Read A Heart in Jeopardy Online

Authors: Holly Newman

A Heart in Jeopardy (22 page)

BOOK: A Heart in Jeopardy
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Leona began to cry and then to laugh. "Oh, Nigel, that is wonderful!"

"Wonderful! It is more than wonderful!" He surged to his feet, pulling Leona up with him. "What do you say, my love? How would you feel about a wedding trip to the Continent?"

"I think that would be the best wedding trip a woman could have."

He hugged her tightly. Then suddenly he stopped and looked down at her with a new horror on his face. "Lucy and Fitzhugh ... And everyone at Castle Marin. They all think . . ."

She laughed, her heart suddenly free of the bands that bound her. She tucked her arm in his. "Well, come on, don't you think it's our duty to share some good news?"

He grinned wickedly. "Yes, my love, yes. Especially since we have so much to share!"

"I. . . cannot . . . bear it."

"Bear it?"

"I need you, Leona. Oh, God, help me, I need you! Please don't turn me away. I don't care if you don't love me—"

"Not love you!" she gasped.

"It will come, I know it will! But please, Leona, my fierce lioness, don't turn me down! I need your strength ... your heart . . . your humor. I need you too damn much!" He looked down at the letter in his hand. "I can't... face it... alone!"

"Deveraux— Nigel!" She touched his arm, wanting with all her heart to comfort, to ease his hurt, yet not knowing how. His expression frightened her. "I do love you. More than I can say."

"Then why—"

She shook her head helplessly. "You must marry as my brother has, a woman of substance. I cannot offer you a dowry. I am poor! And you cannot afford to marry where there is no money. I will not beggar you!"

"Beggar me? Devil take the money! I am not a rich man, but I can afford to keep you comfortable. Oh, God, what am I saying!" He started to laugh, a humorless, bitter laugh. "With this letter I am with one stroke a wealthy man!"

"Nevin?" Leona whispered with dawning understanding.

He nodded once. "I fear so. The letter is in my sister-in-law's hand."

"Oh, Nigel!" Leona cried, clinging to him.

He wrapped his arms about her, his body trembling. "Please, Leona," he whispered in her hair, "say you'll marry me. I don't think I can face opening this letter if you don't."

She sniffed and lifted her head to look into his eyes. They glistened with unshed tears. She reached up to lovingly trace the planes of his harsh, angular face. She nodded.

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As a child I wrote stories for myself. I wrote mysteries and action stories and science fiction. I wrote in pencil and filled notebook upon notebook. But I never thought of writing historical fiction. Then I joined a regency historical dance group and immersed myself in the regency era.

When I had the opportunity to speak to a literary agent I pitched my romantic suspense novels. Those didn't interest her. She asked if I had anything else. I said I had been playing with a regency romance. That got her interest and she asked to see it. A few months later she found a publisher and I was off and writing furiously.

Unfortunately, publishers don't keep most books available in stores for long, so I am bringing out my novels once again, but this time available for you on Kindle. If you find a typo or other error in the Kindle formatting, please email me at
[email protected]
so I can get it fixed as soon as possible!

Titles available now are:

The Waylaid Heart


The Rocking Horse,
a Regency Christmas short story


The Heart's Companion


More titles will be available in 2013.

BOOK: A Heart in Jeopardy
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