Read A Russian Bear Online

Authors: CB Conwy

Tags: #Gay Romance

A Russian Bear (7 page)

BOOK: A Russian Bear
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“Bedroom, boy.”

Tom blinked. Then he fumbled to get up, almost tripping over his own feet in his haste to follow. Maybe he didn’t get high scores for artistic merit, but he had somewhere to be.


Mischa undressed and then turned to his boy. Tom was standing inside the door, his eyes not leaving Mischa’s body. Mischa slowly walked over, not entirely faking the predatory attitude. The boy looked good enough to eat, flustered and hard.

He grabbed Tom’s hair, not to make it hurt but to demonstrate who was in power here. He smirked when he heard the strangled gasp. Someone liked it.

“So, boy, you have been fucked before?” Not that Mischa didn’t know. He just really, really liked this.

Tom tried to nod, but his head was held too tight. “Yes, sir,” he managed to say.

“Did it hurt?”

Tom gasped, his voice strangled from the awkward angle of his head. “Yes, sir, it hurt. Especially the first time.”

“Did you like that?” Oh, fuck, it was so hot to see his boy blush and stammer like that. Mischa tightened his grip, reminding Tom who was in charge.

“Yes, sir! I liked it.” Mischa let go, smiling at Tom.

“Good. Because I’m going to fuck you again ‘til you scream. Get on the bed.” Mischa enjoyed watching Tom scramble to the bed and lie down, and then the Dom savored the moment when Tom realized that he was alone and vulnerable on the bed.

“Spread your legs.” Mischa kept standing.

Tom blushed hard, but he obediently lifted his legs and let them fall to either side, opening himself up.

Mischa couldn’t resist the temptation anymore but went over to the bed, grabbing the lube, the condoms, and a towel along the way. He let them drop on the bed next to Tom’s head, wanting to remind the boy of what was about to happen. It worked; Tom sucked in his breath, and his dick twitched.

Mischa didn’t talk; he just very, very slowly opened the lube, making sure that Tom caught every detail. He smeared the slick all over his fingers, being careful to get them all covered. Then he bent down and, barely touching Tom’s butt cheeks, put a finger all the way into his boy.

Tom yelled, body bucking and arms flailing. Mischa held on to his hip, not letting him escape.

“Ah! Ah, ahh, sir, oh...” Mischa smiled contentedly. Incoherence was a good place to start. Not that he would let Tom get away with it. He started fucking his finger in and out of the tight hole, drawing a grunt from Tom and making the boy pant.

“Does it hurt?”

Tom looked up at Mischa, gasping, then let his head fall back and closed his eyes.

“I said,” he smacked Tom’s butt, “does it hurt?” Mischa pushed his finger in as far as possible.

Tom yelped, panting to get enough air to answer. “Full! Never... Oh, fuck... Never had it... Oh... In straight away.”

“Good. Now, keep talking. Tell me how it feels.” Mischa wasn’t surprised that even taking a single finger was still difficult for Tom; he was incredibly tight around Mischa’s finger, the muscle contracting involuntarily when Mischa moved.

“Sir. Oh. Feel you.” Mischa withdrew his finger almost all the way. “No! Don’t stop, please, sir.” Tom was gasping. “Open me up. Please.” The begging was so sincere, even if the boy fought to take only the single finger.

Mischa pushed in deep, searching for and finding Tom’s prostate. When Mischa touched it, Tom arched his back and cried out. “It’s... Oh, fuck. Sir. It’s so good.”

Mischa smiled. “That’s the point, boy. Now you can take another finger.” He pushed it in, just like that. Tom bucked up, intake of breath turning into gasping. Fuck, it was hot.

“Oh, sir! Burns! Shit, it burns.” Mischa held Tom down with a hand on his stomach and started fingerfucking him. “Ahh!” Tom’s shoulders lifted off the pillows, his eyes wide, watching Mischa with disbelief.

Mischa smiled down at him. “Remember, I said I would make you take it, didn’t I?”

Tom let himself fall back down, groaning. “Yes, sir, you... Oh! You did, sir.” Tom started to ride Mischa’s fingers. It made Mischa smirk. Tom might complain of the burn, but the boy really seemed to like it. Mischa had Tom moaning and gasping by scissoring his fingers, making sure that the burn was kept sharp and searing. He brushed Tom’s prostate now and then, but not more than that that; he didn’t want the boy to come yet.

“Do you like to be opened up?”

Tom cried out when Mischa opened his fingers more than before. “Fuck, yes. Sir! I... Please give me more. I need more.” Well, since he asked so nicely... Mischa pushed another finger in.

