A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) (32 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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fter breakfast, we sit and chat about the party that evening. They inform me it will be larger than Olivia’s party, pausing for a moment in an awkward silence, then, continue with the details. Vivian informs me that a dress will be provided for me if I don’t have one, but I do, a beautiful white-laced dress I’m really excited about showing off to Hunt.

Once we’re done, it’s nearly eleven, so we decide to save the horse ride for tomorrow morning and go out on Pierce’s sailboat for the afternoon. Vivian stayed behind to watch over the festivities’ every detail.

The wind felt great and the sun warmed my wind-chilled skin. We cast anchor and went for a nice swim in the ocean, followed by sunbathing for the girls and I, and boat talk for Hunt and Pierce. It was truly amazing.


y the time we get back, we only have a little over an hour before the beginning of the party. Hunt and I rush upstairs and jump into the shower, helping wash one another. He lingers a little too long on my breasts, slit, and rear, but I’m not going to complain.

We get out and towel off. I head over to the mirror and look at the wet mess atop my head. “What am I going to do with this in less than an hour?”

Hunt steps behind me, grabs my hairbrush and a hairband off the counter, and proceeds to brush my hair. He combs it into a tight ponytail, securing it with the band, and twists it into a clean, sleek bun, which he pins to perfection. It’s sophisticated and classic.

I just stare up at him.

“I would do my sisters’ hair when we lived with our uncle,” he says simply, kisses me on the temple, and walks out of the bathroom. I decide to drop it and not push the subject further.

I finish my makeup and dress quickly. I’m wearing a white lace sheath dress and beige pumps. Hunt is dressed in a cream almost tan linen suit, with a bright white cotton button up, open at the collar, and dark brown, square-toed slip-ons. He looks delectable.


he party seems to be kicking into gear by the time we’ve gotten ready. The first floor and backyard is already filling up with chatting, laughing guests. They mingle and converse, nodding their heads at Damian as we weave past them.

He plucks a couple champagne flutes off a passing tray and hands one to me. We meander through the party, attempting to find a familiar face in a sea of the unfamiliar. Hunt escorts me throughout the first floor, introducing and showing me off to business associates and family friends.

While we’re wandering about, I feel a sense of uneasiness, as if we’re being watched. I keep scanning the area around us, but I find no reason to have such an unsteady feeling. Perhaps, it’s just my imagination, or nothing at all, or a warning of what’s to come.

I shake it off and take a sip of champagne, keeping an eye on the people and noises about us. While we’re talking to an Ambassador of a country that escapes me, I could swear I spot Dante. My heart stops and my body shakes, but when I take another look, I realize that it was just someone with the same coloring. I take a deep breath.

Get ahold of yourself, Hyde.


e make our first floor rounds and head out to the backyard an hour or so later, finding Vivian, Pierce, and the girls near their table on the other side of the dance floor. They have a large group of partygoers in their finest Hampton-esque summer wear, standing about them as they chat with them merrily.

Suddenly, I spot Maya and Chase amongst the group and wave when they see me. We walk over to everyone and join in on the story Pierce is telling about a wild college prank his frat pulled on their fellow sorority.

“So, the girls come running out of the house, screaming at the top of their lungs, when I spotted Vivian for the first time. She casually walked out of the house, laughing and chatting with one of her sisters…Caroline Bennett.” Pierce and Vivian glance over at Hunt, who smiles softly at them. “The second I saw Vivian, I knew I’d found the one.”

The girls in the audience let out, “Awwww.”

“She spotted me off to the side and came up to me, grinning. I was a wreck, a complete goner. It turned out she wasn’t coming up to me, but my frat brother, James, who she’d been dating for a few months…But, they broke up shortly after when he met Caroline. Vivian and I became friends quickly, and I would walk her home after classes, escort her to socials, etc. After about a year, I finally got the nerve to ask her on a real date, and the rest is history.”

