Read A Vampire's Saving Embrace Online

Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

A Vampire's Saving Embrace (12 page)

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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“Who?” She quietly asked – although she was certain that she already knew the answer and a chill ran up her spine.

“Our dear
.” He shook his head, a bitter laugh erupting from his chest. “She had heard about my success and decided that is was high time that she got her fair share. She always was a greedy, selfish bitch. What I did not realize until much too late was that when she left us, she had taken to the bed of a vampire and had been turned . She had always harbored an interest in witchcraft and the dark arts – so I am fairly certain that it didn’t take her long to seek out the creature she needed to keep her eternally young. She depended on her looks to get what she wanted and would do anything to keep them. She was extremely beautiful and intended to stay that way. But after her sire was killed by another vampire that she had seduced and stolen from, she decided that she missed her
.” His voice dripped with venom and Abby’s hand lifted to cup his cheek tenderly – her thumb softly stroking his full, bottom lip.

“She turned you?” she asked in disbelief. My God! How could a mother do that?

Desmond nodded, his eyes gazing into hers as if he were looking into her very soul. “She said she missed her sons and wanted us to be a
again. The night she came back should have been the happiest in Marcus’s life, yet she turned it into a nightmare.” He murmured - his pain evident. “When she showed up at the manor, I demanded that she leave. I told her that she would get nothing from me and that we had no mother. She flew into a rage and stormed off. Marcus and I believed that we were well rid of her,” he took a deep, ragged breath. “We were wrong. She came back during the night to turn us into what she had become – but not before killing Marcus’s fiancé just out of spite.”

“My God, Desmond,” Abby breathed. Wanting so much to comfort him – yet having no idea how. For a mother to condemn her only two children to a life of darkness was unforgivable and Abby’s eyes filled with tears.

“It is done, my pet,” he assured her tenderly, his lips kissing the moisture from her eyes. “It is a past that I cannot change.”

“What happened to her?”

“When she realized that Marcus and I hated her even more for what she had done and that we would kill her at the first opportunity – she stole what cash and valuables she could find and disappeared once again, leaving us to fend for ourselves as she had when we were children. Having to accept and learn to live with what we had become. I discovered several years later that she had been killed when she tried to… shall we say,
of the wife of a vampire she had wanted to seduce. A very wealthy and powerful vampire who had no interest what-so-ever in my mother’s games. Who happened to be very much in love with his wife and would destroy anything or anyone who tried to do her harm.”

Abby was dumb-struck into silence. To think that a mother could betray her children so harshly without even a second thought caused a painful twist of her heart. And to think of the pain she had caused Desmond and Marcus was unbearable. And poor Marcus - to not only lose your life as you had known it, but to have your future wife slaughtered in the process. A shiver ran up her spine – her heart breaking for them.

“My God - I am so sorry,” she whispered, her eyes shining with tears and Desmond once again felt that strange tightening in his chest.

“There is no need for you to be, my pet,” he assured her – his lips lightly pressing themselves against hers and Abby once again felt that familiar heat coiling through her body. “As I said, it is the past. We cannot change what has already been done – no matter how much we wish to. ” She got a deep sense of regret from his words and silently wondered if he carried guilt over what he could not have prevented – and the thought wounded her. He could not blame himself for what had happened- but before she could try and reassure him - she felt his mood suddenly shift.

“Besides,” he murmured, his lips turning up in a smile as he pulled her astride him. “If I had not been turned - then I would not be here at this moment with you – I would be but a pile of dust.”

Abby straddled his hips easily, feeling him press intimately against her and a moan of pleasure slipped through her parted lips.

“That is a bright side,” she murmured, lowering her mouth to his as she braced her hands on his chest and slowly slid herself onto his throbbing erection.

Desmond growled deep in his chest, his hands gripping her tiny waist tightly as he bucked his hips upwards. Holy Christ, would he ever get enough? In a flash, Desmond turned them so that she was now firmly beneath him and he smiled wickedly.

“It is indeed,” he agreed as he began to move his hips – groaning when she matched his movements to perfection.


Chapter 6

Abby opened her eyes slowly, a thoroughly happy and content smile breaking out on her face. She sighed softly - absolutely glorying in the feel of Desmond’s strong arms wrapped tightly around her. It made her feel safe and secure and satisfied beyond anything she had ever imagined. She would never have thought that such a thing as waking up in someone’s arms could be so magical – yet this morning, she felt as if the world was just one big freaking Disneyland – and she just got off Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride! A giggle burst from her lips at the thought.

“Good morning, my pet,” Desmond murmured, gently kissing the top of her head as his arms tightened around her. “Am I missing something amusing?” He demanded quietly- his mouth set in a soft, yet completely smug smile that Abby found disturbingly sexy. Wow!

Her eyes slid closed and she sighed contentedly. “Not really. I’m just feeling exceedingly exuberant this morning.”

“Are you now?” He questioned with a chuckle - his brow raising. Turning on his side, he buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent deeply as his lips began to tenderly nuzzle her neck.

“Uh huh,” she whispered – those ever present butterflies taking flight in her stomach once again as his teeth nipped at the pulse in her throat. And there was a small part of her that wondered what it would be like to have him sink his fangs into her and drink. She was startled by the thought, but not in the least bit repulsed by the idea. It was as if there was something deep inside her that yearned for that connection to him. Almost as if she needed it.

Desmond’s hand slid down her body to the juncture of her thighs and he cupped her gently, causing a delighted moan to erupt from her which caused her to completely lose her train of thought. Oh Lord, his hands felt so good.

She wiggled beneath him, opening her legs ever so slightly and could feel his smile against her skin, which only served to cause gooseflesh to run up her body.

