Read AMP Private War Online

Authors: Stephen Arseneault

Tags: #Sci-Fi & Fantasy

AMP Private War (6 page)

BOOK: AMP Private War
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"So, the direction I am going with is this Sir, we isolate a frigate, hit it our negative cannons to disable it, pop an ion bomb to disable their blasters and then board her with these kinetic weapons. A frigate should have about 125 crewmen on her with 40 of those being Marines. If we can find and hit those Marines first the rest should be a gravy run. Marines tend to be a nasty lot when it comes to hand to hand while the rest of the crew will be soft. If we can get our hands on one of those frigates, we may be able to find vulnerabilities that will help the cause."

I quizzed Ham further about his friend. The idea was sound and it gave me an excuse to once again visit the Grid. I could catch up with Dearest Kreed and of course check on the status of Ashley Elizabeth as well. I scheduled a ship for the following day.

When we arrived on the Grid I immediately made an effort to locate Ashley. She was off Grid on business. My second visit was to see Dearest Kreed. She had news. "Mr. Bumbalee, it looks like agents were able to break up the attempt at sabotaging the gravity drive. But there are other plans in the works that could prove easily as disruptive. There is talk of a toxic bomb to be used on the farming levels. It could make an entire crop inedible as well as making the soil toxic for future crops."

Dearest continued, "It could also be related to the environmental systems. They have identified key systems that will be difficult to repair or replace in a timely manner. There has also been talk of corrupting the power grid so that many of the electronic devices would be rendered useless. Each of those could cause hardships for many of our residents."

Dearest had been working hard to collect information for the Grid. She had names of other agents that were assigned the tasks of which she spoke, she had lockers identified where materials for use were hidden and she had credit routing numbers of funding accounts. It would have been a gold mine for SCore, but I was unsure of who could be trusted.

I next met up with Ham who was having a discussion with his friend. Jeb Carson had made a small career out of his hobby as a kinetic weapon enthusiast. After hand manufacturing several of the weapons found in the Grid archives he sought a place to put them to use. The only indoor gun range on the Grid was opened only a few months before our arrival.

I was introduced to Jeb and instantly saw why Ham had spoken so highly of him. "Ham tells me your name is Rex?" I shook his hand and responded, "Rex Bumbalee. Ham speaks highly of you and he thought I might be interested in learning about your weapons."

Jeb flipped on a closed sign, locked the door and ushered us into his range. It was a re-creation of a range as described in the archives. "You see, our ancestors enjoyed shooting these weapons for pleasure, kind of a sport. They had a whole variety of guns that were made for different purposes. It seems hunting wild animals, sometimes for food and sometimes for sport was something that many of them enjoyed."

"Your basic bullet, as it’s called, is a lead or composite metal slug that gets pressed into the end of one of these brass cartridges. The cartridge has a blend of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate as a charge that when ignited pushes that slug down and out of the barrel of one of these guns. I tell you, the first time I fired one I almost pee'd myself; have been hooked ever since."

"Now, they aren't as accurate as a blaster, but I think that adds to their charm. I've read that some of the more primitive species we have encountered during our traveling times used similar weapons exclusively. You put me in combat and I'll take a blaster over one of these every time, but for sport... they are a hoot!"

We spent the afternoon at the range firing different caliber pistols, rifles and shotguns. Jeb even had a muzzle loader, but he rarely fired it because he felt it was a bit too inaccurate and a lot of work. For Jeb, shooting was supposed to be fun.

As the day progressed he moved on to other weapons that made use of gunpowder or gunpowder like substances. He showed us drawings of fragmentation grenades, mortars and bazookas, none of which he had crafted as he had nowhere to fire them. The conversation changed when I asked if he would be interested in building a range on Bullwort.

Jeb replied, "Bullwort? Who named it that? No offense intended but I think there should have been some kind of committee setup to name some of these planets."

After a brief hesitation Jeb continued, "I'm just joshing with you there Rex, just having a little fun at your expense."

I nodded as I responded, "That's OK Jeb, I live there, but the Grid is my home and I'll have to say I sometimes wonder who named it the Grid. But to get back to my question, would you be interested in constructing one of these ranges back on Bullwort? Credits are not an issue and that would include funding for the other devices you mentioned there."

