Read Amanda's Young Men Online

Authors: Madeline Moore

Amanda's Young Men (26 page)

BOOK: Amanda's Young Men
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Nola said, ‘Yummy.’ Her tongue stretched out to its fullest before she buried it between Amanda’s swollen lips.

Amanda closed her eyes and leant back against the broad expanse of Trevor’s chest. Nola’s tongue was lashing from side to side inside her, delving deeply and then curling up behind Amanda’s pubic bone before resuming its lateral flickering. The sensations were more than pleasant, but they weren’t ‘tongue-on-clit’. She was starting to feel a need for it, but she willed herself to wait. In any case, whether Nola had noticed it or not, Trevor was in charge of the proceedings.

Trevor’s free hand, the one that wasn’t tangled in Nola’s pink locks, played idly with Amanda’s breasts, squeezing and releasing, rolling her nipples and flicker-fanning them into tiny tingling erections. He licked her ear and traced a line from it down her jawbone.

Hands and mouths moved on or in her body. The time had come, it occurred to Amanda, to participate, instead of just lolling and feeling and being done to. And so her first flicker of urgency unfolded and, with it, what little initiative Trevor would be willing to accept. She licked the palm of her hand and reached down to gloss it over the plum of Trevor’s manhood.

Nola’s cheek nudged Amanda’s hand aside. The girl’s mouth went from a suck on Trevor’s knob to a squirm between Amanda’s lips and back again. That was nice, but Amanda knew a better
. She lifted up. Her fingers guided Trevor’s shaft. She sank down again, impaling herself slowly. Dear God, there was nothing better in the world than the sensation of a man sliding inside her; the bulk of it, the warmth of this hard living thing as it slowly inexorably filled her emptiest place. Now she and Trevor were one, a single sexual being for Nola to serve.

Trevor’s hips moved, lifting Amanda a fraction and wriggling the cock that skewered her. Amanda sat up a bit to watch Nola at play and make it easier for Trevor. The girl’s long pink tongue slavered up between Trevor’s balls, along the two inches of his shaft that projected from Amanda’s pussy, and up high, where the flesh was thin and pale, to flip up over Amanda’s clit.

Mm! It was good. It was the sort of pleasure, or pleasures, that Amanda could have revelled in for hours. Nola’s tongue’s caresses were too widely spaced to drive Amanda to climax but close enough together to keep her very interested. Trevor’s subtle movements reminded her that she was distended by a very thick and hard cock, and they did rub his cock on her G-spot a bit, but, again, not enough to take her all the way. Time was suspended. Amanda was afloat in a sea of bliss. Still no burning urgency. They had all evening, all night, all the next day. Amanda had climaxed once so far, from that obscene thing Trevor had done to her with the lobster tail. She’d climax again and again that evening, or that night, from things that either Trevor or Nola would do to her. She was in no rush.

But it seemed that Nola was. She was slobbering again now. Her mouth seemed frantic, gobbling on Trevor’s scrotum and slavering its way up to Amanda’s clit and down again.

Amanda craned her neck. Ah! That was why. The randy little slut, no doubt inspired by being allowed to service both of the dominants who were playing with her, had been fingering herself. She had to be close. ‘You may climax now, Nola,’ Amanda told her imperiously.

As if that was the signal, the pink-haired girl let out a choking sob, fell on to her back, jammed bunched fingers deep into herself, arched and screamed a long high scream.

‘Some climax!’ Trevor remarked into Amanda’s ear.

‘Spectacular,’ she agreed. ‘Would you like one – a climax, I mean?’

‘I’m comfortable for now.’

‘What if you don’t have to move, not an inch, just lie there and let me take care of you?’

‘That’d be nice.’

The stiff upper edge of her waspie bit into Amanda’s flesh, just beneath her breasts, but she managed to lean far forwards and reach down to grip her own ankles. So, Nola had impressed Trevor with her convulsive orgasm, had she? She’d show them something, both of them. A rocking pull on her ankles raised her bum, slithering her pussy up Trevor’s shaft till only its head was still between her lips. Amanda let herself fall again, impaling herself, and pulled again. She soon established a rhythm and syncopated it. Her hips rotated. She used Trevor’s knob to masturbate her G-spot. She twitched, squirming on his rigid rod. The muscles in her tummy began to feel the strain, but that was good. Sweat beaded on Amanda’s forehead and trickled between her bouncing breasts.

