A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) (16 page)

BOOK: A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1)
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Chapter 16

Lies or Truths?


The hot shower washed away the grime I felt on my skin but didn’t get rid of the hurt or pain. Yoga pants and a hoodie were the best clothes I could find. I didn’t even bother with makeup or doing my hair.

It was the first time I’d left the bed, in three days.

I should have already had my ceremony.

I should have been starting my life with my Matched.

With Thaddeus.

“Gia,” my voice croaked. “Go home. You need some real rest.”

My dearest friend hadn’t left my side since Graham picked her up the other night.

“I’m fine.” She gave me a sad smile. “Why don’t we get you some Lucky Charms?”

I knew that she was trying her best to cheer me up, but it wasn’t helping. By now everything was taken from me; Thaddeus, Amaya, school, and my internship. I wouldn’t be able to graduate, and I didn’t know what I was going to do about that either.

“I’m fine,” I repeated more firmly to her. “I order you to go home and rest. If you want to come back later you can.”

Gia nodded hugging me. “I need to talk to the Queen first. Call if you need anything.”

“I will,” I promised her.

When she left I looked around my room. This had been my safe haven for so many years, and now I felt like a stranger. I sat on the window bench looking out on the land behind our house. There was almost a foot of snow on the ground, and I wondered if I had done it or Thaddeus. I felt the pull on my heart strings, the pain of thinking his name and face. I wondered if I asked Dad to banish them, if he would.

Banishment was something that was an extreme rarity in Unit. I’ve never seen it done in my life, and I knew that Dad hadn’t either. Once you were banished you couldn’t come back to Unit. However, the worst of it all was that you couldn’t speak to anyone in Unit either.

No one.

I shook my head of the thoughts. I couldn’t do that to Amaya or Thaddeus, no matter how mad or hurt I was feeling. She was my Protector and best friend. Thaddeus was…well, I didn’t know what he was right now.

“Xaviera,” Mom’s voice pulled me away from my thoughts.

“Hi, Mom.” I turned to her standing in my doorway.

“Why don’t you come downstairs?”

I shook my head.

“Xaviera.” Even though her tone was softer there was firmness in it, and I knew not to argue the point. I followed her to the kitchen where Oliver, Graham, Gia, and Mrs. Edwards were all sitting at our table.

“Gia, I told you to go home.”

“I told her to stay.” Mom guided me to a seat across from the four of them. Mom took her place at the head of the table. “We need to talk.”

“I don’t want to hear about it,” I told her.

“Xaviera, Gia felt something when she was trying to calm you. Oliver is a stronger Controller, and I want him to see if he feels the same.”

I looked at my mother with a strange and confused expression. “What?”

“Princess.” Oliver stood coming around the table. “I’ll need to hold your hand.”

I placed my shaky hand in his. His tender touch calmed me and relaxation overtook me.

“She is.” He released my hand.

“Oh my.” Mrs. Edwards put her face in her hands, and Mom looked as if she’s seen a ghost.

“What am I missing?”

“Xaviera,” Gia’s tiny voice made me look right into her eyes. “You’re pregnant.”

“What?” I shouted to them. “That’s not possible.” As soon as I said the words, it felt like an anvil hit me in the head.

Why wouldn’t it be possible?

Thaddeus and I did have sex. There was no protection used. We were Matched, what was the point? I closed my eyes as the tears fell. I was so stupid.

“My dear.” Mom took my hand. “Let’s go to the doctor. We’ve got a standing appointment with him.”

“What am I going to do?” I sobbed in my mother’s arms.

“Oh, it’ll be okay. It’ll work out.” She soothed my hair and rubbed my back.

I felt Gia’s little hand take mine. It helped stop the tears but not the pain of Thaddeus not being there with me.

Mom, Mrs. Edwards, and I all climbed in Mrs. Edwards’ car and headed to the city. On the ride to the doctors, I thought about being pregnant and becoming a mom.

Could I be?

Would I be as incredible as my mom?

Would I be able to do this without Thaddeus?

