked off his sheets.

heavens, the sight of him was impressive. Dark, curly hair dusted his chest.
His muscles so refined that the creases begged her to touch them. Dampness
settled between her thighs again.
What the hell is wrong with me?
he just moan out my name?

could see clearly now as he stroked his manhood.

gasped and stepped back, bumping into a chair.

opened his eyes.

lost all sense of what she had stumbled upon. She should not have been there, no
matter how glorious or how beautiful he looked with his eyes closed, or how
impressive his body appeared. She would land straight in purgatory for this sin
and many others, but she stood at the edge of the platform still.

reached for the sheet to cover himself, as he should, but Emily could not help
but feel disappointed at the act of modesty. “You should not be here, young
lady. What sort of devil are you, for sneaking upon a bachelor’s room as such?”

pulled away the curtain and smiled upon the shocked earl. “I know this is
thoroughly improper, my lord. But please do not let my presence stop you. I
want to learn.”

He paled
and choked at her demand. “Emily, you know not of what you ask. Your virtue is
at risk, and your brother would challenge me. Never mind what the duke would
say or do if he found out.”

my lord, I care not for the dictates of proper decorum. You of all people
should know that I do not follow the steps of most ladies, nor do I desire to
do so. All my life, I have been dictated what to do and say, and now at the
first opportunity of discovering what exactly my life would be like after leaving
my family, I think not. Please, show me. I want to know what is so fascinating
and sinful about the carnal acts between a man and woman.”

climbed into bed next to him, her hand caressing the curves of his well-defined
jaw, down to his neck and collarbone. His skin was smooth and bristled when her
fingers ever so gently brushed against the hairs on his chest. “I think this
moment proves I have no desire to give in to regular and proper decorum. You,
my lord, are a walking sin. I beg of you, show me how to pleasure you. I want
to learn.”

grimaced and shook his head.


member twitched beside her, and she turned to see the purplish crown of
What did those novels call it? A cock.

realize what this means for you, Emily. If we are caught, you may not have a
choice in what happens next. And as it stands, I am already at my threshold for
what I can handle where you are concerned.”

What in the world does he mean?

sat up and leaned into her. His cheeks flushed, and he held a gaze of hunger, equivalent
to a beggar seeing a sweet roll for the first time in months. His hand rose to
slide her shift off one shoulder. “Darling, show me how beautiful those breasts
of yours look. I have been dying to know what they taste like,” he murmured.

hesitation, Emily untied the ribbon holding the front of her shift together. Her
breasts spilled over, and he greedily went to work caressing them. His hands
were soft to the touch, yet hard when he squeezed. He bent down and took one of
her nipples into his mouth. The sensation rocked her. The familiar wetness from
earlier suddenly pooled between her thighs once again. She whimpered as he
sucked sharp and fondled her other breast.

my lord, allow me to pleasure you.”

that what you desire, love? If it is, then there is no going back. If we are
caught, you should know I will be expected to do the honorable thing and marry
you. You might even end up a wealthy widow, as the duke may have me hung for

only want you,” she admitted haphazardly as her hands rested on his head,
twisting his hair into loose curls.

removed one of his hands from her and guided her own to the thickness that lie
in wait between his legs. He closed his hand around hers, and gently showed her
how to pump along his length. His skin glistened with sweat, and he closed his
eyes, moaning. She was drawn to his masculine scent and reveled how there was
nothing more intoxicating.

followed his instruction and kept at it until he pulled her close and gripped
her long hair. “Do not stop, sweetheart. I am just about there.”

continued to slide her palm underneath his, her own heart racing with each passing
second. The thought someone could walk in on them at any given moment worried
her, but at the same time excited her beyond reason.
So what if my
brother, mother, or a servant walks in? His lordship brings out the devil in me.

her antics in school could not compare to the world of trouble she would face
for this scandalous, sinful education of hers. Purgatory would surely be her
resting place for certain, but as long as Lord Avonlea went with her, she would
not mind her punishment.

do not stop!”

she could bat a lash, his lordship grunted. She was sure her brother’s wing of
the manor heard their foolishness. A wet and sticky substance dribbled down her
hand, and the earl exhaled loudly, collapsing back onto the bed. Soon the only
sound in the room was his heavy breathing.

Avonlea, are you well?”

he mumbled as he slipped her shift farther down to her waist. “I could not be
better, now that you are in my arms, my sweet.”

He did not just call me his sweet, did he?
Yes, their moment together had been intense, and she was sure he had not
compromised her virtue.
Even more, why did he moan my name earlier? This
man will be the death of me.
“Tell me, did I do
anything wrong, my lord?”

course not, love. You were perfect, though I am not likely to give you up
anytime soon. That, sweetheart, is what it feels like for a man. And now if you
will permit, I would like to demonstrate that you, too, can experience the same
bliss without losing your integrity.”

it not the same, my lord?”

course not, love. Let me show you what heaven can be like for a sweet,
deserving angel as yourself, every day, several times a day. You ladies of
society need to be reminded you are just as carnal as us men when you aren’t
busy with the ton.”

the briefest of moments, the sound of his beating heart thundering in her ear
gave her comfort, knowing she had done well. She finally knew what it meant to
be intimate with another, and appreciated, but now he wanted to pleasure her.
She should not allow it, but they had already gone too far. “What would you
have me do, my lord?”

chuckled, his bed shaking in response. “Absolutely nothing, my love. If you
have no qualms about removing your shift, I would be able to delight you even
further, but please only do so if you wish. I will still be able to pleasure you
with or without the gown.”

a moment of contemplating her—their—situation, Emily removed her frock, tossed
it to the floor, and laid back.

is a good girl. You are beautiful, love. Every inch of you is meant to be
worshipped.” He rose above her and bent down, gently pressing his lips to hers.
The man tasted sinful. She could not help but feel lost with every swipe of his
tongue. Yet too soon, he moved to the crook of her neck then through the valley
of her small breasts.

is when his ministrations began.

his lips closed in around her pert nipple, he slid a hand down the curve of her
waist to the apex of her thighs. His touch lingered there while he sucked. His
fingers parted her curls and plunged into the warm
of her womanhood.

Avonlea’s fingers penetrated her inner folds, and the sensation, so new to her,
made her shudder. She felt hot, wanton, and unable to control the ridiculous
sounds she had begun to make. Lost in the moment, Emily grasped straws, trying
to make sense of what was happening to her.

Is this even normal?
She yearned for him and could
think of nothing else other than this pleasure. Her head swam with nothingness,
other than her body reacting. Somewhere in the midst of enjoying his touch, she
imagined them together—like this—now and forever.
Shame on me for
thinking such thoughts
. T’was an affliction brought on by his
scandalous talent. But such a wondrous talent should never go to waste.

kittenish sigh slipped from her lips, and she breathed heavily. Her insides
contracted and released in short waves.

are almost there, love. Ride it out. Give in to the pleasure and its offerings,”
he whispered to her in the middle of the haze of lust.

fingers continued to slide in and out of her while he confused her senses and
emotions with his mouth. He had already sucked on both of her nipples and now
nibbled on the sensitive flesh beneath her breasts.

breath shortened, and her insides tensed. He made her mindless with desire. Her
heart thundered in her chest, and her skin was ever so sensitive to the earl’s heavenly
touch. She was blinded by bright light and empty-mindedness. Then, the bed sank
next to her when his lordship lay down.

BOOK: 9781618858467ASinfulEducationPimentel
8.78Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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