"I'm looking for a whole slew of kinetic weapons for a special purpose. And if you are interested I can pay you a healthy consulting fee just for coming out there with us. Ham can vouch that it will be worth your time. I would like to leave in the next couple days though, if you can swing that."

Jeb stood and looked around at his range. "Well, I've been bringing in about 1,500 credits a week here. I would guess that we are talking about at least a month. Add in a little bonus for inconveniencing my customers and... I'm thinking 8,000 credits might just get me out to Bullwort!"

I stood and held out my hand for a shake. "How about 20,000 and we leave tomorrow?"

Jeb grinned and then thrust his hand back into mine. "For 20Gs I can be ready in 20 minutes! I look forward to doing business with you Rex!"

Chapter 6

Jeb was blown away by the Swift as we left for Bullwort. I spoke, "Now that we are away from the Grid I have a few extra things to tell you."

Jeb got a worried look on his face.

I continued, "First off, I want you to know that you are not in any danger and that you will be paid the consulting fee as was agreed upon. What I want to discuss is our intent for the weapons we would like you to build for us."

"As you know Jeb, we are at war with the Milgari. And when I say we I am not only referencing the Grid. I am talking about our team back on Bullwort. We want to use your guns in an assault on the Milgari."

Jeb got a puzzled look on his face. "You want to take these into battle against the Milgari? They have blasters you know and while these are fun to toy around with they are no match for a blaster, unless you haven't told me everything yet. Please go on."

I set the way-points back to Bullwort and then set the speed to go full once we were out of range of the Grid's sensors. "We are only in the early stages of planning at the moment. But your friend here turned us on to an idea that I think might just work. We plan to knock out a Milgari frigate and then boarding her with these weapons."

"And when I say knock out I mean taking everything that runs on ions offline, which would include blasters. Your guns, Jeb, do not require power and are therefore ideal for the assault we are planning. It would be us with guns versus the Milgari with their disgusting suction cupped hands. We want you to build us the weapons Jeb, and then the range for us to practice on.

"We have the credits for you to do just about whatever you want. And we aren't asking you to fight, just to build us what we need to pull this off. That would include some of those gazookas and branades or whatever those other devices were called."

Jeb let out a howl before Ham could respond. "I think you mean bazookas, but I kinda like gazookas better!"

The remainder of the flight back to Bullwort was spent discussing the gunpowder weapons and their strengths and pitfalls. Just before we landed Jeb asked a question. "I was just noticing your speed indicator there Rex. That is not in SOLs is it? I mean, there aren't ships out there doing over 300 SOL are there? I'm a bit of an ion drive buff too, worked on them down in the Alpha yards before giving the range a shot."

Ham placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'll handle this one. This ship... has been over 600 SOL before. That's right, the Swift, the ship you are riding in, has traveled faster than any ship in the galaxy, that is, other than the Grid when we are on the run!"

Jeb's excited grin suddenly began to fade. "If you figured out how to hit 600 SOL then there is a fair chance that the Milgari are going to figure that out too. I've heard we hit over a 1,000 SOL when we fire up those Grid gravity drives. But that isn't going to take us far enough if the Milgari can hit 600. We would have to jump every three years and there wouldn't be enough fuel for a full jump. No, this here has me concerned... real concerned."

Ham grabbed his friend on the shoulder and squeezed. "Hey… you and me both. That is why Rex formed up this outfit. If we can hit 600, they are not far behind. And the Milgari are much closer to attacking the Grid than any of those politicians let on. We could be hit in a month, by ships that are far more powerful, and more plentiful, than anything we have ever faced before."

"And I tell you what really scares me, it's the idiots we have in charge. Too many of them have vested interests in this sector with all the businesses they have set up. Don't get me wrong, I am all for our free capitalist ways, but when those in the government get involved in business they tend to do things that they perceive are in their own best interest and not always what's best for the rest of us."

Our discussions continued as we landed on Bullwort. Jeb was eager to see our operation and to meet the patriots that had taken it upon themselves to fight the Milgari. Ham introduced him to the other team members and then gave him a quick tour of our mining operation.

