Read A Splash of Hope Online

Authors: Charity Parkerson

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense

A Splash of Hope (9 page)

BOOK: A Splash of Hope
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“Ugh,” he began as he attempted to scramble away. He held the advantage with the pool separating them.

“You little fucker. You broke my car!” she yelled, as she attempted to cut off his escape.

“Faith.” The sound of her name and the touch of Serenity’s fingers on her arm brought her up short. “Don’t blame Timothy. I asked him to disable your car.”

A mixture of confusion and hurt welled inside Faith at Serenity’s words. “Why would you do such a thing?”

Serenity shrugged. “Because I knew you’d go to Adam for help.”

It had all been a setup, Faith realized with a spurt of horror, and she was their intended target. “And I’d fall into his arms, because let’s face it, I haven’t ever been able to resist his charms,” Faith finished bitterly.

Carter moved to stand at Serenity’s side. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled Serenity closer to him. “Don’t blame your sister. This was my idea.”

“Does Adam know?” Faith asked, pushing the question past her rapidly swelling throat.

“Faith, this—” Carter began, and Serenity tried to talk over him.

“Faith, he—”

Faith waved her hand through the air, cutting off their words. “Tell me the truth. Did Adam have any part in this plan?”

“Of course not,” Carter started, but Serenity began to shift nervously from one foot to the other. He paused, glancing over at her and her eyes darted away as she began wringing her hands. Faith’s eyes fell closed, shutting out the guilty look that was all too familiar to her. Faith covered her mouth with one hand while wrapping her other arm around her mid-section. She hoped against hope it would be enough to protect her against their combined betrayal.

“Faith, I think Adam really is in love with you.” Faith could hear the pleading note behind Serenity’s words but this deception was too much.

“I should’ve known Adam would figure this out, but you should’ve told me,” Carter said to Serenity, sounding hurt. Faith took advantage of the couple’s distraction and started blindly back toward the house. She almost made it to the door before Serenity caught up with her. She tugged at Faith’s arm, attempting to pull her to a stop.

“Please, Faith, I only wanted you to be happy.” Faith shrugged off her hold and continued walking.

“Goddamn it, Faith! Don’t you think I realize the price you’ve paid for me? I wanted to repay you for that and see you smiling for once.”

Faith drew up short at Serenity’s words, if for no other reason than Serenity never lost her temper, and her screeching caught Faith off-guard. Turning, she reached for Serenity and pulled her into a hug. Leaning away, Faith looked into Serenity’s tear-filled eyes and admitted the one truth Serenity had never understood. “I’m happy when you’re happy. If you’d called me and told me you’d married the love of your life, I wouldn’t have cared who it was, as long as you’re happy.” Even as it broke her heart, Faith was forced to add. “Even if that person had been Adam. I was ready to come here and see you smiling by his side because you are my baby sister. I love you that much. I will get over this, but it won’t be today.” Faith kissed her cheek and walked away, feeling numb. She knew Serenity had done what she had out of love, but Faith was tired of being life’s puppet while everyone else pulled the strings.


She didn’t know where she was headed but her car ended up in the Church of Holy Light’s parking lot sitting next to Tristan’s truck. This time she didn’t wait to find out if lightning would strike her dead as she entered the back door of the church. There was only a tiny moment of disappointment when it did not. When Tristan came into view, she almost changed her mind but he looked up and caught sight of her. With her opportunity to run gone, she moved to sit across from him. She wasn’t even sure why she’d come to him. In a strange sort of way, she’d never stopped thinking of him as her older brother. Tristan set his pen down on the table and leaned back in his chair. He remained silent, even as she stood again and began pacing the floor in front of his desk. She’d never been more grateful for anything in her life than she was for his silence. Finally, deciding she was acting like a madwoman, she dropped down into the chair across from his desk again.

“So, I found Serenity.”

“Is she okay?” he asked. The concern in his voice snapped her out of her haze.

“She’s married to Carter,” she told him without preamble.



“Adam’s father, Carter Monroe,
Carter?” he asked, as if he still couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Well, he wasn’t the only one. “Huh,” he grunted, pretty much summing up everything Faith was feeling.

“Does Adam know?” he asked after a moment.

Faith nodded. “Apparently, this was his and Serenity’s way of forcing me back into town. I guess we were supposed to have some grand reconciliation and live happily ever after.”

A knowing smile broke out across Tristan’s face. “You’re well and truly in it now, sis.”

Faith’s breath caught in her throat at the endearment. A swell of memories crashed over her. Tristan had always called her “sis” before Harmony died. She’d been so angry, bitter, and numb from the deaths of her sister and parents, she’d allowed herself to forget how much she’d loved him before that day. She’d chosen to forget how he’d tried to help her. She’d shut him down at every turn until he’d finally done the humane thing and given up. She recognized now how much it must’ve cost him. He lost his entire family that day as well.

“I’m sorry,” she blurted out.

A puzzled look crossed Tristan’s face. “For what?”

“For blaming you and for not realizing how much you must’ve suffered when Harmony died. I’m sorry for everything.”

Tristan looked away and she could’ve sworn he was blinking back tears. He cleared his throat before responding. “You had a right to your anger. I wish you didn’t always feel as if you have to do everything alone.”

Faith’s jaw began to ache from the pressure of clenching her teeth in a vain attempt not to cry. “I don’t know any other way,” she admitted.

“I know.” Tristan sounded patient. “You’ve never had anyone else take care of you, but you’re cheating the people who love you because you won’t allow them to show you.”

Faith closed her eyes and tilted her head back. She knew what Tristan was saying was the truth. She didn’t know how to change.


