Read A Siberian Werewolf in Paris Online

Authors: Caryn Moya Block

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Paranormal

A Siberian Werewolf in Paris (15 page)

BOOK: A Siberian Werewolf in Paris
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Durant nodded before moving forward and helping Susan from her chair. “Come,
ma petit.
Let me take you away from here,” he said as he gently led Susan outside to a car that stood waiting.

Valerii watched them go.

Josephine walked up and slipped her arm around his waist. “They’ll be okay. Durant is a good man.”

. Either way, it seems my Betas are dropping like flies. Durant will follow Susan to England and Siberia when the time comes. Duval has gone to Siberia with Bijou. That leaves only Darcel. Is he capable of taking the Beta position alone?”

“I don’t know.” Josephine answered.

“I guess we will wait and see. How is Fortescue’s sister?”

“Her name is Esme. She is waiting in the limo with Laurel. We couldn’t chance someone taking her to a human hospital. She is stable, though she needs to shift. Once everyone is clear, Norris said we can go down into the basement. I guess Esme has difficulty shifting, which is why Norris wanted me to come back and help her.
Darcel and Anton guard them.”

Valerii pulled his mate close and nuzzled her hair. “I should never have brought you tonight. I underestimated the danger.”

“You can’t know everything. You kept me perfectly safe. If I hadn’t come, we would have never known why Norris wanted me here.”

“So, it is Norris now, and not Fortescue?” Valerii asked.

“Norris is actually a nice man. He cares deeply for his sister.”

“Even a murderer can care deeply for his family
,” Valerii pointed out.

“But Norris isn’t like that,” Josephine said
, rubbing her hand on Valerii’s back in a soothing gesture. “Laurel searched his mind, then asked him to join the research team. He agreed. With the insights into our genetics that he has learned the last few years, he could help solve our breeding problems.”

“Hmm, I hope Laurel knows what she’s doing
,” Valerii said. “Don’t forget Esme’s mate is out there. He made it very clear he would be coming for her. I wonder who he is. He didn’t feel like anyone I know.”

“Maybe he is with the American pack Durant mentioned. He must be a very strong telepath to have reached out to us.”

“Only time will tell,
. I believe that is the last police vehicle pulling away now. Let’s get Esme down to the basement so she can shift.”


Josephine followed Valerii to the basement door on the side of the house. Norris hurried forward and opened the door with a key. Darcel carried Esme, while the rest of them followed Norris into the basement.

Josephine glanced around the space. On one side there appeared to be a bedroom equipped with a hospital bed and nightstand. A television was attached to the wall. Across the space were tables filled with beakers and a microscope.
Norris’s lab? A computer sat on a small desk next to a refrigerator. The space would have been cozy, except for the bars on the windows.

placed Esme on a hospital bed that sat under one of the small barred windows. Laurel hurried forward, pushing her long red curls out of her face. Her green gown was now stained with the blood of the people she had healed. Only two humans besides Jack died in the attack, all because of this one woman’s amazing healing ability. Josephine frowned when Laurel stumbled. She was running on empty.

“She needs to get out of that dress to shift,” Laurel said.

Norris hurried over with a pair of scissors and handed them to Laurel. He stood back and wrung his hands. Tears slipped down his face. Laurel cut the small straps to the lavender dress Esme wore before also cutting up the side. Next, she placed a hand over Esme’s forehead.

“I’m going to wake her now. She will be confused. We must get her to shift immediately. The bullet nicked an artery, and I’m not sure how long my patch will hold it.”

“Wait,” Josephine said, stepping forward. “Let me take her blood, and I will use my Alpha powers and telepathy to make her shift.” She looked at Valerii, and he nodded in assent. She was the Alpha female, and all the women would connect to her.

Laurel nodded as well and stepped back. Josephine leaned over the woman and pulled her dress back to reveal the bullet hole still seeping blood from her chest. She leaned down and licked the blood, taking it into her system and creating a bond between the two lycans. She was now
Esme’s Alpha, and she could command her if necessary.

last thoughts during the attack filled her mind. How she feared for her brother and stepped in front of him to save him from the bullet traveling his way. The impact of the bullet shoving Esme back. The slamming of the heartmate bond into place. Then another person’s thoughts joined the mix. He seemed to stand in judgment over Josephine and what she planned to do. Then, in acceptance, he withdrew.
I will find her. As her Alpha, you will keep her safe.

Josephine shook her head, trying to regain her equilibrium. Whoever this male was, he packed a punch. Josie knew she would be held responsible if anything happened to Esme before the man showed up to claim her.

Stepping back, Josephine motioned to Laurel. “All right, wake her up.”

