Read A Trap King's Wife 1 Online

Authors: Jahquel J.

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

A Trap King's Wife 1 (11 page)

BOOK: A Trap King's Wife 1
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              “So when are you going to sign them, Tiara?” Dyron’s mother asked, while we sat in the visiting room with Dyron, her and his sister.

              I looked at her and rolled my eyes. If I would have known this was a trick, so I could sign them marriage paper, I would have stayed my ass home. The whole ride his mother and sister lectured me on how I need to start acting like a mother and wife, and stop working at the club. How the fuck was I going to pay my bills? They weren’t helping me, and Dyron’s ass couldn’t either. Why did I have to marry him, because he wanted to get his self-caught up, and now jailed for ten years? I was still pissed that he was locked up and leaving me to raise our daughter’s alone.

              “She not taking this shirt serious, ma,” He said.

              My eyes almost bucked out my head. “I’m not taking it serious? You didn’t take my pregnancy series when you went and got yourself arrested, at our baby shower. I’m taking everything serious. Your mother and sister need to stay out my business. It’s funny how they all in my business now, but when we get back home I can’t find one of them, or hear from them,” I rolled my neck, clearly irritated.

              “Don’t start with me, Tiara, I’m not the one,” Bre warned, I put Joy across my lap and lightly patted her back, and turned toward her.

              “And I’m not either. You keep trying me like you didn’t see where I grew up. Just because I’m quiet don’t mean shit. You can still catch these hands,” I spat.

              Dyron’s eyes bugged out his head and he put his head down and laughed. He only saw that side of me when I was fed up. “Ight, Ight, we supposed to be family. Ma and Bre, go wait out there, while I holla’ at Tiara,” He ordered, and took Pride from his mother.

              “She aint touching me, I know that. Guess what bitch, find your own way back home,” Bre scoffed and walked away with her mother following her.

              “Why you tripping, Tee? I thought marriage is what you wanted,” He asked softly.

              “Yeah, when you were on the outside. I don’t want to be no prison wife,” I turned my nose up. I could tell it hurt him.

              “Yeah, you right. You should move on.” I had to strain my ears to hear what he said.

              “What did you say?”

              “You should move on, Tee. I don’t want to keep you from doing you. You’re a good girl, and any nigga that gets you will be lucky. I just want to build a relationship with my daughters. I found out about Dread. That nigga set me up,” He revealed. “You warned me about him, and I still did me anyway, now look where I’m at,” He kissed Pride’s little cheeks.

              “You will build a relationship with them. I will still put money down on your books and bring them to see you. It doesn’t matter if I’m in a relationship or not,” I said, with a tear falling down my cheek.

              No matter how I felt about Dyron, the fact remained that he was my first and the father to my daughters. I warned and begged him about Dread, and he still did what he wanted. A hard head makes a soft ass, and Dyron was the example. I don’t know if Dyron was out if we would still have been together, but I knew he would be out and providing for his daughters. I wouldn’t have to bust my ass at work, and come home to an empty bed every night.

              “Don’t rush into anything, Tiara. I know you; you wear your heart on your sleeve and you love hard. Not every nigga deserves that; give that to the right nigga, even if it aint me,” He reached for my hand.

              I wiped my tear and put my hand in his. Ten years was a long time, but I was willing to ride it out with him and our daughters. My daughters would be involved with their father and know him. Dyron had a lot of flaws, but he was loyal to a default.

              “I got you, Dee, I’m serious. Like I said no matter who comes and leaves my life, you will always have us. We’re a family. Do your time so you can come home.” I smiled.

              “Prisoners, visit time is over!” The guard yelled, startling Pride. She started crying and Dyron had to hand her over to me.

              “I’ll call you tonight, Tee. Later daddy girls,” He kissed the twins and kissed my forehead and headed to the back, where he would be stripped searched.

              I placed the girls in their car seat and headed back out to be searched on our way out. I reached the locker and got our stuff and went outside to get them in the car. I knew Bre and her mother would be on my case. The guard was nice enough to help me outside to the parking lot. I looked around and didn’t see Bre’s car. The guard placed Pride down and went back inside. I called Bre’s cellphone.

              “Where yall out?” I asked, looking in my purse.

              “On our way back to the city,” She nonchalantly replied, like she didn’t just leave me.

              “What? How am I supposed to get back to the city with two babies?” I asked, in a panic.

              “I don’t know, ask that smart ass mouth of yours,” She laughed, and ended the call.

