Read Alone With You Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Alone With You (22 page)

BOOK: Alone With You
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“I’m out!”

“Bye, Drake.”

“Hey, bossman.”

He stared at his friend and employee who peered at him over the cab of his truck. “Yeah?”

“Merry Christmas.”

This time the smile came easier. “Same to you, man. Same to you. Give Lisa a kiss for me.”

Drake waved, then drove closer to the house, leaving his truck running while he jumped out and got what he came for then left, honking on his way out. Tuck hung out for a short time before sliding off and heading out.

As he realised how comfortable Drake was in his relationship with Lisa and could handle teasing like that, he was in the Starbucks drive-through. Tuck knew he wasn’t that good for he’d been pissed just by Ariel having men around her he didn’t know. He needed to change. Once he’d been served, he headed for his next destination.

Sipping his coffee, he stepped into the elevator car then pressed the button for his desired floor. In the corner he waited as the music—holiday, of course—played. He walked to the door after departing the car, pausing at the logo that he was used to seeing pinned to the lapel of Ariel’s suit coat or shirt before pushing through. Connie sat behind the desk and she blinked before watching him with no sign of recognition.

“Welcome to Prometheus Protections. May I help you?”

“Is Ariel here, Connie?” He approached her desk and placed his cup on it.

She barely blinked. “Ms Greene is not available.”

“I’ll wait.”

“We close in fifteen minutes.”

“Great.” He went to the leather couch and sat, ensuring he kept an eye on the door.

“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave now. We’re closing for the night.”

He peered up from the magazine that had snapped up his attention. Rotating his empty coffee cup, he stared up at her. “Where’s Ariel?” He wasn’t leaving until he got some answers.

The door behind Connie opened and Slater stepped through. “Let’s go, Connie. I’m done for the night. Oh… What are you doing here?”

“Looking for Ariel.” He replaced the magazine.

Slater approached them. “Didn’t she tell you Ariel’s not here? Connie?”

“I told him she was not available. The standard answer when one asks about someone who isn’t here.” There was no remorse in her tone.

Tuck stood. “Could have told me she wasn’t in the building.”

“You didn’t ask.” Her voice was bland. “I will be by the door.”

Slater whistled low. “That there, my man, is one woman you don’t want to be pissed at you. And it seems you’ve managed to do that.”

“Why would she be mad at me?”

“She’s upset because you insulted Ariel by bringing that woman to Thanksgiving.”

Tuck exhaled and tossed the cup into the trash. “Where is she?”


He flexed his fists. “Slater, I’m not in the mood.”

Before he could blink, Connie had inserted herself between them. Had he not heard from Ariel about how she was, he would have considered laughing at her belief that she could stop him had he any wish to harm Slater. He sidestepped a bit but she moved fluidly with him.

“Tell me where she is.” He remained focused on Slater.


His growl rumbled up from his chest and he’d taken one step before pulling up.

Connie had drawn a firearm and it was aimed at his head.
He dropped back, turning desperate eyes to Slater.

“Connie, I think I’m—”

“Back away, sir. It is my job to assess threats and protect you. That’s what you hired me for.”

“I’m not a threat.” Tuck stepped back a few more. “I just want to know where she is.”

“Connie, put your pistol away,” Slater said.

“He needs to leave.”

Tuck was of the same mind. Hell, he’d shared beer, wine and laughs with this woman and none of it mattered. Her job did. Similar to how Ariel was—the job came first, always. He headed for the door and asked again. “Can you tell me?”

“She was called up. Activated, so we haven’t any clue.”

Slater’s voice trailed him to the door. He opened the door and passed through before facing the duo. Connie still aimed her sidearm at him.

Damn woman is all about business.

“Thank you.” He left and, in the elevator, expelled his breath as he realised he’d been extremely close to getting shot.

That was a new one for me.

By his truck, he leaned against the hood and linked his fingers. “I’m not giving you up without a fight, Ariel Greene. I will find you.”

And he had plans to keep her in his life this time. As Drake had said, it was time for him to be a man and go after the final thing to make his life complete.