Serenity looked so out of place inside Hidden Gems that a hush seemed to fall over the crowd. Adam looked up from his desk at the change in the air. He jumped from his chair at the sight of her. His only thought was of Faith and how many different ways she’d kill him if she ever learned Serenity stepped a toe into this place. Rushing to her side, he grabbed her arm, and ushered her back outside. “Are you insane?” he asked, as soon as they hit pavement out front.

“Do you know what Faith would do to me—”

“She knows,” Serenity announced, cutting off his rant.

“She knows you’re here? I can’t believe that—”

“She knows
,” she stressed, cutting him off again.

As the words sank into his brain, even the tips of his fingers felt numb. If Faith knew everything, then it was over. She’d never forgive him for this.

“How?” he asked, unable to push anything more past his lips.

“Did you think she’d never figure it out?” Serenity countered.

“Of course, I knew she’d eventually know everything, but I thought I’d have more time to convince her to give me a second chance.”

Frustrated, Adam turned away from her and ran a hand through his hair. With his hands on his hips, Adam looked up at the night sky. His chest tightened painfully. “She’ll never forgive me for this one,” he said. “I know Faith. She’ll look at this from every angle, except for the one where I willingly made myself look like a jilted fool in front of the whole town to get one more chance.”

Serenity touched his arm, bringing his attention back to her. “Don’t forget, I’m the heartless bitch who left you standing at the altar and married your father instead.”

“I’ll tell people the truth. I would never let you become a pariah.”

Serenity snorted at his words. “I’m Mrs. Carter Monroe now. Do you think anyone would be stupid enough to snub me?” she asked, making him laugh despite the situation.

“No. I guess not.”

“The point is,” she continued. “We both love her enough that we don’t give a damn what this town thinks. She
to see that eventually. Faith isn’t blind. She’ll come around. I wanted to warn you. She’ll most likely be on a warpath until she does come around to our way of thinking.”

“Or she’ll disappear on me again,” Adam said, giving voice to his worst fear.

Serenity took on a fierce look at his words. “Not this time she won’t,” she growled. “I watched her sacrifice too much for me. She’s going to get her happy life whether she wants it or not.”

Despite the situation, Adam couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re going to make a great step-mom.”


It wasn’t until Faith was driving home from work that she decided how best to deal with Adam. He was always the one in control, manipulating events as he moved people’s lives around as if they were pieces on a chessboard.

It was time for him to learn what it was like to be held captive in someone else’s game. With her mind made up, she changed lanes and whipped a U-turn.

As Adam’s posh neighborhood came into sight, she almost lost her nerve, but the moment she was standing at his front door, she squared her shoulders and landed a solid knock before she could change her mind.

He smiled at the sight of her. The smile faltered and his greeting died on his lips as he took in the full picture. His gaze dropped to her feet before moving over her body and meeting hers. She knew what he was seeing. Dressed from head to toe in black, she didn’t for one second think it was her combat boots, cargo pants, or t-shirt that seemed to stun him into silence. However, the gun, badge, and handcuffs slung around her waist, most likely, had done the trick.

“I just got off work,” she explained.

He cleared his throat. “Um, okay.”

She wanted to laugh at his graceless response. Her courage surged. He was the man who was always two steps ahead, but for once, she’d unbalanced him. Taking pity on him, she added. “I work for the Nashville branch of Smith Security Services as an armed private security specialist.”

A bright smile lit his face. “You’re a bodyguard?”

“Pretty much,” Faith agreed.

Adam seemed to remember his manners and stepped aside. “Would you like to come in?”

She brushed past him as she entered the house, making sure to press as close to him as possible without actually touching him.

“You led me to believe you were still dancing,” Adam said, as soon as the door closed behind him.

Faith shrugged. “You thought what you wanted to think. Why should I have bothered to correct you? As it happens, after I walked out of Hidden Gems
I never danced again. Besides, you should’ve already known that, right?” she scoffed. “Or was it something that didn’t affect your plans to lure me back to town?”

He didn’t look surprised she knew, merely watchful, as if waiting for her next move in order to counter it.

“Well?” she asked, letting some of her irritation show.

“No. It didn’t factor into my plans. I want you. I don’t care about anything else. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

“I want to hear you’re sorry!” she said, losing the last bit of her calm. “I want to hear you say you didn’t consider me at all while you were attempting to take complete control of my life and future.”

Adam was shaking his head before she even finished speaking. “I don’t want to control you. Can’t you see
? I do things no normal person would do to be close to you.”

Faith snorted. “I don’t think you’re capable of handing complete control over to anyone.”

Adam smirked. “I have no problem allowing you to do all the work.” His sexual innuendo wasn’t lost on her, and she felt the seams of her plan coming together perfectly. Adam had never been able to resist an overture when it was handed to him.

“Prove it,” she taunted. “Strip down naked right now,” she ordered.

He seemed to freeze for a moment before a low chuckle fell from his lips. “Yes ma’am,” he said, giving her a mock salute.

Unclipping the handcuffs from her belt, Faith added, “And then, I’m going to chain you to the bed.”

Adam had already shed his shirt, but his hand froze on the zipper of his pants at her words. “You’re going to do what?”

Faith looked at him steadily as she answered. “I didn’t stutter. You’re going to get naked, climb into bed and I am going to handcuff you to the headboard.”

“What if I don’t have a headboard?”

Faith raised one eyebrow, showing courage she didn’t feel. She hadn’t really considered that tiny detail. “Are you saying you don’t?”

He smiled wickedly. “Of course I do.”

BOOK: A Splash of Hope
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