Read Addicted to You Online

Authors: Renita Pizzitola

Addicted to You (10 page)

BOOK: Addicted to You
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Chapter 12

Over the next few days, I'd decided to focus on getting ahead on school assignments. Not because I had any exciting plans for, well, the rest of ever, but I had nothing better to do at the moment. Colby and I finally seemed to be back on track friendship-wise. I was trying hard not to overthink the Landon situation. And I didn't want to dwell on the Luis and Dad party takeover either. The best thing to do was keep my mind busy with school. After all, the semester would wrap up in a few weeks and finals would be here before I knew it.

As I sat on my bed with my laptop, working my way through a review, my phone rang, and considering work was the only place that didn't just text, I reluctantly picked it up, having no desire to fill in for someone again. But to my surprise it was Felicity.


“You called,” I blurted, and she laughed.

“I know I'm the world's worst friend lately, but the studio expansion has become a full-time job. Add in school…well, you know how it goes.”

“That I do.”

“So I want to catch up and hear about everything that's been going on, but before that I wanted to say I'm so sorry I won't be able to make it to your grandma's party.”

“Wait, what?”

“Um, the invitation? Nice, by the way. A text would've sufficed,” she teased, “but this is very impressive.”

“I didn't send it.”

“Oh. Um, was I not…”

“No, I mean of course I want you there, but I'm not the one who planned the party.”

“Oh, that makes sense, your grandma has so many friends—”

“My dad.”

“Your dad?”

“Yep. Out of nowhere. Decided to plan it all. And, to be honest, I have no idea how he even got your address.”

“Wow. So will that be weird, considering you haven't seen him in what…two years?”

“He's actually not coming. Off on business. He's sending Luis.”

“Oh.” She got quiet, knowing my relationship with my brother was even more strained than the one with my dad.

“So you mind filling me on the details of the party? Because I don't know any of them.”

“Isla…I'm so sorry. And I'm sorry I haven't been around more for you. Here you've been going through all this—”

“I slept with Colby.”

“Wait, what?”

“As in sex.”

“Yeah, I figured as much, but why don't you sound happier about it?”

“I thought it was good but it completely screwed up our friendship and it took weeks to repair and it's still a little awkward and now Landon keeps giving me gifts.”

“Okay, Landon? You kinda lost me.”

“Welcome to my world.” I sighed and stared up at the ceiling. “I feel like my life is playing out in front of me and I have no control over where it's going next and it all started with the night I slept with Colby.”

“Well, let's start there. How did that go?”

“It was amazing. Great. Hot. Everything I'd hoped for. I can't stop replaying it in my mind. And call me crazy but I think he might have felt the same way, but he's so damn hot and cold. I don't know what he wants.”

“Typical Colby. Never really one to take charge.” She made a little sound of annoyance then asked, “And what's this about Landon giving you gifts?”

“He bought me flowers one day, chocolate croissants from Lucy's another. He's always had a good justification, but, well, some customers thought he was my boyfriend. Or trying to be.”

“I really have no explanation for that without seeing it myself. What do you think? Is he interested?”

“I honestly have no clue.”

“Would you be interested?”

Now that was a good question because my gut response was no. But when I thought of my reasons, the only one I had was Colby—but if there was never to be anything between us, was my reasoning still valid? “I can't be interested in a guy whose brother I had sex with.”

“Well, technically you
but I see your point.”

“And then there's the party thing—well, you know more than me, considering I didn't even get an invitation.”

“While I'm honestly surprised they're involved in it, I'm not surprised they've taken over.”

“That's putting it lightly. They never even discussed it with me. Just texted a few days ago. I don't even know if Grandma knows, and I haven't brought it up because I have no idea what I'd even say, considering how little I know myself.”

“I'm sorry. What a mess.”

“No kidding.”

“I'm really sorry to do this, but I have to get going. I'm supposed to be back at the studio in ten minutes and I need to get changed.”

“Oh, no problem.”

