A Cowboy for Christmas (7 page)

BOOK: A Cowboy for Christmas
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Christmas music echoed behind them as he led her out of the building. In the open air, some hookers thrust their cards at them, but he was focused on one thing—getting Avalee into his room and in his bed.

She dug in her heels. “Let me go!”

He tossed her a look. Her hair swirled around her shoulders, and damn if that sweet blush wasn’t back in her cheeks again. His cock hardened painfully behind his fly. Need had a firm grip on him.

“I’ll only let you go when you’re safely nekkid in my room.”

“What?” she choked. “That night was a mistake.”

“We’re going to make another. We’ll make a hundred mistakes if I have my way. Sugar, I know you want me as much as I want you. Stop fighting it.”

As if his words had some effect, she stopped battling his every step and followed him to his hotel. Red and green techno lights splayed over the glossy façade, revealing a hologram of a Santa wearing sunglasses getting into a shiny red convertible. Then all the colors converged and became a group of dancing reindeer.

“Can’t beat Vegas at Christmastime.” He threw her a grin over his shoulder.

She stood silently in the elevator all the way to his floor. He slid his fingers from her elbow all the way to her fingertips before slowly, purposely gliding them back up. His knuckles grazed the side of her breast.

When the doors opened, she hesitated, but he gathered her close, bent her over his arm and kissed her. Once. Lingeringly.

They exited the elevator. Luckily his room wasn’t far, but that could also be bad if she tried to run for it again. Last encounter, by the time he’d gotten his pants on, she was too far away to catch.

She wasn’t running this time. He was going to make her see all the sense in staying with him, tucked up in his big bed, coming over and over and being pampered as she deserved to be.

Hell, he’d bring her hot chocolate and use the candy cane to paint the whipped cream all over her body.

“You might as well wipe that smile off your face. I’m not staying.”

He opened the door and tugged her into his room. “No?” He kicked the door shut and tossed his hat. Before she could think about the whys this was a bad idea, he plucked her into his arms and walked her to the bed.

Her full lips were inches away, her breathing unsteady. “Avalee,” he grated out.

“Bad. Mistake.” She dug her fingers into his hair and crushed her lips to his. They fell on the bed, tongues tangled in an erotic dance that could rival every showgirl in Vegas. She hooked her leg around his hip and pressed her pussy against his erection.

They shared a moan, and then they were stripping each other. Boots flung to the far reaches of the room, shirts wadded. Her panties he tucked into the edge of his mattress to savor later. He wanted to bury his nose in the essence of Avalee and never surface.

When he lifted her pussy to his lips and began to feast, a strangled noise left her. Her lips were open in an O of satisfaction, her eyes half-lidded. Fuck, she was gorgeous, and he wasn’t letting her surface long enough to think about all the reasons she should leave.

He went at her pussy, licking, lapping, swirling, flicking her clit and wet seam until she came with a beautiful shaking orgasm. “God, I can do this all day. I love watching you come.”

Dipping his tongue in her still-pulsating pussy, he reached up to cup her breasts. She arched into his touch, as far from wanting to leave as she could be, in his opinion. He kissed a path over her clit. “Tell me about this dare.”

“I…” She was out of breath but still churning her hips as if to get closer to his tongue. “I saw a clit piercing on the internet and said it was pretty. My friend said I’d never get one because I’m too uptight.”

No, actually, she was unraveling. His cock poked against the mattress, eager for its own playtime.

“She said I’d obsess over the placement, saying it was crooked because I’m too obsessive compulsive.”

Hiding his smile against her mound, he urged her with an

“And well, I took the challenge. More to prove to myself that I’m not the person she thinks I am.”

“Sugar, I know you’re not,” he drawled. He lightly rasped his chin over her sensitive nub, and she squirmed like a bug. “You’re more than anyone sees on the surface.”

She stilled. “But not you.”

Tenderly, he brushed his lips over her inner thigh. “Not me.”

“Come up here, cowboy. I need your mouth.”

