A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1) (5 page)

BOOK: A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1)
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“Girl, don’t scare my ass like that. I thought someone was after you.” He walked over and kissed me gently on the lips, then he took the bag out of my hand. He seemed happier to see the platter than he was to see me. He walked to the refrigerator and got something to drink and sat down to eat.

“Why don’t I go upstairs and get out of these church clothes? I’ll be back to join you.”

“Go ahead, sexy, and you do just that.” I thought I would take a quick shower before I went back down, too. Once I was done, I threw on a pair of gray boy shorts with a t-shirt. I didn’t even bother putting on a bra because I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was naked again.

Chapter 9


Two months later…


Things between Jonathan and I were going great. We were getting to know one another and enjoying our time together. We had yet to be intimate, though. There were times we came close, but I wanted to make sure that the time was exactly right. I didn’t want to just jump into bed with Jonathan, and then find out we had nothing in common. I made the decision to get my realtor’s license and I opened my own firm. I had been scouting all around for a small, yet, cozy space, and there was a location not too far from my condo that I had my eye on. I planned on closing the deal within a couple of days. I already began shopping for office furniture, fabric, and paint to make my office to look just the way I wanted it to, and Ms. Julia was helping me get things together. That lady was good at what she did, and her interior decorating skills were on point. I was very happy that Dawn finally had her mom back in her life. I hadn’t heard much from Marcy, which was unusual. I had tried calling her to do lunch, but she was always busy. She was always cutting our conversations short and acting standoffish with me. I made mention of it to Dawn, but she just said that Marcy may have just been going through something. I made a mental note to drop by and check on her soon.

This evening, I was cooking dinner for Jonathan, Dawn, and Anthony. I had recently moved and wanted to have a girls’ night, but it was hard to get Marcy on the phone. So, I figured I would do a couples’ night. I thought it was safe now to finally introduce Jonathan to my family and friends. A couple of weeks ago, I met his aunt and uncle, who he was very close with. His parents lived over on the west coast, in Seattle, and we made plans to go visit them during the holidays. I had spoken with his mother over the phone a time or two, and she was very friendly and down-to-earth. Whereas, with Eric’s mom, she couldn’t stand me; she felt that I was too conceited and always looked down on people. That was far from the truth, but she had her own opinion, and it didn’t matter anymore at this point. Anyway, I had the house smelling all good as I prepared lobster, steak, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and broccoli. I had two bottles of wine chilling on ice, and I made my infamous banana pudding. I told everyone to try to arrive around 6:30pm, so I was a little behind. I made my way upstairs, hoping I would be dressed before they arrived. I took a shower, did my hair, applied some makeup, and put on this cute little romper that I picked up from Macy’s. 

I finally made it downstairs just in time to check on the steaks and the potatoes before my doorbell rang. I couldn’t hide the fact that I was happy to be entertaining my friends in my new place, and introducing them to Jonathan was a bonus. I had to hand it to Ms. Julia; she had out done herself when she decorated my condo. She gave each room style and made the whole apartment come alive. She made my new home feel just like that, a home. I loved walking into my place because it felt so warm and comfortable. When the bell rang, I opened my door and greeted my guests. Dawn and Anthony walked in, handing me a bottle of sparkling cider.

“Should we take off our shoes?” asked Dawn.

“There is no need; I have hardwood floors throughout the house.”

“Oh, my God! Cyn, look at your place! This is beautiful.”

“Well, you can thank your mom for coming over and handling her business.” Dawn looked around, amazed at the decorating job her mom had done.

“Damn, babe, we gonna have to get your moms to hook us up, too,” said Anthony.

“Yeah, she did an awesome job,” replied Dawn.” It wasn’t too long afterwards that Jonathan had arrived. I made all of the introductions and got everyone something to drink. We sat around, chatting and laughing about sports, entertainment, and the fact that Dawn and Anthony were expecting their first child. I jumped up, hugging my best friend because I knew the struggles it took for her to get to this point. She had been battling issues about becoming a mother.

