Read A Greek God In Harlem Online

Authors: Melissa Kyeyune

A Greek God In Harlem (15 page)

BOOK: A Greek God In Harlem
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She started to cry as she tried to keep her head above the water as she was pushed downriver by the rapids. As she travelled down her shoulder brushed against something sharp. 


She cried out in pain and realized she was now on the rocky part of the river.


She quickly thought and grabbed onto one of the bigger rocks. The river could no longer control or push her. She was going to gain control. She was going to live.


She held onto the rock with her tired arm and managed to climb onto it, as the water tried its best to push her off it.
Again she cried out for help.


"There she is!" one rescuer reported from the helicopter above. They were now hovering over the river quite far from where she was but he had managed to spot her.


The helicopter then turned to go after her.


Tanya tried her best to hold onto the slippery rock but it was a struggle. 


She frantically took one hand and removed her trouser belt.


She then tied it around one hand and hooked it onto a groove on the rock. It would hold her in place for now. 


She tried to look through the torrential rain for any sign of the rescue crew and spotted the helicopter in the distance. She willed it to move faster.


"Okay guys get ready to go down," the rescue captain told his team.


"Holy Crap!" They heard their pilot say. One of the electric poles on the riverbed tilted and gave way, falling down swiftly, almost hitting the helicopter. 


The on looking crowd gasped as they watched the electric pole fall into the river due to the strength of the rain.


Then they heard someone tell them to evacuate the area. This was not just rain, this was a hurricane.


Tanya cringed as the rain beat against her body, waiting for the helicopter to come rescue her. She was now tied onto the rock with her belt and its tightness was hurting her wrist.


Then she saw it.


The electric pole falling, and its wire coming loose. The huge metal wire started to jump around, still producing some electric sparks, dangerously close to her.


It was menacing, almost alive, like a serpent or sea monster.


"Where is she?!!!" Percy shouted at one of the paramedics on the scene, who was simply looking at the river in shock. One of them stood up and said, "Sir, please take a step back,"


Then he saw her. She was tied to a rock in the middle of the river.


And he saw it. The electric wire jumping around near her.


He looked at the helicopter in the distance, clearly taking its time. He gulped as he looked at the scene. He could tell Tanya was crying on that rock.


Without thinking it through, he removed his jacket and jumped into the water.


At a hospital nearby, Donyelle gave one final push and breathed a sigh of relief as a baby started to cry. The doctors held the tiny baby and Donyelle started to cry tears of joy as it was placed in her hands. As her baby daughter was placed in her hands. 
Little Marissa.


Tanya widened her eyes as she saw a man swim towards her, fighting against the rapids. He was not a rescuer, just a regular guy.
As he swam nearer, the electric wire jumped and landed near Tanya who screamed in fright. Percy heard this and his heart skipped, as he tried to swim faster, against the strong water.


He cried out, "Tanya!!"


Tanya looked at the man and could not believe it... Percy?!!!


He managed to reach the rock and held onto her leg, she held out one hand and pulled him onto the rock as well, with all her might.


He opened up the belt that was tying her to the rock and before she could say anything, he pulled her back into the water and away from the jumping electric wire. Away from that sea monster.


The rescue helicopter now hovered over the rapids looking for a sign of their victim and that crazy guy who had just come out of nowhere. 


Tanya held onto Percy's strong body as the rapids took them downriver. She didn't know why, but she felt safe. In the midst of this all this, she already felt rescued.


Just because she was with... him.




When their warm bodies roughly washed onto the muddy shore, a few minutes later Tanya rolled onto her side weakly and coughed water out.


Percy just lay there. Tanya panicked and scrambled towards him. She pushed his chest, one , two , three times, before water spurted out of his mouth and he rolled to the side.


She felt tears of relief and grabbed him. When he realized they were out of the water and safe, he hugged her back, not saying anything.


They just sat there, shivering, disbelieving and reveling in the warmth of their bodies. Tanya started to sob uncontrollably and Percy kissed her forehead, he himself trying to control his own tears.


They didn't hear the approaching news crew, cheers from the crowd or the helicopter full of embarrassed rescue operatives.


