Almost Perfect: A BWWM Billionaire Single Parent Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Almost Perfect: A BWWM Billionaire Single Parent Romance
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her headache, Kimberly smiled at Richard coyly and he returned it.

it something you want to discuss Kim? Or do we just leave it as is?”

off the bed with the sheet tucked around the breasts and hips, he had
kissed and sucked last night, she turned to him and said. “Slow
down Hun, only women want to discuss feelings after sex.”

was a joke, and though he laughed, Richard was stung that he appeared
so vulnerable to the woman he was falling for. Kim softened her tone
and gaze as she added, “There is nothing to discuss Richard.
Let nature take its course.”

the undercover vixen Kimberly was, she let the sheet fall to the
floor and in the natural sunlight, revealed the curvaceous silhouette
Richard yearned to touch once again.

to the bathroom and pausing by the door, Kimberly glanced over her
shoulder as she dropped a statement and instruction balled into one.

are the boss, so I shouldn’t have to spell things out for you.”

was only seconds before Richard was off the bed and standing behind
her, willing to do nature’s bidding.


weeks and two days had passed since Aunt Audrey’s burial and
Kimberly and Richard made sweet love almost daily after that.
Sometimes it was in her office when all the others left. Other times
it was in the backseat of his limo when she allowed him to escort her

couplings were hot and desperate. Always trying to quench a thirst
that did not want to be quenched. Their interactions were not merely
physical, but often bordered on tantric. Richard smelled her when she
wasn’t there, he heard her voice long after she had left a
room. Kimberly was not only filling his bed, she was filling his
heart. This was the primary reason he was having lunch with her

Goose was a farm to table restaurant in the south of California.
Seafood was a staple, but they trucked their meats and veggies down
from the farmers who spent their time tilling the soil.

and unassuming, it hid in the back of a large casino and the two
existed peacefully. He had used the private plane for his special
announcement and hoped all would go well. Kimberly wore yellow today-
well it was more mustard. Insisting she take a personal day off,
Richard was pleased that she quickly adapted to the sunshine of
California in her strapless flowing dress that still couldn’t
hide her remarkable figure. She wore toe rings and this was the first
time he had noticed. Flip flops on her were just as sexy on her as

ahead of time, Richard made sure they were dining in seclusion. The
only private balcony available was bathed in sunlight and waiting on
its guests. Kimberly was more than ready to get cozy. Richard had a
knot in his stomach.

warms my heart to see you smiling Kim. You have no idea.”

aunt would have wanted it. She was a proud woman but she was wise.
Life goes on.”

sat solemnly as the sad moment passed before Richard broke the

is an event I’d like you to attend with me this weekend.”

looked up from her inspection of her wine, a little surprised. Up
until now they had kept their interactions a secret. Only the
chauffeur knew they went places together outside of work. Even then,
he could only suspect.

you sure you are ready for that? They are lots of cameras at these
things. Our pictures will be everywhere.”

Richard reassured her that the paparazzi would not be a challenge in
this instance.

the media won’t be a concern where we are going. We are having
a family reunion. I want you there.”

had Kimberly’s full attention. This was definitely going to
take them to a whole new level

don’t know about that Richard. I know we haven’t
discussed it thoroughly, but your mother doesn’t seem to keen
our being friendly. When I’m in her personal space she may be a
bit more vocal.”

mother isn’t an issue. The old woman simply is bored and means
no harm. Plus, I want you to know I am not taking this thing between
you and I casually. You’re on my mind from the time I wake up
until I go to bed. I want to inhale you and keep you in my lungs. I
need you in my life.”

his palm over hand on the table, he massaged her fingers and looked
deeply into her eyes. Kimberly was convinced that he was being
sincere. When he launched into his next statement, things changed.

I so strongly believe in you and me, there is something else I want
to share with you.”

wasn’t aware she had stopped breathing, but Kimberly’s
chest ceased to rise and fall as she waited for his next words.

is someone near and dear to me that I have not told you about. It was
to protect her and not to scare you away. We have been though a lot
together, her and I, but now that I can clearly see what type of
woman you are, I want you to meet her.”

bastard had a girlfriend or wife?! Kimberly’s once smooth palm
became slick with sweat and confusion. Richard had a girlfriend but
still wanted her to attend a family gathering. She was lost until he

daughter Jasmine is beautiful and smart and I want her to meet the
special woman in her father’s life.”

sweat on Kimberly’s palm increased.


had lied to her. He had chosen to keep a life changing secret from
her and Kimberly felt betrayed. This was why Kimberly had stopped
dating in the first place. Men were never what they appeared to be.
All were selfish just like Kimberly’s absent father.

would you keep something like this from me?” Kimberly asked as
she slipped her hand from Richard’s and wiped it in a dinner
napkin. Pausing for the petite waitress to place the beef Wellington
and glazed carrots on the table, Richard only spoke when she
disappeared through the beaded curtain separating them from the main
dining hall.

don’t be angry Kimberly. It wasn’t a lie. I have suffered
at the hands of a few women who pretended to be in it for the long
haul, and then they disappear after a few tennis bracelets.”

