ALIEN ABDUCTION (Captured by Aliens) (10 page)

BOOK: ALIEN ABDUCTION (Captured by Aliens)
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“That can
be arranged.  I’ve wanted to turn your brown bottom up and run my hands over it
to see what color it would turn beneath my palm,” he whispered in her ear
before dragging his teeth over her earlobe.


gasped in outrage, reaching up with her free hand to dig her nails into his
forearm.  He raised his head to look at her.  “What are you doing?”


She said
nothing, but just continued to try to draw blood from him with her nails.  “I
only wish my nails were longer.  And sharper.”


predatory smile turned up the corners of his lips, mirroring the look in his
eyes.  Slowly, he rolled off of her and pulled her back flush against his front. 
Wrapping an arm around her waist, he spooned her, holding her tight against him. 
“You’ve escaped punishment again, little one.  For now,” he said.


relaxed a bit, and actually pressed back against him just a little.  She’d
practically forgotten what sex was supposed to be like--warm, loving, fulfilling--wanted--desired--


“Or are
you sure you
to escape it?”


shuddered, recognizing the jab of his great hard cock in the small of her back. 
A strange feeling had come over her, pulsing low in her belly, like an ache,
and the heat running through her veins seemed to turn her thighs to jelly.


didn’t like it.  Not one little bit.  She should push him away and get up and
go back in the house.  She’d had enough of men pushing themselves on her...the
next time the choice would be hers...the next time...



Damon sat
up in the dim light of the house.  He had heard some slight noise, something
out of the ordinary even among a large group of men and women crowded into one
room.  And then he saw that Fallon’s place was empty--and so was Ebony’s.


he rose to his feet and made his way through the sleeping bodies, until he
reached the door.  Damon slipped outside, pausing to listen for any strange
sounds on the wind and to smell the breeze for any scent of woman.  In a moment
he turned towards the small stand of trees just a little ways down from the



At last
Fallon rolled over on top of Ebony and pinned her hard to the earth, grinding
his hips into hers, and kissed her insistently with lips that were both hard as
steel and soft as liquid heat.  And unlike the way it was when the king forced
himself on her again and again in the harem, she found herself opening up and
responding to Fallon--to his strength, and his protectiveness, and to his
genuine desire for her.


relaxed and kissed him back. 
Hey, it would be nice to get a little that
does me some good, too!
She thought to herself. 


But then
she stopped suddenly and tried to sit up.  “What’s wrong?” Fallon said, raising
up off of her a little.


I do have to go back to the harem--and went back there knocked up--well--depends
on how long it’s been--maybe I could fool the king--I’ve been able to fool him
on just about everything else up to now--“


grinned.  Then he started to laugh.  And he laughed so much that he rolled
right off of her and lay on his back on the ground, giggling like a little boy.


so funny?”


he said, gasping for breath.  “Whose brother am I, again?”


She sat
up.  Then she looked at him.  And then a slow smile spread over her face.  “Oh,
yeah,” she said, and started giggling herself.  “You’re not just the king’s
brother--you’re his


“I am.”
He rolled on top of her again, straddling her hips with his knees on the ground. 
“And tonight, I am the king of this small part of the universe.” Fallon reached
down and pulled off the top of her sari, and then pushed up her skirts around
her waist.  The panties he simply ripped away.


gasped at the slight sting of fabric giving way against her skin.


His mouth
caught against her collar bone, branding her with hot, nibbling kisses that
stoked a fire deep within her belly.  She thought herself incapable of feeling
arousal anymore, closed off to the sensation of desire.  It’d been so long
since her body had been her own, that feeling Fallon tenderly stroking her body
made waves of heat flood her system.


Her cleft
wept with arousal, creamy and ready for his intrusion.  She closed her eyes and
reached up for him, very glad to at last give in and actually enjoy a sexual
encounter again.  She reached up and pulled him down to her, and gasped when she
felt the long slow glide of his thick cock against her moist center.


avoided the missionary position with the king, wanting to avoid seeing his face
or having him look at her at all during the countless sessions with him.  Now,
feeling Fallon’s eyes roaming over her skin, she felt thrilled and delighted. 
She tried to remain level-headed, to not give all of herself over to him, to
retain her mind while experiencing pleasure.


It was
difficult with the delicious sliding of his member in her tender folds.  How
different to be readied before being penetrated.  She’d almost forgotten what
foreplay was like.


skimmed her skin in the dark, rustled to life by the contrast of cool night
breeze and Fallon’s warm, puffing breath.


“You’re so
beautiful in the moons’ light, Ebony,” he murmured, stroking a hand down the
length of her body until he thumbed across her hip.


spread her legs, allowing him to sink against her, and the glide became a push. 
The tender edges of her vagina opened like a flower, allowing his insistent
cock to push inside her welcoming body.  She felt herself gush around him and
arched off the ground to get closer, to let him sink all the way inside.


