A Complicated Love (Complicated Love #1) (3 page)

BOOK: A Complicated Love (Complicated Love #1)
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When she walked into my office for her interview, I knew there was something about her. She’s was breathtaking even though she was nervous. Her gorgeous brunette hair, her expressive brown eyes, and the way she looked so pure and innocent. She’s beautiful but doesn’t seem to know it. I wanted her from the minute I laid eyes on her. I couldn’t reel in my attraction to her, and the electricity was out of this world. When I brought over the glass of water for her, I couldn’t move away. I wanted to be near her. She made me laugh with her reply to my question about having fun. I didn’t know where I was going with that question, but I just wanted to keep her there, with me.

I want to know her

Everything about her.

When she avoided eye contact and covered her face with her beautiful hair, I didn’t think before lifting her chin with my finger. The desire for her was indescribable and I had to touch her somehow. I couldn’t stop the little touches or brushes with my leg. The fire within my veins from those simple touches was amazing.

Why does she affect me like this?

I wanted to kiss her so badly, and when she licked her lips that was my undoing. Her eyes fluttered closed, and I knew she wanted it too, but I couldn’t. Nothing can happen between us. I know it can’t because I don’t date my employees.

I’m still sitting here after her interview thinking. I went to the cabinet for a glass of whiskey. I can’t stop thinking about her. I shouldn’t give her the job, but I want to get to know her. I want to know everything about her.

If I employ her, I can do that.

I will be around her.

I want to be around her.

What am I going to do?


I decide not to go home, so I stop off at this new café that’s just opened up just around the corner from my apartment. I’m craving a caffeine hit, so I head on in and order myself a latte with hazelnut syrup. It’s really delicious. I pay the barista and glance around for somewhere to sit. Over to my right in a corner booth is Madison. The girl I met this morning at Lynn Publishing. I head on over to say hi.

“Hi Madison, do you mind if I sit with you?”

Madison looks up and smiles. “Sure, take a seat.”

I sit down across from her and take a sip of my delicious syrupy goodness.

“How did your interview go this morning?” Madison asks.

How do I answer that?

How about it was fantastic. Mr. Lynn is deviously sexy and I can’t stop thinking about him. Yea, I don’t think that would be at all embarrassing, so I plaster on a smile.

“Yea, it seemed to go okay. Mr. Lynn seems like he could possibly be a good man to work for.”

“Yea, me too. It certainly seems like a great company, and I’m really hoping I get it. Not that I don’t think you should get it though. I’m not trying to be a bitch like Tammy was being, but I just know I could do a good job. You know what I mean? Oh no, I sound terrible.” Madison drops her eyes to her coffee mug looking very uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry, I know what you mean.” I smile to reassure her. “I know I don’t know Tammy, but she seemed a bit touchy and snotty when I met her earlier.”

Madison chuckles and leans in. “Well, between you and me, she expects to get this job because she knows Mr. Lynn on a
level.” She uses air quotes. “They dated for a while last year and according to Tammy she broke up with him because he never had enough time for her, and every time they were together he would hardly show her any affection. She thinks he’s gay because he hardly touched her. Tammy says that they parted as friends and she knows she’ll get the job because she believes he’s still in love with her.” Madison laughs and sips her coffee.

“Wow, I can’t believe they dated,” I reply feeling really jealous of Tammy right now and then wondering where that feeling came from.

“Anyway, I better be going. I have an appointment at the spa in an hour. See you around Annabelle.”

“Take care, Madison.” I smile and wave as she hurries out the door. I can’t believe it, Tammy and Mr. Lynn? Well, that explains her bitchiness, but why would she assume she would get the job when she broke up with him? I take another sip of my latte and pull out my Kindle to continue reading
‘Little Women.’



Two hours later and I’m walking into my apartment. I can’t wait to get these heels off. They’ve been killing me since I left Lynn Publishing’s offices. I kick them off near the door and make my way to the living room to find Tracy sprawled out on the sofa, watching
and eating a big tub of ‘Ben and Jerry’s.’ Tracy doesn’t need to be suffering from heartbreak, depression or any kind of situation that requires a big tub of ice cream to bring out the big tub of gooey delight.