“Aww, I can’t wait to meet my godchild, so I could spoil them!”

“Well, Cyn, you gonna have to get in line because the father here may put up a fight.” Anthony looked over laughing. Dawn asked to use the bathroom, so I pointed her in the direction of it. I made my way into the kitchen, preparing the table so we could have dinner.

“Oh, baby, everything looks delicious. You really outdone yourself,” Jonathan stated. “And may I say the hostess is looking real cute in that romper?” He kissed me softly on the cheek.

“Well, I hope everyone bought their appetites.” Jonathan pulled my chair out, as did Anthony for Dawn.




Cyn, dinner was delicious. I’m so stuffed!” said both Jonathan and Anthony. “Little Miss Greedy is still eating her second serving of baked potato, corn, and broccoli.” After dinner, Dawn and I cleared the table, Anthony loaded the dishwasher while Jonathan took out the trash. Afterwards, we all retired to the patio to enjoy the rest of the evening.

“Dawn, when are we expecting our little bundle of joy?” I asked.

“I’m due March 24th, which just seems so far away.”

“Well, count your blessings you don’t have to go through the summer months in your last trimester, I heard that’s the worst.”

“Well, this aunt here can’t wait to go shopping and buy out the stores. What happened when you told your family?”

“My mother and Grannie were happy. Cammie and Deja were excited, too. Deja’s baby will have a little cousin to play with.” It had gotten late, so Dawn and Anthony didn’t stay much longer.

Jonathan and I made ourselves comfortable on the couch and decided to watch a movie.

“Baby, you know you are wearing that romper.” He pulled me onto his lap and started placing soft kisses on my neck while licking my earlobes. I don’t know if it was the wine that was making me hot, or the fact that Jonathan was attacking my neck with his lips. He knew that was my spot, and I couldn’t resist the sensation I experienced between my legs. My panties were getting wet, and I enjoyed the way he was making me feel. I turned around to straddle his lap and started sucking on his bottom lip. We would always get this far and stop, but tonight, I was beyond horny, and I was tired of using those damn toys. It had been well over six months since I felt any sexual stimulation from a man. My ass was desperate, and I yearned to be touched and caressed. I whispered in his ear, “Baby, I think it’s time.” He scooped me up and carried me upstairs to the bedroom, placing me on my king-size bed. I sat up damn near ripping at my romper, trying to get it off. Then I reached over to unzip his jeans, releasing his nine or ten-inch friend from his pants. I just sat there, taking in how well-endowed he was and how sexy he looked. I slowly bought his penis to my mouth. I started licking around the mushroom-shape head as if it were my favorite blow-pop. I licked up and down the sides, making sure that when I reached the top, I made a little popping noise. I made sure it was sloppy wet, as I worked my hands really fast before placing the head back in my mouth and moving my tongue in slow motion.

He was moaning with pleasure, as I bobbed my head up and down as if I were bobbing for apples. He finally pushed me back on the bed and started licking on my clit. Just the first touch alone pushed me over the edge. I was clenching the sheets, trying to push back, but Jonathan had a grizzly grip on my ass. As he maneuvered his tongue around my clit, he slipped two fingers into my wetness, pumping them in and out, and I started gyrating my hips on his fingers. I was on the verge of another orgasm. He lifted me up off of the bed with my legs dangling from his back as he held me up in the air over his head, slurping on my pussy. He had me up there as if he were bench pressing weighs. At first, I was little scared, but he reassured me he had a good grip. And he was true to his word. I lost my mind as he slurped and licked my sensitive spot, giving me orgasm after orgasm.