I’m not a stupid person, and I knew what having sex could lead to. Now it happened, and I was going to deal with it the best way I knew how.

However, I wished Thaddeus was with me.





After waiting an eternity in the waiting room, peeing in a cup and having blood drawn, the tests came back positive.

I was having a baby.

Thaddeus and I were having a baby.

I nearly passed out right there in the room as Mom and Mrs. Edwards’ faces were a mix of joyfulness and hurt. The doctor prescribed some medication for me, and I had to come back in a few days to have an ultrasound to narrow down my due date.

The drive back to Unit had me in panic mode. I held my hand on my stomach. Our baby was growing inside of me.

Our love created it.

Now the lies were going to keep us apart from having a family.

When Mrs. Edwards pulled into the driveway, I noticed my dad was home and Mr. Edwards’ car was there too. I knew my mother probably already called him and told him the news.

When I followed Mom into the kitchen, Dad and Mr. Edwards were at the table. I gasped when I saw Thaddeus leaning against the counter next to Graham and Gia.

“I’m going upstairs.” I grinded my teeth.

“No, you’re not,” Dad ordered. “Sit down.”

I studied Thaddeus’ face as I took a seat at the table. He looked tired and ragged. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Then again, I hadn’t really either.

“I want everyone to sit down.” My dad’s booming voice made everyone react quickly. Gia and Mom sat on either side of me. Mr. Edwards stayed in his seat by Dad and Mrs. Edwards along with Graham sat between Thaddeus.

“Now,” Dad started. “This is a situation I’ve never been put in, and I’m not going to lie that I’m more emotional about this because it’s involving my daughter.” He looked at everyone at the table. “But I need to be indifferent and that’s how it’s going to be.”

No one said anything. Thaddeus and I kept glancing at each other, but our connection wouldn’t last long.

“Thaddeus.” Dad’s face was hard. “I want to hear your side of the story. I want nothing but the truth from you. That’s an order.”

Thaddeus shrunk back a little in his seat. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Have you kissed Amaya?”

“Yes, sir.” Thaddeus dropped his head, and I felt the tears building already.

“Did you have sex with her?”

“No, sir, I swear.”

“Have you done,” Dad paused trying to compose himself, “other things with her?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Oh, Thaddeus Jax,” I heard his mother gasp while shaking her head.

The tears slid down my face. He didn’t have sex but still kissed her among other things that I didn’t want to think about.

“How did this happen?”

Thaddeus took a deep breath before he started his story. “I was running the trail in the city after classes. It would help clear my head because I still wanted to leave Unit. One day Amaya was there running as well. We spoke and one thing led to another and we would start meeting up there every day. It started out as running, then we talked and,” he paused catching my gaze on him, “and then it happened.”

“How long did this last?” I heard the hurt in my dad’s voice, and I saw it on the Edwards’ faces too.

“A few months,” Thaddeus’ voice was so low I almost missed it.

The room was so quiet the only sound you heard was the wind outside as it blew the snow around. I saw the hurt in his face.

“Thaddeus Jax, why did you do this?” It was his mother that asked the question.

“Because I didn’t know.”

“Didn’t know what?” Mom pushed the question.

“That Xaviera was my Matched.” He looked me straight in my eyes. He had expressed that same sentiment when we were in Miami. “I assumed she was Oliver’s Matched.”

“I’ve heard enough,” Dad stopped Thaddeus from saying anything else. “Is there anything else I should know before I make my decision?”

“There is,” Mom said taking a deep breath.

My throat went dry, and my heart pounded faster. I figured Dad knew but by Mom’s tone he didn’t.

Dad took a deep breath. “What is it?”

Mom nudges my arm, and I stared at Thaddeus. He looked confused.

“Xaviera, do you have something to say?” Dad asked me.

I put my elbows on the table, covering my face letting the tears fall. Mom was rubbing my back, and I heard Mrs. Edwards sniffling. I dropped my hands and said it.

“I’m pregnant.”

