Read A Fine Line Online

Authors: Courtney Brandt

Tags: #courtney brandt band geek band nerd marching band drum line high school

A Fine Line (20 page)

BOOK: A Fine Line
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“Hey Jewel, I don’t think I’ve got to tell you, but congratulations on making Court – that’s awesome!”

“Thanks! Tom told me about the competition – I think congrats are in order for you as well.”

Lucy tried to control the stormy look that settled in over her features. The weekend that so many people in the band would remember as a complete triumph only held dark memories for her now.

Jewel, perceptive girl that she was, noticed Lucy’s face and asked, “Did I say something wrong?”

As the girls walked down the hall, Lucy confided in her classmate, “It’s just with Wes and everything that happened that weekend…”

Jewel opened her mouth and shut it quickly, “Oh Lucy, I just assumed that it was all a lie. You know how guys can get.”

“That’s the thing – it is a lie. I’m just not sure why Wes would do something like that.” Lucy was beyond embarrassed to find that tears were rising in her eyes.

Jewel patted her arm gently, “Well, believe me; I definitely don’t think what he did was cool, but if it’s any consolation, I’ve heard that Coach is thinking of replacing him as the starting kicker.”

While a small part of the bass drummer was instantly glad for Wes’s loss, another part of her wondered how he would take the news…or what the cause was of his recent terrible playing. More than anything, she had to know that after tonight, it would all be done. She half grinned and responded, “You know, Jewel, for a cheerleader, you’re not so bad.”

Jewel smiled back, “I’d like to consider myself an adopted band geek.”

Lucy grinned in anticipation as she drove to the school on Friday evening. Her plans were set and now she hoped that the night's events for Wes would teach the jocks not to mess with the band kids ever again. A small part of her felt guilty for what she was about to unleash, but it was only a very small part.


Traditionally, the Homecoming game performance was a chance for everyone in the band to kick back and enjoy being on the field. There was no drill and the arrangement was usually ridiculously easy. In a show of solidarity (and as part of her plan for the evening), Lucy had decided to forgo her “new” uniform and revert to the traditional polyester ensemble that everyone else in the marching band wore. Tom was still wearing his modified uniform on the off chance that Jewel’s father somehow went missing in the next hour and he was called to step up as his girlfriend’s official escort. The quint player was ecstatic that his girlfriend was a member of the Homecoming Court and most everyone in the band was excited for him.

As Lucy walked into the percussion room, there was a hum of energy circulating in the adjacent band room. Everyone was looking at everyone else, wondering if they were going to actually go through with the mystery performance. There would be no time to practice, no second chances – just one shot to get everyone the school’s attention and retribution for the horrible rumors.

Lucy was a mess during the first half of the game. She nodded at Mark halfway through the first quarter, “There’s just one last thing I have to do. Take care of the basses while I’m gone?”

The brunette didn’t wait for a response – she said a silent prayer and climbed her way up to the announcer’s booth, embarking on the most difficult and risky part of the entire plan.

No going back now…

Taking a deep breath, she peeked in the door. A number of media people looked at her strangely. She dug in her pockets and pulled out her “press pass” from her broadcasting class and flashing it to the group announced, “I’m meeting some people from my class up here. We’re doing a package on Homecoming and wanted to get some B-roll from this vantage point.”

Lucy used such an authoritative voice that no one gave her much notice. Her green eyes glanced wildly around the room until she saw the folder she had come for – it was labeled “Homecoming Announcements.”

In case anyone was paying attention, she murmured, “Research,” then opened the folder and looked quickly around the room. She made a quick switch of papers, then looked at her watch, and walked out of the room with her heart beating much faster than when she went in.

What are you even worried about? How are they going to find out it was you? ‘She was the one in the band uniform?’ That describes A LOT of people at the stadium tonight.

Lucy tried to rationalize her actions and how she was definitely NOT going to get caught as she made her way back to the band section.


Ten minutes later, the buzzer finally sounded and the first half of the game was over. Instead of joining his teammates to go back to the locker room, the coordinators of the Homecoming half time show grabbed Wes and stuck an ugly corsage on his uniform. After last week’s abysmal performance and unsure what his commitments for being nominated for the Court involved, the British transfer student had strongly encouraged his parents to stay away from the game, promising he would show them pictures later.

One of the coordinators asked worriedly, “Who are you escorting down the field tonight?”

Wes began to say ‘not bloody anyone,’ when a voice from behind him answered sweetly, “Me.”

Wes turned around and saw Tiffany, no longer in her cheerleader uniform, but instead a tightly cut short pink suit. She walked up and clasped his arm tightly. Wes sighed. He was long past the point for caring about anything related to Homecoming. He had no intention of going to the formal dance tomorrow night and was already looking forward to when the season would be over and he could once again concentrate on real football.



The actual moment was closing in. Lucy watched as the marching band walked out on the field in their traditional “Homecoming” block. The Guard made two pretty lines down the center of the field on either sides of the fifty-yard line so that they could do the twirly flag thing as the Court walked by. The first nominee walked out and the announcer started.

He has no idea what’s coming…

Lucy had watched the oblivious Wes play the first half and still felt a little sorry for what she was about to do to him.

Why should you feel bad? Your reputation is in the crapper and he helped put it there.

