Read A Dangerous Business Online

Authors: Lorelei Moone

A Dangerous Business (11 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Business
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Chapter Twelve

Aidan hadn't been able to keep his eyes off Heidi while she got dressed inside her cell. He hadn't been willing to let go of her hand as they walked out of the dark, damp warehouse where she'd been locked up. He had had a taste of her lips, and both man and bear needed more of the same.

When he'd seen her shift and attack one of her captors, he had to admit to himself he'd been impressed. She had held up remarkably well in captivity. When faced with four blank walls and no way out, it was easy to lose hope and lash out. She had kept her cool though, and waited for the right moment to attack. When she did, it had been a glorious display of the force of nature. Cruel, efficient, beautiful.

As much as he hated him for it, Jamie had been right. Heidi was capable. A great addition to the team and the Alliance overall. If only he didn't feel so goddamn protective of her.

The connection between the two of them hadn't been as clear as he'd heard about in other fated couples, but every time they were in the same room together, their bond seemed to grow stronger. When he'd just reached the hideout, he could feel her presence. He knew she was alive, and scared.

When he'd found her, he could even hear glimpses of her thoughts. He was used to keeping secrets, mostly from Jamie, but even from Derek. Still, it seemed nice to have someone in his life who would always know what he was thinking. Someone who would understand him no matter what.

Although she'd said she wanted to return to the same place where they'd eaten on her first night in town, they didn't quite make it there. The first kebab shop on the way proved too tempting. Grilled meat could do that to a person, especially one who was also a wolf.

Aidan watched her eat, no, inhale the food. The color returned to her cheeks, making her look all the more tempting.

"What?" Heidi looked up from the now empty wrapper that had only moments earlier contained a lamb wrap.

"Nothing." Aidan grinned and made no attempt to look away.

"No, seriously. What are you staring at?"

"I love watching you eat. Wait, that sounds creepy, doesn't it?"

"You ought to work on your lines, sweetheart.
is an understatement." Heidi grinned back at him.

"Still hungry?" Aidan teased.

"You're impossible. And no, I think I'm done," Heidi responded.

Aidan got up to pay for the food, when his phone buzzed. Jamie. He'd seen Aidan's message stating that he was taking Heidi home for some much needed rest and agreed. They wouldn't be expected back at the office until the next morning.

"Who was that?" Heidi asked when Aidan shoved his phone back into his pocket.

"The boss. Time off approved."

"Gee, I wonder how we will pass the time?" Heidi blinked at Aidan quasi-innocently.

"I have a few ideas." Aidan offered her his hand and off they went, straight to his place.

"Wow, this is nice!" Heidi remarked, after Aidan had unlocked the front door and stepped aside to let her enter first.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Aidan gestured around the cozy living room. "Make yourself at home."

"Oh, I intend to. I've had enough of cold, musty cells for a while. And that includes the bloody Alliance building with what you people so generously refer to as "rooms" upstairs."

Aidan let out a laugh. "Oh, that. Yeah... I lasted one night when I first arrived. Went house hunting the very next day."

Heidi took off her coat and placed it over the backrest of the sofa. Then she turned to face Aidan again.

"So, where were we earlier?" she asked in a low, seductive voice.

Her question unleashed a whole load of explicit thoughts in his mind. She was here with him, and willing. Why wait? Why hold back any longer?

Rather than voice his desires, he picked her up in one swift move and carried her through the living room, down the hall and into his bedroom. She giggled the entire way, and once on her back in his bed, looked up at him with those big, bright green eyes of hers until he could resist no more.

He got up onto the bed on all fours and kissed her again. And again, until both their lips got sore.

As her hands roamed over his back, setting him alight from within, he raised himself up again and moved down lower, grabbing the collar of her t-shirt between his teeth. He pulled, hard, until the fabric gave way with a loud tear.

The glimpse he'd gotten earlier after she'd shifted back was still burning in his mind, and he couldn't wait to get her back to her natural state. After ridding her of her top entirely, as well as her bra, he tore her jeans off her using just his hands.

Heidi was also getting into the swing of things and started clawing at his clothes. Within moments, they were both naked.

She really was a beautiful woman. Tall, with long, shapely legs, and endless curves in all the right places. Some men liked their women petite and slim, but Aidan was not one of them; he liked to play rough, and that was only possible with someone who could match his passion.

In Heidi, he'd found everything he could ever hope for. As he started to explore her soft, silky skin with his fingertips and lips - occasionally his teeth - the looks she gave him betrayed that gentle love-making was the last thing on her mind either.

Their union would be spectacular, that much was certain.

But first, he needed to taste her. The scent of her arousal hung heavy in the air, intoxicating him completely. His bear roared with excitement, and tried to push him to hurry up with the foreplay, and get on to the main course already, but he chose to resist just a little bit longer.