Laurel stepped forward, once more putting her hand on the girl’s forehead. Josephine held her breath. Would it work? Could she command Esme to shift in time?

“Esme, wake up,” Laurel called.

Josephine joined in calling her telepathically.
Esme, you must wake, now.

The young woman on the bed stirred and moaned. Blood began to pour from her injury. Laurel pressed her hand over the wound trying to suppress the flow.

“Esme, you must shift. Let your wolf come out to save you,” Laurel pleaded.

“She doesn’t shift well. It is painful to her,” Norris said.

“She fights it,” Josephine said. She leaned over Esme as her eyes fluttered open and captured Esme’s gaze. Josephine sent her strongest command.
Then she followed it with a push of power flowing into Esme. Esme cried out as her bones began to reform, and lights swirled around her.

Embrace your wolf, little sister. Let her out
, Josephine sent into Esme’s thoughts as she added her strength to the transformation. Then, it was over, and a silver-and-white wolf lay on the bed. She whined and leaned over to lick Josephine’s hand.

“You did well, Esme. You only need practice. You are a member of my pack now. We will help you,” Josephine reassured her.

“Thank God,” Norris said stepping up and petting his sister’s head. “I can’t thank you enough. I will do anything you want to repay you.”

“Help Laurel with her research,” Valerii said, stepping forward. “You will be expected to keep our secrets and learn our laws. Your sister will be a member of our pack. She already has a mate coming to claim her. Both of you will need to learn what that entails.”

“A mate?” Norris asked. “I thought you would help me to undo this. I never planned on my sister being a wolf.”

“What you have wrought cannot be undone, Norris,” Laurel said
, leaning against Anton. Circles darkened the skin under her eyes, and she trembled from exhaustion. Anton scooped her into his arms and held her close to his heart.

“Laurel needs to rest. She has exhausted her powers,” Anton said.

“Esme, shift back to your human form. Hold the picture uppermost in your thoughts. That’s right,” Josephine encouraged her as white lights coalesced around her.

In an instant
, Esme was human again. Norris quickly grabbed a white sheet off the end of the bed and covered her naked form.

“Norris, you and Esme will come to the hotel with us,” Valerii said. “You can’t stay here with the damage to the house. I will have pack members come out to guard the property. Anton, take your mate to the limo. We will be there shortly.”

“I’m not sure we should come with you,” Norris said, lifting his chin.

“There is a group of people who want to steal your research and kill you,” Valerii said
, gritting his teeth. “You know what will happen if they capture Esme. They will experiment on her.”

“I think he’s right, Norris,” Esme said
, putting a hand on her brother’s arm. “We need to trust these people. I am one of them now, and they saved my life tonight.”

“All right, yes, you’re right. We’ll need clothes, and I need my research,” Norris said.

“Darcel, escort Norris upstairs to get a bag packed. We will wait in the limo,” Valerii said as he scooped Esme up in her sheet and carried her outside followed by Josephine.

Josephine looked back to see
Darcel motion Norris to the stairs. All right, she had a little problem with Valerii holding Esme in his arms. It was just a small moment of jealousy. Josephine walked outside and followed Valerii to the limo.

Besides, there was a strong telepath ready to claim Esme as his mate. Josephine stood back while Anton placed Laurel inside and slid in next to her, and Valerii handed Esme to Anton. Every pack member
had felt male rage when Esme was shot. Who was the Alpha coming to claim her? For a moment Josie feared the powerful telepath would harm her for bonding with the girl, but the unknown male seemed to accept the need for the link.

Valerii reached for Josephine’s hand and helped her into the limo before sliding in beside her and putting his arm around her. She glanced at the stars shining through the window.
So many stars, so many possibilities. She shook her head.

She probably should be afraid of this group of crazy doctors. Look what damage they caused tonight. But she didn’t feel afraid. She looked up at her mate, the one man meant to be hers. She was right where she was supposed to be.

Valerii leaned down and kissed her, his lips gentle, coaxing. A promise that no matter what happened tomorrow, they would face it together. Josephine knew she was home.


Six months later


Chyort Vossmi,
Thomas Lebrosse is gone. We haven’t been able to find where he is hiding,” Valerii said, running his hand through his hair in frustration as he paced back and forth. “At least, Doctors for a Better Humanity seem to have given up on acquiring you.”

“You’ll catch him. I know you will,” Josephine said
, looking up from the sleigh bed in the master bedroom of their new home. Early morning light spilled in the French doors that led to a balcony.

had finally found a small estate next to the
Forêt Domaniale de Fausses Reposes,
which gave the pack several acres to run in and a home to call their den. Darcel had taken a small suite downstairs to guard his Alphas.

