Read All the King's Men Online

Authors: Lacey Savage

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

All the King's Men (13 page)

BOOK: All the King's Men
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A motion from her right caught her eye, shifting her gaze to
Domenic. He stood beside the bed and stripped off his
, drawing
the garment down slowly over his body, revealing lean muscles covered in a
light dusting of chestnut brown hair. His flat abs tensed as he drew off his
boots and slid the pants off his long, powerful legs.

His erect cock rose from among a nest of curls. Large balls
drew up tight in a velvety sac. Noticing her gaze, Domenic removed his tunic,
mask and hood then cupped his balls in the palm of his hand and cradled them
like the precious gems they were.

“Pleasure can’t be forced upon someone.” Thor’s deep,
sensual voice penetrated the curtain of lust that had enveloped her, forcing
its way into her mind. “Anyone could touch your soft cunt or pinch your hard
nipple.” He rolled the stiff bud between his fingers to demonstrate. “But you
wouldn’t enjoy it unless you trusted the source of the caress.”

Kirel lifted his head from her depths. His chin glistened
with her juices. She’d expected more overbearing arrogance or an infuriating
smirk of satisfaction, but neither showed on his features. His dark eyes held
nothing but liquid fire that seemed to scorch each part of her body they

She squirmed slightly, suddenly uncomfortable.

“Do you trust us, Nel?” Kirel drew a long finger over her
folds as he spoke, summoning another shiver from somewhere deep within her.

Trust him? The man had lied to her. He’d pretended to be
someone he clearly wasn’t and then he’d yanked her from everything and everyone
she knew to thrust her into a life she didn’t want and force her into a mating
ceremony she had no intention of carrying through with.

“No,” she answered honestly.

Domenic climbed on the bed. He kneeled beside her and drew
the tip of his cock over the line of her rib cage. The contact of his warm,
silky skin left a bead of moisture to trail on her flesh. A drop of hot liquid
ran down her thigh.

“Maybe not with your mind,” Domenic said. “But no one in
this room doubts your body feels otherwise.”

“Not even you.” Kirel pressed his lips softly to her slit.
He positioned his mouth perfectly over her opening so he had only to dart his
tongue forward and it would glide inside her eager channel.

Inner muscles spasmed in the grip of dark hunger. Gods, she
needed to be filled! How much longer did they intend to torture her?

Either they were going to fuck her or they weren’t. But this
sensual torment was almost more than she could take.

Wicked thoughts ran through her mind, each bolder than the
last. Kirel’s talented tongue was driving her to distraction. She longed to
give in to every sensation coursing through her body but whatever was left of
her pride refused to let her submit. Trials or not, she didn’t intend to be at
the castle long enough for it to matter whether she learned anything they tried
to teach her.

She lifted her hand and crooked a finger in Domenic’s
direction. “Come here.” He raised an eyebrow and for the first time she
realized how young he was. His strong jaw and close-cropped dark hair made him
look older at first glance but his hazel eyes betrayed him. They shone with an
excited, ravenous sheen, as though he could barely contain his eager desires.

He leaned his head toward her. Nelina stopped him with a shake
of her head. “No. I want your cock.”

Kirel’s movements stilled. His mouth remained pressed to her
pussy but she could feel the tension that wrung his muscles. It seemed she’d
hit a nerve.

An absurd sense of satisfaction coiled in her chest. So
Kirel wasn’t as cocky and unaffected by her presence as he pretended to be?
Hope thrived inside her. She’d spent eight long years thinking of no one but
him while he’d played her for a fool all along. Worse yet, when she’d finally
learned the truth, her stubborn heart and body had refused to accept it. She’d
responded to him as though no time had passed.

Until this moment, he’d been in control. That was about to

She twisted her head to look up to where Thor still knelt.
“Take off your pants. Let me see you…all of you.”

Kirel lifted his head. The color ebbed from his face.
“Nelina—” He pressed his lips together so hard they turned white, almost
disappearing under the pressure. Gods, he looked incredible. She’d always
thought him handsome, but time had been even kinder to him than she’d have
thought possible.

