A Kiss of Ashen Twilight (Ashen Twilight Series #1) (32 page)

BOOK: A Kiss of Ashen Twilight (Ashen Twilight Series #1)
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“What leader?”

“Last chance,” Julian warned with a sideways smile.

The Ren shook his head, unsure of what to say.

“W-what. Look, man.” His face was drenched in sweat, his chest heaving, as he looked around at all the eyes on him. Silently he pleaded for them, for anyone to help him, but they all remained still, and just watched him.

“Here, why don’t I help you?” Julian placed his hands on the Ren’s cranium.

Ariya felt the rush of images exchanged between them. A visage flashed in his mind;
tall, lanky and fair with greasy scraggly hair that fell just above his shoulders. His eyes dark cloud and empty. Silver. The one who stayed behind to fend off the cops. Why did she get the feeling that wasn’t the last time she would see him?

“Now,” Julian said breaking the connection. “A name.”

The Shifter’s mouth opened then closed as he hesitated. “I-I don’t—”

With an exasperated sigh, Julian forced the Ren’s jaw open and slipped the capsule on his tongue.


The Ren followed direction and bit down. Not a moment passed before his body immediately vibrated with convulsions. He winced from the waves of pain shooting through his limbs. He let out an earsplitting yell. His fingers folded like claws as he held his arms to his body bearing the vicious pain overcoming him.

Julian walked to him and hauled him up by his collar with two hands. He spoke slowly as if each word dripped like acid into his ears. “You have less than a minute to tell me exactly who your leader is, why he has the elemental and when he plans to strike. And don’t think for a second I’ll fall for that image you just handed to me.”

The Ren gulped, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “Raine. Our leader’s name is Raine and that’s all you need to know.”

“The truth!”

“The truth is, Julian—you won’t be the only one with elemental powers. Not anymore. This house will burn and that Fairy witch will be the key to ending it all.”

The Ren laughed wickedly. Blood slowly poured out from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears, trickling down to his clothes. “You won’t know. You will never know.” His body arched back and screamed sharply, as pain overcame him. The sound echoed throughout the room as Julian dropped him to his knees. His body convulsed then became paralyzed in place as if he was empty shell of what he once was.

Julian wiped his designer suit down, careful to clear it of any debris. “Dig in, boys.”

Jace and the other Nightwalkers in the room bared their canines and approached the fallen Ren. They descended to their knees and tore the Ren’s clothes to shreds, leaving him a shivering naked form. Their mouths widened and they dove into the fair, naked flesh like a swarm. Ferociously they fed upon his dying form. Ariya knew she shouldn’t watch but at the same time she couldn’t look away. She felt the heat in her body rise as she sensed Jace’s feeding. The Ren’s blood shifted through his veins, nourishing him like a beating heart should as it came back to life again. The Ren’s heart slowed before it fell silent and his body became lifeless.

“Enough.” Jace rose wiping his mouth and motioned as the others stepped away from the dead body.

Julian gestured for the two Lycan guards to take him away. With a grimace he kicked at the mess left on his rug. “Rug was a gift from Elizabeth Woodville; King Edward IV’s consort herself,” Julian mumbled to no one in particular. “Worth more than your life.”

“We can’t let this go on without an investigation, Julian,” Michael Hammond’s gruff voice eased the tension in the air. “I don’t know if this Raine character is our man. Either way we know he’s still out there.”

“Michael is correct,” Daoine said, stepping forward. “Who knows what the other Rens have revealed to the mortals and if this creature’s words were true, he’s still planning another attack.”

Julian held up his hands to calm everyone down. “We will get to the bottom of this, I swear. I think it’s time we start closing in our line of questioning with the Rens on the street. Make sure you keep low in areas populated by mortals. The state is pretty widely spread out but still there are places where we need to be cautious and aware.”

“I can get some of the Lycans out on the streets to keep their eyes and ears open,” Michael said. “Make sure they pick up anything the Rens may be plotting.”

“It’s a good chance they may be keeping their leader hidden considering how big this plan is.” Julian slowly paced the area, deep in thought. “I’d like you to find out who this Raine character is in the mean time.”

Michael nodded. “Will do.”

“I’ll keep my men watching over the city,” Daoine said folding his hands in front of his body. “They’re sure to see something from the skies and if anything they may be able to work on integrating with the Ren’s society.”

“It’s worth a try but take precautions so they won’t sniff out the agents.” Julian looked up. “Jace.”

“Yes, Uncle?” Jace said, straightening his posture.

“I need you to do something very important for me.”

Jace nodded. “Anything.”

“I want you to go and have some fun,” Julian said, placing his hands on his nephew’s shoulder.

Jace’s eyebrows rose slightly until he realized the time. He checked his watch then looked over at Rich. “Right, it’s time. What about you?”

“We’ll be fine. I will, however, call you if I need you.”

Jace nodded and excused himself. “Ariya.”

His voice pulled her out of her frozen position. She couldn’t take her eyes away from Julian as he stood calmly before her when only moments ago his violent outburst sent a man to the grave.