              I sighed in frustration and struggled with my daughters over to the outside seating area. I couldn’t believe she would just leave me and her nieces like that. It didn’t surprise me though, but I would have thought her mother would have talked sense into her, but I was wrong. Both their ratchet asses deserved each other. I wanted to cry because every time shit was looking up for me, something bad always happened. My mother was working a double. I called Maddie to vent my frustrations before I called a cab.

              “Hey, girl, how was the visit?” she asked, cheerfully.

              “You don’t even want to know. Where are you?” I asked, hearing men in the background.

              “Oh, I’m in Miami with, John. Now, tell me what happened?” she probed.

              “Miami? When you coming back? Things with me and Dyron were interesting. First he mentioned that marriage shit, but then he realized he was bugging. He basically gave me his blessing to move on, but he wants to be a part of the girl’s life, which is what I want.”

              “Tonight, you know I can’t stay away long. That’s mature of him. The nigga has ten years, he need to let you be happy and move on,” She laughed.

              “I feel you, but his sister and mother were talkin’ all this shit and I had to shut them down. Dyron made them leave while he talked to me, and those bitches left me and are on their way back to the city,” I revealed.

              I heard her coughing violently, and John asking if she was good. “What!? When I see Bre’s ass I’m fuckin’ her ass up. How the fuck she leave you and her nieces stranded!” she yelled

              I was about to respond, but Jaeshawn came beeping on my other line. I placed Maddie on hold, and answered. Before I could say hello, I heard him ask. “Yo’ you good, Tiara?” 


              “Yeah, I’m fine, just irritated, because I’ll miss work,” I sighed, and crossed my legs.

              “Nah, don’t worry. I got you,” He assured, and I started to smile.

              “Don’t go out your way, Jaeshawn. It is fine for me to take a c—“

              “What prison you at?”

              “Adirondack Correctional Facility,” I replied.

              “Ight, stay right there,” He ended the call and I sat back waiting for his word. I didn’t bother to click back over because I knew John had called him on put him on that fast.




The fact that Tiara was stranded and with the twins had me upset. Who the fuck just leaves a woman with two children on their own? I handed Kaysha a stack, and hurried out the mall. She was yelling for me, but I had one track mind. I jumped into my truck. I called Roberto and told him to meet me at my private helipad near the ferry in lower Manhattan. He agreed to be there and have it fueled with a pilot when I arrived. I told Siri to give me some taxi numbers in the area of the prison. Once she did, I had her call them and waited for the dispatcher to answer.

“Brookdale cab,” The overly cheerful dispatcher answered.

“Yo’, fam’, I need a cab over to Adirondack Correctional Facility prison, where a woman and two babies are waiting, and I need the driver to wait with her at the nearest helipad,” I directed, as I drove in traffic toward lower Manhattan.

“Sure, that will cost mor—“

“Fam, money aint a problem. Soon as my helicopter lands, I got you on everything. One thing, make sure you send one of your best drivers because if I find out one of them fucked with her, I’ll fuck you and that cab station up,” I threatened.

“N…no problem, sir. I will take her myself,” He stuttered.

“Cool, take my cell number and update me on everything,” I insisted, and he listened as I rattled off my number.

I ended the call and pulled into the helipad parking lot. I hopped out and Roberto met me half way. We ducked into the helicopter and was lifted into the air. I put the headphones on and looked at the window at the New York City sky line, as we headed out the city. My mind was getting to Tiara and the twins quickly. The fact that her kid’s aunt left them high and dry pissed me off. I wanted to know who this bitch was, because I was sure going to have her ass dealt with. I sat back and waited until I could finally breathe easy.


Two hours later, soon as the helicopter landed, I hopped out and went to the black town car. Tiara got out and lifted her head from around the door. “Thank you so much, Jaeshawn. I really appreciate this,” She said, with tears coming down her eyes.

I knew she wasn’t crying because of the gesture, I could tell she was overwhelmed with everything that was going on with her life. She ran into my arms and broke down crying. I held her in my arms and kissed the top of her head. I was tired of seeing her cry, I wanted to see her smile, and walk around without a care in the world. I wanted her to raise her daughters without worrying about bills. I wanted her to pursue her schooling, without having to choose between her kids and work.

“You’re going to be good, ma’, I promise,” I kissed her forehead, again.

Sniffling, and wiping her nose on my shirt, she replied, “I’m so tired of fighting, Jae. If you didn’t come through for me, I was going to use my rent money. I’m sorry I sent you through all this trouble,” She sniffled, and stepped back.