I saw Thaddeus’ eyes grow wide, and his chest heaved as I knew his heart was racing.

“You are?”

I nodded. “We just got back from the doctor.”

“Well.” Dad was rubbing his temples. “This definitely changes what I was originally going to say.” He paused. “I need to figure this out. I’ll contact everyone when I’ve made my decision.” Dad stood up.

“Your Majesty, may I talk to Xaviera, alone, for one moment?” Thaddeus quickly rushed out the words.

“That’s up to her, everyone else may go home.” Dad left the room.

Thaddeus’ eyes pleaded with me to talk to him as everyone left. I didn’t move. I couldn’t move. I wanted to talk to him, but the anger, hurt, and pain was too much for me. He went to reach for my hand, but I jerked my arm back. I saw the wounded look appear on his face by my gesture.

“I’m sorry.” His voice was soft.

“Do you think that makes me feel better? Do you think I should just forgive you when you sat in front of my parents and friends telling of your escapes with my Protector?” I could hear the evilness in my tone towards him, but that was how I felt.

“I don’t expect you to forgive me.”

“Thaddeus.” I stood up. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

I left him sitting there, went to my room and crawled into my bed. I placed my hand on my stomach. I took a deep breath trying to deal with every stress in my life.

Chapter 17



One week ago was the greatest moment of my life because Thaddeus and I finished our decision period. I should have already had my ceremony. I should be searching for a house to begin my life with my Matched. I needed to be studying for school work. I needed to be going to work.

Not a single one of those things were happening.

And I’m pregnant.

I actually fixed my hair this morning and put on makeup. I felt like I aged twenty years in a weeks’ time.

Mrs. Edwards told Mom that Thaddeus delayed his work for a week to wait for the verdict from my Dad. Mom said that he was still trying to figure everything out.

Amaya hadn’t been out of her house in a week, according to Gia. I was surprised that she didn’t try to contact me.

I needed to talk to her.

I called Gia and told her to bring Graham with her to my house. Within thirty minutes, they both were in my living room.

I stepped up to Graham first. “I’m asking a personal favor. Would you please come with Gia and me over to Amaya’s as my Protector?”

“Of course, Princess.” He promised.

“Let’s go.”




I took a deep breath before I pounded on the Roberts’ door. I thought I heard some shouting, but I wasn’t exactly sure.

“Princess,” Mrs. Roberts answered the door looking a little disheveled. “How may I help you?”

“I want to speak to Amaya.” I commanded without blinking an eye.

She nodded closing the door. In my twenty years of friendship with Amaya, I’ve never been in her house. Ever. She always made excuses on why we couldn’t go over there and play or have sleepovers.

A moment later Amaya appeared. Her hair was matted to the sides of her face and forehead. She was wearing a high collar shirt and tight jeans.

“Princess?” Her voice was low and cracked. I could see that she was trying to remain tough, but that was fading.

“I want to know why you didn’t tell me right away.”

Amaya looked up trying to avoid eye contact.

“Please, why did you break the rules?” I begged her to answer me.

“Because I wasn’t going to stay,” she said softly almost a whisper.

“Then why didn’t you leave?”

She shook her head not answering.

“I’m so mad at you because you’re supposed to be my best friend, and you didn’t tell me anything.” I was practically screaming at her.

“Well, then.” She bit her lips, her eyes staring at me. “You can be on the list with everyone else I disappoint.”

She slammed the door in my face. Gia gasped, and I almost forgot that they were behind me.

“Let’s go home.” I walked back to the car. I wanted to bang on the door and continue to get answers, but there was no point. Amaya is stubborn and if she wasn’t going to talk, I’d never get it out of her.

When Graham and Gia dropped me off, I almost asked her to stay, but I changed my mind at the last minute.

I needed time alone.

I didn’t want to be around anyone.

I had the urge to lie in my bed and wallow in self-pity, but I remained downstairs in the TV room. I sat on the couch and didn’t move.