Ariel Greene.

And he knew it wouldn’t be easy. He would have to compromise with her but to have her, beside him…forever? He was ready to walk through hell if that’s what she required of him.

Tuck got in his truck and started the engine to go to the apartment. As he stopped at an intersection and waited for the red to change, he felt a seed of hope begin to grow within him. It finally switched to green and he accelerated. Bright lights had him narrowing his eyes against the glare as they approached him.


Chapter Fifteen

Ariel stepped from the shower and paused at the sight of her second lieutenant standing there. Despite only wearing a towel, she straightened to attention. They’d just got back from patrol and she’d been filthy. Not to mention looking forward to—and desperately needing—the final shower she’d have before landing stateside.


“The colonel wants to see you.”

“I’ll report as soon as I dress.”

“See that you do.” She turned and walked to the door. “Great job, today, Sergeant.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant.”

She was left alone. Ariel wiped a hand over the fogged mirror and stared at her reflection. She’d been activated to take the place of this unit’s person who’d been KIA. Today, she’d been on point for the patrol.

I hated this damn country when I was here before. My opinion on it hasn’t changed.

She donned her clothing and laced up her boots before fixing the fall of her pants. Once her wet hair had been drawn back into a tight bun, she left the shower and headed to her commanding officer’s tent.

“Sergeant Greene reporting as ordered,” she said once she’d stepped inside.

Colonel Leaf waved her forward while he spoke to his aide. She stood at attention, waiting.

“At ease, Sergeant. I’ll be right with you.”

Smoothly, she readjusted to parade rest. People had begun to pack up the colonel’s items. They were rotating out tomorrow—she’d only been here for eight weeks. Again, not that she minded. At least she got to go home when they did instead of having to stay.

“Have a seat, Sergeant.”

She did and stared at Colonel Leaf. He was a proud man—he dyed his hair black as he desperately tried to hide the grey. His current dye job wasn’t the best for she could see some places he’d missed. They’d had a rocky start but she believed they’d come to an understanding of sorts.

“A message for you. I thought best you read it after the patrol.” He slid a folded sheet to her.

Uncertain, she took it, sat back and read.

lease advise Sgt Ariel Greene that Tuck Carter has been severely injured in a car accident. Prognosis uncertain. Slater

Her stomach revolted and it was only with great control that she avoided puking her guts out. She trembled as the words tumbled around in her head. The need to be at Tuck’s side slammed her with incredible force.
Ariel folded the sheet again and crushed it in her palm.

Colonel Leaf studied her before resting folded hands on the desk. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Very well. You are dismissed.”

Ariel was in a bit of a daze as she walked back through the camp to find and utilise her rack. Tuck. Sitting on the narrow bed, she dropped her head in her hands. She missed him and wanted to see him for herself.
Prognosis uncertain.
Those weren’t good words. What had happened? So many questions were there and she had no way of getting answers now. She was leaving tomorrow and would be home shortly after that.

Home? More like another place to lay her head. All of her things were in storage. She made a mental note to call Connie or Slater to find out what hospital Tuck was being held at. Flopping back, she closed her eyes and called up a mental recollection of the man she’d desired since the first time she met him.

Big. Muscular. Still, so gentle with her.
Sometimes. He wasn’t gentle in the museum when he took you so many times,
her subconscious reminded her. It was true but she’d taken what he’d given her with pleasure. Much pleasure.

It was hard to imagine her big, strong man in a hospital bed.

Her brain chimed in.
He’s not yours any longer. You broke up with him.

True. She had.
Doesn’t mean I don’t still care.

And she did care. Breaking it off hadn’t been an easy decision for her to come to, especially not given the depth of her emotions towards him. However, respect was necessary and his neglecting to mention that whore to her had been bad enough. Didn’t help that she’d seen Daisy using his truck. Hell, he’d said to her he didn’t like anyone driving his vehicle, and this woman had—it appeared—carte blanche to do just that. Ariel had seen her on more than a few occasions behind the wheel.