When he finally decided to lay me back on the bed, he reached into his wallet and took out a Magnum condom. He placed the head of his penis at the entrance and slowly entered me. I was getting agitated because he was playing around and taking his time, and I was ready to feel his manhood deep inside of me. The wait was finally over as he finally slid deep inside of me. I tried to adjust to his size, but he started teasing me, as he put the tip halfway in before pulling out again, just to go deeper and take me on the ride of my life. He fucked me as if his life depended on it. As he delivered the best dick I had ever had, I cried out because he was putting it on me.  Once he released himself, it felt as if he were coming back for more. I was curious to know if he had taken Viagra beforehand. It was well into the next morning when we were done, and my ass was sore but oh so satisfied. We cuddled, falling into a deep sleep.




The next morning, I woke to the smell of coffee. Once I used the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth, I went down to join Jonathan in the kitchen. He looked up as he was putting the last of the pancakes on a plate, with a gleam in his eyes.

“Good morning, beautiful. I was going to serve you breakfast in bed, but you beat me to it. So, why don’t you just sit your sexy self down while I fix your plate?”

“I see someone was in a mood to cook. What do we have here?” There were pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, and home fries. “Well you cooked enough to feed an army!” When he sat down, I reached over to kiss him, thanking him for last for the food.

“Oh, no baby; I’m thanking you. Last night was amazing. I never felt so pleased and satisfied like that.”

“Question though,” I said.

“What’s that, baby?”

“Did your ass take Viagra or something?” He started laughing. “No, I’m serious. At one point and time, I was afraid I wasn’t going to make it, but I ain’t complaining; I enjoyed last night.”

“Well, eat up, maybe we can have a little more fun before I leave.” He gave me that look as he licked his lips, making my kitty purr. I was ready because he sure did rock my world. I never felt this turned on by a man. Not even when I was with Eric. It was all worth the wait.

When Jonathan left, I was ready to lie down, but I still had some unpacking to do. Luckily, there were only two boxes left. In one of the boxes, there was a manila envelope, and I couldn’t remember where it came from. Then it dawned on me; it was the envelope taped to my door. I was about to open it when my phone rang. I placed the envelope back in the box to answer the phone. It was the broker letting me know that the date had been moved up to Tuesday. I would soon be the owner of a two-story building, and I could hardly wait.

Chapter 10



Tonight I was hitting the club, it had been a while since I was last here. I was looking to get into something new when I walked past one of the rooms. There was a couple entering into the threesome room, and the girl kept staring at me. She waved me into the room as she walked over to the bed. Her significant other stood there, stroking his brick-hard dick and licking his lips at me. She gave me this seductive look, as she crawled over to the edge of the bed taking my hand to join hers.

“Why don’t you join us?” she suggested. Before I could answer, her dude came up behind me, rubbing his eight-inch dick across my ass as he stroked it up and down. He reached around, taking my nipples in between his fingers while his girl lifted my leg on the bed and began licking my clit. This was my first time with a woman, but I was very intrigued. She was licking my kitty while he took pleasure in licking my ass. Double penetration had nothing on this. I enjoyed the way she made my body feel. She was a pro with her tongue. The night was very pleasurable. I was well-pleased, and my thirst was truly quenched.

Before leaving, I was properly introduced to my suitors of the night. Kiki had given me her number, “Don’t be a stranger. I would love to see you again. Give me a call anytime,” she said. She walked over and slipped her tongue into my mouth, as Mike winked at me before leaving. It was a night I would never forget; no one could have ever told me that a woman as sexy as Kiki could have satisfied me the way she did. She knew all of the right moves, and the way she worked her tongue just sent shivers straight up the crack of my ass.

When I made it home, Eric was parked outside of my house. I wasn’t in any mood for him or his limp ass dick. I got tired of feeling sorry for his ass. If he was going to let Cyn’s whiny ass stress him out, I wasn’t the one to feel sorry for him. I had needs, and as of lately, he wasn’t fulfilling them. See, this is why I needed to move on because I found myself catching feelings, and he wasn’t giving me what I needed or what I wanted. I took my time getting out of my car, knowing this would irritate his ass, but I was over catering to his damn needs. I couldn’t get out of my car fast enough before he approached the car, snatching open the door.

