aHunter4Rescue (aHunter4Hire) (26 page)

BOOK: aHunter4Rescue (aHunter4Hire)
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tried to mind connect, but there was only confusion and darkness. He sent her
thoughts of healing and love. It was all he could do until they could get the
medical attention she needed.

Firbin’s voice was taut. They were still in military mode.

border is out.” Catal pulled a map from his pocket. “We have a safe house about
an hour west.”

needs a doctor.” Ardal kept his voice low.

Catal turned to look at him. “The safe house has
all the supplies we need.”

looked down at Fiona. She could have been sleeping; her body relaxed in his
arms, her breathing steady, but shallow, her heart beat slow, but strong. The
man in him wanted to get her help. The leader knew the escape and safety of
everyone was his main concern. The quicker that was accomplished, the safer
Fiona would be. He nodded to Catal.


grunted and then leaned toward Firbin to give directions.

that moment Fiona groaned.

breath caught in his throat as he willed her to waken. Her eyelids fluttered
and then opened. His hand shook as he brushed a few strands of hair away from
her face. She stared up at him and then smiled.

knew you’d come.” She yawned and then snuggled closer. “He gave me a shot of
something. I’m sleepy.”

are safe.” Ardal’s voice was a hoarse whisper.

let me go.” Fiona’s eyes fluttered shut, but her last words were audible for
all to hear. “I love you.”

sucked in his breath and pulled her close. His heart constricted as he thought
of what might have happened if he had been too late. The grizzly scene of
David’s warehouse flashed through his mind. He was a warrior used to dealing
with death and blood, but he could not have borne the anguish if something had
happened to Fiona.

again would he leave her in danger.

need to contact Fiona’s sister to let her know she’s safe.” Ardal looked up at
Catal. “Can we do it without being found?”

nodded. “I will take care of it.”

took less than an hour to arrive at the safe house. It was located a few miles
from a small village. The house was made of brick and painted wood. It was old,
lacking the pristine newness of the massive subdivisions that they had passed
along the way. It sat on a hill and was surrounded by fields on all sides. To
the north was a small woodlot. No one could approach without being seen. It was

directed Firbin to park the vehicle in a small outbuilding and then led the way
to the house. Inside it had an open kitchen and living area, but with the push
of a button, a section of kitchen cupboards slid open to reveal a hidden room
that was filled with weapons, computers, and communication equipment. Niail
stowed the bag of weapons from the van on the floor.

placed Fiona on the couch. “Get the medical equipment.”

pulled a large black chest from the hidden room and rolled it to him. “Let me.”

skilled hands, he took Fiona’s vitals and then began to inspect her from head
to toe. Ardal’s fists tightened as he watched Catal begin his examination. He
forced his resentment of another man touching her and moved aside. It was
obvious Catal was a trained medic. Fiona was in good hands. Now he needed to
focus on the safety of his men.

we heard from the others?” He moved to the entrance of the hidden room. Niail
was pulling other weapons from the wall and putting them in another carry bag.

radio cannot be trusted.” Niail looked up from the bag. “It is best they hear
from you.”

nodded and took a deep breath. He relaxed his body and sent his thoughts to his
men. Within seconds he had replies. Everyone had been successful in their
mission, except him. Then he connected with Lorcan and advised him of their

is safe.” Ardal walked into the living room. “How is Fiona?”

stable.” Catal was packing away his equipment. “She needs to sleep off whatever
drug she was given. There’s a bedroom upstairs. It would be best for her to
rest there.”

shook his head. “She stays near me.”


has shut down the other site. He should be here within the hour.” Ardal rubbed
the back of his neck. “We will make new plans then.”

was standing guard at the door. “Are the others safe?”

They have not encountered any resistance.”

came out of the equipment room. “How can a monster like that
allowed to live on this planet?”

complained to the police and they refused to help.” Firbin put his hands on his
hips. “This would not be allowed on Cygnus.”

cleared his throat. “Here, a judge or jury determine if a person is guilty. The
police need proof. Sometimes there isn’t enough evidence, or there are points
of law that aren’t followed correctly, and a guilty person goes free.

is no honor or reason then?” Ardal’s voice did not hide his shock.

shook his head. “There’s only the law. Many businesses and people are able to
exist outside the law.”

kind of planet had they crashed onto?

were hunted and treated no better than animals. Women were given no reverence
and their orders were not obeyed. Violence seemed to be at the core of the
individual’s existence, not just warriors’ lives. Honor was disregarded, and
now this.

knowingly let an injustice be committed and not right it was too much for a
Hunter. His duty was to uphold the Sacred Code and that meant taking action
against those who broke them.

is good.” Fiona’s words broke into the silence. “Many humans choose love over

heart filled with joy at the sound of her voice. He moved to her side. She was
struggling to sit up and he put his arm around her back. When she was straight,
she leaned her head against the couch.

are awake.” He pushed back a strand of hair and let his fingers linger on her
cheek, savoring the tingle of awareness and the flare of heat that was
reflected in her eyes.

alive, thanks to you.” Fiona’s gaze encompassed all the men. “I am grateful
that you came for me.”