Ebony bit
back a moan, digging her nails into his arms as she tried to resist her natural
inclination to scream her head off.


audience was not something she wanted right now.


grunted, his body tense as he held back from her.  “I don’t want to hurt you,”
he gritted out.  “You’re so tiny and fragile.”


“I won’t
break, if that’s what you think,” she said on a chuckle, rising up to meet him
stroke for stroke.  Already she could feel her insides tightening with the need
for orgasm.  She’d been so long without one, she’d forgotten what they felt


achieving an orgasm or even trying with the king had felt like a betrayal to
herself.  She hadn’t wanted to enjoy anything about him, even though she’d
known she was stuck with him until he tired of her.


Now, she
could enjoy herself without lingering feelings of guilt.  To have the burden
lifted made her feel like floating on air.


caught Fallon’s hand and brought it to her clit.  “Pinch it.  Rub it.”


He gave
her a quizzical look, then rubbed the fleshy button.  Immediately, she was
panting beneath him, thrashing her head and feeling the tension rising within
her with every rub of his rough thumb.


groaned, sinking into her with a pace that had them both sweating and breathing
heavily.  “I did not know you Earth women had a love button I could press on
your body.”


moaned, grinning.  “Some Earth men don’t know it either.”


grinned and buried his face against her neck, breathing hot and hard and
sending shivers all over her skin.


tension rose to unbelievable heights.  Her body clenched around his cock,
fisting him.  She relaxed her muscles, trying to gobble him up with her pussy,
striving for completion before he could finish.  His body seemed on the edge,
about to give in to bliss and she needed to join him with a desperation she
felt in her soul.


pinched her bud, rolling slick fingers against her, and suddenly she was
there.  Ebony fell over the precipice, tightening around him, gasping and
moaning uncontrollably as ecstasy claimed her body in a magnitude of pleasure
she was unable and unwilling to resist.  The cresting waves seemed to go on
forever, wringing every ounce of pleasure she had in her body.


clutching, grasping pussy dragged him into the riptide.  He shuddered against
her, thrusting once, twice more, and finally collapsed in a heap on top of
her.  He rolled off quickly, bringing her to snuggle against his big body.


nuzzled his chest, enjoying the warm tingles and the scent of his skin.


“Wow.  I
needed that,” she said, breathless.  “I feel like I’ve had a headache for six
months and it’s finally gone.  Phew.  What a relief.”


gave her a quizzical look.  “You’re an odd woman, Ebony.”


“You have
no idea.”  In her pleasure and release, she almost laughed again. 
king’s brother--the king’s own twin brother!



A sharp
twinge arced through Damon’s insides to see Fallon on top of Ebony.  His eyes,
narrowed to slits, closed fully, for he was unwilling to watch her seduction by
another man.  He had watched this dark and exotic woman, so different from any
other he’d ever seen, with great interest, and it was not just her physical
charms that had caught his attention--it was her courage and spirit, as well.


could not remember the last time he had felt a woman’s soft skin and willing
body beneath him, and he suspected the temptation of Ebony’s lush figure had
tested Fallon’s limits much the same as it was testing his own.


the women they’d captured wasn’t part of the plan, however, and they couldn’t
afford to be distracted by fleshly pursuits—not when their lives depended upon
keeping clear heads.


Fallon believed he’d think with a clearer mind if he cleared the little head
betwixt his legs.  Then Damon laughed a little in his mind. 
As if bedding a
woman ever solved anything!  It only made the madness worse.


He would
have to speak with Fallon in the morning.  Though Fallon was the ruler of the
rebels, he treated all the men as equals--no better and no worse than the way he
treated himself.  It was that attitude which had captured their undying
devotion to him.  On the other hand, in King Kore’s world they’d have stood no
chance to have better lives--not given the state of the lotteries that would
decide the courses of their lives and careers.


Fallon’s rule had been instated, as it should have been due to order of birth,
all the people of Chalcydon would have had an equal opportunity to pursue
whatever path in life they chose instead of having their lives dictated to them
by the state.  But such radical thinking was unheard of, and had led to Fallon
being removed from the line of succession.


Damon heard Ebony’s sudden indrawn breath,
quickly followed by rapid breathing.  So, she responded positively to Fallon.  The
hope of him attracting her as well dissipated in the wind.








more disturbing to Ebony than her response to Fallon was the fact that after
the two of them had quietly returned to the house, she’d slept all night--and
very well--curled up against him with his arms around her.  She didn’t like
that, either.  The last thing she wanted was to get too comfortable and let her
guard down around any man--especially one who was holding her captive.