That alone would have been difficult enough but she’d dealt with it—the uncertainty, insecurity and all the other negative feelings that came with it—all the while waiting for him to tell her he’d gone and hired the woman to his company. He never had. It was disappointing that he wouldn’t let her know. More than that, however, it hurt. Why didn’t he want her to know? Was there something between him and Daisy?

The proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back had happened when he’d brought her for Thanksgiving. It had been too much and she hadn’t been able to just look the other way anymore.

She readjusted and tried to find a comfortable spot. Her body, while being physically tired, didn’t slow down the wheel in her mind about Tuck’s injury.

“Greene! Volleyball. Five min.”

She waved a hand in acknowledgement.
Well, I was clean for about fifteen tics.
She gave herself another three before pushing up from the bed. She stripped her blouse and headed out in her tank top. She couldn’t be shirtless like the men but she would do what she could to stay cool. Bottle of water in hand, she slipped on her sunglasses and made her way to the edge of their makeshift court.

“Where am I?” she asked.

Side and position realised, she did her best not to think about Tuck. There wasn’t anything she could do from where she was anyway. The feat wasn’t one easily accomplished, but she managed.

* * * *

“Yes, ma’am. I made it back just fine.” Ariel stood at the conveyor system in baggage claim, waiting for luggage, and spoke to her mother.

“That’s wonderful to hear, dear. I do worry so when you are off playing solider.” The comment was flippant.

Ariel tapped her forehead and paced, trying to keep her retort inside. This was why she didn’t spend much time with her family. It always went like this.

Mrs Julianna Greene was stubborn and set in her ways. One of which was her belief that men went to war to fight. Not women. And especially not
daughter. Women were to stay home and raise a family.

She knew this happened even more because she was born into money and didn’t need to do such things. Hell, according to her mother she shouldn’t even be working period, but planning parties and giving orders to the help.

“Now,” her mother said. “When will you be home?”

Ariel could picture her. She would be standing in her room, possibly on the balcony, staring out over her domain and clapping her hands as she envisioned all the people she would control. “I’m not coming home. I have a job to get to.”

“There’s this doctor I want to introduce you to. Now, he’s merely a surgeon, not a specialist. However, he’s mentioned thinking about becoming one in the future. Very easy on the eyes. I’ve shown him your picture and he’s anxious to meet you.”

She needed a drink. A big, stiff one. “Again, although I’m sure you talking over me was perfectly deliberate, let me reiterate this. I’m not coming home.”

“Don’t you sass me. You’re not gone playing in the sand, you’re home and therefore you will come home.”

I love her. Truly, I do. Right?
“I have a job.”

“Why do you have to fight everything, Ariel? Can’t you just once not make things difficult for me? It’s your father’s seventieth birthday three days from now and I
you home to attend the bash we’re putting on. I know you wouldn’t disappoint him.” The words implied she’d hurt her mother.
Shit, shit, shit!
She’d totally forgotten that. There was no way she could skip it, not being in the country as she was. Looked like she had to book another flight. Of course there was still time to get a hotel and at least drop in and see Tuck.

“I’ll be there the day before.”

“Can’t you just come today? I have the seamstress on call in case you have nothing to wear but less than twenty-four hours isn’t much time for you to get a proper wardrobe.”

Translation—no matter what she wore, it wouldn’t be good enough for Mrs Julianna Greene.

“My closet is full of clothing.” The light blinked and the warning sounded.

A heavy sigh. “All outdated fashions.”

“Mother, do not think you can toss me into some fancy clothes and marry me off. The clothing will be fine for Daddy’s party.”

“Were you not listening to me? I want you to meet this doctor. He will be at the party.”

“I’m coming for Daddy’s party. Not for a date.”

The first of the bags began appearing.

“No harm in doing both. You’re not getting any younger, you know. You need to get married and have a child before you’re too old. Now, when you’re here make sure we dispense with talking about you playing in the dirt. He wouldn’t be impressed by that.”

BOOK: Alone With You
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