Dark hair curled at the temples without a hint of gray to
mar its silky sheen. His square jaw and prominent nose gave him an imperious,
confident appearance. She hadn’t seen him smile, but she remembered his
one-sided grin. She wondered if that crooked smile would instantly transform
his face, giving him the carefree, sexy-as-sin look she’d summoned from the
deepest recesses of her mind night after night.

“It’s cock you want then?” He stood, tension bunching his
muscles. She almost smiled at the way his hands fisted at his sides, his
careful self-control slipping bit by bit. “Then that’s what you’ll have.”

He stripped down quickly and without ceremony. A minute
later he stood before her in all his naked glory. For a moment, Nelina couldn’t

A sprinkling of dark hair covered his legs. His powerful
thighs flexed with every step he took, drawing her attention to the magnificent
cock that swelled hot and hard in his hand. He ran his palm over the shaft from
balls to tip, drawing an involuntary sound from somewhere deep in her throat.

She remembered that cock. She’d dreamed of it for years, the
need to wrap her lips around it and close her eyes as she welcomed it inside
the warm heat of her mouth overwhelming all other fantasies.

A deep scar that hadn’t been there eight years earlier ran
low over Kirel’s left hip. The thin band of slightly puckered flesh started at
the tip of his groin and coiled over his hipbone to disappear from view. She
swallowed hard, wondering how far back it went. Her heart ached for him. The
need to reach out and touch him, comfort him, draw him into her mouth was

Perhaps she wasn’t in control after all.

It took all her self-discipline to shut her eyes and block
out the sight of his magnificent body. “You.” She pointed in Domenic’s
direction. “I want to taste you.”

A low rumbling chuckle came from Thor. “And what would you
do with me?”

“I want…” The words died on her tongue. Her lips felt numb
and she wasn’t sure she could get the rest of the phrase out. “Let me feel
you,” she said at last.

When she reached out her hand, she was distraught to find it
shaking. A moment later, Thor rewarded her by laying the heavy length of his
erection across her palm.

Nelina closed her hand, enveloping the throbbing shaft in
her fingers. The helmet-like tip of a shaft nudged her mouth. She opened,
eagerly letting Domenic’s rod slide between her lips.

The sensations were so wanton, so deliciously wicked, a
fresh wave of cream flooded her pussy, moistening her folds anew.

She didn’t know what Kirel was doing, didn’t care.

Yes, you do.

The maddening voice inside her head conjured images of
Kirel’s fist clamped around his outthrust, glistening erection. The fantasy was
so vivid she could make out the corded tendons and the straining flesh of his
heavy testicles. Blue veins throbbed in his shaft, peeking out from underneath
his fingers.

For a moment, she pictured him jerking on the smooth flesh,
circling his thumb and index finger just below the crown of his cock and
yanking hard, causing a jet of pearly white fluid to spurt forth and land on
her cheek, her shoulder, her breasts.

She moaned and sucked Domenic’s cock harder, his musky
arousal flooding her tongue.

Something cold and impossibly hard spread her nether lips.
She gasped and opened her eyes. Jerking her head upward to peer between her
legs, she caught sight of Kirel slipping the tip of a glass object into her

She cried out around a mouthful of cock. Domenic leaned over
her. His dark nether curls took up most of her field of vision, blocking her
sight of Kirel. She remembered the toy he held in his hand. She’d seen it
laying on the table the servants had brought in.

Approximately seven inches in length and flawlessly smooth,
it mirrored the shape of an immense cock. The rounded knob at its tip had
confirmed her suspicions.

The edge of a smaller, slimmer object slipped down her
soaked slit. When Kirel pressed it against the tight ring of her anus, Nelina
cried out. Domenic withdrew, leaving her squirming. “You can’t—”

“You wanted cock, didn’t you?” His honey-filled voice caused
a trembling sensation to start low in her stomach. “That’s what this is for.
I’m going to prepare you for as much cock as you can handle.”

She groaned and tightened her grip on Thor’s erection. A
hiss escaped the man’s lips. Murmuring an apology, she loosened her grasp and
slid her palm up the length of his rod. Her fingertips caressed the velvety
softness of his balls.

A ringing smack echoed through the room and it took Nelina a
moment to realize Kirel had spanked her. Shock careened through her. A low burn
began to tingle across the back of her thigh, where her ass met her leg.