They didn't even see the sudden change in weather, the rain ceasing and the sun coming back out, or the electric wire suddenly dying.


They didn't care. They were alive.




The reporter checked his silver hair before telling the cameraman to switch the camera on.


"This is Anderson Cooper reporting live from the scene where a passerby bravely jumped into the water and managed to rescue Tanya Whitford, who was tied to a rock. We captured it live and it is an incredible sight that we will replay for you throughout the day.


This brave man has been identified as a Dr Percy Theodosiou. This is the most incredible story we've covered in a while. 


We're calling this one...
Andromeda's Rescue
... due to the stark similarities to the famous Greek myth, if you're aware of it. A rock, a sea serpent in the form of an electric wire, river rapids, an African princess and her Greek prince, who rescues her. Just incredible. Interviews with both Percy and 'his rescued princess' coming soon. Stay with CNN."




















Chapter Seventeen






A month later...


Dr Percy Theodosiou's Office




"Mental hysteria is a curable condition. You're living proof of this. You don't get breakdowns, sudden outbursts or any of the severe effects. Your memory is returning quite fast and you'll be healed in no time. So I'm not going to classify you... as a patient. Your file will be closed." 


Tanya nodded slowly from where she was sitting, across the desk from Percy, who was wearing his reading glasses and looking down at Tanya's diagnosis.


He looked up at her when she didn't say anything. She still had a sad look in her eyes. It had been a month since he had rescued her from the river. Since Tanya had been chained to a rock in rainy weather, the story had been peddled around the country as 'The Andromeda Rescue'. Very ironic.


A media frenzy had ensued and Percy, whom the reporters were now calling 'Perseus', had been honored with some sort of citizen's award, or ...something.


Tanya had maintained her distance from him, even after telling him how eternally grateful she was. Not that he expected her to forget what he had done to her before. He beat himself up every night over it. He just would never be the same man again, not without her forgiveness, or her love.


"Tanya? You're gonna be okay," he said gently. She attempted a smile as she looked at him.


She had started to come to her sessions alone, without Eric, whom she had swiftly dumped right after her memory cleared. And certain things were revealed. She had told him to leave and go live his own playboy life, this time for good. 


She finally decided to ask Percy what had been on her mind the entire session, "What's with the boxes?"


Percy removed his glasses and sat back, wondering how to say this.


His office was full of mover's boxes and he had taken down some of his wall adornments. Already his drawers and file cabinets had been cleared out.


"Tanya... I'm leaving the practice. And moving." He finally said. He looked at her as he said this. She was his reason for quitting, which probably meant he had never believed in his own treatment in the first place.


Tanya's eyes flickered a bit in shock. She felt a sting of tears but continued to look at him nonchalantly.


"Oh? Don't like it in Harlem?" She asked casually, though her voice was getting caught in her throat. Why was he leaving? Didn't he know? Didn't he know that she 


That he was her soul mate? The reason she was alive right now, and her only hope for a future? 


Percy took in a deep breath. I'd love any city where you could wake up in my arms, he thought. But instead he said,


"I want to start over... in Greece. I have the qualifications for medicine, just not the heart. I want to work as a historian in Greek mythology. In my original home, Athens Greece. Be closer to my aging parents. Haven't been there in fifteen years."


Tanya was shocked. He was leaving for Greece? Why was he doing this to her?


Percy looked at her, to gage her reaction. She sniffed a bit and cleared her throat. She gave him a sweet smile, "That's great for you. Can I have my diagnosis? I have to go now, Dr Theodosiou."


Percy's face displayed the pain her statement caused. So she didn't care if he went? 


He smiled back slightly and passed her the envelope containing her diagnosis. She could present it anywhere and get a job, without being questioned about her mental situation. A very important note.


Percy stood up and held out his hand. Tanya stood up and shook it.


There was an electric, familiar warmth that radiated when their hands touched. Percy held her hand with firm gentleness as if not wanting to let go.


Tanya knew she was going to cry any minute. She pulled her hand out of his grasp and said as she left the offices, "Thanks for everything, Percy."

BOOK: A Greek God In Harlem
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