“You aren’t going to eat all that by yourself, are you?”

Tracy looks over at me. “Oh yea, it’s so good and I got off early from work, so I’m having my chill session right here, watching my sexy vampire, Edward. She grins at me while piling her spoon with a big dollop of ice cream. I make my way into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. I look in the fridge to find a plate of sliced cheese, pickled onions and a round whole lettuce. Looks like it’s a cheese sandwich for me.

“Tracy, we need some more groceries and it’s your turn to buy,” I shout through to the living room.

“Chill, it’s fine. I’ll get some tomorrow,” she shouts back.

I make my cheese sandwich and make my way into the living room.

“Why can’t you go and get the groceries today? The supermarkets are open late, you know they are.”

Tracy stops eating to look and me with a beaming smile. “I have to get ready soon for a nightclub opening. There’s a new nightclub called Sienna’s, and you know this party girl has to be there.” She gets up and starts dancing to music that I can’t hear. “Why don’t you come, Annabelle? You haven’t been out with me in ages, and it would be great to have a girl’s night out.”

I sigh. “Sorry, but I can’t. All I feel like doing is relaxing with a good book and an early night. You know I’m not into nightclubs.”

“Oh, come on Annabelle, stop being so boring. You never go out, and you act so much older than you are. Live a little.”

I’m just about to answer her when I hear my mobile ringing from my bag. I go to my bag, take out my mobile and see an unknown number calling. I hit answer.

“Hello,” I say uncomfortably. I always hate answering calls from unknown numbers.

“Hello Miss Connor, this is Wendy from Lynn Publishing. Congratulations, Mr. Lynn, would like to offer you the job.”

I squeak excitingly. “Oh my God, thank you so much. Yes, I would love to accept the job.” I’m so excited that I’m jumping around the apartment. I don’t know what Wendy is thinking about my excitement, but I don’t care.

I have a job!

“Well, Mr. Lynn would like you here on Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. You’ll be working with me dear until I finish at Christmas time. If you head up to floor twelve, the same floor where your interview was held, I will be waiting at my desk.”

I smile widely and thank her again before hanging up. I scream as I run into Tracy.

“Tracy, I got the job. I got the job, as PA to Mr. Lynn at Lynn Publishing.”

“Wow, congratulations Annabelle, I’m so proud of you. I know how we can celebrate.” I look over at Tracy and see a sly smile gracing her lips, and I don’t even have to ask what she has in mind. Looks like I’m celebrating my new job with a girl’s night out at the new nightclub, Sienna’s.


When we arrive at Sienna’s, it’s packed and the line outside seems like it goes on for miles. Tracy and I wait patiently in line. She talked me into to wearing a short, black dress which hugs all of my curves, and I accompanied it with a halter neck top and gold strappy sandals. I put on a gold mini-jacket as it’s freezing out tonight. Tracy went all out and is wearing a bright yellow dress that sits just above her knees with black five inch heels, and her hair is up in a beehive style. She matched it with a teardrop necklace and matching bracelets. She looks gorgeous. Her makeup is plastered on like a china doll, where I’ve gone for the natural look tonight.

“I’m so excited to get in there. I hope the wait isn’t going to be too long,” Tracy whines beside me.

“I’m sure it won’t be long or perhaps we could just go home?”

Tracy laughs and looks at me with a big smile. “No way! You’re not getting out of our girl’s night. We’re going in there and we are going to party,” she squeals. I’m freezing and this line doesn’t look like it’s even moving. I could be at home enjoying a good book rather than stuck out here in the cold.

“Wow, who’s that sexy creature over there. I would love a piece of that.” Tracy stares with her mouth hanging open. I’m surprised she isn’t drooling. I glance to where Tracy’s eyes are looking and spot Mr. Lynn.