Tom shouted, and for the first time, Mischa could hear the pain in the boy’s voice, not just the discomfort. Mischa pushed his hand down firmly on his sub’s stomach, keeping Tom in place. Then he started moving his fingers, giving Tom a distraction from the pain.

“Oh, sir, ahh, hurts! It hurts.” Tom gasped, his eyes rolling a bit.

“I know it hurts. I want you to accept it. Lie back and let me hurt you.” Tom’s eyes found his, and Mischa held them, never stopping his fingers from going in and out. Tom’s breathing was labored, and the fight showed on the boy’s face. Then the magic happened; Mischa could see the exact moment that Tom surrendered.

“Yes, sir.” Tom whimpered but held Mischa’s eyes. “Please do it to me.” Mischa didn’t need to be told twice and started fucking Tom in earnest. The Dom could hear and feel the fight go out of the boy, his whimpering reduced to gasping and his tight-tight hole loosening up around Mischa’s fingers. It was time.

Mischa withdrew his fingers, wiping them on the towel. Then he sat back, letting Tom see every movement as he unwrapped the condom, put it on his aching dick, and slathered it with lube. Then he got an idea. “Give me your hand.”

Tom reached out his hand, confused. Mischa squirted a generous helping of lube in it.

“Now, lube yourself up.” Tom blushed ten shades of red, and, for a moment, Mischa thought that he would refuse. Then the boy got a stubborn look on his face, and without breaking eye contact, he reached down and spread the slick around his asshole, breathing in sharply when he brushed his opening.

“Put it inside, too.” Mischa was enjoying this so much.

Tom gasped as he pushed a finger inside, meticulously slathering the lube around. Mischa moaned out loud.

“Enough.” Mischa leaned in, spreading the boy’s legs a bit wider. He grabbed Tom’s head with one hand and used the other to hold his cock steady as he pushed against Tom’s opening.

Tom gave a low cry as he was breached. Mischa didn’t stop but kept moving deeper, slow but steady, so deep that Tom was wincing. Mischa pulled almost all the way back and thrust in again halfway. The breath whooshed out of Tom, but he didn’t scream, didn’t cry out. He seemed dazed, his eyes never leaving Mischa’s.

Mischa kept his hold on Tom’s head and started moving in long, steady strokes. Tom was still looking, breathing, mesmerized by him. Then Mischa started thrusting deeper. With a hoarse moan, Tom seemed to wake from his daze, wrapping his arms around Mischa.

Mischa was in deep now, almost to the point where it would hurt Tom again. He bent and kissed his boy hungrily, still moving in and out. He was in perfect control, but he wouldn’t be able to keep that up much longer, the need to come burning in his gut.

He raised his head and looked at Tom. “I’m going to push all the way into you in a moment. Going to hurt you. Are you ready?”

Tom nodded, no hesitation.

“Good boy. You can come when I do.” He took one hand away from his sub’s face and grabbed Tom’s cock, stroking. Then he pushed all the way into his boy, hard. Tom grunted and shouted and came, and suddenly Mischa couldn’t hold back any longer. He pushed in again, hearing the pain in Tom’s groan, and then again as he came deep inside his boy. He thrust one last time, desperate to hear the last painful grunt, and emptied himself in the condom. Then he lay over his boy, gasping.

Tom was as out of breath as Mischa was himself, nuzzling his neck, kissing and licking and whispering a litany of words that Mischa couldn’t hear for the pounding in his ears. At last, Mischa’s head cleared and he heard Tom. “Thank you, sir, so good, sir, thank you, thank you.”

Mischa turned his head and kissed his boy, for a moment aggressively, then gently, before he let up. “You’re welcome.” He smiled.

Then he had to pull out. Tom protested, and Mischa felt the same way, but there was nothing to be done about it. He got rid of the condom and fetched the towel, cleaning them up. Then he grabbed the quilt from the floor and pulled it over them. Tom snuggled in, clinging tightly to him, and Mischa stroked Tom’s back, soothing him. He turned off the light, and the exhausted boy in his arms fell asleep.


Tom knew where he was even before he opened his eyes. The scent of Mischa filled his nostrils, and he snuggled in, enjoying the man’s heat. Mischa pulled him in a bit closer, but didn’t wake up. Tom tightened his ass experimentally and felt the sweet ache zing through him. His cock twitched, and he smiled with his eyes closed. Yesterday had been a good day.

He opened his eyes and watched Mischa sleeping. He looked younger, less stern in his sleep. Sweeter. Tom almost giggled; he didn’t think that his gruff Dom would define himself as “sweet.”

His Dom. Tom suddenly lost a bit of his cheer. Mischa wasn’t his, and Tom wasn’t anything but a casual fuck. That had been hot -- okay, very hot -- before, but what he had done with Mischa the previous day had been very different. More... well, just more.