“Demanding little minx. You’ll get more than my mouth.” He took her by the wrist and placed her hand over her pussy. “Slide your finger in your pussy.”

Her chest heaved, and she issued a rough coo. When her fingertip probed her entrance, his balls clenched so tight he gritted his teeth against the pleasure-pain. She sank her index finger slowly into her pussy.

“Hell,” he groaned, torn between watching her face and her finger. She slipped it all the way to the knuckle. Pre-come leaked from his cock, and he barely held it together long enough to rasp, “Now pull it out nice and slow.”

She did, revealing silky skin glistening with her own juices. God, this was the stuff of fantasies. He snaked his tongue around her digit, tasting her far too briefly before she plunged her finger back inside.

Hands shaking, he waited until she withdrew once more before adding his finger alongside her. Together, they stretched her. She cried out, her gaze locked on his. Extreme heat bathed his arm and curled inside him like smoke from a crackling fire.

She rocked into their combined touch. When he felt her tighten around their fingers, he tugged her hand away and surged to his knees. A condom took too damn long to roll on, and his mind flitted with later possibilities of going bareback with this woman.

As she watched him with hooded eyes, his heart did an odd tilt. It felt as if he were on the wildest bronc in the PBR, about to be thrown on his ass. Except this feeling came with a sharp stab of exhilaration he never felt in the arena.

When her hand joined his on his cock, helping him roll the rubber over it, they shared a smile. With him wrapped and ready, he lowered himself over her and claimed her tormenting lips.

* * * * *

Dusty’s scents of leather, pine and even cinnamon flooded her head. She shouldn’t be doing this, but damn if she could stop. After that photoshoot, she was as pent-up as a shaken bottle of champagne. She raked her nails over his back, just as she knew he liked.

Sure enough, his growl of appreciation rumbled through her. With a nip on his lower lip, she jerked upward and speared herself with his cock.

His primal grunt gave her satisfaction to the tips of her bare toes. Their gazes locked, sending her into a spinning haze of emotion. And then they started to move.

He fucked her slow. Fast. Shallow. Deep. She came on his cock but he never slowed, driving her higher and higher until she feared the clouds of heaven were going to swallow her.

When he stiffened, she skimmed her hands over his straining muscles of biceps, shoulders, spine.

“Not. Finished.” He growled as he shook in her arms.

Pressing her cheek over his racing heart, satisfaction warred with a hint of worry. She needed to be back in her booth, selling products. Networking with vendors who might distribute the Rawhide line. Instead she was lying beneath a man whose dead weight filled her with more happiness than she’d felt in forever.

He raised his head, brow cocked and his jaw resting on her breast, his beard black against her paler skin. “You’re thinking loud again.”

“Would you rather I think quietly?”

“No, I’d rather you share what’s on your mind.” He rolled off, and she dragged in a full breath of relief after having her lungs compressed. She missed his weight, but he tucked her against his side.

For a second, she thought about how to make this sound right without hurting his feelings. “Dusty, this has been great.”

“Don’t you dare try a ‘but’ on me, Avalee. You’re not leaving this room today. Or tonight even. In fact, if I have to hold you prisoner until you agree this is not a mistake, I will.”

Her heart rolled over and took off at a gallop. What was it about them lying in bed together that surrounded her with a feeling of intimacy she couldn’t shake?

When he ran his warm hand all the way from her nape to her ass, there was no stopping the shiver of pleasure he raised. As if reading her thoughts, he said, “What’s the worst that happens? Your assistant runs out of Citrus Cowboy.”

“Cowboy Citrus,” she corrected and felt her hair catch on his beard as he smiled. She shook herself. “That isn’t the worst that could happen. We both know we’re not going to continue this...whatever it is…after Cowboy Christmas and Finals end. There could be tension when we need to work together in the future.”

“Only if you keep avoiding me, sugar.”

In agitation, she sat up, folding her arms over her bare breasts. His eyes hooded again as he slowly dipped his focus to parts other than her face.

“My father won’t like it. It’s not good business sense.”