Nola, who had been watching Amanda’s gyrations with admiration in her eyes, uncoiled from the floor and climbed up on to the sofa. Amanda couldn’t see but she could hear the girl’s wet kisses, likely on Trevor’s chest as she knew he wouldn’t favour the girl with his kisses unless he had used her as a bendy doll.

Spurred on, Amanda redoubled her efforts and contracted her internal muscles in an accelerating tempo. She gave no thought to her own pleasure. The entire focus of her being was on Trevor’s climax. She compelled it to happen.

Strangely, her selfless efforts were rewarded with her own exquisitely tight little orgasm.

But, damm it, Trevor hadn’t climaxed yet. And she was limp from her efforts. Amanda took a deep breath. She couldn’t leave Trevor unsatisfied. Perhaps she had enough energy left to jerk and suck him off?

Before she could gather her energies, Trevor’s broad hands took her by her hips and lifted her bodily. She just dangled, her head between his knees. His face worked from side to side between the cheeks of her bottom, spreading them. His strong tongue probed at the knot of her sphincter. He must have deliberately made saliva, because her ring felt a warm trickle.

Nola slid off the sofa and squatted below Amanda. She poured liquid butter on to her palm. Her arm reached between Amanda’s dangling breasts to Trevor’s rigid shaft, and slathered it with the warm grease.

Oh! So that’s what he had in mind!

Nola held Trevor in place as he lowered Amanda. Her rear passage was wet and his shaft was buttered. And she was totally relaxed. There was hardly any resistance as his great knob eased its way into her, past her pursed opening and deep up the tight muscular channel of what had not so long ago been a forbidden place.

When she was snug on his lap, her tailbone pressed on to his pubic bone, he pulled her back to loll back against his chest. Trevor braced. His feet were flat on the floor. The back of his neck pressed against the back of the sofa. With just those contacts, he arched up, almost into a wrestler’s bridge, and fucked up into Amanda’s bottom.

Amanda bounced. Although she was being shaken, she could see that Trevor was pouring butter all over Nola’s right hand. Why?

Oh! Was it possible? Trevor’s cock filled her insides. It felt as if her organs had been nudged aside to accommodate its bulk. Surely he didn’t expect her to take more distending than she was already enduring/enjoying?

But he did.

Nola stuck her tongue out so that each of Amanda’s bounces flicked it over her mistress’s clit. That was nice, but what concerned Amanda was the way Nola was fondling the lips of her pussy, spreading them wide and working two, or was it three, fingertips up into her.

Trevor stilled. Amanda was suspended, held up by his staff up her bum and his strong hands cupping her hips. Nola’s fingers squirmed deep, then withdrew. When they pressed into Amanda again, she could tell that the thumb and little finger were tucked in, as Meg had taught her to do. Nola bore deeply, stretching Amanda as she had never been stretched before. The pressure became excruciating, in a way that was unbearable but simultaneously glorious. Amanda held her breath and tried to relax her internal muscles but she was afraid. If she hadn’t been flattened by the invader that filled her back passage, she might have been able to bear the devastating sensations she was being forced to endure at Nola’s hand.

Trevor’s thrusts accelerated. He grunted. He was close.

Amanda closed her hand around Nola’s wrist, stopping it from burrowing any deeper.

Trevor lifted his hips up, higher than before, and slammed back down on to the sofa. He erupted inside her, flooding Amanda’s tunnel with his scalding essence. He let loose the bellow of a bull elephant in must, and slumped.

‘Potato!’ Amanda shouted immediately.

Trevor chuckled weakly.

‘No more,’ she amended for Nola’s sake.

Nola drew her hand slowly out from inside Amanda. She
at Amanda’s sweat-streaked face. ‘I think he’s out of it,’ she said.

Amanda managed a smile. She eased herself up off Trevor’s softening cock and said, ‘Yes. I think I’ll just curl up here with Trevor for a bit.’

‘What should I do?’ Nola tilted her head in that way that Amanda always found endearing.

‘Sweetie, how about you get us a throw? And a couple of pillows.’

‘Sure! And then I’d like to tidy up while you sleep, if that’s OK?’

‘Silly thing,’ Amanda muttered. She yawned and snuggled into Trevor’s arms on the couch. Just before she drifted off she wondered if she’d been sleeping when first she’d dreamt up this eager, talented, energetic Girl Friday. If so, Nola was a pink-haired dream come true.


nine on a Monday morning, Eggerdon flustered into Amanda’s office with an envelope in his quivering hand.

‘What is it?’ she asked.