But now,
the night was long past.  Ebony and the other seven women, and Fallon and all
eight of his men, continued up the foothills on an old, forgotten path.  As
always, Fallon walked behind Ebony at the tail end of the group, but right now
Ebony ignored him in favor of talking with Cassie as they continued over the
rising terrain.


looks like it used to be wider--wide enough for some kind of vehicle,” said
Ebony.  “I know that somewhere there are conveyances similar to cars, but
Adrienne’s told me that everyone in the city travels by foot.”


it’s the people outside the city walls that use the cars--or whatever they
are?” said Cassie.


haven’t seen any sign of anything like a car.  Not even a dog sled.  Nothin’ at
all,” Ebony replied.  “If I didn’t know better, I’d have sworn we were back in
the Dark Ages on Earth.”


“I don’t
understand,” said Cassie.  “The city--the palace--uses electricity and modern
conveniences practically the same as Earth.  But that little village where we
slept last night had nothing like that.  Why not?”


“Could be
the king wants it that way.  It’s one way to keep his people in line.  When you
have to worry all the time about how to get clean water, or how to keep warm,
there’s not a lot of time or energy left for rebellion.”


glanced back at Fallon, but as always he simply looked elsewhere and said


Ebony was
beginning to get an inkling of how the king kept his people on the outskirts of
the land under his control.  “Yes,” she said out loud, as they walked, “it’s
difficult to mount a rebellion, warranted or not, if you’re fighting with
sticks and hand tools while the king’s men have guns, laser sabers, and dragons
that breath acid.  When you look at it that way, withholding technology from
the average people makes a hell of a lot of sense.”


thought for a moment, and then nodded her head.  “I’ll bet that living in that
village was like living in one of those third-world countries.  I’d be pretty
mad if I had to live like that while everybody in the city got the good life.”


nodded.  “Fallon wanted to bring all the people of this world into the good
life--but his brother, the king, did not.  That’s why Fallon and all the men
who took us are outcasts.”



But very
soon, Ebony and all the other women stopped talking as they struggled to walk up
the steep and winding path through the foothills.  The tree cover became
sparser and the air became cooler and thinner.  They all began to get a
lightheaded, dizzy feeling.  When Ebony paused by the side of the path, trying
to get her breath, she looked down the side of the mountain and saw that they
were high above the village.  If she hadn’t known it was there, she wouldn’t
have been able to see the remnants at all.


All of
the women began gasping for breath with every step, and moved slower and slower. 
The men seemed unaffected and, wordlessly, began to simply scoop up the women,
throw them over their shoulders, and carry them along the very steep trail.


dotted the hills, some large as buildings and others smaller than bowling balls. 
She saw piles of gravel along the trail that looked like the tailings of a


“How much
further are we going?” Ebony asked.  She was the last of the women to still try
to struggle up the mountainside.


glanced at her and, without a word, lifted her up in his arms and held her
cradled like an infant.  Ebony squeaked but then clung to him with both arms
around his neck, grateful that he’d relieved her of walking.  She hadn’t been
about to beg him or Damon for a ride.  She had too much pride for that, no matter
how tired or out of breath she got.


going just around the bend, and up a little.  There.  See it?” he said, jerking
his head in that direction.


followed the line of his eyes and saw an opening high up in the face of the
mountain.  The black hole gaped above them like a giant’s mouth ready to devour
the unwary.


frowned, bouncing in his arms as he trotted up the steepest part of the path
behind the others.  All of the men had quickened the pace out here in the open
air as soon as their goal was in sight, even as they carried the women in their


“What is
this?” she asked, as he set her on her feet outside the opening.


A cold
wind howled around them, stirring her hair and whipping her tattered skirt
around her legs.  Ebony shivered, staring into the blackness with chills moving
over her body.  The other women, she saw, looked just as uneasy as she felt.


stepped close to the entrance and then whistled loudly.  From the mouth of the
cave emerged two guards carrying what looked like long silver-gray rifles.  She’d
seen similar weapons in the palace, but they’d looked more futuristic than what
these men carried.  Had they only procured the dregs of weaponry?


guards glanced around and nodded at the approaching group, motioning them
forward.  “It’s an abandoned mine,” Damon said, as the men began moving the
women inside.


“Why are
we here?” Ebony asked, stumbling forward on the gravelly ground.  The muscles
of her feet ached from gripping the steep incline they’d been forced to travel. 
Then she stopped dead in her tracks.  “You’re not going to drop us down the
side of a sewer cave again, are you? Because I’m not doing that again! I’m not--“


Damon and
Fallon looked at her.  “This is where we live,” Fallon said, placing his hand
at the base of her spine to push her forward.


If he’d
reached out to hold her hand, he could not have surprised her more.  The touch
of his palm on her back felt like a brand.  She scooted forward, quickening her
pace to escape it.  Fallon and Damon both chuckled.