put his arms around Fiona and pulled her close. “No woman should have to see
such a travesty, much less experience it.”

grunted. “Your planet allows some strange practices.”

not allowed, but unfortunately the police can only do so much. Serial killers
like David can escape capture for many years. Even I didn’t fully realize what
a monster he was.”

the killing lasts as long as they are free.” Catal’s lips thinned with

is not like Cygnus where such a man would have been weeded out when he was
young and killed.” Firbin’s voice was hard.

before he had done anything?” Fiona shivered. “What if he never acted out his

must be protected at all costs.” Ardal leaned his chin on Fiona’s head. “It is
not perfect, but at least no one has to suffer as did David’s victims.”

has to be a better way.” Fiona twisted around in Ardal’s arms and looked up at
him. “Even though I hate to think of one life being put at risk, it’s better
than killing someone who might never do wrong.”

planet does not have the capability of seeing the evil in a person’s genes.
Cygnus has done this for millennium.”

Fiona heaved a sigh. “The best we can do is to stop it once it’s begun.”

frowned. “Like we did with David?”

that doesn’t ensure people are safe.” Catal turned away with a shake of his
head. “This planet has shown us only evil.”

showed us kindness.” Niail spoke in a clear voice. “She took care of our sick,
hid us, and helped us to escape. All this she did at great peril to herself.”

Firbin nodded. “She risked much to help us.”

cleared his throat. “There are few humans like Fiona.”

you have known some?” Ardal raised an eyebrow. “Lorcan thinks there are no
redemptive qualities on this planet.”

has lost much.” Catal eyes skittered away from Ardal’s intense stare. “I now
see that he has allowed that to cloud his perception and his command.”

Ardal could continue his questioning, the distinct sound of a vehicle approaching
sent the men running for weapons. Catal switched the lights off and took guard
at one of the windows. Niail and Firbin stood on either side of the entryway,
assault rifles readied to shoot.

planted himself in front of Fiona and braced for battle.


Chapter 22

heard the slam of two doors and footsteps.

tried to get up, but her legs refused to move. Whatever drug David had given
her was still in her system. She leaned back against the couch and swallowed
her fear. Ardal would protect her.

door swung open.

one entered.

passed and then Catal moved from the window. “It is Lorcan.”

newcomers entered the building. Lorcan was followed by Gur and Turlo. Fiona
released the breath she’d been holding. Her insides were shaky and she was
exhausted. She was too tired to deal with the constant stress of the past few
days. She lay her head on the couch arm and shut her eyes.

noise of the men greeting each other washed over her, but she was past caring.
She felt Ardal’s lips brush her head and then she let the world fade away.
Sleep was a relief.

she awoke, it was still dark.

arms held her. Peace and love filled her. She stretched her legs and realized
that she wasn’t on the couch, but in a large bed. Ardal must have carried her
up after the others arrived. A nightlight illuminated the small room. It was
cosy and warm and most importantly, they were alone.

twisted her head and looked up at him. Her breath caught in her throat. He was
gazing at her with an intensity that she’d never seen before. His eyes, usually
devoid of emotion, were brimming with love. Gone was the cold, decisive leader.
In his place was a man.

man who offered love and devotion.

experience with love was limited. David had dominated and tried to possess her,
but he’d never loved her. Ardal was offering something she’d never had before.
She was tired of running. He was her rock; her refuge. She never wanted to
leave his side again. The past faded. It no longer held the power to destroy her.

saw her future in Ardal’s eyes.

liked what she saw.

have never asked this before.” Ardal tightened his clasp on her. “Forgive me if
I say the words wrong. Has your fear lessened enough for you to be with me?”

nodded. She was afraid her voice would crack if she said anything. Instead she
leaned up and brushed her lips across his mouth.

Her word a sigh as her lips touched his again.

gathered her into his arms and deepened the kiss. His tongue was insistent
until she opened for him. He tantalized and caressed until she moaned with
enjoyment. That was all the encouragement he need. He held the back of her head
close to him and delved deeper, enticing her to follow. Time ceased as together
they explored and teased until they were both panting for breath.

you be my mate?” Ardal’s voice was husky with passion. “You will be the only
woman in my life and I vow to protect you always. My life is yours to command.”

solemnity and beauty of his words pierced her heart. Tears filled her eyes. She
blinked them away and gave him a tremulous smile. “Yes.”

will defend and honor you. I vow to bring you pleasure and happiness.” Ardal
stroked a finger down her cheek. “You will always be in my heart.”

love you.” A wave of joy encompassed her.

my one true mate
touched her thoughts and then scattered. She
thought she’d imagined it, until she realized Ardal was connecting to her on a
higher level. His thoughts were making love just as his body moved with her.
She shivered with excitement, pulsating with the thrill of his efforts.

answered him with thoughts. ‘I want to make love.’

reaction was immediate. He groaned and crushed her to him. His lips devoured
her mouth and she answered with equal hunger. Passion was a living breathing
entity between them and it burned out of control. His body half covered her as
he strove to meld them together.

BOOK: aHunter4Rescue (aHunter4Hire)
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