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Authors: Kayla Perrin

All I Want Is You (9 page)

BOOK: All I Want Is You
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His right hand went lower, over the delicate lace of her red thong. He stroked her intimately, and she purred in response.
In a flash, Barry rose to his feet and swept Mikki into his arms. He carried her to the bed and laid her down gently this time. Once she was on her back, he guided her thighs apart and kissed his way to her center.
“Oh, Barry . . .” Mikki moaned, and once again, her body quivered.
“Do you know how hot you look? Lying like this on the bed, almost naked except for these sexy boots?” Barry reached for the sides of her thong and maneuvered them off of her thighs. And as he drank in the sight of her nakedness, his erection throbbed. He had never seen a woman more beautiful.
He had to taste her, something he hadn't done the first night. Then, the sex had been frantic and wild, and all about the act of making love.
But tonight, Barry was going to make sure they savored the experience.
As he stared at the treasure before him, her pubic hair shaved into a trim square above her most private spot, he eased his chest down between her thighs. He trailed a finger over her nub. “This is one thing we didn't get to do the first time.”
“What?” Mikki asked.
“I didn't get to taste this sweet pussy.”
Mikki drew in a sharp breath, his words an aphrodisiac. She watched him, waiting, desperately wanting this intimate pleasure.
He brought his mouth down onto her, flicking the tip of his tongue over her clitoris. Heat erupted in her lower region and spiraled through her body.
“Yes, baby,” Barry moaned, pressing a hand against her belly as he teased her with his tongue. Mikki arched her back, the sensations of pleasure overwhelming her body.
“Oh, God, oh God, oh God . . .”
Barry groaned and increased the pressure, adding his teeth in gentle bites in addition to the hot swirls of his tongue. Mikki rocked her head back and forth, the pleasure so intense she could hardly stand it.
And then he was devouring her, his lips and tongue all over her nub. Mikki gripped the bedspread and moaned long and loud, feeling her orgasm start to build. Barry didn't relent in his erotic attack, and soon, Mikki's body exploded, tentacles of pleasure gripping her in the sweetest of climaxes.
“Barry . . . Oh my God.”
She grabbed at his shoulders, and he eased his body upward, bringing his lips to hers. He ravaged her mouth like a man who'd been starved of affection all his life.
She wanted him inside her. Gripping his buttocks, she pulled him against her as he kissed her senseless.
“I want you naked,” she rasped. “I need you to make love to me.”
Barry broke his lips from hers and quickly rose. Mikki lay quivering on the bed, the aftermath of her orgasm leaving her weak. She watched as Barry stripped out of his clothes, the sight of his glorious naked form making her breath catch in her throat.
He was beautiful. Six-pack abs; strong, muscular biceps; well-sculpted pecs; and, good Lord, what an erection! He was an African American Adonis.
Mikki extended her hand, reaching for him, and said, “Do me.”
Barry took her hand and linked fingers with hers. Then he settled his body on hers, his lips finding her mouth.
He kissed her deeply, his tongue twisting with hers as his free hand worked between their bodies. Not breaking the kiss, he guided their bodies together and filled her completely with one hard thrust.
Mikki cried out. She thought she had experienced all the wondrous sensations she could, culminating in a powerful orgasm, but the feel of him inside her brought pleasure even more intense.
Barry withdrew and plunged into her again, groaning as he did. Soon, they found a rhythm. Arching against him, she pushed her breasts out, and Barry lowered his head to greedily take one of her nipples into his mouth. Each suckle drove her nearer to the edge of the abyss.
He drove into her hard and deep, the sensations far beyond the physical. Something about being with Barry like this just felt right.
Fate . . .
Was it?
When Barry reached for her other breast and tugged at the nipple, Mikki fell over the edge. Crying out, she rode the wave of passion, this orgasm even better than the first one. She gripped Barry's back, digging her fingers into his slick skin and pushing up her hips so his strokes could reach even deeper.
And then, grunting, Barry drove into her with a blinding thrust as he succumbed to his own release.
Nothing had ever felt this amazing. Nothing.
Spent, their ragged breaths filled the hotel room. Mikki kept her arms wrapped around Barry's back, holding him close. The way she felt right now, she never wanted to let him go.
She sighed with pleasure as his lips brushed across her cheek. Then his mouth met hers and they kissed until neither had any breath left.
“How do you feel?” Barry asked.
“Amazing,” she told him.
Barry grinned, that charming, sexy grin that made Mikki's insides melt.
“Good,” he whispered into her ear. “'Cause, baby, that's just the beginning.”
Chapter 11
Mikki woke up with a smile on her face. Her night with Barry had been nothing short of phenomenal.
Mikki hadn't known that it was possible to have so many orgasms in one night. Her friends had talked to her about great sex, and she'd always thought she was having it. But her night with Barry had proven that everything she had experienced before now was simply a pale imitation.
“Looks like someone's in a good mood.”