“I’m feeling quite
myself,” he murmured as his finger slipped inside her and she gasped. “Christ - you’re always so ready for me,” he groaned in awe against her throat. His mouth traveled down to her breast as his thumb pushed against her throbbing nub and he slid another finger into her, causing her to groan with need. She pushed her hips against his hand - urging him on.

Much too soon, Desmond removed his hand - chuckling softly when he heard her frustrated growl of protest. He shifted his body and stationed himself between her legs, his eyes locking with hers. “Patience, love,” he whispered. “I need to be inside you.” His softly spoken words were open and honest and his blue depths burned with hunger. “Are you sore, my pet?” he questioned, concern lacing his voice – praying that he could stop if she were – but he needed to be inside her so blasted badly. It was a primal, gnawing need.

The last thing he wanted was to hurt her - especially after having had made love to her all night - but he had to remind himself that she was human, which meant fragile.

Abby gazed up into his eyes and she shook her head – slowly moving her hips against his, her mouth curling up in an Angelic smile that tugged at something deep inside him - a part of him that had long since been forgotten.

He moved and joined their bodies, a low groan sliding from his lips as he did and Abby found herself groaning right along with him.

It felt so damn good to be filled by him, she thought dreamily as she wrapped her legs around his hips and moved beneath him, her body craving the explosive orgasm that was sure to come. Desmond thrust into her, his body relishing the silky warmth of her surrounding him as her muscles began to contract and tighten.

His mouth devoured hers as the first tremors began to assault her body and he quickly followed in her stead - hissing between his teeth as he stiffened and poured himself into her.

He held her to his chest as he turned over onto his back – kissing her temple. “What a perfect way to wake,” he murmured softly and Abby nodded in agreement - a happy sigh rushing past her lips. “Are you hungry?” he finally asked.

As if in response, her stomach grumbled loudly. “Oh cripes, how embarrassing,” she laughed, utterly mortified. “I guess I burned off everything that I ate yesterday.” Her cheeks turned a bright red at the memory of their marathon lovemaking session, and a moment later she heard Desmond laugh, his chest rumbling beneath her.

“And a more pleasant way to do so - I cannot think of.” He kissed her deeply - his mouth cherishing hers before he groaned and reluctantly threw back the sheets and got out of bed.

Abby marveled at the absolute beauty of this man as she watched him pull on his pants. He didn’t bother with his boots or a shirt – or underwear for that matter, she thought with a wicked grin – and headed for the door. His spectacular, muscular form making her breath-less with each step he took. Looking back he gave her that grin. “Stay put,” he warned, although his eyes twinkled with humor and she again was absolutely floored by how devastatingly handsome he was. “I believe breakfast in bed is called for.”

Abby watched him leave, her eyes sparkling happily - and lunch and dinner… She sighed and burrowed herself under the covers – completely content.

As Desmond walked into the kitchen, he was greeted by Luke and Marcus standing at the island, their heads together -deep in conversation.

They both looked up as he entered. “How’s Abby?” Luke asked, his brows furrowed together with concern.

“She’s doing well,” he replied, the tiniest of smiles playing across his lips. Thinking of that gorgeous creature upstairs waiting for him- it was all he could do to keep himself from grabbing a few bagels and heading right back up the stairs two at a time.

Luke and Marcus exchanged a quick glance- their lips turning up in amusement. Desmond noticed the exchange with the slightest bit of pride.

“Is there a problem?” he asked, although his tone held absolutely no anger.

Who the hell was he kidding, he thought with a shake of his head – he was damned happy, and their amused looks were not bothering him in the least.

“Not at all,” Marcus answered, looking at his brother’s lack of shirt or shoes with a grin. “We were just trying to figure out what our next move should be.” He explained, not wanting to ruin his brothers mood. He had not seen Desmond this relaxed since before they had been turned, and he was not about to spoil it for him.

Over the past few days, he had heard his brother’s laughter in the house as he hadn’t in…he hesitated, realizing that he had not heard Desmond laugh - not in a very, very long time, and his only wish was for his brother to find happiness.

Desmond had come back to the manor that night so many years ago, on the verge of death – and after having been away for decades, and Marcus had seen the sorrow surrounding him - the remorse and self-loathing.

After he had recovered, he had spent the next twenty odd years locked away in this house – having to deal with the guilt of being Obilex’s killing machine. His brother was just too damned honorable for his own good. He deserved happiness after so much pain and death. Although he knew that he didn’t feel he deserved it.

“I trust that the pack is well?” Desmond asked, going to the refrigerator and pulling out a carton of eggs, some goat cheese and a bag of blood.

He poured the blood into a glass and gulped it down quickly, surprised at how hungry he had actually been, and guessed that it wasn’t just Abby who had burned off everything that they had eaten – and the thought only caused his smile to widen.

“Caleb was bruised up a bit,” Luke replied with a laugh. “A couple of minor cuts, and now he’s bragging to anyone and everyone who will listen, that he has battle scars fighting alongside the infamous Desmond LaGrange.”

Caleb was the youngest member of Luke’s pack - at only seventeen. He was new to the way of the Were’s and was still learning - but there was absolutely no deterring him from helping where Desmond was concerned. Caleb had a whole hero worship thing going on with the Vampire that Luke found quite amusing. Although if truth be told, Luke thought with a shake of his head – his whole damn pack worshiped the ground Desmond walked on.

He had given them structure and a place to call their own when no one else would, and even though Were’s and Vampires were supposed to be sworn enemies - Luke and his pack considered him not only a friend, but a brother and would gladly fight to the death for him.

BOOK: A Vampire's Saving Embrace
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