A Day To Remember: The Best Thing for Me Sequel (2 page)

BOOK: A Day To Remember: The Best Thing for Me Sequel
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“Not again…” she trailed off, looking at me in panic. “I can’t be pregnant at the same time you are. We can’t look after each other!”


“Calm down, why don’t we get through tonight and get you a test first thing tomorrow? Let’s not freak out until necessary.”


She looked like she was going to be sick. “Yeah, okay. You’re right.”


“I’m always right.” I joked lightly. “Come on, let’s go dance.”


Begrudgingly, Mel rose to her feet. All I really wanted to do was sit. I was exhausted, but I think Mel needed a distraction. I began swaying to the beat. Jason soon appeared behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I turned, smiling at him.


“I need to talk to you later. But first, just dance with me.”


“Is everything alright?”


“Yeah, fine.” I slithered my arms around his neck and lent against him.


He tightened his hold on me and I sighed, feeling content with tonight. Personally, I think the decorations and theme looked awesome. It was gold and turquoise, which I think was an awesome decision on my behalf, if I do say so myself. I breathed a laugh. Imagine me knowing that I would be engaged to Jason Mayor, pregnant with his child, at a party that I organised for Britney. The whole idea of it seems incredulous and yet, it was reality.


“You really did an amazing job tonight.” He murmured in my ear.


“You think so?”


“Yeah, everyone is having a great time. It was really nice of you to do this for them.”


I beamed up at him. “I feel so old. Here I am, at this awesome party with my friends, and all I want to do is curl up in bed.”


“You’re pregnant, you get tired easily. That’s understandable. You had a big day today, cut yourself some slack.”


“Okay, Dad.” I laughed.


The rest of the night cruised by uneventfully. I couldn’t get the idea of Mel being pregnant again, out of my head. I was happy for her. It’s refreshing to know that I won’t entirely be going through this journey alone. My best friend will be right there with me, going through the exact same thing. I smiled as I thought about us doing prenatal classes together, and other cute soon-to-be mother activities.


I suppose we will find out tomorrow.


“Luke is going to kill me.”


“He will not.”


“He is
going to want to go through this again!” she cried out desperately, clutching the test in her hand.


I was a little shocked still. It was hard to believe that she was pregnant, again. A smile broke out on my face.


“Why are you smiling?” she exclaimed.


“Because we get to do this together! You know how terrified I am. It will be so much easier with you by my side.”


“I would be by your side regardless!” she argued.


“This is a
thing. You’re just freaking out right now, but it is good. Luke will love this, because he loves you. You guys have spoken about having another child anyway; it just came sooner than you planned.”


She sighed, rubbing her face. “Mum is going to go nuts at this.”


“She will be ecstatic!”


Silence fell and we both sat there, not really knowing what to say. I gently placed my hand on my stomach and touched Mel’s with my other. Without a word, she did the same. We stared at each other, a small smile on each of our faces.


“We’ll do this together. I promise.” I murmured.


“Together.” She smiled. “Like always.”


Everything was going to be okay.


A Year and Four Months Later



I stared at my reflection, hardly recognising the girl I had become. So much had changed within me as a person. Coming from a shy, nobody at school, to getting married to the most amazing guy I could ever ask for, was incredible.


My long, blonde hair was curled in tight ringlets down my shoulders. My lacey dress hugged my upper body tightly, before flowing down to the floor elegantly. My makeup was amazing, credit to Mel’s mother. My usually short, scuffed nails were long with French tips, matching my dress. My tan was golden, contrasting well with my hair. It was crazy to think how much has happened.


Mel emerged through the door, looking amazing as ever. She held up a bottle of wine, shaking it slightly. “This may help with the nerves.”


“Give it to me.” I laughed, holding out my palm.


“You look stunning babe.” She smiled at me, sitting down. “I am so proud of you.”


“Thanks,” I breathed, filling sick with nerves. I clutched the wine glass with sweaty palms, having a few sips.


It was only a small wedding, but that’s how we wanted it. Close friends and family only. It was affordable and nicer that way, I think. Mel and I had been excited for months. It was all we could talk about for so long. Now that I was here though, I was completely and utterly terrified. My hands were trembling as I took another sip.


“You’re okay.” Mel murmured, grabbing the glass from me. She pulled me into a rib breaking hug, which I returned instantly.


“I am so scared.”


“Don’t be. There is literally nothing to be afraid of. You’re just reinforcing your love for Jason. That’s all this is. It’s not as scary as you think. Trust me, I’d know!”


“You were petrified on the day of your wedding too!”