Pierce places his arm about her waist, kissing her gently on the temple.

“Why did Pierce look at you when he mentioned James and Caroline?” I ask with an enquiring look.

“They’re my parents,” he replies simply.

“Oh,” I murmur, gawking down at my shoes, embarrassed I didn’t know that. He must notice and scoops his finger under my chin, lifting my face to his.

“It’s alright, Gabrielle. You have no reason to feel embarrassed or wrong for asking. That’s where my parents met, all four of them.” He smirks down at me.

“I wonder how their younger selves would have felt if they knew they would have a son as wonderful as you to love and share.”

He caresses my cheek and smiles the sweetest smile. His eyes suddenly look off into the distance, concern emanating from them, but it fades when Chase waves us over. He takes my hand and guides me to them on the other side of the crowd.

“Hey,” Maya greets, hugging us both when we arrive up to them. Chase and Hunt do a quick handshake, but they smile warmly at one another. This is a pleasant sight.

“Thanks for the invitation, man,” Chase says to Hunt with a nod.

“Of course,” Damian replies with a faint smirk and a wave of the hand. “The both of you are always welcome.”

“Thanks, D,” Maya expresses her gratitude.

“Anything I can do for either of you, don’t hesitate to ask. Now, I think I need something a bit stronger than champagne. Would you like anything else, ladies?”

“Oh, yes,” Maya says, “I would love anything colorful and fruity with a hard liquor.”

Hunt chuckles. “Would you like anything, Elle?”

“A martini with three olives. Please.”

Hunt starts to walk toward the bar and Chase calls out, “I’ll join you.”

Once he’s left, Maya turns to me with an uneasy look on her face.

“What’s the matter?” I ask.

“I’m really confused about Chase. I think he likes me, but I’m not sure. He’s been amazing with everything that’s happened, but I feel like he’s still keeping an emotional distance from me.”

“Chase doesn’t take time out of his life for just any woman. You know what kind of guy he used to be. Well, since you came back into town, he hasn’t been with anyone else, and that’s not like him at all. I think he’s just as confused about his feelings as you, but he requires time to figure them out before he moves on. Just keep spending time with him and he will come around.”

“Well, thank you, Dr. Hyde,” she teases.

“Actually, I quite agree with everything she just said,” A familiar male voice chimes in behind us. When we turn around,

we find Dr. White standing there.

“Hey, Doc,” I greet him.

“Please, Aden,” he responds, with a big genuine smirk. His jet-black hair is slicked back, and he isn’t wearing his usual square specs, covering his kind chestnut eyes, or his geek chic attire. He’s in a beige linen suit with a white button up, and he looks wonderful.

“Fine, Aden, I’m glad you agree.”

“Would you have it any other way?” he inquires playfully.

“No, probably not,” I giggle. “Did Hunt invite you?”

“Yes, he did.”

“Oh, Maya, do you know Dr…Aden?” I ask, gesturing my hand in his direction.

“No, I’ve heard wonderful things about you though.” She grins and takes his outstretched hand. “Maya Hyde.”

“Aden White. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maya,” he retorts, smiling flirtatiously at her, and she blushes.

“White,” Chase says curtly, breaking their little moment. He stands beside Maya, handing her a brilliant, fruity concoction, but Hunt isn’t with him. “Damian will be back in a moment. He got caught up with an old friend.”

Probably Marlena, and, strangely enough, that doesn’t bother me. “Tall, stunning brunette?” I inquire.

“No,” he replies with a shake of the head, “some hot redhead.”

Redhead? Vanessa!

“Do you know where they are?”

“They walked off somewhere toward the vineyard I think,” Chase answers, but he isn’t really paying me much attention as it’s focused on Maya and Dr…Aden. I pardon myself from the group and head toward the vineyard, hoping to catch them before she can get her hooks into him.

I’m rushing across the dance floor when a sultry voice purrs, “Hello, kitten.”

