Read A Taste For Danger Online

Authors: K.K. Sterling

Tags: #Covert romance

A Taste For Danger (4 page)

BOOK: A Taste For Danger
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“Wow,” he said.

She tilted her head to look at him. “Yes, wow.” She didn’t smile, she simply started unbuttoning his shirt. Then she began kissing his neck. Jack could feel himself respond. He wasn’t

Cheryl took off her shirt and Jack unhooked her bra. Her breasts were like rockets. He immediately wanted to kiss her all over. They tussled with one another’s clothes on the couch. Then he slid his hand down her panties. She closed her eyes.

Jack pulled her closer, his hardness throbbing against her. His fingers inside caused her to begin to moan. Jack turned them both over so that he was on top.

Cheryl opened her eyes. “Oh, so you want control.”

“I want you.”

Moving down he suckled on her breasts while his fingers moved inside. Her eyes were closed again, and her muscles tensed. Moving down further, Jack flicked his tongue on her pussy while pinching her nipples. Cheryl groaned then grabbed his cock. She wanted him inside. She began moving her hand up and down on his cock and then towards herself. Cheryl was dripping, eyes still closed. Jack spread her legs and she moaned again. Cheryl bent her knees and wanting to wait no longer, he thrust inside. She gasped, and this time, it was Jack who moaned. “Oh my god, you’re so tight,” he barely managed to speak. He was moving in rhythm with her, kissing her nipples, stroking her inside with his cock.

Her long fingernails were on his back, digging in. He could feel them every time he thrust. She wriggled beneath him then he felt her reach around. Suddenly, she began to stroke the tender flesh at his perineum during each thrust. Surprised, Jack’s muscles began to push everything forward, an explosion inside about to happen. One more thrust and he yelled as she stroked. With no control, he came hard inside her. Groaning he slid over her, clasping her to him. Cheryl dug her fingernails deeper. He couldn’t stop coming. Finally, gasping for air, he slid out of her. She was watching him, smiling.

“Pretty proud of yourself, huh?” Jack said, still panting.

Cheryl smiled in return.

Jack moved down her once again, beginning to lick her little nub, fingering her inside, causing her to groan again. Still licking and pushing at her inside with his thumb, he moved his other hand around behind her. As he did this, she began to whimper. His fingers, full of her juices lightly touched around her anus while on the other side he continued licking her clit with a solid, steady motion. She arched her back as he moved. Sliding one finger around her anus he pushed harder inside her pussy with his fingers. She was moaning now. He knew she wanted to ask for more, but wouldn’t. Something about her character. As she arched again, moaning, he slid his finger around and then into her sweet little ass. Within five seconds her muscles tensed all over and she screamed, coming over and over, his fingers still inside her. Her screams began to turn into little whimpers, and then she lay like liquid in his arms. Slowly he removed his finger from around back. Cheryl arched at this and whimpered again. Then he removed his fingers gently from inside her. Cheryl gasped, much as he had just moments before. Her eyes stayed closed, and she made quiet little sounds. Jack stroked her hair. Finally, she opened her eyes and breathed a deep sigh.

After a few minutes went by and they both had time to collect themselves, Jack exclaimed, “Jesus. You made me scream like a little girl.” He washed up, threw on his boxers and from the side table, picked up a cigarette, and lit it.

Cheryl held his gaze. “They always do,” she said with a sly smile. She was lying on the couch naked, with her head propped on her arm.

Jack sighed. “Okay, for tonight can we just pretend we’re the only ones on earth?”

Cheryl smiled wider and looked at him with,
what was it...pity
? Still smiling she sat up and took the cigarette from his hand.

“I’ll tell you a secret,” she said, taking a long drag off the cigarette. She handed it back to him.

“Okay, go for it.”

“Mr. Hanes is just a figurehead.”

“Really? He’s not in charge of all the departments?”

Cheryl laughed, but not like before. This laugh was tight and sarcastic, almost a sneer.

“On paper he is.” She got up on her knees and faced him. “One thing you must learn, Jack, is the difference between paper,” here she kissed his right cheek, “and reality.” Then she kissed his left cheek. She waved her hand dismissively. “They bring in a stooge every two years to oversee the departments in name only. Headquarters actually oversees them, and each department head is really their own boss. Any, ‘Mr. Hanes’ who doesn’t play nice, isn’t around for long. That’s what happened to your friend Jerry Wilson.”