Everything began spinning in my head. I thought about Amaya first. We had been Paired since she was born. My father knew that she was going to be a Protector. Every moment of my life Amaya was by my side. We were six when our powers started showing. Amaya’s strength and power and my controlling the elements. We trained together along with Gia.

Our late night talks about school, family, and our future together. Our hopes that one day we could see the world past Unit. We flipped through magazines hoping our future Matched looked like our celebrity crushes. It was all there, in my head. Her laugh, the way she always threw herself in front of me and was by my side. I hadn’t felt that she’s lied to me any other time.

My mind wondered to Thaddeus. A little over three months since we’ve been Matched. I thought I loved him.


I know I love him.

It’s not because he’s my Matched, but because he listened to me. He cared for me, and he loved me back. I felt safe in his arms. His warmth filled me, and even at this moment, I wanted him.

Now I had nothing.

Tomorrow Dad would be ruling on what would happen with Amaya and Thaddeus. I still didn’t know what he was going to do.

“Xaviera,” my mom’s tender voice brought me out of my thoughts and fear for my Protector and Matched. “You’re crying.” She sat down next to me.

I hadn’t noticed as I swiped the tears from my face.

“You okay?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know what to do.”

“I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but I have nothing. I’ve never known anyone in this situation. At least, not ones that hadn’t already left Unit.”

Mom took my hand and held it in hers. The smoothness of her skin comforted me, but I was still concerned and scared for everyone, including me.

“Is Dad home?”

“Yes, he’s in his office.”

As if a light bulb came on in the darkness of my mind, I came up with an idea that might save everyone and shed clarity on all parties. I left Mom and went to my dad.

Yes, he was the King and barging into his office was something that I never did but this was a different situation.

“Hey, Dad.” Maybe if I started out this idea slowly he would think it over before jumping to ‘no’.

“Xaviera.” He was looking down at a stack of papers in front of him.

“What are you doing?”

“Get to the point.” Dad’s attention turned to me. I knew that he was stressed and didn’t want me to beat around the bush.

“Well.” I walked around to his side of the desk. “Have you made a decision on Amaya and Thaddeus?”

“I have.”

“You have?” I know that shock was written all over my face. I didn’t think he had already. “May I know what it is?”


A shudder went through my whole body by the word.


“Dad, are you sure? I mean, I would never question your decision, but banishment.”

“Xaviera, in all honesty, I’m not sure.” I could see the battle in his eyes. “I’ve known these two since the day they were born. I Paired Amaya and you when you were babies. On top of that, I thought,” he paused regaining his thoughts, “I thought Thaddeus was going to be a good leader in Unit, next to you, helping our people and keeping the balance.”

Dad became eerily quiet and it almost scared me to hear the nothing around us. My father was the strongest man in Unit, and the best person that I had known. I hated to see him struggle with this.

“Aren’t you always telling me that people need a second chance?”

“Yes.” He nodded to me. “But this is different. Rules were broken, people were hurt, and there needs to be punishment for that.”

As the future Queen of Unit, I knew that was true. We have the Rules for a reason, and they needed to be followed.

“Dad, I might have an idea that could fix this? I know Amaya and Thaddeus very well, and I would like to punish them,” I said it. I was able to get through the sentence without my voice cracking.

“Xaviera,” Mom said from the doorway where I assumed she was listening in. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes.” The confidence rolled off of me.


“Because Dad and you taught me to respect the Rules, and I have, but you always taught me about giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and a second chance.”

“That’s true, but this is a different situation,” Dad reminded me.

“Is it? I don’t mean any disrespect, but I think there is more to this. Amaya has been acting extremely strange for the past few years, and I could never put my finger on it. And Thaddeus, well, I love him, and I don’t want my child having a father that’s banished.”

Mom and Dad glanced at each other, and it seemed like they were have a mental conversation. After a moment, Dad turned back to me.

“Okay, you can punish them.”

A small relief came over me because they weren’t going to be banished, but now I had to give a sentence to Amaya and Thaddeus.

My Matched.

My Protector.

Oh, this wasn’t going to be easy.

BOOK: A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1)
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