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Authors: Elaine White

A Royal Craving (5 page)

BOOK: A Royal Craving
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Chapter 7


† Spencer †


or an hour, Prosper and Spencer lay on his bed, talking and sharing brief, breathless moments of passion.

Spencer still could not believe that he lay in the King's bed, that he had met him again after five long years, that he had kissed him, that this beautiful man desired him. Finnegan had been right; his childhood friend had always insisted that he would one day live his dreams, as his friend now lived his own.

As soon as he had a spare moment, he would write a letter to his dear friend, to tell him of the wonderful news. Until then, he wanted to bask in his King.

Prosper did everything he could to care for him; filling the luxurious bath in the adjoining bathroom, set into the floor. It took up half the room, but the King left him to enjoy the steam and warmth. All because he confessed he felt unclean for such a house, a fine bed and fine man.

Though Prosper did not understand Spencer's fear of being unclean, he still permitted him the reassurance of a bath. The care and tenderness made Spencer's spine tingle. Of the vampires and humans in the world, why did the King choose him? A scrawny, worthless human teenager.

After his bath, he stayed wrapped in the blanket his King had fashioned for him and watched as he talked of his family, his kingdom, his responsibilities. Prosper even asked for his opinions, about the city and life.

Spencer loved talking to him and having the King promise to improve the city. He was in awe. He did not know how his King's voice sounded, but imagined something captivating, that would make his insides tingle.

He watched Prosper's eyes, a strange shade between light green and grey; his lips forming words, curving into a smile as he talked. Spencer had to ask him to repeat himself, when he focused on the way his King's lips moved, because he forgot to notice which words they formed.

He wanted his King more deeply than he could put into words and had since they first met, five years ago. Though Prosper did not remember him, his honesty made him breathless.

They had such need for one another when they kissed that Spencer feared their hearts would explode. Yet, he had never kissed another before. He had never wanted anyone but Prosper, since they first met and would gladly admit, if asked, that he had spent the last five years waiting for his Vampire King to claim him.

He had prepared for this moment the best he could. Creeping into the city brothels and speaking with the men who worked there, Spencer learned much and prayed that it would help him please the King as he longed to.

When he accidentally scraped his fingernails through his Master's hair, during a kiss, Spencer revelled in the moan it elicited. Experiencing the evidence of his pleasure, in that long rumble of his bare chest against his palm, proved hypnotising.

But Prosper would not go further.

Spencer had waited five years and did not want Prosper's chivalry getting between them.




† Prosper †


High on their desire for one another, Prosper could not refuse the current of need flowing through them. He knew, as he lay over Spencer to kiss him, that he must be careful. Neither knew what they were doing, but the craving could not be abated.

He wanted more, but could not push Spencer too far. Untouched and requiring slow progression, he would need to be careful.

Prosper hovered over his flushed body. He wanted to push into Spencer's tight hole, to feel him surrounding him, but did not. He wanted to do this right.

“Yes,” Spencer whispered his delight.

“I do not want to harm you,” he said, in fear that he was being humoured and the lad was not being truthful.

Spencer cupped his hands to his neck. “You will not. I belong to you. I have always belonged to you. You need only claim me,” he said, in reassurance.

Prosper kissed him again, watching his eyelids flicker shut, only to expose bright green eyes again.

As Spencer's eyes closed and his head tilted back, Prosper lowered his mouth and took a pebbled nipple between his teeth. He sucked and nipped lightly.

When he finished with his left nipple, he moved to the right. Spencer drifted into a pleasurable haze, the distance from reality plain on his face. Only this moment existed; the time they had stolen for themselves.

Prosper kissed his mouth, needing to taste that sweet innocence again. The moment lips parted, he inserted his tongue, using it to drive him to distraction.

Persistent knocking on the door interrupted him, but he chose to ignore it.

“You are incredible.” He spoke so Spencer could see his words. “Luscious. Arousing,” he told him, hoping to counteract the negative opinion he had of himself. He wanted him to know that he did not have to feel so lost.