Oh my God, what’s he doing here?

I can’t take my eyes off him, and as if by magic he looks my way and our eyes lock. His lips twitch as I keep staring at him.

What is wrong with me?

“Hello… Annabelle? Earth to Annabelle? Are you with me?” I quickly look away and see Tracy staring at me with questionable eyes. “Back with me now?” she questions.

“Yea, sorry. What were you saying?” I ask, feeling uncomfortable as Tracy keeps staring at me.

“Do you know him or something? You couldn’t stop staring at him.”

“I was
staring,” I deny. “If you must know he’s my new boss. That’s Mr. Lynn from Lynn Publishing.”

“Oh my God, he is
and you get to work alongside him? You lucky devil, you. Maybe you could introduce us, I’d love to get under him.”

“Tracy!” I shout mortified. “He’s my boss, and I don’t want my best friend dating my boss.”

“Well, you’ll have to introduce me now because he’s coming over.” I spin around and watch him walk toward me. His gaze is locked on me, and I can’t help admire how beautiful he looks. He’s wearing dark blue jeans with a white dress shirt which is tucked into his jeans, and his hair is gelled and slicked back. He looks incredible. He’s still watching me as he stops walking just a few feet from where I stand.

“Hello Miss Connor, how lovely to see you again,” he says in his husky, seductive voice.

Feeling flustered, I’m not sure I can speak. “Um… hi… um… Mr. Lynn.” What is up with me? “I’m… um… here… to… um… dance… I mean… get drunk… I mean… dance… um… ” I’m completely mortified.

Did I really just say, I’m here to dance and get drunk?

I feel my face growing warm and I probably resemble a tomato right about now. Tracy and Mr. Lynn laugh.

“Hi, Mr. Lynn, is it? I’m Tracy, Annabelle’s best friend and you Mr. Lynn are one fine piece of ass.” Tracy saunters up to him and strokes his chest. “Very nice and strong. I bet I could show you a good time. I’m a very good dancer, you should join me once we get inside.” She looks at him from beneath her eyelashes while continuing to stroke his chest through his shirt. Right now, I’m glaring daggers at Tracy for hitting on my boss… my man.

Wait… my man?

He’s not mine, but I hate that Tracy is flirting with him. Mr. Lynn laughs and completely ignores Tracy’s advances. He turns and looks straight at me.

“Follow me and I’ll escort you both into the club. I know the owner, so I’m sure he won’t mind.” He turns around, but not before he winks at me. We follow him into the club and the vibe inside is electric. The dance floor is packed with bodies grinding and gyrating together and most of the booths around the floor are packed. We follow Mr. Lynn all the way up to the bar.

“Well ladies, what would you like to drink?”

Tracy is straight in with her choice. “Cosmopolitan please, and make sure it has an umbrella in.” She winks and starts dancing on her barstool.

Mr. Lynn steps to my side and whispers in my ear, “And what would you like, beautiful?” My skin is tingling from his whispered question. The soft caress of his breath on my ear sends tingles throughout my body.

“I’ll have a frozen margarita, please.” Okay, I’m trying to be classy. I’ve never had one so I’m not sure what it will taste like. Mr. Lynn places our drink order and asks the bartender to bring them over to a booth. I turn around to tell Tracy that we are moving to a booth, but I can’t find her. I look around me and she’s nowhere in sight. I tell myself I will catch up with her later and follow Mr. Lynn. Mr. Lynn stops at a booth in the corner with a
sign placed on the table and takes a seat. I’m really nervous as I sit across from him. He keeps looking at me with his intense green eyes and he doesn’t fail in hypnotizing me. After five minutes of silence, the waiter comes across with our drinks. Finally something to do I tell myself, and I take a sip of my frozen margarita. It tastes beautiful and I have to stop myself from drinking it all down in one go.

“So, Miss Connor, what brought you out tonight? To this nightclub?” He shocks me by breaking the silence.

“Please, call me Annabelle,” I blurt.