Then she
stopped again as she looked at the inside of the cave.  “You can’t mean you
in here?  For real?”


“I think
you’ll find it’s not as uncomfortable as one would think.  There are some
modern conveniences inside.”


“Yeah, I
guess so,” she whispered.  Beneath the high rocky ceiling, the top corridor was
lined with streams of tiny white-blue bulbs lighting the way.  Peering closer,
they reminded her exactly of glowing LEDs--like delicate Christmas lights
lining a corridor at a shopping mall.


these everywhere?”


nodded.  “We can run thousands of the diodes with very little power.  They were
installed when this was a functional mine and never removed.  Some of the
managers of the mines stayed here rather than commuting back to the city every
day, so they brought luxuries with them and installed them within the mine.”


looked thoughtful.  “And now you make use of their quarters?”


Damon said.  He looked at Fallon’s hand resting on her back.  Fallon lifted his
hand and allowed her to walk ahead of them on her own.


little lights are
bright,” Ebony said.


She heard
a small laugh behind her.  “They’re not really all that bright,” said Fallon.  “It’s
just that without the bulbs, this interior would be as black as the bowels of
the earth--because that’s what it is.”


could see that the rock walls were completely smooth and free of cracks, as was
the floor.  There were no bits of gravel to step on and hurt her feet either,
which meant they kept the entrance clean and swept free of debris.  “Nice
place,” she said.


As they
moved further inside, the cavern began a gradual descent down.  Deep within the
cave--a place that never saw the sun--the air temperature dropped and her skin
pebbled with chills.  Her skimpy outfit was good enough for a
climate-controlled palace, but it wasn’t much protection from the elements
beyond the city.


hugged her arms against her chest, rubbing her biceps with her palms.


Fallon asked.


“A little
chilled,” she said.


“We’ll be
at our quarters soon.  We have clothing and shoes for you and the others down


“Good.  I’m
tired of wearing this see-through crap and having everyone stare at me like I’m
a freak.”


don’t stare at you as if you’re unpleasant to look at.  It’s been years since
most of them have lain eyes on a woman, especially one as lovely as you.”  Fallon
ran his gaze over her frame as if unaware of himself.


shivered from another chill and quickened her step, ignoring the compliment.  “I
don’t like the sound of that.  Should we be worried about horny men attacking


frowned.  “My men are more disciplined than that.  You are an odd woman, Ebony


lifted her chin.  “Well, you’re an odd
, Fallon Anadaru.  And Damon
is, too.  All of you.  You’re the weirdest aliens I never imagined I’d come
into contact with.  And I’ve read about a lot.”


Damon and
Fallon chuckled.  “What alien races have you read about to compare us with?”


“Well, I
admit they were all fictional races.  I didn’t expect to run into any
aliens.  I guess the part about taking women captive as sex slaves is the only
thing that really compares to anything I’ve read.  It was hot in books, but not
so hot in real life.  I think I should have read more classic science fiction.”


“To lose
one’s freedom is never enjoyable.  Perhaps you can identify with our plight
after all?” Fallon said, urging her downward into the mine behind the others.


stopped and turned around, glaring at him.  “What do you mean?  
sex slave here.  No one’s holding
prisoner and forcing
put out,” she said, before casting her eyes back on her footing.


lives are not our own under King Anadaru’s rule,” Damon said, interjecting, but
then waved his hand as though shooing a fly.  “It is beyond her,” he said to
Fallon “She will never understand the ways of our people and what we fight


“Huh?  Well,
maybe if you explain a little more, my tiny woman’s brain can begin to
understand.  My own planet has had many tyrannical kings and dictators through
history.  It’s not a stretch for me to believe you have problems here.”  She
looked at Fallon and met his eyes.  “Here’s one thing I can tell you for sure:
Your brother, Kore, is an asshole.”


snorted.  It almost sounded like a laugh.  Damon merely stared at the
rebellious, dark-skinned woman who tested their patience at every opportunity. 
“A lottery is held once a year for the people who’ve come of age and are to
enter the workforce,” Damon said.  “Those with the right connections will never
find themselves living anything but a life of privilege.  The others--no matter
what their intelligence or skill level--the ones who do not come from the right
families--will find themselves in the most dreary and dangerous jobs of our
society, either breaking their backs or dying for the kingdom.”


Fallon wanted to change this.  He told me that was why he was not made king
when he was supposed to be next in line.”  She stopped and looked at both of




don’t know...communistic to me.  I think I’m beginning to understand why there
was a rebellion.  People need the freedom to choose how they want to live their
lives, and here, you don’t get that option.  Am I getting the gist of it?”

BOOK: ALIEN ABDUCTION (Captured by Aliens)
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