I don’t have to turn around to know who it is, because I feel the overwhelming presence that emanates off Hunt.

“Hello, Marlena,” I greet her.

She leans in for a kiss on each cheek, lingering on both and grasping me gently on the nape of my neck.

“What’s the rush, pet?” she inquires with a flirtatious smirk.

“Damian, he’s with Vanessa, and…”

The smile drains from her face, replaced with concern and understanding. “Enough said. Come, let’s find him.”

She places her hand on the small of my back and escorts me in their direction. We spot them a few moments later, at the edge, linking arms as they did the night at the opera.

Marlena slows us as we come up to them, placing a finger over her full, puckered lips.

“Damian, this is really beautiful. I miss our time spent up here, together,” she states, and I clench my hands into tight fists at my sides, attempting to keep myself from going over and pummeling her. Marlena notices because she takes one in hers and pats it gently.

“Yes, it’s really splendid at night. I should go get Elle…”

He’s about to turn, but she clenches his arm tighter, keeping him beside her. “Oh, you don’t have to get her just yet…I am so enjoying my time with you.”

“What did you want to speak to me about, Vanessa?” he asks with a slight tone.

She turns to him, grabbing onto the lapels of his jacket, and looking up into his eyes with such lust, I could vomit where I stand. I move toward them but Marlena keeps me there. “Wait, kitten…Give him a chance,” she whispers.

“Don’t you miss us, how good we were together?” Vanessa inquires, rubbing his upper arm tenderly. “I can’t help but think back and wonder what could’ve been. Don’t you ever wonder, Damian?”

He looks down at her with disgust and resentment. He clasps onto her hands, hooked onto his jacket, and rips them off.

“How dare you?” The words almost ooze from his mouth. “If it weren’t for that child, I would’ve never stayed with you as long as I did. What we had was
in comparison to what I have with Elle. I love her more than anything, and you think you can just come in here, to my home, and shit on that?”

“Damian,” she utters sweetly, stepping back into him.

I’ve seen and heard all I need. I stride over to them with great purpose and do something that even shocks me. I latch my hand onto his manhood and stare the bitch square in the eye.

“Do you see this? This belongs to me, not you, me! So back the fuck off,” I growl. “I’m not going to let you or any other part of his past mess with that…Have I made myself clear?”

She stares at me, horrified, and her mouth gapping open. Her eyes jump between Hunt, Marlena, and I, embarrassment and rage radiating from them. She turns and walks off with a huff, never looking back. On her way to the main house, she shoves into Marlena, who’s sneering at her.

I’m almost afraid to glance back at Damian, as my hand remains glued to his large crotch. When I finally do, he’s smiling down at me with a ridiculously big grin spreading his cheeks from ear-to-ear.

He glimpses at his package and then back up at me, brow cocked, and says, “I realize it belongs to you, but may I have it back, please?”

I smirk at him, releasing my grip on his hefty package, which has hardened in my hand, and take a step back. Hunt looks over at Marlena and nods his head. “How are you, Marlena? Lovely evening, isn’t it?”

She smiles at the both of us and turns to walk back to the party, calling out, “Yes, it is now.”

I shake my head in her direction, smirking to myself, and turn back to Damian.

“Would you like to explain that little stunt you just pulled?”

“No, I think it was very clear what I was pulling,” I reply, glancing down at the stiffy pressing against the fly of his slacks.

He laughs uproariously.

“Come, let’s get back over to the rest of the guests.” He takes my hand in his, still chuckling, and we stroll back to the party guests on the dance floor. Just as we make it there, a security guard comes up to Hunt and tells him there is a situation with Vanessa in the main house. Damian gives me an apologetic look and excuses himself, leaving to handle the bitch.

I watch him stride quickly toward the house and head over to the dance floor, scanning the crowd for a familiar face. The song changes and the gentle strum of a guitar twangs. It’s the haunting classic, ‘I Only Have Eyes for You’ by The Flamingos.

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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