“Damn, Marcy, what the hell was taking your ass so long to get out the damn car?”

“Good evening, or should I good morning to you, too?”

“I’ve been sitting out here for almost two hours waiting on you. I started to leave.”

“Well, with that fucked up attitude you should have. You are not going to fuck up my mood because you’re stressed out.” I got out of the car, slamming the door as I tried to walk pass his ass. I really wasn’t trying to hear anything he had to say. He tried grabbing me by the arm, “Who the fuck you think you’re talking to? I let you slip before with your fly ass mouth and comments, but you starting to piss me off!”

“If I were you, I would be careful before you find yourself picking your teeth off the ground.”

“Look, I came over here to apologize for neglecting your ass, but you got one more fucking time to come at me wrong, and you got an issue,” he warned. I snatched my arm away because I could tell he had been drinking more than usual. I knew damn well he had lost his mind, talking to me like that. I just blamed it on the alcohol.

“Look, Eric, why don’t you go home and just sleep off that buzz you got? Frankly, I’m exhausted and just want to get in the shower and in the bed.” He tilted his head some, looking at me crazy, as he tried to pull me into him. He started groping at my ass, and to be honest, I wasn’t feeling it. I could feel his erection, but it just wasn’t turning me on.

“Stop! Eric!” I yelled. “Just go home!”

“So, you going to deny me this tight, juicy ass?” he said, gripping my ass. I couldn’t believe how erratic and crazy he was acting. I tried pulling away, but he was too strong, and he was being forceful with me.

“Look, Eric, take your drunken ass home!” He slammed me up against the car, snatching my dress up and tearing off my panties. I didn’t realize he had his pants down and his dick out until he was ramming me in the ass. I started screaming, but he placed his hand over my mouth to muffle my screams.

“See, I wouldn’t have to do this if you weren’t acting like such a bitch,” he said, pounding harder and harder. “Now, take this dick, and shut the fuck up.” I started crying because I had never felt so violated in my life. After about five minutes, he was cumming inside of my ass. I couldn’t believe he just fucked me in the ass. It felt as if my ass were on fire. I had never had anal sex before, and he just took advantage of me. “That was good,” he said, as he slapped me on the ass. Then, he kissed me roughly on the cheeks and backed away, pulling up his pants.

“That will teach your ass to reject me!” he taunted, and he walked away, getting in his car. I just stood there shocked because I couldn’t believe what had just occurred. This bastard raped me! I don’t know how long I stood there, but it eventually started raining. I slowly made my way to house, still in shock. When I finally made it upstairs, I got in the shower and cried while scrubbing at my body. I just felt dirty all over. With disbelief in my heart, I was so hurt that Eric would violate me the way he did. He had no remorse for what he did. I scrubbed away at my body until my skin felt raw and started to burn. I couldn’t understand how my night went from being on Cloud Nine to being raped by someone who I thought cared about me.

Sitting up, not sure I ever fell asleep, I laid in bed lost in thought. Eric was going to pay for this, even if it was the last thing I made happen in life. My phone buzzed, alerting me to a text message. It was from Dawn, wanting to know if I was free for lunch. I texted her back that I wasn’t feeling well and we could maybe get together some other time. Hope you feel better soon, she texted back. I just wasn’t in the mood to be out in the public. My house phone rang, and I let voicemail pick up. “Hi, mommy we miss you. When you coming over to see us?” I started crying again because I hadn’t seen my babies in three weeks. I couldn’t believe how I had let my life get so out of control. I lied here, thinking of how fucked up my life was. I was neglecting my kids, lying around on my back, and accepting money from men for sex as if I were some common whore. Here it was, I raped by a man I had fallen for, who just so happen to be one of best friends’ ex-boyfriend. I knew it was time to get my life together. My daughters needed me, and it was time I started acting like a mother.

“Oh, God! Please give me strength, show me mercy and forgive me. Please fix this!” I just sat in the bed, crying and talking to God.

I knew life had to get better.

BOOK: A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1)
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