Sensing her thoughts, he relaxed his gaze on her and gave her a reassuring smile. “Thank you for your help, Ariya. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to find out as much as we did tonight.”

She forced herself to nod. “My pleasure,” said without thinking. Finally realizing Jace stood over her, she slipped her hand into Jace’s open palm and entangled her fingers within his. She allowed his strength to help her up and they filed behind Rich and Gael out the open door. Jace had mentioned that Rich had called him the same night she returned. Apparently he had invited everyone to a celebration. Despite the wild night she already had, she wasn’t sure if she could concentrate on the festivities. Whatever they may be.

“Hey man, I’ll take my bike and meet you there,” Rich yelled once they stepped outside of the house. He walked over to his blue and black Kawasaki Ninja and prepared to climb on.

“Why not come with us?” Jace said holding his hands out. “We got a big ole limo here that can hold us all. Not to mention half the houses themselves.”

“I’m good. I have to make a stop before my big entrance though.

“Are you ever going to tell us what we’re celebrating?”

“Nope!” Rich said with a wide grin. “I said not until the last minute. I promise it will be soon. Believe me it’s killing me as much as it’s killing you.”

“Yeah, somehow I doubt that.”

“Maybe you can catch a bite to eat before stopping in.” Rich winked at the two before climbing onto his bike and revving it up.

Ariya looked over at Jace. The implication would have made her blush but the truth of the matter was Jace didn’t bother to share that intimate experience with her since the night she saved his life. Seeing what she did tonight made her unsure of allowing his mouth anywhere near her.

With the loud sputtering roar of his engine filling the air, Rich wheeled his bike around and saluted before racing off into the dark streets of the night. Jace opened the back door to the limo and helped Ariya in.

“After you, m’lady,” he said with a smile. She slipped in and slid over to the other side of the limo then waited for Jace to slide in next to her. She listened to the soft hum of the engine and kept her focus on the driver ahead. She could see Jace watching as he leaned on the door of the window, balancing his jaw on his crooked knuckles.

“What is it?”

“What’s what?”

“You haven’t said a word since he left and you’re blocking your thoughts from me. Something’s up.”

Ariya froze, feeling Jace’s fingers gently caress the side of her face. His cold fingertips awakened her warm body and she wondered if they were really stopping to feed again.

“Why not,” he answered aloud. “The night is good for it. And I could use another thrill.”

She finally turned to him and watched his silhouette under the passing gold lights flooding him in shadow as they passed each street.
Who was this man?
she wondered.
What had happened during the time she was gone?

“Is that always the way the houses do business?”

He smiled and peered over at her. “Always. Especially if we need important information. Sometimes it’s the only way that works.”

“And the feed is just extra?”

He smirked. “Need something for my troubles.”

Ariya reached out to touch him. Her hands gently ran along his body, feeling the hard muscle beneath his jacket and shirt. He covered her hands with his and she wondered how a soft loving, caress could come from the same hands that were capable of such an outburst only moments ago.

He leaned back, moving his head slightly as if absorbing her thoughts.

Ariya couldn’t take her eyes off him. What else did she not know about Jace Archane? The question lingered as she sat back and watched him.

Even in the shadows that covered him, he was handsome and exuded a confident charm, despite what he was only moments ago. He leaned back to his side with one leg propped up across the other. His pale form adorned in a smoky designer suit and a bright crisp white shirt partly unbuttoned from down the collar. Under the gaze of the streetlights, his shoes shined brightly like polished glass. His feet moved unconsciously, one tapping up and down, the other propped foot slowly flexing forward and back.

Ariya couldn’t help feeling his gaze warm her body.

“What were you like before the change, Jace?” She blurted before she could stop herself.

He laughed softly. She couldn’t figure out if it was mocking because he was amused or because he was brushing her off like she was a child asking a stupid question. Either way, it wasn’t a laugh she particularly enjoyed hearing.

“Why now all of a sudden?” he finally asked.

She shrugged. “Curious. I know Julian’s story. Now it’s your turn.”

Ariya shifted in her seat and leaned back, crossing her arms and legs in front of her. Her deep purple satin and black lace corset top hugged her torso snugly when she pressed her back against the leather seat. She knew he was well aware of her skirt scrunched up her leg, baring her smooth cocoa legs bejeweled in black leather knee high laced up boots. Her dark locks fell in a mass of curls down the length of her back and wings. She was amazed at how he spared no expense on her behalf. These clothes were rather comfortable and although she was not used to the style, she couldn’t deny how well they made her look and feel.

Those deep blue eyes of his, like two jewels, watched her closely beaming as if he agreed with her assessment. He was awaiting her confession. Inside she knew she would confess to him her deepest desires. There was something about the Nightwalkers. They exuded otherworldly charm, mystic intrigue, a desire that any woman would willingly fall for. Perhaps they had all of their lives with centuries to perfect it. Perhaps it was the preternatural skill to cloud their victim’s minds before they moved into the attack.

“Do you think I’m a monster, Ariya?” Jace’s low voice slipped into her mind, caressing her insides like a gentle, intimate kiss.

BOOK: A Kiss of Ashen Twilight (Ashen Twilight Series #1)
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