Read A Holiday Romance Online

Authors: Bobbie Jordan

A Holiday Romance (6 page)

BOOK: A Holiday Romance
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After several tastings, they started feeling some effects from the wine. Latisse had originally thought the limo was a bit over the top for the days excursion, but was glad neither one of them had to drive. Latisse started thinking how much relationships were like wine. It started with genetics but was affected by how the grapes were treated afterwards.
 The final product was due to a fermenting period of time. All things took time to develop and ripen, to reach their potential. She thought with some humor how Boons farm tried to hurry the wine, and you see the difference.

She also thought how like fine wine, just a few sips of it could alter your senses, cloud perceptions and color reality. Whatever that last sample was, no more of that! She thought.


They were riding between wineries talking about what they had both just learned about cognac when his phone rang. He looked at the number and said to Latisse. “I will text her and set a time to talk, but not here and not now. On my schedule, not hers.”


Latisse could see the wisdom in that at simply said “fair enough.” The truth was, she wasn’t sure how much of her business this should be. On one hand, there was something already between them, growing stronger every minute. Why shouldn’t she be involved, but it was his old business and she trusted him to take care of it as kindly, and as fast as he could. She surely wouldn’t want him getting involved with Daryl if he showed up. Now that would be a scene out of a Wes Craven movie.


Later that afternoon, they were back at the Inn getting ready for dinner. Tonight’s plans had them going “out.” The floor plans of the suite had the two offices sharing a wall centrally, the bedrooms outside. The two identical suites were the same, but mirrored in layout. While Latisse was shooting off a quick e-mail to her office, she thought she heard Guy talking in the next room. Of course it was muffled, the soundproofing was top notch, but she could have sworn his voiced was raised which surprised her. In all the time she had known him, he had never raised his voice or ever seemed in less than perfect control of his emotions.


Even at night, when they were making love, it was as if that were his only feeling at the time, it consumed him. Latisse had never seen Guy allow any other emotion invade what he was doing, or thinking.


She had thought this was a sign of great strength, but now she wondered at what cost it came. She only heard whatever it was for a few seconds, and quiet was there again. It might not have even been real, it could have been imagined and then it was forgotten.


The next few days flew by without rhyme or reason.




Beth was Latisse’s best friend. That is saying a lot. Latisse by nature didn’t give up much of a personal nature to most people. Beth had been by Latisse’s side from grade school. Although their lives had taken dramatically divergent paths, they had remained close. Beth was married to her high school sweetheart and was happy. She lived in the town they both grew up in.


She was actually an elementary school teacher in the school Latisse and she had attended as little girls. Latisse’s father had delivered Beth that’s how long they had known each other.


One of Latisse’s faults was that she had to be perfect. Even her emails to her friend Beth had to be correct. This meant that if a lot was going on, she often delayed “talking” to her friend until she could compose a coherent, organized, correct missive. When things were really out of control, and that didn’t happen very often, she did the best she could. This was one of those times. It was Christmas and New Year’s, so much had happened, and she also wanted to know what was going on with her friend and family in twenty words or less.


“Hey Happy Holidays Girl! Was he happy when he opened the Victoria Secret box? I’ll bet he was! Brilliant! A gift for him that’s really for you! But really for him, win-win!!!!


Bethie, I have SO MUCH TO TELL YOU!


Met a man, not just a man. Think I’m in LOVE!!! No KNOW I’m in love! So much has happened, can’t begin to tell you. Okay, will tell you he’s here with me in Napa. Flew me here in his own jet. NO CRAP!


Sweet, kind, TENDER, rich, handsome, did I say cute? And girl, he smells good.


Met his mother, been to D.C., Chicago and now Napa…. I have so much to tell you. The only thing fishy are the calls from the ex-girlfriend. Trying to ignore but WTF? Not worried about him, but what’s her deal?  


Tell me about your day, did you see your brother? Did he get you that bracelet? Are your parents well? Love you girl, L.”


Latisse read it again before hitting the send button. That was about all of it. It said everything she was feeling and hoped conveyed enough interest in Beth’s holiday. Latisse had been so consumed by the events of her own life; there really hadn’t been much time to consider anyone else.


December 27
was quiet. Not just in the world, but between Latisse and Guy the day dawned ripe, unburdened and fresh. Refreshed, Latisse awoke entwined within the sleepy embrace of her perfect man. As she opened her eyes and became aware of his still sleeping form beside her, she took a deep breath, a cleansing breath and checked again, it was as perfect as she could have hoped for.


“So what do you want to do today?” he asked. It is always an interesting question when everything is exactly the way you want it.


“Can we stay in bed?”


“Sure, but we could save that for when we’re old and lazy, right?” Latisse smiled at Guys usual “meet life head on” attitude.


“What do you want to do?”


“An adventure. Up for it?”


“Yeah, it’s been kind of boring around you the last few weeks; I’d like some adventure for a change.”


“So get up and get dressed.”


“You first!”


“Okay, let’s just stay in bed.”


“Now you’re talking” Latisse said as she curled up into Guy’s strong arms.


Guy’s cell phone was ringing. “What time is it?” Latisse asked.


Guy checked the caller ID and said “nothing important, go back to sleep.”

They were on their way to Montana D’Oro, A California State Park named for the golden wild flowers that covered its coastline paradise.
When Latisse heard of Guy’s plan, she was again speechless that he could have planned an excursion so in tuned with her own personal sense of self. Montana D’Oro was 22 miles of virgin pacific coastline. It had been protected land from pioneer times and was the same today as it had been a hundred, two hundred or more years ago.

