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Authors: Calista Fox

AdonisinTexas (7 page)

BOOK: AdonisinTexas
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When she couldn’t stand the sharp stabs between her legs a
second longer, she gripped the hand on her breast and guided it down to the
apex of her legs. Through the thick satin, he rubbed her pussy lips as his
mouth grazed her throat, his teeth lightly nipping.

“Ryan,” she muttered, hearing the tension in her voice. The
plea for release.

His gaze met hers, his blue eyes clouded by passion and his
obvious, contradictory need not to push her boundaries. “Are you sure?”

A strangled cry slipped out. She said, “You have no idea how
restless you make me. How desperately you make me want to feel your hands and
mouth on my body.
.” She gave him a pointed look. Being a
virgin did not preclude her from knowing what she was getting herself into.
She’d read plenty of naughty books and knew there were many, many ways a man
could pleasure a woman.

Ginger wanted to experience them all…with

Chapter Four


Ryan’s adrenaline was already pumping at max capacity. His
cock strained against the fly of his pants and his gut was so twisted in knots,
it was a wonder he could even think straight. Everything inside him felt tight
and fiery. And his heart… It hadn’t beat normally since Friday night.

Yeah, he was way in over his head with Ginger. From the
moment he’d laid eyes on her while sitting at the window in the diner, he’d
found it damn difficult to curb his desire for her. Or slow his raging pulse.
Or calm the riotous emotions colliding within him, tightening his chest, gut
and groin.

She had him thinking crazy thoughts, along the lines of how
he could spend every night for the rest of his life with her. How he could come
home from work to find her in something lacy or satiny, waiting for him with a
glass of wine and a smile on her beautiful face. How he could begin every
evening cuddling and kissing on the sofa before whisking her off to bedroom to
make love to her all night long.

He’d do the dishes. He’d take out the garbage. Whatever he
had to do to free up her time so she could spend it with him.

He was a goner emotionally, he’d pretty much deduced that
from the onset. Even when they were kids, he’d had a soft spot for her. He’d
felt protective of her and had always wanted to do what he could to help her
out. She’d always been in the back of his mind, even long after he’d graduated
and left Wilder. And when he’d returned… That first night at her shop when he’d
stared into her big green eyes and had seen the pain, the anger and the fear in
them, he’d been furious someone had hurt her and he’d instantly designated
himself her protector.

But now she wanted more than kissing and light foreplay. He
didn’t think she intended to go further than him fulfilling a need for her, nor
did he intend to make love to her tonight. For one thing, he didn’t have a
condom and he seriously doubted she kept her own stash, given her virginal
status. Plus, he really didn’t want to rush sex with her.

Yet as her eyes beseeched him to take the edge off, he knew
he couldn’t deny her. Hell, he wanted to touch her as badly as she seemed to
to touch

With a low groan—because he knew how out of his mind she’d
make him—he lightly grasped a fistful of satin and pulled it up until the
material pooled around her waist.

Her fingers were still threaded through his hair and her
eyelids fluttered closed. Ryan’s gaze shifted to her lace thong, which matched
her gown in color.

“Jesus, Ginger,” he ground out. The sight of her stole his

His fingers brushed along her inner thigh and her flesh
quivered beneath his touch. Her breathing was already choppy, but she sucked in
a sharp gulp of air as his hand covered her, the heel massaging her clit as his
fingers rubbed her opening through the lace.

His head dipped and he took a perfect, plump, dusty rose
nipple between his lips, teasing it with his tongue. Her soft panting echoed
all around him as he brushed aside the triangle of material at the heart of her
and slid his fingertips over her dewy flesh, slowly stroking her small lips as
her body trembled and her fingers tightened around strands of his hair.

“Ryan,” she said, her voice raspy. “Oh God, that feels so

He released her nipple and stole a glance at her pussy. The
pink lips, the bare skin, the tight little hole. Pressing two fingertips to her
swollen clit, he rubbed it in a slow, circular motion as she gasped from the
shock of the intimate touch. Her hips jerked and she clamped down on her bottom
lip. As he picked up the pace, she released it to accommodate the harsher
breaths slipping from her opened mouth.

Ryan’s groin tightened and his need to pleasure her
escalated right along with his raging pulse.

She was so sweet, so soft, so damn pretty. He wanted to give
her everything her heart desired. To hell with what anyone had to say about it.