“Text me whenever. You shouldn't be dealing with this stuff alone. I may not get back to you right away but I'm always here to at least listen.”

“I know, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just know how busy you are and it never seemed right to drop on you when you were in the middle of something.”

“Like I've never done that to you!” She laughed. “That's what I'm here for.”

“Thanks, Felicity.”

After we hung up, my phone chimed with a text.

Off tonight. Having a get-together. Come over?

Landon. Short. Sweet. And to the point.

But before I gave an answer I shot a quick message to Taylor, who agreed to go and, best yet, offered to be designated driver, so I could even have a few drinks. Which at this point, I really could use.

But first things first. The perfect outfit needed to be chosen.

After several outfit changes, I finally settled on a cranberry-colored shirt, thanks to the one time Colby had said—rather off-handedly—that red looked good on me.

My phone started buzzing just as I applied a final coat of mascara. I glanced at the screen. Taylor was parked out front. I crammed all my makeup back into the bag then called out, “Grandma.”

“In the kitchen.”

I popped my head around the corner. “I'm heading to Colby's.”

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, her floral perfume filling the air around me. “Be safe,

“Always.” I smiled. “Call me if you need anything.” I turned, grabbed my purse off the couch, then headed outside to meet Taylor.

“Hey,” she said as I slid into the passenger seat. “Cute top.”


“Sooo.” She grinned. “Can I ask who the guy is?”

“What do you mean?”

She chuckled. “That you got all cute for.” When I didn't respond, she went on. “Hair, makeup, outfit.” She pointed to each as she named them. “Full package.”

“Oh, uh, no one.” I glanced down at my top. “I practically live in my Eddie's uniform. Just feels nice to dress up.”

“Okay.” She laughed again. “So can I guess?”


“Who it is.”

“It's no one. Really.” Which was only a partial lie, because even though I wanted Colby to notice that I looked good, nothing would come of it. Which was a good thing, now that we'd finally managed to get back to being just friends. It wasn't exactly the place I wanted to be, but I'd take it over the messy place we'd been post-hookup.

She laughed. “Okay, by the end of the night, I'll make my guess. If I'm right, you tell me. If I'm wrong, you can keep up the ‘no one' story.” She grinned and I caved.

“Fine. Take a guess. But you won't be right because there's
no one.

“If you say so.” Her smiled widened. “This will be fun.”

“Oh my god.” I laughed. “There's no one! Really.”

“Hey, I'm the DD. Let me have fun where I can find it.”

“That's true. Okay, tell me what you see. This could be fun for me too. You'll be so off base, it could get interesting.”

We pulled in front of Colby's house and parked behind another car along the curb, since his driveway was full. From the looks of it, most of the guys had decided to stop by tonight. Which was probably a good thing. It'd keep Taylor guessing. Last thing I needed was her realizing how hopeless I was over Colby. I trusted her to not blab it all around if she did figure it out, but what if she slipped or told Matt? Or worse yet, what if she asked one too many questions, and stumbled upon the knowledge that Colby and I had slept together? The last thing I needed were rumors followed by interrogations. Everyone knew I wasn't a good liar. The truth would be out in no time.

“And don't worry.” She smiled as she opened the driver door. “This is between you and me.”

It was as if she'd read my mind. Though I still wasn't sure that she wouldn't confide in Matt, I appreciated her offering to keep it secret. “Thanks, but really, nothing's going on.”

“If you say so; guess we'll see tonight.”

I shook my head and laughed as we made our way to the porch. When it came to a party, no one knocked, so I swung open the front door just in time to see some sort of beer drinking competition in full swing.

Five guys, including Landon and Colby, were gathered around the table as they each chugged a beer. Landon slammed his empty can down then pumped his fist in victory. He was followed closely by Colby and Matt, then the other two.

“I think you cheated.” Colby wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Got an early start or something.”

“Want to go again?” Landon offered with a smug smile.