“No.” He walked his fingers up her knee, over her inner thigh and right to her pussy. She rolled under his touch, too affected and he damn well knew it. “It’s not good business sense, but half of good business is pleasure.”

He tumbled her back into the sheets and swallowed her protests with a kiss that stole the last of her resistance. Curling her fingers into his hair, she closed her eyes and let him shower her in soft kisses. How could she fight his logic?


Chapter Four


Dusty watched Avalee’s chest rise and fall as she slumbered. His gaze ticked over her slowly, drinking in everything from breasts he wanted to bury his face between and never surface to her fingers lying vulnerable on the mattress.

He’d only just met her, but he couldn’t deny a surge of protectiveness he felt when he looked at her. She gave a snort in her sleep, and he smiled. Somehow, her falling asleep in his bed seemed like a gift. She was allowing him to get to know her—all of her.

Tossing a glance at the clock on the nightstand, he realized they still had some hours to kill before he was needed in the arena. His colleagues might advise against spending his energy in bed with a beautiful woman, but—

He smiled.
Nah, that’s exactly what they’d advise.

Carefully he climbed out of bed, trying not to jostle his sleeping cowgirl. As he silently pulled on his clothes, boots and hat, he never looked away from her. She didn’t stir, which was good. With luck she’d stay sound asleep, giving him time to run downstairs to the shop next door and back.

And if she left? For a long minute, he contemplated tying her with the length of rope he had in his suitcase. His fingers twitched.

No, it wasn’t a good idea to leave a woman tied up and alone. He’d just have to take a chance that he’d properly convinced her—with several screaming orgasms—to stay put.

He left the room, closing the door as quietly as possible, and rushed through the hotel. The casino was packed with people and decorated in shiny, techno-Christmas style. On the way through he spotted one of his rodeo buddies seated at the poker table. On his way past, Dusty clasped his shoulder and gave him a brief, “Good luck.”

His friend was bleary-eyed. Poor bastard. He’d have a hard time riding today, but after what Dusty had in mind, he might not be in much better condition.

Twenty minutes later he was standing in front of his hotel room door again, a hot pink bag dangling from his fingers.

When he opened the door, Avalee was dressed, her hair wild. She glared at him. “Where’s my other boot? Hand it over.”

He sauntered into the room, prepared for the sharp edge of her tongue. He wasn’t about to listen to her angry spew, though. It was all a front. “What?”

“My boot. I know you took it so I couldn’t leave.”

“Sugar, last time you left here barefoot. You couldn’t have wanted to leave very badly if a boot’s stoppin’ ya.” He jerked his jaw toward the rumpled sheets that still held the scents of their combined pleasure. “Get back in bed, woman.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Who do you think you are?”

“Your lover. Tour guide to ecstasy. And I’ve got the tools to do a thorough job. Now. Get. In. Bed.”

She narrowed her eyes, and for a minute he thought his strong command might end with her walking out in a tizzy. When she bent her knee and yanked off her only boot, he didn’t bother trying to stop his grin.

Setting aside the bag, he watched her sit stiffly on the edge of the bed. “Strip.”

“You’re really taking this whole alpha thing to the extreme. I don’t like being bossed around.”

“Yes, you do. I see your breath coming fast, and your nipples are about to rip a hole in your top.”

She snapped her arms over her chest.

“I know this is hard for you to accept, but we’ll take it slow, sugar. Start with your hat. Take it off and let me see all that thick, gorgeous hair.”

He saw her soften immediately at his compliment, shoulders relaxing as she lifted a hand to remove her hat. She set it on the bed next to her.

“Good. Now the top.”

She’d worn a Rawhide T-shirt with a feminine pastel blue plaid over it. As her slender fingers worked the buttons, a spear of lust struck him square in the groin. His cock bulged, and he took a step closer. He could barely wait for her to see what he’d bought her.

After she removed her plaid, she folded it neatly.

“The T-shirt, sugar. I want you stripped to the skin.”