His fingers skated over her slick lips and then targeted her
clit again, this time with a bit more pressure and a quicker tempo. She
wriggled on the seat and her breathy moans heightened his arousal. Ryan stared
down at her, her eyes closed, her lips parted, her chest heaving. With her long
blonde hair framing her face, she was absolute perfection in his mind.

His tongue slid over her collarbone and then he kissed her
jasmine-scented skin.

“I want to show you how good this can feel,” he whispered
before his lips slid along the full swell of one breast as a finger eased
inside her pussy.

Ginger’s body bowed off the sofa as a sharp moan escaped

“Ryan.” One hand remained in his hair, the other gripped his
shoulder. She shuddered as her breath came in heavy pulls. “Oh God.”

His gaze locked with hers when she opened her eyes. Desire
and excitement swirled in her emerald irises, spurring him on. He stroked her
slowly and watched the pleasure and the need for more of what he had to offer
flicker across her lovely face.

Pressing the pad of his thumb to her clit, he massaged it
quickly as he pushed deeper into her pussy, making her gasp. Finally tearing
his gaze from hers, he bent his head to her breast and tongued her nipple while
she writhed and moaned.

Her hips lifted and he caressed her inner walls with a
faster pace, delving deeper. She was driving him crazy with her breathy pants
and her strong, uninhibited response to his ministrations. He felt the tension
in her body, heard the ecstasy in her moans. Suckling her nipple made her
squirm even more, in a restless, in-desperate-need-of-release way.

Ryan was more than happy to oblige. He flicked his tongue
over her nipple once more and then murmured, “Come for me. With my hands and
mouth on your body. I want you to come, sweetheart.”

She let out ragged pants of air as he stroked her faster,
more forcefully.

“Oh that’s so good,” she told him in a strained tone. “Just
like that.”

He pumped his finger in and out of her as his thumb
continued to rub her clit.

“Ryan,” she whispered his name again, making his own body

Giving her pleasure pleased him. Turning her on turned
on. It was as simple as that. As tremors rocked her body, he worked her more
aggressively, wanting to give her everything she needed.

Her fingernails bit into his shoulder, but it was an erotic

“Let go, Ginger.”

“Oh yes. Oh God yes.” Her hips bucked and her pussy squeezed
his finger. Her back arched and she let out a sharp cry of ecstasy as she came.
Her body tensed and then quaked as she clenched him even tighter. “Ryan!”

“That’s it, sweetheart. Let it all go…”

Her body vibrated and her pussy held his finger captive for
several long seconds. When her orgasm finally began to ebb, she released him
and he grunted softly.

“That was hot, sweetheart. You got me all worked up.”

?” she asked in a hoarse voice. “I’m the one who
came so hard I shook the rafters.”

“Not yet,” he said with a wink. “I’ll have to put some extra
effort into it.”

She laughed and stretched languidly. “Really, you think you
can top that? Because I’ve got to tell you, it was amazing.”

He kissed her tenderly, then said, “You haven’t seen my best
moves yet.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, keeping him in place, she
told him, “So far, I’m ridiculously impressed. But don’t hold back because of
my lack of experience. I’ve studied up some.”

His brow lifted. “Oh?”

“Mm-hmm. I’ve got a few sexy books hidden amidst the more
conservative ones on my shelves.”

He hooked his forearm under her knees again and lifted her
into his lap. Then he stood, with her in his arms. “Good to know. But there are
some things books can’t prepare you for.”

She groaned dramatically as her arms flopped and her head
fell back while she stared up at the ceiling. Point made, she then snuggled
close to him again. “I know there’s going to be a little pain associated with
the pleasure. We were both in Sex Ed together, remember?”

“Yes, but I’m not just talking about your virginal state.”

Ginger was quiet a moment, then said, “You’re talking about
my size. Hmm. I hadn’t thought of that.”

“You are tiny, sweetheart.” He entered her room and placed
her gently in the middle of her king-size bed. Stretching out beside her, he
dropped kisses on her temple as he muttered, “And you’ve got a very tight

With a hand on his chest, she pushed him onto his back and
sprawled partially across him. She stared down at him and her voice turned
challenging. “You think I can’t accommodate you, stud?”

The playful look in her sparkling green eyes did all kinds
of crazy things to his insides.

