Read A Child of a CRACKHEAD II Online

Authors: Shameek Speight

A Child of a CRACKHEAD II (26 page)

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“No, you don’t. You don’t love me. You and Michael promised not to leave me, but you did that and left me in the community center for two days. I knew you and Michael would stop loving me once you had your own baby to love,” Mike said while crying and never taking his gun out of Michael’s face.

“Fuck this talking shit, boy. I’m your father and I say kill him and kill him now. Are you weak?

Do you want a father or do you want to be alone?”

Black Ice screamed.

Envy didn’t know what to do as she looked up at Mike’s facial expression. She had seen that look before on the day she first saw him stab someone up in her bathroom. She dropped to one knee and aimed her chrome baby 9 mm. “God please, don’t make me do this, please don’t,” she prayed out loud as a tear rolled down her face.

“Mike, you can’t kill him. He’s your brother, stop!”

Envy yelled, but her words didn’t reach his brain.

He had blacked out and let the pain consume him.

All he could hear was Black Ice’s voice saying kill him or you’ll be weak. He began to squeeze the trigger as a bullet ripped through the flesh of his underarm and sent him flying to the ground and knocking him out. “Oh God, oh God, please don’t let him be dead, please lord,” Envy said as she walked over to Mike to see that he was still breathing, but not moving. “AAHHH,” she screamed because she felt so much pain. “I blame you for all of this you monster and I’m going to kill you myself,” Envy shouted and turned around to aim at Black Ice, but when she looked down all she could see was Michael with his eyes open looking as if he couldn’t breathe and Black Ice was nowhere to be found.

Child of a Crack Head Part 3

Two months had passed since that day; somehow on that day Envy was able to get Mike, Tiffany, and Michael in the car and drove them to the hospital. No one had seen or heard from Black Ice since. Envy and Michael walked side by side inside Harlem hospital. It took Michael a month in the hospital to heal from his wounds, but now he was feeling much better. Michael was holding a small brown teddy bear in his hand. “You think he’ll wake up today,” Envy asked and wanted to cry.

“Yes baby, if he don’t wake up today, then very soon. I can feel it.”

Ever since Envy shot Mike that day to keep him from killing Michael, he has been in a coma and hasn’t woke up since. Every day Michael and Envy visited him and prayed that he’d wake up.

Michael forgave Mike for shooting him. He knew that it was because of Black Ice pushing him and the fact Mike just wanted to belong and have a family something he never had. As they walked down the hall, Michael noticed a woman with a big bag and a church hat on her head that looked like Janet. “No that can be her,” he said to himself as he and Envy opened Mike’s room door and the surprise of their life. Black Ice stood over Mike’s head rubbing his head. He turned his head to see Envy and Michael standing at the door way and smiled his devilish grin. Then pulled out his 44

bulldog revolver from his waist at the same time Envy and Michael opened their jackets and pulled their guns out of their holsters. All three of them stood there with their guns aimed……

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