There was a surprise. Jack thought Jerry had worked in the same position he now held. However, allhe said was “I see.”

Cheryl palmed the cigarette back from Jack again. She took a puff as if luxuriating in it.

“I thought you didn’t smoke,” he said smiling.

“I don’t,” said Cheryl, serious.

Chapter Seven

In the morning Jack woke to the sound of his alarm. Looking around, he saw no signs of Cheryl.
When did she leave?
He’d had a couple drinks, but he hadn’t been that out of it.
I must have been really tired
, he thought. He surveyed his apartment. Something didn’t feel right. He hopped in the shower so as not to be late. Sometimes he had no time for his gut. Once out of the shower and in his work clothes he looked around the apartment again. Pizza boxes-check. Old bottles of bourbon and whiskey- check. T.V., lamps, furniture—check. Yet he still had that nagging feeling. Picking up his keys, he went to get his briefcase and stopped short. It didn’t look like it had been moved. He opened the briefcase. The papers looked normal. Nevertheless he wanted to slap himself for being so stupid as to not lock it. The briefcase sat there all night. Cheryl could have easily looked at the files.

Why am I being paranoid? I haven’t even seen the damn files yet.
And why would Cheryl want inside his briefcase anyway? Paranoid.
He blamed Cindy for it. But Cheryl was a shark all right. He just didn’t know what fish she was after. Jack grabbed the briefcase and hurried to his car. He made it to the office by a quarter to 8:00 a.m. The floor was already bustling and busy. The employees all worked different schedules, depending on their department.

He had just settled into his office and in came Cindy.
Damn woman is like a bulldog.
She reminded him even more of Carolyn.

“Before you say anything,” Jack explained quickly, “I didn’t get to the files last night.”

“You didn’t—” she was speechless. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. I’ll get to them tonight, I promise.”

Cindy glared at him, then came closer and said in an urgent whisper, “I can’t keep them out forever, you know. You have to read them tonight. Do you understand? Files are checked out and right now these are under my name. As head of H.R. it looks okay for a day, but not forever.”

Jack looked at the stress on her face and hung his head. He really was sorry to cause her all this trouble. “I really am sorry,” he said.

“Just read them tonight!” she whispered again. Then she was gone.

He hadn’t even turned his employee package into her, though he guessed a flunky existed somewhere on the floor for that purpose. He’d turn it in later. He wondered if Cheryl Wong was in then glanced at his briefcase once again. He hadn’t told Cindy about the possible breach, because he didn’t think she could take it. Honestly, he pictured her slamming her head against the wall.
Was she always this high-strung?
Then again, corporate malfeasance, especially from a company as old and solid as Devonshire, might make anybody high-strung. Poor kid. He’d make sure to read the files tonight, no matter what.

His phone rang. Jack stared at it like an alien. Who knew to call him here? He picked it up. “Jack, can you come to my office when you get a chance?”

It was Bob. Jack knew he was being asked nicely to come right now. “I’ll be right there.”
What now? I haven’t even gotten any work done on the real case.

When he entered his office, Bob no longer seemed the gregarious supervisor he met before. Instead, his face appeared strained. Jack took a seat in one of the chairs. His office mimicked Jack’s only with a little more space and a better view.

Bob rose from his seat and shut the door.

Oh crap.

“Jack,” he started, “there are few things we frown upon here. One of those is romance of any sort with a co-worker.”

Jack’s mind reeled.
How in the hell had Bob found out? Surely Cheryl wouldn’t have told him?

Bob continued. “Before you get all wired up, the other party in this matter did not say anything. No one said a word, and as far as I know, no one knows, either.”

Jack wanted to say “except you,” but his instinct in these situations was to never admit anything, so he stayed silent.

The two men stared each other down for a moment. Bob apparently expected Jack to say something. The stare-down contest became uncomfortable and finally Bob spoke. “Have I made the policy clear to you now?” He didn’t say it sternly, just as a matter of fact.