“I know, but now I can tell you it’s not that bad once you’re out there, surrounded by the people you love. Don’t be scared of anything. We’re all here for you.”


“Thanks Mel.” I hugged her even tighter, before reluctantly letting go. “Is it time to go?”


“Sure is!”


Today was the day when my dreams were coming true.





The day had gone by in a blur, but I loved every second of it. The “I do” part was done and dusted, with me having stammered through my vows of course. Jason smooth talked his way through, like always, while I was a nervous wreck. I think I managed well, considering with being, well,
. I had downed a couple glasses of champagne and definitely was feeling the buzz from it, which I was thankful for. It took off the edge a bit, which was refreshing.


I had been talking non-stop to people all day and dancing. Today could not have been better, honestly. I had had such an amazing time. Jason twirled me around again, the room spinning once more. I threw my head back with laughter.


“Today has been the best day of my life.”


“Mine too.” He smiled, kissing my cheek. “Shall we get you another drink?”


“We certainly should.” I laughed, although I probably didn’t really need another drink. He tugged me after him and let me sit down, while he went off to grab drinks. I grinned, looking around at everybody I loved. The only thing that was missing was Britney and Chase, but I was happy for them. They would be coming back to Australia within the next couple of months, so I’m sure they will make up for lost time then, which I was looking forward too.


I was so consumed in my own thoughts, I didn’t realise someone was standing behind me. A throat was cleared and I got to my feet, ready to mingle once more. My jaw dropped when I saw who it was. Blinking a few times, I felt the need to slap myself.




“Hello Emma.” He smiled. “You look beautiful.”


Well those were some words I never thought I would hear come out of Daniel’s mouth.


I heard he was released from jail, but hadn’t had a chance to see him. I continued visiting him, but it wasn’t all that often and they weren’t continued once he got out. I had no way to contact him, so I just thought we wouldn’t see each other again. We got along better but our relationship would always be unstable, since he tried to rape me, tormented me greatly and then saw his Dad die in my arms. I’m not sure how he even knew about the wedding, since I had no address of his to send the invitation to.


“Wow, it’s great that you’re here. I didn’t expect to see you.”


“I wasn’t going to come. But I thought of all the times you visited me, despite everything. You’re someone I want in my life, Emma. I have years of making up to do.”


“Daniel, it’s all in the past. Let’s just forget about everything and move on. I don’t want to waste any more time focusing on all the bad things that have happened in my life. I am honestly so content right now. That’s all that matters to me.”


He smiled and it was genuine. I don’t think I could ever say I’ve seen him do that. This was apparently a day for shock, because what he did next was even more surprising than him showing up. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. My cheeks tinged pink and I stepped back awkwardly, not expecting that at all.


Smiling, he shrugged as if to say, “Just go with it.”


I swallowed, clearing my throat a little uneasily.


“Where’s Jason? I would like to see him.”


“He should be back any moment,” I replied, glancing over my shoulder. On cue, he began maneuvering his way through the bodies of people. His eyebrows shot up as his eyes landed on Daniel. His lips parted as if he was going to say something, but no words came out.


“Hey, Jason.” Daniel spoke quietly. “Long time no see, brother.”


At first, the visits between Jason and Daniel had been quite strained, as you would imagine, but we all focused on moving forward with our lives. Sure, they probably will never be able to go back to the way they once were, but this was good enough for me.


“Glad you could make it.” Jason nodded, passing me my drink and using his now empty hand to shake Daniel’s. “Wasn’t sure if we would see much of you again.”


While they exchanged small talk, I took a moment to stare at him. He looked a lot better, than when I visited him in jail. His scruffy beard was now lightly trimmed, still giving him a ‘bad boy’ edge. His eyes were bright and his hair neater than I have ever seen it. He was dressed in an all-black suit which looked quite nice on him.


I smiled, happy that he was here. I’m glad that we are able to be around each other and actually enjoy ourselves. I never thought I would consider Daniel a friend, and here he was, at my wedding. I stayed and chatted a little longer, but I had to go. I was dearly missing my boy. Not Jason, my


A massive grin broke out on my face as soon as I saw him. I had seen him most of the day, but I missed him as soon as I wasn’t in his vicinity. Nathan, my little angel. He had been clung to Dad’s side ever since the ceremony. I scooped him from Dad’s arm and hugged him tightly to my chest. Sloppily, I kissed his forehead. Jason came up behind me, resting a hand on my back. He leaned down and softly tickled his nose.

BOOK: A Day To Remember: The Best Thing for Me Sequel
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