Heidi had other ideas though, and wrapped her fingers tightly around his thick shaft. "I need you. Oh God, I need you so badly," she breathed.

As she started to pump him, slowly at first, she never once broke eye contact.

Aidan closed his eyes, and tried to fight the building tension within him. He wouldn't cum. Not yet. Oh, hell!

He opened his eyes again and grabbed her wrists tightly, forcing her arms up above her head. No more touching. If she wanted him, she could have him. Right now, and when they were done, they would go again, and again, until she'd be too tired to give him that look. The one she was giving him right now.

This stare, it wasn't a request, it was a command. She demanded that he take her.

He couldn't hold off any longer and positioned himself between her thighs, pressing the head of his cock against her tight entrance. She was slick for him. Ready. But nice girls from Rannoch didn't go around fucking boys in their spare time. He didn't need to ask to know that he was her first. It was painfully obvious.

Heidi shut her eyes when he lowered himself on top of her, and her body finally made way for him.

She cried out, but when she looked at him again he could see that it wasn't a cry of pain.

He started off slow, rocking his hips into her, until he felt her relax. This was new for her, and he felt grateful - no, he felt proud to be her first. They would remember this moment forever.

As he settled into a more comfortable rhythm, her body started to react. Each thrust of his she met, her moans getting louder and louder. He loosened his grip on her wrists and her arms wrapped around his neck, clutching him tighter against her naked chest.

Their excitement turned more and more feverish. He focused on the rhythm, the in and out. Her body twitching and bucking upward in waves.

He felt her heat grow, her reactions turn more skittish and involuntary. She was heading up the cliff, and he was going to push her over the summit.

Heidi's hands twitched, fingernails dug hard into Aidan's back. It didn't bother him – if anything, it got him more excited. She turned rigid and groaned loudly, while dragging her hand down across his shoulder blade. The metallic scent of blood hung in the air, but rather than slow, Aidan sped up.

The sting on his back made his arousal grow. He plunged into her faster and faster, as she helplessly lay on her back panting through the remainder of her orgasm.

He finally reached the limits of his own control and jumped off that cliff after her, filling her with his hot seed, while sweet pleasure washed over him, paralyzing every one of his muscles. The room had suddenly turned so very quiet, while they both tried to catch their breath.

Neither of them stirred until Heidi started to nibble on the side of his neck.

"That was amazing. I never expected it to be

Aidan smiled as he lifted himself off her. Without saying a word, he gathered her up in his arms and carried her into the spacious bathroom for round two. They could both use a hot shower after all they'd been through today, and he'd make sure to clean her out properly with his tongue... Virgin no more, he was intent on showing Heidi just how much more amazing stuff they could do to one another. After all, she was his now, and he was hers.

Aidan stole a glance at the sleeping beauty beside him. Yes, she was a wolf, and he was a bear, and that complicated matters significantly. They would have an uphill battle ahead. But looking at her now, blissfully asleep on his pillow, he felt like none of that mattered.

The Alliance didn't approve of inter-species relationships. No doubt Heidi's parents would have a fit if they found out. But was it any of their business, really? She had come to him, she had accepted him. Once they made it official, what could anyone do about it?

Bears didn't have a lot of laws and traditions, but one that was carved in stone was that you didn't mess with a bear's mate. Wolf society was much more regimented and bound by a whole barrage of rules, but in this respect their cultures intersected: the bond between mates was considered sacred.

Plus, if it was good enough for Derek and Clarice, whose bond had been finalized only moments before he had called Derek away, it would be good enough for Heidi and him.

Aidan carefully lifted Heidi's arm off his chest and got up. There, inside the top drawer of the bedside table next to him, he already had everything they would need... Aidan retrieved the sealed envelope he had carried home from McMillan Farm. Its contents clanged together. The jingling sound was muffled by the thick parchment surrounding it, but he could still hear it.

"What are you doing?" Heidi said behind him, and rested her hand on his bare back.

Aidan turned around, envelope still in hand. "Here," he said. "Open it." Although he knew this was the right way of handling things, he was still anxious about how she would react. Was it too soon?

Heidi rubbed her eyes and sat up straight in the bed. Then she took the envelope from him and slipped her finger underneath the lip, levering the red wax seal off the paper underneath. She held her breath and looked inside.

"Oh! Are these what I think they are?" she whispered.

"These belonged to my parents," Aidan said. "Since they were designed for bears, yours may not fit quite right, but I'm sure we'll work something out."

Heidi took out the smaller of the two rings, and held it up to get a better look at it. "It's gorgeous."

"As are you." Aidan took a deep breath. "So, what do you say? Will you be mine forever, as I'll be yours?"

BOOK: A Dangerous Business
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