Her chest heaved but she obeyed. Exposing all that silken flesh tightened his chest. He could barely breathe for a long heartbeat. When her bra followed and her rigid peaks were aimed straight at him, he narrowly held it together. All he wanted was to cup her breasts’ weight in his hands and lift them to his lips while thumbing slow circles around each nipple.

His cock grew a fraction, if such a thing was possible. He was hard steel. Aching.

He nodded toward her turquoise and silver belt buckle. “The jeans too.”

Without a word of protest, she reclined on her back and unfastened her buckle and fly. He swallowed hard at the fantasy fulfillment she was giving him—she shimmied the fabric over her hips and then rolled her legs up to pull everything off her ankles. The view was spectacular. Round hips, a flash of wet pussy.

He scrubbed a hand over his face, fighting to remain focused. He wanted to plow into her tight body right now. She’d been a good girl so far and deserved the rewards of going slow.

She balled up her sock and tossed it at him. It bounced off his chest and rolled away. The playful gesture set him in motion. He picked up the bag and stalked toward the bed.

“What do you have in there? Handcuffs?”

“I don’t need handcuffs, sugar. Got plenty of rope.”

Her eyes widened and she crawled backward on the bed to get away from him. When she reached the headboard, he shot her a lazy grin. Reaching into the bag, he managed to remove the fat dildo without revealing it to her. For all she knew it was a puppy. He’d had the sales clerk remove everything from the packaging and fit the toys with batteries.

He was locked and loaded now. “Spread your thighs, sugar.”

Her gaze darted from him to his hands, still plunged into the pink bag. She craned her neck to see. “What are you going to do to me?”

“Do you trust me to take care of you?”

Something passed over her delicate features, and she compressed her lips. “Yes,” she said almost grudgingly.

He chuckled and gave the chin-nod toward her closed thighs. “Open for me. I need to see that wet pussy.”

A mewl left her. She slumped against the headboard and let her thighs fall apart. The first sight of that silver bar spearing her sensitive clit threatened his control. He clenched his teeth and pulled out the vibrator.


“Just for you, sugar. The thickest, most lifelike cock I could find. Now…let it in.” He pressed the tip to her opening, gliding it up and down through her wetness while leaning over her to claim her sweet lips. She gasped as he started to spread her with the fat cock. He ran his tongue around her mouth, tasting her sighs and excitement.

He broke the kiss and looked down as he worked the toy inside her. Fuck, that was hot. Seeing the rubbery dick disappear into her tight cunt? Jesus, he wasn’t going to forget this even if he got amnesia from falling off a bucking bronco.

His cock throbbed. “That’s it, sugar. Take it all.”

She wiggled against it until just the base was visible. He moved to drink in the view. Then he dug in the bag and found a sweet little pink butt plug, perfect for a rounded backside like Avalee’s.

“Dusty—” she started to protest.

“Shh. I got lube.” He produced it, squirted a copious amount on the plug and worked it with his fingers. With the extra lubricant on his hand, he cupped her ass and smeared her pucker.

“I-I’ve never—”

“It’s okay. We’ll go slow. And it’s not very big.” Just for good measure, he poured more lubricating oil over her ass. The cock quivered inside her as her body reacted to his touch.

“Scoot down a bit. I want you spread wide open for me.”

Her eyes were glazed as she did his bidding, inching down until she was propped on pillows. He nudged her thighs wider, and the cock slipped out a bit. Hovering over her again, he kissed her while pumping the toy in and out, teasing her. Getting her wetter and needier, just as he wanted her.

When she started to arch and gasp for him, he poised the butt plug at her opening and pushed, slow and steady. He felt her body give way, and then it was seated firmly between her clenched cheeks.

“Oh God…” She shuddered, twisting her face against his chest. That protective feeling was back tenfold. He cupped her nape and dotted kisses along her forehead and over her eyes to her freckled cheeks and the spattering over her nose before taking her mouth in a lingering kiss.

“Fuck, I like you needy. You like being stretched.”

Her breath rasped over his kiss-wet lips. Up close her lashes were russet, and he knew under the sun, her hair matched. She drew in big gulps of air, her whole body straining for the end she craved.