“You didn’t put me through anything, I wanted to do this. Let’s get you home. You’re not working tonight, so you can relax and get yourself together,” I demanded and reached in my pocket and peeled off three thousand dollars for the dispatcher. “I appreciate this, good lookin’,” I said to the man.

“No problem, sir, if you need anything, let me know,” He said, happily.

“I’ll keep your number. My girl will be makin’ a lot of trips out here, and I’ll need a driver. I’ll call you bout’ that,” I said, and grabbed both Pride and Joy’s car seat.

“I’ll be waiting on that call,” He smiled, as wide tooth grin.

I carried both car seats to the helicopter and Roberto helped me strapped them safely in the seats. We put the headphones on their tiny heads, to protect their ears. I helped Tiara with her stuff before getting in and securing myself. The piolet took off up in the ear and Tiara grabbed my hand and put her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her small hand in my huge hands and kissed them. All she needed was to get some rest and she would be good.


              I carried the babies up the stairs to Tiara’s apartment as she continued to thank me over, and over. One thing about her, was she was very appreciative about anything someone did for her. It was hard to come by chicks like that nowadays. Women nowadays felt like men owed them something. For the right women who wasn’t selfish and was selfless, I would owe my life to. But bitches these days confused selfish and selfless too much.

              “I really appreciate this. I don’t know how I would have gotten home. Bre’s ass is cut off from my daughter’s life. I don’t give a fuck about them over there. They will not be a part of my baby’s life,” She ranted and grabbed one of them and bought her to the back.

              “You don’t have to keep thanking me, Tiara. That was foul what she did,” I agreed with her.

              “Right, just because I don’t want to marry her brother, and spoke my mind she wants to leave.” She ranted, and grabbed the other baby and went to the back. She came back still talking. “That bitch has an ass whipping coming from me, and if I don’t get her, Maddie will. Come in the living room,” She instructed, and plopped on her love seat.

              I sat next to her and took her feet into my lap. I took the Nike running sneakers off and socks, and started massaging her feet. The way she threw her head back and let little moans out the side of her mouth, I knew it felt good. I knew she was pissed because we both walked in her living room with shoes on.

              “What’s the catch?” She moaned, slightly.

              “What you mean?”

              “You’re too good, what is wrong with you, Bird?” She smiled, and turned her attention to me.

              I smiled, and continued to rub her feet. “Aint no catch. What you see is what you get. I’m a good man because that is how my mama raised me. I don’t believe in all that scrub ass shit, niggas be doing now,” I explained.

              She smiled and wiggled her toes. “Well, I appreciate your mother for raising you that way.”


              “What’s good with school?” I looked at her and she rolled her eyes and sighed.

              “Man, start classes tomorrow, but I think I’m going to pull out. But I got this far and I need graduate in May. I’ve been doing online classes, so I’m graduating early.”

              “Damn I’m proud of you, what next after that?”

              “Law school. I’m still figuring out how I’m going to pay for that.”

              “Stop worrying about stuff. You’ll be good, I promise.”

              I grabbed my phone, I had a text message come through. It was Kaysha and I wiped my face with my hand in frustration.

Umm, why did you just storm out like that? Come to my house, I wanna cuddle and I cooked.


              Kaysha was back on that bullshit again. Ever since earlier, now she been wanting to be all lovey dovey’, and I wasn’t feeling it. I ignored the text message and focused back on Tiara.

              “Baby mama problems, eh?” she smirked.

              “Why you so nosey,” I laughed and grabbed her.

              She giggled and pushed my hands off her. “Ugh, I’m so irritated about work. I needed these hours. I hate when I’m missing out on money.”

              “Don’t worry bout that. You need to worry about school and getting that taking care of, you hear me?”

              “Yeah, I guess.”

              “Nah, no guessing. I want to see that degree.”

              “I hope so. I’m getting tired, and I know I’ll be up soon feeing those two, so can we call it an early night?” She said, yawning.

              “Yeah, I’ll come by and holla’ at you tomorrow,” I agreed and headed toward the door. I had to go check Kaysha anyway.

              I kissed her on the forehead and headed toward my truck. John had sent me and 9/11 text, so I called him back.

              “What’s the word?”

              “Yo’ bird, house in Queens got torched and the house in the east, was hit for half a million. Them Jamaicans fucking with our money, son,” He informed me, and I hit the steering wheel.

              “Damn, Ight, have that cleaned up and we’ll handle it tomorrow,” I said, pissed I had took a loss on money.

              “That’s the plan, I’ll holla,” We ended the call and I headed the Kaysha’s house.











BOOK: A Trap King's Wife 1
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