“Can you ride?”


“What do you mean can I ride?” Latisse asked.


“A horse. Have you ever ridden a horse?”


“I grew up in the south, yo!”


“Yeah, and?”


"Yeah, okay, yes I ride.”


“Hey, okay, I don’t know. I’m sure a lot of beauty queens have never been on a horse before.”


“Fair enough. This one has.”


They spent the day exploring the coastline. The company that had provided the docile mounts had also provided a basket lunch. When they stopped and dismounted, they explored the tide pools, the wild flowers and looked for shells in the surf. During lunch, his phone rang once, she barely noticed, he didn’t seem to notice at all.


Extending out from the coastline were lines of rocks forming jetties into the Pacific Ocean. At one such jetty they stopped and tethered the horses. Hand and hand they carefully picked their way across rocks out into the very center of the ocean. There, uninhibited by complete privacy and seclusion they stripped down and laid on flat rocks a good ¼ mi westward from the continental United States. They were the only two human beings in existence as far as anyone knew. Latisse and Guy had never felt any more right with the world. They felt loved, protected, safe and at home in their own skins. Nothing else existed for several hours. There was no cell service out on the jetty.


By the time they got back to the Inn, Guy had three voicemails waiting. While Latisse was dressing for dinner, she could have sworn she heard Guy yelling for an instant. Maybe it was the T.V. She couldn’t imagine Guy raising his voice under any circumstances.


They went out to dinner at a lovely Italian restaurant called Ristorante  Allegria. They sat in silence after ordering their meals; Guy seemed to be lost in thought. Latisse made a few attempts at small talk, but it was obvious Guy was lost in another world. He kept staring off into space, swirling his red wine absent-mindedly in his glass. Finally Latisse had had enough.


"Well, what is it then?" she exclaimed, startling Guy out of his reverie. For a moment he looked like he didn't know where he was, but then his glazed expression cleared and he smiled warmly at her, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand.


"Nothing baby. Just thinking about work, that's all." Latisse didn't buy it; she just couldn't believe that work would have him a million miles away from her when they were sitting right across the table from one another. Still, she let it drop, at least for now. He would tell her what was bothering him when he was ready.


After dinner they went back to their hotel suite and cuddled up on the couch to watch a movie. Latisse found herself dozing off about halfway through. She hadn't realized just how exhausted she was- she couldn't keep her eyes open. Eventually she felt herself being lifted up in Guy's arms and carried to bed.

She woke up alone the next morning. Much to her dismay, she could hear the faint sound of Guy yelling on the phone in the other room. A bad feeling had begun to root itself into the pit of her stomach, though she tried her hardest to push it away.
You hardly know him,
she reminded herself, and yet it felt like she'd known him for a thousand years. Had it really only been less than a week?
That couldn't be right. Their time together so far had been so magical… it had to be longer. Maybe they had crossed paths in another life, of in a parallel universe… or maybe they had always known each other in their dreams. Meeting Guy had been the best thing that ever happened to her… being with him was like finally discovering the other half of herself, which she hadn't even known was missing…

Reluctantly she crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower. Suddenly she felt very cold, and no amount of heat could warm her up.


She was standing in the shower, letting the scalding hot water run over her mocha colored skin, when she heard a soft knock at the door. Before she could reply, "come in," the bathroom door creaked open, and Guy let himself in. She could make out his handsome features through the steamy mist that filled the room and fogged up the glass shower door. He stepped up to the shower door and tapped lightly on the glass.


"Mind if I join you?"


"No, not at all," she replied, feeling the familiar sensation of butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach as Guy stripped naked, opened the shower door and let himself in.


"Hey," he whispered, leaning down and pressing his lips against hers. She felt her body melt against his, and slowly the icy feeling that had planted itself in her core melted away. In that moment, nothing else existed but the two of them. Their kiss held all the promises of tomorrow, and days after. Guy wrapped his arms around her as she fully melted against him, pulling her body close so that there were no barriers between the two of them. In that moment, they truly were and would always be one.

Slowly Guy pulled away, planting smaller kisses along Latisse's jawline and collarbone. She arched her neck and offered herself to him, loving the feel of his lips against her skin. Gently he grazed his teeth over her throat, and she shivered, a delicious shiver which sent thunderbolts right down to the very tips of her toes. Guy continued to shower her in kisses, and she leaned her head back and enjoyed it.
 Oh, how she loved him- the thought made her gasp- could she REALLY be in love already? But as soon as she thought it, she knew it was true; she was smitten, head-over-heels in love with Guy Blanchard.

Guy heard her gasp, and pulled away slightly. "What is it?" he asked, a look of concern crossing his face, but Latisse smiled.


"Nothing," she whispered, taking his face in her hands and planting a kiss full-on his lips. "Here, let me wash you…"


She had never bathed a man in the shower with her before, and oh, what a beautiful experience it was. She took a wash cloth and poured some bath-wash on it, then gently rubbed it in small circles across Guy's gleaming chest, working up a lather over his small pattering of chest hair. Guy closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure, leaning back and letting Latisse do her work on him. After she had successfully lathered and rinsed every inch of his body, he gently removed the wash cloth from her hand and returned the favor for her.

BOOK: A Holiday Romance
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