He pulled the cock out to the tip and slammed it back home. She cried out. Shook.

Reaching into the bag again, he located a tiny vibe. In a minute he had the silver toy against her clit.

She bucked against him and cried out. Watching her face contort, he fucked her with long, slow strokes of the dildo while grinding her clit with the vibe. Once in a while he’d nudge the anal plug, sending it deeper into her body.

“Dusty, I can’t…” Her whimper suggested she could—and would.

“Come for me, sugar. I love seeing you come apart. It’s my new obsession.”

Her eyes were dark with lust. He held her stare, a heady feeling of power spreading through him. He’d only experienced this feeling when on a horse with thousands of fans cheering him on. His balls clenched tight with the need to blow.

Swooping in, he began to kiss her in deep, devouring passes of his tongue. She clung to him, her pussy walls gripping the dildo with every withdrawal. Tense and damp with perspiration, she quivered for him.

“You’re close aren’t you, sugar? Let go for me. Come for me.”

She sucked in a breath and held it. He watched her face as the wave of release struck her.

Then she was screaming his name in that rasp he never wanted to stop hearing. He kissed her as she splintered, taking all her pleasure inside himself and claiming it for his own.

* * * * *

“Come to the arena with me, Avalee.” Dusty’s drawl urged her to surrender. He stood tricked out in low-slung jeans, a denim shirt and his vest, ready to compete. All he was missing were his chaps, which he hadn’t gotten around to putting on yet, mainly because he was probably going to crawl into bed with her for the tenth time.

With a dark gleam in his eyes and that black beard, he looked like the devil himself. He’d certainly stolen her good intentions. She’d been sinning all day. Her booth and the Rawhide name hadn’t entered her mind one time since he’d pulled out those toys. How many orgasms had he given her?

She bit her lower lip and tried to gain some mental distance from this man. That meant putting physical distance between them. She shook her head. “I don’t think I will.”

A crease appeared on his forehead. Without his hat, he seemed more vulnerable to her rejection. She winced at his crestfallen expression.

“You don’t wanna watch me ride?”

“I…I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Why?” His lips were tight.

“You need to perform without distraction.”

He stepped forward and slowly wrapped her hair in his big fist. When he hovered over her, she felt her resistance slipping away, lost to the man she shouldn’t be philandering with.

“You’re a distraction, that’s certain. But a good one, Avalee. Please? I want you there.”

Her heart a tumbleweed in the strong Texas winds, she stared at him. There wasn’t a “no” within a country mile voice box. She nodded.

His wicked grin appeared, and he stamped her mouth hard with his. “Good. Now get yer hat and c’mon.”

Walking through the hotel and down the strip with Dusty Waite was an eye-opener into his everyday life. He was mobbed on a corner by a crowd so big, the streetwalkers had to find another spot. Avalee stood back and watched him sign napkins and biceps, snap photos and talk about tonight’s ride.

When he sought her through the sea of faces, something bittersweet clogged her throat. He was so much
And if she weren’t part of the business that signed his sponsor checks, she’d have no hesitation whatsoever in getting deeper with him.

Subdued, she walked beside him the rest of the way to the arena. Inside was chaotic with excitement. Fans, vendors selling food and drinks. Dusty put a hand on her arm to stop her. Meeting his gaze, she saw a wild happiness that made her glad she’d agreed to come.

“You can have the seat you were in last time. Don’t leave after, okay? Come down to the pens and find me.” His tone sent a new awareness through her. He didn’t like her walking away.

“All right, Dusty.”

“Good. Now gimme a good luck kiss.”

How could she resist when he was leaning toward her like that, his scents of pure male hitting her system the way a bull ran through a red flag? She found herself swaying into his arms. He cupped her jaw tenderly and laid one on her that curled her toes.

When the camera flash exploded behind her closed eyelids, she jerked away. He turned to the photographer with a grin. “Find someone else to harass, buddy. She’s shy.”

BOOK: A Cowboy for Christmas
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