Read Anarchy of the Heart Online

Authors: Max Sebastian

Tags: #Erotica, #Sex, #couples, #oral sex, #contemporary erotica, #straight sex, #stranger sex, #partner swap

Anarchy of the Heart (11 page)

BOOK: Anarchy of the Heart
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"Would she be angry at that?" she asked, her
sapphire eyes hovering on his lips before trailing up to meet his
own startled gaze.

"I... uh..." he fumbled, trying to reengage
the gears in his head. "I don't imagine she would," he said. "You
did that before in the restaurant..."

She smiled, and leaned forward again, this
time one hand brushing over his cheek as her head tilted and her
luxurious lips closed in on his, and she was gently pulling him to
her to taste his bottom lip. 

Eyes closing, he melted into her, breathing
deeply, adoring her warm, summery scent, which made him
imagine rolling around in an orchard surrounded by apricot trees,
astounded at the sensations teased out by her lips and after a
moment or two, her tongue.

Recovering a little from the power of her
initial engagement, he returned her kiss, gently mirroring her
own movements to lightly suck on her lips, and even explore her
mouth with the tip of his own tongue, bringing his hand up to
caress her velvet cheek.

She broke into a dazzling smile as they
eventually parted, silent for a moment or two as they both caught
their breath and came back down to ground level.

"You are a wonderful kisser, Leo," Sofia
said, in barely more than a whisper.

"I was only taking my lead from

"So, you think Caitlyn would be upset that we

"No, I don't think so," he said quietly,
feeling his whole body pulsating.

There was a glint of delight in her eyes as
she leaned forward again for another kiss, this time raising the
heat level, to more passionately explore him with her tongue, as
well as nibbling on his lips, Leo matching her, his fingers
brushing through her silky blonde hair as he tasted her mouth.

"It's nice kissing with you," Sofia said.

"It is," Leo said stroking her cheek. "You're
so beautiful, Sofia, I think anyone would be inspired to be a
better kisser with you." 

She launched herself forward now, urging him
to lie back along the wide couch, where she could lie beside him
and half sprawled over him, one arm draped over his chest, one leg
lodged between his. He felt his heart rate accelerating as her legs
glided against his, the sensation of her silky-smooth skin taking
his breath away.

"I think Caitlyn would be surprised if we
weren't kissing by now," Sofia smiled, touching her sensual lips to
his again as her hand trailed lazily over his chest.

"I suppose they must be, by now, as

"Perhaps." She was unfastening the buttons on
his shirt now, slipping her hand inside to explore his bare chest.
"Perhaps more."

She kissed him again, and he brushed her hair
away from her face, his hand sweeping through her golden locks and
then on down, tracing out the curve of her back. 

"I bet they are," he said, trying to sound
relaxed, okay with it. Then he looked at Sofia and said: "I'm
sorry, I probably shouldn't be thinking about someone else while

"No, no," Sofia laughed. "Of course you
should. That is the whole point of this."

Leo smiled, and gently stroked the French
girl's hair again. "When Caitlyn's really excited, she blushes
really easily," he said.

"Is that right?"

"It's really hot," Leo said. "I never
really noticed it until this vacation. When she was telling me
about what happened with you on the beach last night."

Sofia smiled. "You see? You can take this all
as a learning experience. By the end of this vacation, you'll know
your fiancée better than ever."

"I guess so."

"What she likes, what she doesn't like.
You'll both learn much more about each other."

Pulling open his shirt now, Sofia kissed her
way over his bare chest, and was exploring his lightly hairy chest
with her mouth, appearing to be breathing in his own scent as she
went, appraising him, enjoying him. 

"The funny thing is," Leo said, complying as
she encouraged him to sit up now, to remove his shirt, "when I
think of her with Marco, now, I picture her blushing like that. She
must be, right now. And it really turns me on."

"It does?" she said, helping him pull off the

"Well, I now know for certain the sure-fire
way to tell if she's really turned on," Leo said, dropping his
shirt over the back of the chair before scooching back down to lie
with the pretty French girl. "It makes me wonder if all this time,
maybe she hasn't been having much of a good time with me,

"I doubt that's true," Sofia said.