Later that afternoon Jeb approached me with another question. "Mr. Bumbalee. What you have here... it's beyond my imagination. The things that I have learned the last few days have me wanting to jump in and help in any way I can. If you need guns, I will build all the guns you need. Grenades... gazookas, whatever you need. I would consider it an honor to be a member of this team Sir... an honor."

I congratulated Jeb on becoming our newest member. I set him down with George to make out a list of what he would need to build out our gunpowder arsenal. We would be going to war with the Milgari and we would be armed with conventional weapons.

A month after acquiring the equipment needed for our arsenal Jeb produced the first rifle. It was a design he found for an assault rifle designated as an AK-47. It was easily produced, rugged and forgiving in harsh environments. The following week his ammunition line was up and running, producing the 7.62 millimeter rounds that would be required.

When the second rifle came out of his manufacturing room the two guns were taken to our outdoor range. An afternoon of firing the guns quickly burned through more than 800 rounds. Barg finished firing a full clip and then turned back towards the others. "Man, I have to say I like the feel of that. The kick lets you know what is heading their way. I think I'm going to miss that when I get back to my blaster. Yeah, I like that recoil."

Milly fired a clip next and had a similar response. "That was awesome! I'm so used to pulling the trigger on that blaster and then seeing something happen on the other end. This adds a whole new dimension of feel to it. I tell you what we should do. We should build a maze of halls like you would find on a ship, to work our way through. It's one thing to just stand back and fire at a target, it's another to assault one."

Two days later we had a mock hallway setup for our practice. Ham had his hands full training the pilots who were not used to military style tactics, he had studied them extensively. We quickly determined that not everyone was cut out to go on a rampage through an alien ship carrying an assault rifle. Our manpower needs were changing.

Milly spoke. "Chief, all of us are exceptional pilots, but I think it's safe to say that we might want to scout around for some folks who are trained at assault. I had some of that training during my tours, but I would not consider myself hard core and this type of an assault needs hard core. You don't send fishermen out to do farming Sir. It's not what they are good at and the results will show."

Ham then stepped up with an idea. "I don't know if this is doable or not, but Jeb's business has been kept afloat mostly with retired Marines. These guys are the hard core deck assault troops that Milly was referring too. They are mostly sitting around on their pensions trying not to go crazy with nothing to do. I know 42 of his members are from one private military retirement org."

"I had thoughts at one point of hiring out my services to take them on off-world hunting adventures. It was one of those great ideas that you have that you never follow through on. These guys Sir, they would probably pay for and consider this an adventure. They are as tough as they come too. I don't know how many times I thought I was gonna get slapped on the back and lose a lung from it. Just about all of them are muscle heads Sir, hard core muscle heads."

A week later we were back on the Grid looking to enlist the members of the Gray Ghouls. Their senior officer Colonel Tom Harper had a square chin, high cheekbones and wide-set steel-blue eyes. His broad head sat atop a neck of equal thickness. His wide shoulders dropped down to 20 inch biceps and ended with fists that looked like hammers. His handshake felt like a vice and his voice was deep and solid.

"So Jeb, what's this rumor I hear about you needing some help? Someone giving you trouble son? Just say the word and the Ghouls will handle it for you."

The Colonel pointed to the skull with fangs that covered the front of his t-shirt. "Just say the word and I'll rip out somebody's spine and beat them with it! Hahahaha!"

Jeb took half a step back due to the intimidation factor. "No Sir, it's not any trouble like that. It is something that I think you will be very interested to hear though. And I'm sure I can count on you and the Ghouls to be discrete... Sir. Mr. Bumbalee will fill you in."

The Colonel looked at me with a mean snarl. "Bumbalee? What kind of a name is that? Malcom-5? Hahahaha!"

I managed to not flinch as he stared at me for several seconds. He continued, "I'm sorry son, just funnin' with yah! Now what is it we can do for you?"

The Colonel took a bite out of an Omega root as he continued to stare me down. Omega root was a foul habit that many in the Grid Marines picked up when on off-Grid duty. It was one of those rights of passage that eventually became habit. The green stains around the edges of their teeth and the foul breath were only two of its consequences, a heightened edginess was another.

The Colonel chewed on the root as he grinned. I felt as if his breath was beginning to melt the hairs of my nostrils. He then turned and spit a green wad of Omega root down onto the pant leg of the Marine standing next to him. The Sergeant didn't say a word. I glanced around the room and saw the green stains on a third of the pant legs in the room. It was truly a filthy habit.