“Yes,” acknowledged Jack. “Co-workers should not fraternize beyond a certain point. Makes sense. Good to know.” There, he admitted nothing.

Bob sighed. “That’s all. I wanted to make you aware.”

“Thank you,” said Jack as he rose to leave.

“Jack—” called out Bob, as he started to open the door.

Jack turned his head back around.

“Be careful here. There are a lot of...things going on beneath the surface.”

“Thanks for letting me know,” said Jack to be polite. Bob seemed like a good guy, looking out for his best interests. He left the office.
There sure as hell were a lot of “things” going on beneath the surface. For one, if Cheryl didn’t talk, then how the hell had Bob known about the tryst?
Baffled, Jack made his way back to his office and closed the door for privacy. He would go over the docs Tom sent now. And he’d make sure to read Cindy’s files tonight.

He felt behind the eight ball and didn’t like the feeling.

By the time he opened his door again, Jack realized that he needed to interview several people. The documents Tom sent only made so much sense to Jack, as he still had no clue how this company worked. He dug into the pile building on his desk and took out the company manual. When he finished reading that, he still had no idea how the company worked. The manual was mostly H.R. stuff.
Who can I go to here for a rundown?

He stood up and stretched. He’d been hunched over his computer and desk for several hours. The clock said lunch time. He wandered the hallways and found someone to whom he could turn in his H.R. packet. He guessed he was official now.
But for how long?
To tell the truth, this whole job didn’t suit him. He was used to the streets, not some cubicle farm with innuendos about malfeasance, sex sharks, and apparently, embezzlement. He was brand new and already in it up to his ears. But Jack wasn’t the type to quit while on a job. He needed to solve the case.

He headed back to his office and picked up the phone.

“Yello!” blurted Tom.

“Tom, it’s Jack.”

“Did you get all the email files I sent over?”

“Yes I did, and I read them, but I would still like to speak with the CFO if that’s possible.”

Tom paused. “He’s out of the country right now. But I’ll give you a ring when he gets back and we’ll set something up.”

“Okay, thanks.” Jack hung up the phone. Well he couldn’t interview the CFO, but he needed to talk to some of the Heads here. Where to start? Victoria seemed friendly. He’d start with her. Then what’s-his-name in Accounting. He definitely needed to talk to him too.

Careful to lock his briefcase in the filing cabinet, Jack looked at his seating chart then headed over to Victoria’s office. She was on the phone, but motioned for him to come in.

Once again he plopped down in a visitor chair. Victoria’s time on the phone gave him a moment to assess her office. She had decorated much more than the other office’s he’d seen. She’d placed a rug over the carpet already there, inserted a frilly lamp obviously from her home, and hung pastel paintings on the wall. Several awards from Devonshire also graced her wall. Overall her office was very feminine. She finished the call, looked up at Jack and smiled.

“What can I do for you, oh new employee that has everyone out of whack,” she joked.

Jack smiled. He liked Victoria. She seemed like a straight-shooter, or at least acted like one. “As part of what I’m doing here I need to learn a little bit more about the company. I really don’t understand the whole business that you guys run.”

“That’s understandable,” said Victoria. “You’ve only been here two days and most people that take jobs here have been in the industry for decades.”

“That’s why I was hoping that I could maybe take you to lunch and get a cliff notes version of what Devonshire actually does.”

Victoria pursed her lips and leaned back in her chair. “Let me check my schedule.” She turned to her computer. “I have a meeting in a half hour,” she said, “but it’s not important and I don’t really want to go to it so, sounds good.”

“Do people here skip meetings often?”

Victoria laughed. “You really aren’t from the corporate world are you? You can tell how important someone or a subject is by whether people attend the meeting or not. This one for example is being called by Eddie in Accounting. I have no interest and don’t really need to be there. Then she leaned over and whispered, “He doesn’t get many people at his meetings.”

Jack got it. There was an internal pecking-order, regardless of rank. Victoria was telling him that Accounting and Edward were pretty low on the totem pole, and that she, by extension, existed somewhere higher. Unless the subject was important; but what was important to one Head might not be important to the group of Heads. Jack recalled again exactly why he hated desk jobs.

“But everyone attends Mr. Hanes morning management meeting...” offered Jack.

BOOK: A Taste For Danger
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