Lucy had spent the week fighting off lewd proposals from the jocks of the school. It was one thing when her section harassed her (somehow that behavior came under the category of “fun and games”), but it was another thing entirely when JV football players were coming up to her asking if she wanted to have some “fun.” She had resisted the urge to slap more than a few guys in the face and had come close to kneeing one particular jerk in the crotch. Although her prank wouldn’t stop the insults and cheesy pick up lines, she thought that it would make her feel marginally better. From her place in the set, Lucy, the rest of the basses and the quints were split up from the cymbals and snares. Molly had sweet talked one of the cymbal players into letting her hold the ride cymbal for Billy so that they would get to be on the field together. Lucy was glad for her friend’s presence on the field. Finally, and fortuitous for Lucy and her plans, there was Wes – with Tiffany on his arm. Any last traces of feeling guilty evaporated when Lucy saw the two of them together.

But he doesn’t look happy…

It was true. Wes had a vaguely bored and uncomfortable expression on his face. Tiffany, on the other hand, was doing her best impersonation of a Miss Teen USA finalist. Her perfect white teeth were glowing and she waving to the stands. Lucy rolled her eyes.

Over the entire stadium, the announcer’s voice boomed, “Here’s Wesley Mallinson, a senior and a recent transfer from Great Britain. He’s been a wonderful addition to our very own Forrest Hills football team. He’s an Honors student and sources tell me that he wears the smallest cup on the team!”

The words “smallest cup on the team” seemed to resonate in the cool October evening. When they finished echoing, everyone in the entire stadium began laughing.

On the drum major stand, Fred brought his hands down and the band began playing a mostly recognizable version of Beck’s “Loser.”

In the middle of the field, Wes turned around and silently walked towards the locker room.

At the same time, the Guard simply dropped their flags, turned around, and did not do the twirly thing as a now enraged Tiffany made her way, now alone and totally confused, down the fifty-yard line.

The announcer, who was trying to somehow recover from his obvious gaffe and simultaneously give Tiffany’s bio, said in a flustered voice, “Sorry, folks, it appears as though we’re having some technical difficulties this evening.” The many students in the stands who were already singing along with the band drowned out his voice.

Gina, who had been doing a basic twirling routine up until this point, began busting out some amazing and high flying skills with her batons, one of which came down dangerously close to the cheerleader. Gina smiled sweetly and said, “Oops.”

Fred brought down his hands ending the song and concluding the Forrest Hills marching band's memorable half time performance. On the field, loud enough to reach across the yards, Billy barked, “Jeffy's Cadence!”

With a few clicks and duts, the marching band was quickly walked off the field with cheers and clapping from the audience. With a lopsided score in favor of the home team, no one really had any interest in the game. The audience was already buzzing about what had happened on the field. It was sure to be the talk of the school on Monday morning. As the band climbed into their section of the stands, Mr. Izzo did not have a pleasant expression on his face. Lucy knew it was only a matter of time until he actually exploded.

The third and fourth quarters were subdued as people tried to judge what sort of disciplinary actions might be taken. Trying to hide her guilty expression, Lucy focused her attention on the field and was intrigued when Wes did not return to the game.


When the marching band returned to the school that night, there was literally steam coming out of Mr. Izzo’s ears. He called everyone to attention and then began pacing through the band room, yelling, “Never! I mean NEVER in my ten years of teaching and instructing at this school have I seen anything like what happened on the field tonight. Two weeks ago, you were some of the best performers and musicians I have ever seen and now?! Does anyone want to volunteer who put this little ‘performance’ together tonight?”

The band room was perfectly quiet.

“Because of you, one young man’s evening was completely ruined! I hope that the person or persons were that put this stunt together feel happy with that.”

Actually, it does feel pretty good…

Lucy had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep the smirk off of her face.

Is that it then?

Yes, it’s done.

A very small part of her wondered what the outcome would’ve been if she had called Wes up to talk about what had actually happened in the locker room that day…or read any of the many emails he’d sent to her…what might have happened if she simply chose to ignore the slander against her and her friends…

Mr. Izzo was finally finishing, “When I get to the bottom of this – there will be consequences!”


* * *





Lucy’s senior year Homecoming evening was one she was quickly trying to forget. She had turned down an offer to hang out with Mandy and Gina while they got ready, knowing that the thought of not going to the dance would only further depress her. However, she did need to get out of the house or she might actually go crazy.

Who can I hang with?


No, he’s going with Jewel.

I could call Sam…

Lucy hesitated for a moment, but decided she didn’t want to be involved in some sort of backslide to her ex-boyfriend. As comforting as Sam might be, cuddling him to him wasn’t going to solve her current problems – and probably only make them worse.


No, she’s going with Billy.

Lucy had a brief hint of a smile when she thought of her two friends, now happily dating.

What about Bronwyn?

Lucy’s thoughts turned to the freshman percussionist and couldn’t picture the redhead with anyone. It was worth a call.

“Thanks for taking me out tonight,” Bronwyn said shyly.

“No worries. We needed to find the flapper dresses anyway.”

Continuing with the Big Band theme for their Indoor show, the Line had decided to step things up for their “costumes” to better sell their show. The Line had long ago broken away from wearing their marching uniforms for Indoor competitions. The guys were going to be all Smooth Criminals with fedoras, spats and Zoot suits, while the girls had decided on at least attempting to find matching flapper dresses. Lucy was driving them both to her favorite vintage store in hopes of finding real garments from the era. As the percussionists looked through the colorful fabrics, Bronwyn looked over and could tell that her friend was distracted and asked, “Is there anything wrong?”

Lucy looked up, holding a red dress and said quickly, “No, I’m fine. What do you think of this one?”

BOOK: A Fine Line
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