He guessed the things that Mischa had done to him should have scared him, but they hadn’t. Granted, the pain had been frightening at times, and his breakdown had shaken him. He had felt so safe when he had cried in Mischa’s arms, though, and the fuck had been amazing.

Now, he felt a little... fragile. There wasn’t really anything wrong with him, he just felt sad. He snuggled closer to Mischa, looking for comfort. Mischa mumbled a little, starting to wake up. Tom stilled, not wanting to disturb him.

“I know you’re awake, boy.” Mischa sounded sleepy, and Tom opened his eyes.

“Sorry, sir, I didn’t want to wake you up.”

“That’s okay; I like to wake up to a warm boy in my bed.” Mischa bent and kissed him. Tom made a small sound and stretched into the kiss, Mischa taking his mouth and Tom accepting it. He wrapped his arms around Mischa. He knew that he was clinging, but he wasn’t able to help himself.

Mischa broke their kiss and looked at him. “How do you feel, Tom?” To his own horror, Tom felt the tears start to fall. He hid his head in Mischa’s shoulder and tried to stop crying. Mischa pulled him closer, holding him. “It’s okay, you can cry all you need.” The words loosened something in Tom, and he let go, let the sobs come out without holding back. He had no idea where it came from, and he didn’t really care; he simply gave in. Mischa just held on.

Tom cried until he felt empty, purged of his sadness. Then he let himself be held, lying on Mischa’s chest, listening to his Dom’s breathing. Mischa started stroking Tom’s back in long, soothing caresses. At first, it felt relaxing. Then Mischa’s hands started going a bit lower, brushing his ass oh-so-lightly on each turn. They wandered to his sides, going up and down, making him sigh contentedly. Then they went back to his ass, going all the way over it and down to where his legs met his butt cheeks. Here they lingered, teasing and caressing.

Tom raised his hips a little to get more, and Mischa’s fingers went back up, brushing the outside of Tom’s crack on their way. Then they went back up to his shoulders, then down, going a little closer to his hole this time, up again, oh, so close when they came down again. There wasn’t anything left inside Tom but the feeling of those hands, and when they finally touched his hole, he gave out a low cry, earlier tension turning into the good, warm feeling of need. His hole was throbbing from being fucked the day before, and all of his attention focused on having Mischa’s hands touching him there again, making it ache and reminding him of the things they had done.

He spread his legs, opening himself up for the caresses, slowly grinding his hips on Mischa’s thigh. Mischa never gave in and kept up the slow movements, only too seldom touching Tom’s aching hole. Then that hand wandered past his hole, a nail scraping against his taint, and finally touched Tom’s sore balls, the feeling just between pain and pleasure and so, so good.

“Sir! Oh, please...” He moved his hips impatiently, not knowing whether to try to get more friction to his dick or to get that wonderful feeling back. He could hear Mischa’s low chuckle.

“I think you’re ready now.” The words didn’t make any sense. Mischa pinched his ass, and Tom yelped. “Come on, boy. I promised you a spanking, and I always keep my promises.”

Tom blinked. Fuck. The spanking.

The other things they had done had been, well, not entirely what everybody else did, but they had still been fairly normal. And yes, he stubbornly refused to think about what Mischa had done to his balls. But a spanking. That was... kinky in a way entirely different from liking pain. Voluntarily bending over somebody’s knee was submission, and somehow the thought of that was far more unsettling to Tom than simply liking pain.

He sat up, looking pleadingly at Mischa.

Mischa only laughed. “Oh, no, there’s no way around it. I am going to spank your butt.” Mischa got up and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for him.

Tom couldn’t move, couldn’t even talk. Doing this was going to change everything. Who was he going to be if he submitted in this way? A... slave? He had fought hard to be the independent person he was today; he was no subservient twink. And even worse, what if he liked it? What would that make him?

He sat, paralyzed by his thoughts, by the enormity of this. He opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say. Then he tried again and finally got the words out. They weren’t what he had thought they would be.

“I... I don’t know what to do, sir.” This was harder than anything.

Mischa smiled kindly. “That’s all right. First, stand up and step in front of me.”

Tom willed his frozen body to move and clambered off the bed, standing in front of Mischa. Mischa let his eyes wander over Tom’s body, making Tom feel so exposed. But Mischa’s eyes were shining and his cock was hard, and suddenly Tom felt a surge of lust. He made Mischa hard; he made Mischa feel that way. Still, Mischa’s next order was so hard to obey. “Now, bend over my knee so I can spank your ass.”

BOOK: A Russian Bear
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