voice became deep and authoritative. The contents of his next
statement though, may have been the last scoop of dirt on his grave.

you have had issues and though I didn’t grow up poor, I
suffered pain too. Suffering is not committed to one race or social

neck coiled. The statement may have been innocent but the fact that
he was mentioning race and social status led her to believe that
Richard thought she used her past and culture as a crutch. Kimberly
didn’t accept pity from anyone. A small voice inside her
whispered, “Maybe he didn’t mean it that way. Wouldn’t
you want to protect your child too before you brought someone new
home?” Kimberly answered herself silently. “I can’t
have children though. I would mess them up the same way Camilla did
me. This is my exit point.”

pangs of guilt and embers of anger glowed as Kimberly ate her meal in
silence, ignoring Richard’s pleas to talk to him.


was a professional and nothing outside of work would stop her from
delivering a stellar performance. It was Friday and she was due in
court. Via email, she had informed Richard of the proceedings and her
final argument. He made a few changes and gave her his blessing.
Visibly absent from the office for the past few days, Richard decided
that maybe a little time apart was best. He called a few times to
test the waters. Kim didn’t answer.

wormy lawyers were there and the stammers were coming hard and fast
as they painted a tainted picture of Tabletop. Negligent, dismissive
and even combative were used to describe their company policies.
Kimberly suspected bruised egos after they were nearly escorted from
the building.

it was her turn, Attorney at law, Kimberly Walsh spoke clearly and
concisely. The truth could not be questioned after expert witnesses
confirmed that Mrs. Thomas was definitely at fault for her fall.
Doctors for her, engineers for them, the experts spoke without
reservation about their findings. It was the last doctor who revealed
new information. The injured woman had been drinking just before she
fell into the chair, drunken and unstable.

her final appeal to the jury for justice, Attorney Walsh spoke about
honesty and truth, sincerity and transparency. It was when she got to
the last part that she didn’t believe it was written by her own

inside yourselves and ask this question, 'Can we forgive this

‘not guilty’ verdict was back in an hour and Tabletop’s
side of the court erupted in cheers of joy. They had won, but
Kimberly felt like a hypocrite. Appealing to the jury for forgiveness
toward a woman who had lied and wasted the court's time, all the
while she punished a man who had shown her nothing but love.


minutes past four and the red sports car was gunning down the
highway. The wind zipped pass Kimberly’s hair as she passed
cars going nowhere. She, however, was on a mission. Richard’s
estate sat on a plot of land just on the outskirts of the bustling
city. She had been there once, late at night for a drink. How did she
not know he had a daughter? Feeling low and very angry at her own
childish tantrum, she pushed the accelerator even harder. It was in a
cloud of dust that she arrived at the gates and wasted time talking
to the security.

was she? What did she want with Mr. Damask? He had not mentioned he
was expecting her. The large men in dark suits watched as she dialed
Richard’s number. He answered on the first ring. Maybe he was
waiting for her call.

your security people to let me through. I want to speak to you…

responding, the line went dead and the majestic white and gold gates
swung open. The security men stepped aside and Kimberly was admitted
to the castle guarding her Prince Charming.

waited on the steps of his mansion, pacing back and forth, glancing
at the approaching red car. Screeching to a halt only inches from the
fountain in the middle of the brick layered driveway, the vehicle
stopped and Kimberly sprang from the driver’s seat. Never one
to be reserved once she was convicted in her decision, Kimberly made
quick work of bounding up the stairs before closing her arms around
Richard’s neck and rubbing her wet face into his cheek.

I am so sorry. I am sorry I reacted so harshly. I don’t want
you to go away. Your daughter… Jasmine… I can get to
know her…”

stopped her sentence by pulling away from her embrace. Hurt and
disappointed he gazed into her brown eyes. He started to speak and
then stopped again before blurting out. “This is why I don’t
date. You fall in love with someone and then one hiccup and they are
gone.” His voice lowered considerably before he added, “I
really wanted you to be different.”

face turned from sadness to seriousness as she answered. Walking over
to a wicker patio chair and pouring herself slowly into it, she
matched his solemn tone.

know, you and I play for the same team. I try so much to keep people
out, try so hard to be strong, try so viciously to protect those we
love. Sometimes it’s that same passion that kills the very
things we hold dear. It is because of that one fact that I am afraid
of being anyone’s mother. I have scars deep and raw that I
don’t want to pass on to anyone. The girl I once was survived,
but she’s battered.”

Richard spoke as he gazed into the distance. The sun was setting and
the light on the patio was orange.

can’t you see yourself the way I see you? Humble beginnings,
but strong resolve, ambitious, proud, forthright… and damn
sexy. The old you is dead. You need to see yourself as you truly are…
and that’s absolutely remarkable.” Joining her on the two
seater lounge he added a now familiar statement, “We are
sitting in the present so we can stand in the future.”

eyes locked and held. It was Richard who initiated the kiss, but it
was Kimberly who took it to the next level. Both were hungry for the
touches and kisses that were withheld and stored for the past few

BOOK: Almost Perfect: A BWWM Billionaire Single Parent Romance
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