Spencer might not have said it, but they both knew the cold companionship of loneliness, the reality of being cast out by society and barely tolerated. Their experiences had taught them to appreciate one another, when no one else could.

With each word, he treated him to another light kiss that made the young man flush.

Spencer caught his face and stilled him. “Thank you for accepting me,” he said. “I feared I would spend my life alone, without love; a burden, in a world that despised me. You have shown me that dreams can be reality.” He spoke with a tenderness that made Prosper want to weep.

He brushed the hair from the young man's face. “I imagined that same future for myself. As King, I would have been forced to take a companion. A vampire who thought me unworthy of my title; a man who could not bear my touch. I would have led a bleak existence without you,” Prosper promised that they had saved each other.

Spencer had been courageous to leave the life he knew, to venture into a world of darkness. He had been brave to see the path fate had lain at their feet. Prosper need only accept him, as he said.

“You were strong, abandoning your family to offer yourself to me,” Prosper said, acknowledging that bravery. “I will never let you regret that decision. I will always ensure your happiness,” he swore. Even if making him happy required letting Spencer go, Prosper would not force him to spend an eternity with someone he no longer cared for.

“I do not regret it,” Spencer promised, in return. “My family could not afford two children, but would not give me up. I was made to feel unworthy of marriage.” Sadness filled his eyes for a moment, before being replaced with a look of joy. “I knew the moment our eyes met; we were made for each other. Fate or destiny…we are two halves of the same soul. I believe we could never have been happy apart,” he asserted, with a certainty that made him dizzy.

Prosper did not resist kissing him. Spencer and his words were perfect and he understood the feeling he spoke of; being complete.

Spencer opened his mouth beneath his.

Kissing him deeply, Prosper expressed the thoughts of love and devotion that he could not find the words to say.

Finally, the persistent knocking ended.

Prosper broke their kiss, before the door opened.

“Brother, I am bored. We should…oh,” Parry stalled when he saw Prosper, hovering over Spencer.

His human kissed his neck, unmindful of his scars and their visitor. Prosper could not decide what to do first; send Parry away or engulf his human in flames of passion. He chose the prior, looking over his shoulder to where his insolent brother stood frozen, raising a questioning eyebrow at him.

Prosper sent Parry a warning glare until he left. His brother had the audacity to laugh, as he closed the door. There was nothing humorous about the heat licking at his insides.

When he looked at Spencer, the innocent soul kissed him. Prosper wanted to ignore Parry and continue adoring his young man, but had to stop. “I am sorry, little one. There is someone at the door,” he apologised.

He did not want to, but he pulled away. He knew he could have lain claim to Spencer this night, if his brother had not interrupted, but this was important. Spencer had proven loyal and true; they were not limited for time together.

“My brother may have need of me or carry a message of importance,” Prosper confessed, kissing his forehead. He rose from the bed and mentally clothed himself in silk pyjamas.

“Then you must go. I never wish you to push aside responsibility, for my sake,” Spencer insisted, his gaze never leaving him.

“I am grateful.” Prosper gave his beautiful body one last look of longing, before resigning to leaving. “Though I never wish to cast you aside, I am responsible for ten thousand souls. I cannot always be selfish with my time,” he confessed, wishing he
be selfish, now he had someone to share his life with.

He turned and left the room, hoping Parry had a better excuse for his interruption than boredom. He loved his brother, but he was not his keeper.

Prosper found Parry leaning against the wall outside his suite, with his hands in his pockets. He looked relaxed, but Prosper saw some new worry in his twin’s eyes. If Parry had not interrupted his time with Spencer, he might have cared to ask. He would let him suffer for a few hours, before playing big brother.

“You have stooped to sleeping with the help?” Parry asked, tutting in reprimand.

“He is not the help and we are not sleeping together,”
his hormone-filled body reminded him. “His name is Spencer. He is a human and he is deaf. Please treat him with the same respect and kindness you do me,” he asked. He would not have anyone treating his lover as a servant. He was his companion and life mate; nothing less.