I cleared my throat before I spoke. "Colonel Harper. I'm sure you know that we are close to another Milgari war Sir. And I'm sure it angers you that the politicians on the Grid seem to be oblivious. Some are even calling for a truce and a pact to become part of the Milgari Empire. All of which you know will not happen."

The Colonel's face began to turn red as he spoke. He began looking at his hand as he opened and closed his iron fist. "Don't get me started on those tools. Every time I think about the idiots that run this place it makes me want to squeeze the dumb-ass out of their pointy little heads. It's a constant battle with them for us Vet's to get care for our service injuries."

"Jones over there has a re-cast right forearm and hand that clinches up whenever an ion generator kicks on. He's always in fear that it's going to happen when he's in the middle of taking a piss."

The colonel went silent with a stern look on his face for several seconds. "Hahahaha! I love telling that one. Never gets old!"

I pursed my lips and then began to speak again. "Colonel, I'll get right to the point. How would you..." I pointed around the room. "and the Ghouls, like to kick some Milgari ass?"

The Colonel began to grin. "And you would be doing it while using Jeb's guns." The Colonel's expression turned to a hideous, evil smile.

"Son, if you can put one of those shotguns in my hand and a Milgari a couple yards away, you would see a bloodbath like you have never seen before. The first shots would be to blow off those feral glands that they foul up the air with and the rest of the damage I would do with my fist. It's been ten years since I had a tangle with one of those green tri-heads and that has been ten years too long. Just point us at 'em son and the Ghouls and I will take care of the rest."

As I continued to speak I began to get a smile of my own. "Colonel, I can have a transport here in a week if you and your crew are interested in discussing this further. I would like to take you out to our home base and to show you around. All expenses paid of course; along with a generous pay package should you accept the challenge."

The Colonel grabbed my shoulder and squeezed to the point of almost breaking my collar bone. "Generous pay? Son, look around this room... these grunts would be willing to pay you! Hahahaha! You bring a ship now that can handle 44 of us, and if you need more, I'm sure I would have no problem rounding them up. And the Ghouls don't talk son, so everything you've said here today won't leave this room."

The Colonel turned around to the others in the room who had been listening patiently. "Boys and girls! Who wants to get some green guts on 'em!"

The group erupted in a roar as the adrenaline that had been dormant in their bodies came back to life. The Ghouls were ready to go to war. The Marine blood was once again pumping through their veins.

A week later the group boarded our transport. We departed under the guise of heading out on a hunting adventure to an uninhabited world in the little traveled Darvic sector. The Colonel, 37 men and seven women stepped aboard our ship with grins on their faces. Fighting was in their future and they were pumped to get at it.

After landing on Bullwort the Colonel got immediately to work with a training regimen. His team was tough, but they were in need of polish. Many of them had not served together and as such needed time to get to know there fellow Marine. These were the guys and girls that would have your back. You wanted to know they could be trusted. You also wanted to know how they would react during difficult situations.

The Colonel was hard on his people, but they thrived under his intense methods. In only a few short months the Colonel came to me with a toothpick dangling from the side of his mouth. "Rex, I think the team is ready when you are. We have practiced our storm assault repeatedly and we think we have a good feel for those weapons."

"I'll have to say, I kind of envy those soldiers who originally fought with those things. Nothing like the feeling you get from that recoil and the sound. Adds a whole level to the game and my people like to play! You get us on one of those Milgari frigates and we will take her down and clean her out. These Marines out here, they are ready to pop a few tri-heads!"

Several Defender pilots had shown disappointment in not being included on the assault team. They were too valuable a commodity to risk and their talents were needed elsewhere. Barg in particular was a bit depressed. "Chief, I know where my skills lie, but I sure would love to follow those grunts in there for that clean-out."

"My Father, my Uncle and both of my brothers were deck pounders and it was always something I wanted to do, but just never did. Makes me feel like I'm missing out on my last opportunity to get in there and fight. I'm trained in hand to hand; timing of the last war just kept me out of it. If you find a way Chief, I am willing to go hard core with the rest of them."

BOOK: AMP Private War
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