“I’m just saying it’s going to be a snug fit.” Slipping one
finger inside her had made him worry over hurting her. But she’d been so wet
and slick, he’d eased right into her.

She brushed her fingertips over his lips as she said, “I get
the logistics.” Her expression turned serious as she added, “If you don’t want
to make love to me because you’re afraid you’re going to hurt me, that’s gonna
be a problem. Because I really, really want you.”

He let out a sharp grunt. “You have no idea how much
. And not making love to you, particularly tonight, is all about
not having a condom, and wantin’ to take things a bit slower.”

Her teeth briefly sank into her lower lip. Then she said,
“Okay, I’m definitely an idiot. I didn’t even think about the condom.” Her
eyelids squeezed shut…but fluttered open as he kissed her forehead.

“Wouldn’t expect you to be thinking about it. I didn’t come
here tonight with the intention of making a move on you. We were going to have
dinner and I was going to keep you company so you didn’t jump out of your skin
at every noise you heard outside.”

“Wow,” she said, astonishment on her face. “I forgot all
about those guys. Geez…” With a self-deprecating laugh, she told him, “You
completely distract me with your hunky body and pretty blue eyes.” She smiled
sweetly at him as she added, “And I feel so safe with you. Those jerks couldn’t
possibly get close to me when you’re here.”

“I’m still hoping they high-tailed it out of town, since
today was the last day of the rodeo. I really can’t imagine them hanging
around. But in case they do, I want to make sure you’re—”

“Hey,” she said, instantly cutting him off. “I totally
appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I mean, you really saved my ass on
Friday. But if anything happens to me, it’s not on your head, Ryan.” She gave
him a pointed look. “I can see how protective you are and that you’re
constantly worried about my size. But you can’t take responsibility for the
fact The Powers That Be failed to give me longer legs and a sturdier frame.”

He opened his mouth to respond as his head came off the
pillow, but she pressed a finger to his lips.

“With regard to the latter,” she said in a stern tone, “I
may be small, but I am not fragile. So don’t you dare treat me that way.”

His head dropped back to the pillow. “You can’t quite
understand where I’m coming from, sweetheart.”

With a hollow laugh, she said, “Oh please. I’d load a
science and a math book in my arms and you’d immediately swoop in to carry them
for me, as if the extra weight might tip me over. When I tried out for the
cheer squad, the advisors told me I was a great dancer, but all the girls had
to do flips and they were too afraid I’d break a frail bone, despite the fact I
could do back handsprings around every one of their chosen girls. I’m
a liability,” she said, tears suddenly filling her eyes.

She moved away from him so swiftly and unexpectedly, he
couldn’t pull her back. Slipping from the bed, she tugged on the lace of the
bodice of her nightgown, moving the material back into place.

“Hey,” he said as he rolled onto his side, propped his elbow
on the mattress and rested his head in his palm. A very unassuming position, he
hoped. “I never called you that.”

She stood in the middle of her large bedroom and planted her
hands on her hips. “How can you not think it after Friday night?”

“And how many times has that situation happened to you,
Ginger?” he asked, keeping his tone level.

Drawing in a deep breath, she held it a moment before slowly
letting it out. With a somewhat defeated look on her face—because he’d sapped
the wind from her sails—she said, “Never.”

“Well, there you go.”

She sank onto the bench that ran the width of her bed. The
entire decor was soft and sensuous, all in creamy ivory and rich chocolate.
Sophisticated and luxurious rather than girly.

Ginger said, “My entire life, people have naturally wanted
to take great care with me. I’m not unappreciative, mind you. But I don’t want
you holding yourself accountable for my lack of…” She shook her head as though
trying to find the right word. A hand swept along the front of her as she
settled on one. “

Ryan grinned. “Trust me, there’s plenty of substance there.”
His gaze landed on her enticing chest, which made her laugh, despite her
intense diatribe.

Standing, she moved around to the side of the bed and
climbed back into it. He pulled her to him and she snuggled alongside him.

Not discounting anything she’d said or how she felt, he told
her in an earnest voice, “You think you have all these shortcomings because
you’re petite. I, on the other hand, find your curvy little body and sexy
assets appealing. I also admire your spunk and your contradictory intensity.
And the fact you never let anyone keep you down—be it by way of reducing your
shop to ashes or robbing you. All of these things, Ginger, make me admire and
respect you. And want you even more.”

BOOK: AdonisinTexas
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