“Would I do anything else?” Parry asked, with a smirk.

“I am serious. Let it be an order from your King, if need be,” he ordered.

He spared a moment for his brother's look of shock, before turning and leaving him to cure his boredom. He returned to Spencer, optimistic that Parry would obey him. At least for the moment.

Chapter 8


† Prosper †


rosper returned to his room, to find Spencer by the floor-to-ceiling bookcase, opposite the bed. He had dressed and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders; he was still cold.

He had such a beautiful body that it seemed a crime to hide it behind the blanket. But Prosper understood that a vampire household would not be ideal for a human.

Crossing to stand behind him, Prosper slid his hands over his companion's waist. His human hummed his approval and leaned against him. Prosper kissed the curve of his jaw, gently scraping teeth over his skin.

When Spencer turned to smile at him, he caught his hips and kissed him.

Prosper was far too tempted by the dreamy sigh and adoring eyes of his companion, when they parted. He needed some distance, to gain perspective. He stood against the bookcase, where his companion could see his lips, and tapped the books that held his rapt interest. “This is my other passion,” he teased, bringing a blush to his cheeks.

Spencer smiled briefly, before turning his attention to the books. “I have never seen such fine books, outside of a shop window,” he said, glancing up at him. “I have never owned a book,” he confessed.

Prosper brushed a strand of hair from his lover's eyes. “These books are my property and what is mine is now yours. I want you to be happy here,” he admitted.

“I already feel at ease in this room” Spencer's eyes were wide with innocence as he confessed.

“This is my sister's house. She is the only permanent resident,” Prosper explained the situation, hoping his companion did not get too attached. “My brother stays because it is free from responsibility. I stay because I would feel lonely, living alone.” He confessed, as he caressed the curve of Spencer's jaw. “I have another home. It is cold and dark, because I have not been within its walls for two years. I wish to take you there,” he stated, as he thought of Spencer's reaction to seeing the house he had chosen.

The architecture, the library, the master bedroom and King Louis furniture. He could imagine his new companion spending days exploring each room.

“There is a cottage in the garden I think your parents would adore. Then they can stay close to you, with your sister,” he mused.

“You…would allow them to stay at your home?” Spencer asked.

Prosper was not insulted. He understood that his companion had imagined his departure from home to be permanent. But he did not want his delicate human to sacrifice his old life, to enjoy the new. He could have both. “
home, Spencer. I want to keep you forever, if you will have me?” he asked, breathless with anticipation, as he leaned in to kiss him.

“Yes. I am yours, Prosper,” he whispered his promise, as their lips met. The contact was brief, breathless and anticipatory. “
are my home now…my true north…my compass. Without you I am nothing,” he breathed against his jaw, kissing it lightly.

Prosper caught hold of his chin. He had no words to explain what it meant to hear those words. Incapable of responding, he changed the subject. “We will conclude my business, then speak to your parents about leaving.” He offered to give Spencer time to adjust, before expecting a commitment. He wanted to repair the city that raised his companion, before leaving to start a new life.

Spencer smiled, dreamily.

Hoping to keep him looking like that, Prosper had a curious thought that deserved some investigation. “Can you feel music, if I turn it up loud enough?” he asked.

Spencer blushed and nodded a shy reply.

Prosper crossed to the gramophone and lifted it from its table stand, to place on the floor. He put a record on and adjusted the needle, playing with the volume dial. He stopped when he saw his companion's gaze focused on the wooden floor and his bare feet. He turned the dial again, until Spencer started tapping his right foot.

He crossed to his adorable companion, caught him in his arms and began a suitable dance to match the beat. Pleased to see the happiness on Spencer's face, Prosper drew him further into his arms.

Spencer let out a titter of laughter and lay his head on his chest.

Prosper knew, in that moment, that he would never want anyone else. No matter what his brother said about a human being his life mate, Spencer made him feel as no other could. They were made for each other; every cell in his body knew it.

Life was too short to let this chance at happiness pass him by. Especially for a vampire living on borrowed time.


BOOK: A Royal Craving
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