At the sound of Barry's voice, Mikki opened her eyes, found that he was staring at her. “Hey, you.”
“You didn't take off this time.”
She grinned at him. “Kind of tough when you had the only car.”
“You could have taken a taxi.”
Mikki stretched, then turned her body toward Barry, draping her leg over his. “Trust me, I didn't want to take off.”
“Did I live up to my promise? That I'd give you a night you wouldn't forget?”
“No chance of me ever forgetting last night,” Mikki told him. “That had to be one of the most erotic experiences of my life,” she added, then giggled.
“One of?” Barry asked, an eyebrow shooting up.
most erotic experience of my life. Barry, that was hot!”
Perhaps she should have played coy, not told him exactly what he wanted to hear right off the bat. But she couldn't help herself. Having sex with Barry had been nothing short of amazing.
No wonder she had gotten flustered and aroused at the mention of having gone to bed with him, even though she couldn't remember it. Somewhere in her subconscious, her body knew what she had experienced.
And she'd wanted to experience it again.
“So, what are you up to today?” Barry asked.
Mikki looked at the time. It was shortly after ten in the morning, and she was surprised she was even awake. She and Barry had spent the better part of the night making love. And even when they'd fallen asleep after two, they'd woken up around four to make love again. It was as though they'd both been starved sexually and had found something so completely amazing that they couldn't stop doing it for most of the night.
“Well, it's the day before the wedding,” Mikki said. “We had the rehearsal last night, but there'll be lots to do. My sister's going to need me. I'd better get home.”
Last night, she hadn't given any thought to the fact that if she spent the night with Barry, she would have to head home in the morning and deal with a curious family. And it was too late to do anything about it now.
She would have to face them, come up with some explanation as to where she'd been. She couldn't exactly tell them that she'd been busy undergoing a sexual metamorphosis.
Barry took her hand in his and kissed it softly. Then he pulled the blanket from her breasts, brought his head down, and took her nipple in his mouth. Pleasure flooded her instantly, and moaning, she arched her back.
She could so easily sleep with him again. Right now. She could spend the entire day in bed with him and not feel guilty.
Except that she knew she couldn't. Not before the wedding.
“Barry, I wish I could stay, but I'd better get ready. Can you give me a ride home?”
“No worries, baby. I can wait until tomorrow night.”
Mikki was glad when she got to her parents' house and saw that the car wasn't there. She could only hope that one or both of her parents were out running errands.
Chantal's car, however,
Mikki tried to enter the house as quietly as possible, hoping that wherever her sister was, she wouldn't hear her. She glanced in the living room and kitchen and didn't see her sister there. Pausing to listen, she heard no sound.
Perhaps Chantal was still sleeping.
Hurrying down the hallway that led to the bedrooms, Mikki slipped into her room, then sighed with relief. She was home free.
But not more than ten seconds later, the door to her room flew open, and Chantal breezed in, asking, “And where were you last night?”
“Sheesh, Chantal. You scared me.”
“The way you scared me, Mom, and Dad last night?” Chantal countered.
Mikki frowned. She hadn't considered that her family would be worried about her whereabouts, just that they'd simply be curious. “Damn, I'm sorry. Did you think something bad happened to me?”
A sly smile formed on Chantal's face. “I had a pretty good idea that you were okay.” She paused. “So, where were you?”
“I was . . . with a friend.” That wasn't a lie. Barry was a friend.
“I didn't think you were wandering the streets on your own last night,” Chantal said, tongue in cheek. “Fess up, sis.”
“I was with a friend from high school,” Mikki went on. Again, not a lie.
“The last I knew, Barry was dropping you home. Next thing, you don't show up. All night long.”
Mikki's face flushed. She wondered if her sister could see on her face the exquisite experience that she had gone through.
“Well, it got late, so I just figured I would stay and sleep there.”
Now Chantal was grinning slyly. “So who's this high school friend? Barry?”
“What?” Mikki asked.
“You can try to play dumb with me, but I wasn't born yesterday. I saw the way Barry was looking at you last night. The way you were looking at him.”
Mikki's face grew hot, the memory of Barry's naked body tangled with hers filling her mind. He had stamina, that was for sure. He had skill. Alex may have slept with many, many women, but Barry had mastered the art of making love.
“Okay,” Chantal said, a knowing grin on her face. “It seems you want to keep your secret to yourself. That's fine. Every girl has to have her secrets, I guess.”
Mikki said nothing, just smiled.
The thing was, what was she supposed to say? That she had gone to bed with Barry as a way to nurse her broken heart and now was having the time of her life?
She wasn't ready to get into the convoluted story.
Chantal left her bedroom, and Mikki plopped down on her bed and sighed with contentment.
Suddenly, she realized that she hadn't exchanged numbers with Barry. Again. They'd been anxious to get naked, and this morning, as he'd driven her home, they'd held hands, talked, and flirted.
Of course, if Mikki wanted to talk to him, she could call the hotel.