“I thought we would have Lebrosse in this latest trap, but he slipped away,” Valerii said
, his voice sad. “You know Brencis and Meadow are getting married today. I let pack business keep me from standing up with my best friend at his wedding.”

“You miss him,” Josephine said
, feeling his sadness through the mating bond.

“Yes. I thought we would always be together.”

“Then what are we doing here? Tell Darcel to get the car out. If we hurry, we can make it in time for the reception. We can surprise everyone,” Josephine said, rushing over and taking Valerii’s hands in hers. “Let’s go. We can take the Eurostar.”

Valerii’s face lit up, and the stress so prevalent in his eyes these last few months disappeared.

“Grab a bag, we’ll stay a couple of days. We can call your grandparents from the train,” he said, whirling around and pulling clothes from the dresser.

Josephine laughed and started to add to the pile. They were going to Brencis’ wedding. She couldn’t wait to meet his magic mate who was a witch. Laurel and Anton would be there. They might even see Susan and Durant. Then
, there was Rosie and Josie’s foster brothers. They would be so surprised.

She scrambled into some clothes and grabbed a suitcase out of the closet.

Everyone would be wondering what happened when a Siberian Werewolf came to Paris. Josephine couldn’t wait to tell them. LOVE.




Also by Caryn Moya Block


My Magic Mate


Book Four of the Siberian Volkov Series


Brencis Solovyov, a Siberian lycanthrope, isn’t looking for a mate. When he visits the local metaphysical store, he is repulsed by the owner’s purple hair and combat boots. And when she gives him a potion that accidently poisons him, he fears for his life. The fact that she is his mate can only be a trick of destiny. After she claims to be a witch, he knows she is truly crazy. But there is something magical about the woman, and he isn’t the only one who has noticed her strange powers. Can he keep her safe from the danger surrounding her? Will he get over his prejudice and let his magic mate cast a spell of love on him?



My Mate’s Embrace


Book Three of the Siberian Volkov Pack Series


Anton Volkov, Siberian lycanthrope, is following the scent of Laurel Harris, who is running away from her abusive stepfather. When Anton finds her, he is surprised to realize she is his mate, the one woman meant to be his. But the Russian mafia is also on her trail. In order to rescue Laurel, Anton must first get this troubled woman to trust him. Can love heal her wounded heart?


“The Siberian Volkov Series keeps getting better with each book. I found m
yself totally engrossed in this story.” Night Owl Reviews



A Siberian Werewolf in London


Book Two of the Siberian Volkov Series


Grigori Solovyov, Siberian lycanthrope, goes to London to track down a Russian mobster who is stealing from the pack. Then, Melisande Reule walks into his hotel, bringing his wolf howling to the surface. He knows he has found his mate. But when she is targeted by a Russian assassin, Grigori must fight to keep her safe and at his side.


“I absolutely loved this second installment in the
Siberian Volkov Pack series. It had everything that made me fall in love with the first one. The story line is great.”

Night Owl Reviews


Alpha’s Mate


Book One of the Siberian Volkov Series


A trip to Moscow brings Siberian lycanthrope, Dmitry Volkov, and his pack members out of hiding. He’s looking for answers to the pack’s breeding problems. But he never expected to find them in the delectable Violet Anderson. With rogue lycans causing problems in the pack, can he bring a fragile human woman home as his mate?

Wildlife photographer Violet Anderson is stopping
in Moscow, before she goes on assignment to shoot the elusive Russian Gray Wolf. When she meets Dmitry at a local hotspot, the sparks fly. The animal magnetism tells her she might have just met the man of her dreams. But Violet has a couple of secrets of her own, and following a wounded animal to its lair has never been a safe thing to do.


“This is the beginning of a new werewolf series that promises to be phenomenal.”

Night Owl Reviews


Shadow of My Heart


The Shadow Walker Romance Series Book One


Raven Darkwood, Shadow Walker, leader, and
shaman of the Nuni Nagi Tribe, as well as CEO of Isanti Inc., the conglomerate his tribe owns and manages, is also a spy for the government. His mentor Isanti Quiet Thunder has prophesied the perfect mate for him. But how can he find her when he doesn’t have time to date? And how can he bring an innocent into his crazy violent world?

Cara Hamilton wants nothing more than to be with
Raven Darkwood, CEO of Isanti, Inc.. But she quickly finds Raven lives and works in a dangerous world and that is before she learns of his special ability to walk into another dimension. Can she conquer her fear and put her trust in Raven and his tribe?



BOOK: A Siberian Werewolf in Paris
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