He waved the envelope. ‘Our Mrs Carrey – she’s given us notice.’

‘Oh? How long?’

‘Two weeks, but not exactly.’

‘But not “exactly”? What does that mean, exactly?’

‘She’s given two weeks’ notice, but she’s still due a week of this year’s vacation time and she’s taking it, so one week, really.’

‘That’s not much notice,’ Amanda allowed. ‘Who do we have to take over from her?’

‘No one, and hiring someone new will take time, much more than a week.’

‘What happened before, when she went on holiday?’

‘We work a month in hand, so she did all the salaried people in advance before she left and had time to catch up on the hourly and part-timers when she got back, provided she took her holiday at the beginning of the month, which she was always meticulous about doing.’

‘So we actually have a full month before disaster strikes.’

His eyes brightened. ‘I suppose we do!’

Serendipity struck again. Only that morning, Amanda had read an article in
Financial News
, on outsourcing HR. She told Eggerdon, ‘Outsource our payroll and HR. There are lots of
that do that sort of thing. It should give our people better benefits packages, as outsource HR companies represent dozens of employers, not just one. I’ll leave it up to you to investigate and organise.’

‘I won’t let you down, Ms Garland.’

‘I know. Mr Eggerdon?’


‘Mrs Carrey must have known she’d be leaving us in the lurch. Why would she do that, do you think?’

He looked embarrassed. ‘She – she and Sophie Sharpe got along very well.’

‘Really? In that case, have Mrs Carrey escorted from the premises immediately. Arrange for a forensic audit of Mrs Carrey’s books.’

Eggerdon looked shocked. ‘You aren’t suggesting …?’

‘I’m suggesting nothing, but do it anyway.’ She paused for thought. ‘When you sign the outsourcing contract, bind us to it so that, if Sophie beats me and takes over, she won’t be able to break it and rehire Mrs Carrey or, at least, she’ll find it awkward to.’

‘I understand. I’m behind you one hundred per cent,’ he assured her.

‘I know.’ She patted his creased cheek. ‘It’s only just over a week until the shareholders’ meeting, and then the suspense will be over, one way or another.’

He looked glum.

Amanda continued, ‘Just in case, prepare a Letter of Intent for me to sign, would you? It should guarantee you your job, indexed with inflation protection, until you retire. Make it ironclad, so that any successor of mine, such as dear Sophie, couldn’t possibly break it.’

‘That’s extremely generous of you.’ He looked close to tears.

‘It’s nothing. You’re a good man, Eggerdon. While I’m in charge, I want you working with me. If Sophie gets her way and takes over, at least you’ll be protected against any repercussions for having supported me.’

Amanda followed Eggerdon out of her office. Nola was particularly outrageous today, in full
style. Her always wild hair was tied up in untidy bunches. She was dressed in a pervert’s garish dream of a Japanese schoolgirl’s outfit, with a floppy tie, a gauzy shirt that just hinted at the locations of her nipples, a pleated skirt that left six inches of her thighs bare above her red and white horizontally striped over-the-knee socks and flat buckle-up black patent shoes.

‘That’s quite the little outfit, miss. Find Rupert and Paul for me please; they’re not in their office.’

The phone rang.

‘Should I answer that before I go?’ Nola was even more eager to please than she’d been before Amanda had presented her as a gift to Trevor.

‘No, I’ll get it.’ Amanda shooed the girl from her office and picked up the receiver. ‘Amanda Garland speaking.’

‘Hi. Ms Garland, it’s Meg.’

She’d have recognised Meg’s voice anywhere. The sound of it made her tummy flutter. At the same time, Amanda felt a little guilty. ‘I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, Meg. Things are pretty crazy around here.’

‘That’s OK. It’s just that – well – Ms Sharpe came by this morning. She said she’d be back, at closing, to go through the books and such. I don’t think she gets to do that, does she?’

‘Certainly not. She’s not in control of my company yet.’

‘Well, she said it would go best for me to do as she says
keep my mouth shut. But I thought it’d be best to call you.’

‘Thank you for your loyalty, Meg. I’ll come by after work and – or, no, I’ve a better idea. I’ll ask the building security guard to come by. He’ll make sure there’s no trouble. His name is Trevor.’

‘How will I know him?’

‘Oh, you’ll know him.’

Amanda placed a call to Trevor. From the background sounds, it was obvious he was in the middle of teaching a karate class, but he promised Amanda he’d be done in plenty of time to get to the store Meg managed by closing time.

BOOK: Amanda's Young Men
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