But as she lay on the bed, she considered that not seeing Barry until tomorrow, and not talking to him until then, would build up the anticipation. Because Mikki's sister wasn't going to be the only Harper sister enjoying one helluva wedding night.
As the thought came to her, Mikki wondered exactly what was happening between her and Barry. All she knew now was that she definitely wanted to see him again. She wanted more explosive sex; that was for sure.
But was this simply a fling? A hot and heavy one that would erase Alex from her mind once and for all?
“Alex,” Mikki said with disdain, then snorted. She had pretty much all but forgotten him. At least, she certainly wasn't pining over him.
And she definitely had Barry to thank for that.
Last-minute wedding plans took much of the day—getting the church decorated, getting their nails and toes done, and hitting South Beach for a bachelorette outing. Mikki didn't make the night too late, given that they had to be up early, but she'd made sure that her sister had enough drinks to let loose. She had worn a veil as they'd gone from one South Beach bar to the next, getting a lot of attention from tourists and partyers. Chantal had also gotten kisses from a group of guys from Scotland, who said it was tradition over there for the bride to kiss a variety of men during her hen party pub crawl.
Chantal had had a great evening, so Mikki was surprised when they got home around midnight and Chantal suddenly became an emotional mess. Clearly she had the prewedding jitters, all of a sudden fearful that something would go wrong tomorrow.
“We've got the dresses,” Mikki told her. “All the floral arrangements are perfect. And the church looked gorgeous when we left it.”
“I know,” Chantal said, sniffling.
Mikki rubbed her sister's back. “Please stop worrying for no reason. Nothing will go wrong. You're going to have the perfect day.”
Mikki's cell phone rang, and she left her sister sitting on the sofa to go get her purse. She dug out her phone, and when she saw Debbie's number flashing on her screen, she clicked the TALK button right away. “Hey, Debbie.”
“Girl, I've been trying to reach you all evening,” Debbie said without preamble.
“I was out. I didn't hear my phone.”
“Well, I hope you're sitting down.”
“Because of what I found out. Alex
seeing someone else.
seeing someone else. He was cheating on you, Mikki—and that's why he dumped you.”
Mikki's heart thumped hard against her chest at her friend's shocking announcement. She walked out of the living room and headed in the direction of her bedroom. “What?”
“Yep. I made some calls, and that friend of a friend who knows Alex? Well, she told me everything. He's been dating someone else for a while now.”
Mikki was too stunned to speak as she slipped into her room and closed the door.
“I hear she's real beautiful. Looks like a model.”
“She's a model?”
“I didn't say she was one, just that she looks like one. Apparently she's an assistant district attorney.”
Mikki swallowed painfully. She had a pretty good idea who the woman was. And it was someone she had met.
The tall, leggy, dark-skinned beauty was stunning, and Mikki had heard that she and Alexander had been romantically linked in the past. Alex had denied that, however.
“Supposedly she's smart as a whip as well as gorgeous,” Debbie went on.
“I know who she is,” Mikki said. “At least, I'm pretty sure. Son of a—” She exhaled harshly. “Debbie, I can't talk right now. My sister's having a meltdown, and I . . . I can't deal with this news right now.”
“I'm sorry,” Debbie said. “You wanted to know, right? You're not upset that I told you?”
“No, absolutely I'm not upset you told me. Of course you should have told me. You're one of my best friends. I would expect nothing less. It helps me to know the real reason behind the breakup.” Mikki paused. “Even if I don't like it, it helps to know.”
“Call me after the wedding, okay?” Debbie said.
“Yeah, definitely. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” Debbie returned.
Then Mikki ended the call and slumped down onto her bed. For a long while she sat there, gripping her phone and breathing heavily.
Alex had been cheating on her. And with Sandra Shelton.
If he's not sleeping with you, he's sleeping with someone else.
That was what Debbie had told her, and her friend had been right. Mikki didn't need hard-core proof in order to believe the news. In her heart, she knew it was true.
She pressed the heels of her palms against her closed eyes. What was wrong with her? Why did she date the wrong man time after time?
Because if Alex had been the right man, shouldn't she have felt that Debbie's news wasn't true, that there was no way Alex would have cheated on her?
Yet Mikki didn't doubt the verity of it, not at all.
On a subconscious level, had she known all along that her relationship with Alexander was doomed to fail?
She found herself thinking of Barry's words earlier, when he'd told her that she had confessed to him that she had only dated Alexander because she thought he was the type of man she should date.
She couldn't deny that on some level it was true, that she'd been excited at the thought of dating a lawyer. Especially when her sister was dating the heir to a huge family business.
But she had cared for Alex. She hadn't dated him solely for his position. Their relationship had been real.
At least it had been for her.
Despite whatever she had told Barry in New York, it felt like there was a huge hole in her gut right now. A hole she had felt often as a teen.
More than once, she'd been disappointed by guys. Over and over again, she had cared for ones who would ultimately betray her. Maybe Mikki would never get it right.
BOOK: All I Want Is You
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