“Nah. Once is enough for me.” Then as if sensing someone had entered the room, he glanced over his shoulder and locked his eyes on me.

His gaze drifted down, then back up, and he smiled. Except it wasn't his normal smile. It was this ridiculously sexy half smirk that suggested Colby had been drinking for quite a while. “Hey.”

I tried not to laugh as I responded. “Hey there. Having fun?”

“Not really.” He turned around, fully facing me, and his smile widened. “I lost.”

“Because I kicked his ass,” Landon shouted.

A quick glance at him confirmed he'd also done more than his fair share of drinking.

“Well, you guys got started early,” I said, biting back a smile. “Um, save anything for me?”

“Of course.” Colby was still giving me a slightly dopey but super adorable grin. “I've got whatever you want.”

“Wait, wait, wait. I got this.” Landon turned to the kitchen. “Let the professional handle it.”

Colby slowly turned to Landon, his smile fading as he tracked his brother's movements. Apparently the world was in slow motion for him. I stifled a laugh. A drunk Colby was pretty hilarious when I was sober.

“Whatcha' girls feel like drinking?” Landon called back as he stared into the fridge.

“I'm fine with a beer,” I answered.

“Beer? That's not exciting. I was all ready to whip you up something.” He shifted his gaze to Taylor. “What about you?”

“I'm driving.” She shrugged. “Sorry.”

Landon looked a bit heartbroken.

My laugh finally broke free. “Okay, make me a drink. Anything you want. Surprise me!”

He expression brightened and he pointed at me. “You will love this.” Then he spun around and got to work.

Still smiling, I shook my head. That boy was all sorts of crazy tonight.

While he was busy showing off his bartending skills, Taylor and I said hi to the rest of the guys, including her brother, Brandon, who hadn't been around much lately. Hopefully it didn't cause any awkwardness tonight, but he seemed to be genuinely okay with his friend dating his younger sister.

We'd just finished making our way through the small crowd gathered outside when Landon appeared in the doorway with a glass raised in one hand. “Best. Drink. Ever.”

Forcing back a smile, I crossed my arms. “Hmm, shouldn't I be the judge of that?”

“Well, yeah, of course. But that's just what I named the drink. Best Drink Ever. I mean, it may taste like shit, but when people say ‘Hey, that looks good. What is it?' you'll have to answer, ‘best drink ever.' ”

The guys laughed and Landon's grin widened at their approval.

“Okay, okay. Let's see if it lives up to its name.” He handed me the glass and I took a sip, fully aware I had an audience. The first thing that hit me was coconut mixed with something tangy, like pineapple or orange juice. There was also a hint of fizziness, like he'd used some type of carbonated drink, but then I was smacked in the face with the vodka. All in all the drink was good but, whoa, it burnt going down. I coughed a bit as the residual flames licked at my throat, then finally gave Landon the thumbs-up. “Has a kick, but overall…” I winced and cleared my throat again, “…it's good.”

His eyebrows pushed together and he stared at the glass. “Maybe I didn't stir it well. I tasted it…twice. I couldn't taste the vodka at all.”

“Maybe it has something to do with all the beers you've been shotgunning?”

He nodded. “Good point. Want me to add more juice?”


He chuckled and reached for the glass. “No problem.” He disappeared back into the house and suddenly I was tugged into someone's lap.

I practically stumbled, then regained my footing and stared directly at Colby. Not even sure where he'd come from.

“I've been thinking.” His words weren't quite slurred but he did seem to take extra long to get them out. “About you and me.”

Oh shit. A quick glance around confirmed at least five guys were in earshot.


My back stiffened. Great idea. Wrong time. This conversation so couldn't happen now.


He shushed me. “I think we'd be great together as captains.”

What the hell? “Like of a boat?”

He laughed. Hard. “Team. Captains of a team.”

“Oh, okay…” A drunk Colby probably didn't need to make sense if the conversation wasn't diving into private territory. Might as well just let him babble.

BOOK: Addicted to You
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