Kirel thrust the thick object between her nether lips. In
two smooth strokes, he’d inserted at least half its length inside her pussy.
Her swollen folds pouted, fluttering with savage desire.

Another smack followed the first. Nelina’s back arched. Her
mouth opened on a scream that halted in her throat and Domenic used that
opportunity to slide his cock back inside her mouth.

Her inner walls contracted hard around the object Kirel had
shoved inside her. Hips lifting off the mattress, she swirled her tongue around
Domenic’s cock. Powerful fingers spread her ass cheeks open and nudged the
smaller object against her tight hole.

Panic bloomed through her body. She remembered having seen
that object too. Also made of glass, this one boasted cylindrical beads at
equal intervals along its length. At the bottom, it stretched out to
accommodate a wider base.

She shifted on the mattress, struggling to bring her bottom
down and halt his quest to insert the toy in her ass. Kirel obviously had other
plans. He slid the object home slowly, its slick surface stretching her anal
ring. Grabbing the back of her knees, he lifted her hips off the bed to give
him greater access.

“Gods, you fuck beautifully,” Kirel said.

She felt a flush creep up her cheeks. Determined not to let
Kirel see how much his words affected her, she slid her lips lower over
Domenic’s silky-smooth shaft. Taking it deeper inside her mouth, she felt the
tip nudge the back of her throat.

The slightly bristly texture of Domenic’s curls nudged her
nose, tickling her skin. She released the shaft briefly to slide her tongue
down its length and sweep it over the soft sac protecting his testicles then
took him back inside her mouth.

Domenic groaned and fisted his hands in his hair. “Mother of
Moons, she feels good. Her mouth is hotter than a furnace.”

“She could drive a man to madness with that mouth,” Kirel

Tears stung the back of her eyelids. Her fist pumped Thor’s
cock harder.

The two objects Kirel had thrust inside her moved in unison,
stroking places inside her body she hadn’t even been aware of. Kirel had
released her legs, but she couldn’t bring herself to lower them and end the
torrent of pleasure flowing through her.

Gods, it felt good to be filled! She’d never before
experienced this level of sensation. While she’d never admit it to him, Kirel
had been the most skillful lover she’d ever had. Still, he’d only possessed one
cock, one tongue. There were limits to what he could achieve. Not so when the
three Guardians ravaged her. Their attention was wholly focused on her
pleasure. Each touch brought exquisite ripples of delight, prickling her skin
with heat.

Domenic’s male musk pervaded her senses with every breath
until she felt as though she were drowning in it and there was no force on Aris
that could save her from her fate.

Kirel’s mouth was made of pure fire as it skimmed across her
heated flesh. He pushed the glass toy inside her pussy to the hilt and swirled
the tip of his tongue over her plump, swollen inner folds.

The tension that had been gradually tightening her clit
exploded in a blast of heat and light. Domenic stilled his movements inside her
mouth, letting her ride the unending wave of sheer pleasure that owned her

For what felt like an eternity, she hovered on the crest of
release, her inner walls clenching and squeezing around the objects embedded
deep within her. Her breasts quivered as she trembled, the distended nipples
hard and aching.


It was more of a growl than a word, but Kirel’s command was
unmistakable. She almost cried out when he pulled the object out of her cunt,
leaving her channel empty. Her inner walls bit down out of sheer instinct and
finding nothing, fluttered wildly.

Her pussy wept, protesting its emptiness. Cream slipped from
between her folds and slicked the crevice of her ass. Despite her gasps, her
mouth never stopped moving. Domenic’s cock hardened to impossible proportions,
the spongy tip nudging the back of her throat with each thrust. Twice she felt
her gag reflexes kick in but each time Domenic shifted and withdrew almost
entirely, letting her catch her breath.

The head of the massive toy pressed into her soaked folds.
Relief pounded through her, turning her flesh into a quivering mass of nerve
endings. Her head reeled from the overwhelming sensations.

She couldn’t focus. Domenic’s cock slid out of her mouth
entirely. She stroked Thor’s cock with a frantic rhythm, feeling the warmth
that swelled his erection, riding the pulsing twitches that throbbed and
pounded against her palm.

BOOK: All the King's Men
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