Mr. Lynn smirks and takes a sip of his beer. “Okay Annabelle,” he chuckles and takes another sip of his beer. “Then, in that case, you should call me Joshua but, of course, not in the office.” He laughs and I laugh with him before replying, “Of course Joshua, and to answer your question, I came out tonight because my best friend Tracy dragged me out for a girl’s night, but I can’t seem to locate her now.”

“Well, maybe you should just stay right here and keep me company?” he asks in his husky voice.

This is my new boss.

I can’t flirt with him!

It would be wrong and I don’t want to have
kind of reputation. Before I can reply, the waiter appears with two shots of tequila.

“Where did these come from?” I ask the waiter. “From the woman at the bar, miss. She insisted I bring them over and to continue bringing them.” I look over toward the bar and see Tracy grinning and winking at me while raising her own shot in the air. Joshua and I both laugh.

“Well, it would be rude not to,” I giggle.

“Let’s make a toast. Let’s toast to your new job at my firm, and to a great working partnership.” He smiles and raises his glass. I raise mine and clink with his and toast to my new job. I just hope nothing goes wrong because I don’t want to jeopardize my position at Lynn Publishing.



Time flies by and it’s about 11.30 p.m. and I’m getting really tired. I can’t remember how many shots I’ve ended up having, but I’m suddenly plastered on the same side of the booth as Joshua. Our thighs are touching and every touch is sending shock waves throughout my body. He’s eyeing me seductively through heavy hooded eyes and I’m craving for him to touch me. Just one little kiss, one little touch from his hand. He glides his hand along my thigh and I shiver at his touch. Slow, soft strokes along my thigh are sending me into a frenzy. I’m trying to remember that this is my boss, but my head isn’t thinking because it feels so damn good. I lean in, craving just one simple kiss, but he abruptly pulls away and takes his hand from my thigh.

“It’s getting late, maybe I should get you a cab.” He looks uncertain and he’s trying hard not to make eye contact.

“Sure that would be great.” I get up swaying all over the place. Joshua puts his big, strong arm around my waist to help me up. “I should probably tell Tracy that I’m off home.” I look around and spot her by the bar with her tongue down a guy’s throat. I tell myself I will text her later when I’m at home. She always ends up with some random guy, so it’s no different. Joshua calls us a cab and we wait outside with him holding me up. I can feel the heat from his hand on my stomach and it’s creating a whirling sensation of butterflies. After ten minutes, my cab shows up, but I don’t want to leave just yet. Joshua is looking at me with fire in his eyes and this look alone is making me melt. He’s so close right now, I only have to move forward a bit and I will feel those amazing kissable lips on mine. Oh, how I want to feel them. Joshua moves around me and opens the cab door.

“I’ll see you to your door, to make sure you are okay.” He smiles as I slide into the cab with Joshua following me in.

We sit in silence for the whole journey. We pull up outside my apartment building and with a little help from Joshua, we walk up the stairs to my front door. Joshua releases me and takes a step back.

“Thank you so much for a great night, Joshua.” I smile. The tension is thickening and my breathing is rapid.

“My pleasure, I had a great time too. Thank you for an interesting night.” He smiles but doesn’t make a move to leave. Our eyes lock and it’s like an explosion has gone off. I don’t want him to go. I want him to come in and show me what he can do with his big, strong muscular hands and his beautiful kissable lips. He takes a step toward me so we are inches apart from each other. I can feel his breath on my face. We are both breathing heavily.

“Do you want to come in?” I know what I’m getting at and I know he does too. He looks uncertain.
Maybe this isn’t what he wants?
Maybe I’m over-thinking all the sexual tension between us. I turn around and open the door, then turn back around to say goodnight, when I see the heat in Joshua’s eyes.

“Yes,” is all that he says. I start walking backward into my apartment with Joshua stalking toward me. The heat in his eyes is so overwhelming. He stops and kicks my door shut with his foot and proceeds toward me.

Oh boy!

BOOK: A Complicated Love (Complicated Love #1)
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