"I suppose she may have been blushing, I
wasn't paying enough attention, though."

"So now you change," she said, and now she
was sitting up, saying: "You think Caitlyn would be upset if I
removed my dress?"




Chapter Seven



"I don't think so. She's probably wearing
even less herself by now," Leo said, stretching for his wine as
Sofia sat up, reaching behind herself to unfasten the zip on the
side of her dress.

She said, "I didn't bring another - I'd hate
it to get creases."

Leo gasped as she pulled her dress up over
her head, revealing a blue and white checked bra lined with dainty
white lace, matching her panties. The white of her underwear
contrasted with her gentle tan to keep up her very chic

Sofia smiled down at Leo's temporary loss of
breath, and now lifted a knee before straddling his chest.

"Surely we're okay just touching," she said,
picking up Leo's own hand to place it on her breathtakingly
beautiful body.

"If it's only touching..." he said, following
her hand up to lightly skirt over her small but shapely breasts,
above and below the soft cotton of her bra, as Sofia now reached
for his other hand, urging him to hold both her breasts, touch her,
explore her fully.

She smiled, loving his touch, and now leaned
forward and over him, so that her wonderfully soft, warm breasts
touched down on his face.

Leo breathed in deeply as his mouth and nose
pressed delicately against her chest, drawing in her characteristic
exotic scent, kissing her gently between her breasts to sample the
subtle sweet-savory flavor of her exposed flesh.

Sofia let out a low, quiet sigh and dipped
forwards to rub her breasts up over his head, so his face was
running down the satin skin of her flat stomach, his kiss turning
into a long lick of the tongue.

He kissed her sensually below her breasts,
and she began to gently writhe, grazing the cotton of her panties
against his stomach, letting out soft moans as she went.

She was so sexy, so elegant and graceful, yet
with a raw passion below the surface that hinted at glorious
pleasures yet to be had.

"You make it hard for me to control myself,"
she breathed, as she returned to a seated position on top of him,
flicking her hair over her shoulder, gesturing for his hands to
support her breasts once more.

"You're so beautiful," he said, his voice
filled with awe. 

He needed no further encouragement to touch
her chest once again, his fingers splaying out over her exquisite
curves, but she now gave him a mischievous smile, and now guided
his hands down again, behind her, over her lower back and down to
her behind as she again laid her breasts down over his face,
encouraging him to kiss her there, while her golden hair trailed
over his head.

He turned amateur masseur as he coaxed her
firm behind, and she settled down again to kiss his mouth, so that
they were writhing together, four hands trailing over two bodies,
kisses along cheeks and down necks, her golden locks flicked this
way and that out of the way of her face, both breathing deep and
long to delight in each other's scent while indulging in the flavor
of their kisses, and the irresistible sensation of skin gliding
against skin.

After indulging their shared craving to
simply touch and be touched for a long, long while, Sofia rolled
her hips to the side, and now pulled herself back away from him,
her hands falling to his belt buckle.

"We should remove these," she said,

Leo helped her unfasten his belt, and his
pants, lifting his hips to allow her to pull it down over his

He said, "Do you think she might be annoyed
with me if we don't go all the way tonight?"

Sofia didn't quite get his meaning. "How do
you mean? Angry because we don't..."

"If she's planning tonight to be the big
first time for me and you, so we can all move on as a group

Sofia draped his pants over the back of the
couch with her dress. "Maybe," she said. 

"She might think I'm unprepared, because I
chickened out tonight," he said. "She might think I'm trying to
make her out to be the bad person, because she went straight ahead
and... slept with Marco."

Sofia ran her hand gently down his chest,
over his thigh, and up to trace out the shape of his manhood, which
lay swollen under his tight lycra boxer shorts.

"I don't think she will," said the French
girl, her hands outlining the shape of his cock, reveling in the
size of his erection. "But we can just tell them we went the whole
way - how will they know we didn't?"

"I guess we could."

"And then if she changes her mind, feels
somehow that you betrayed her, even though she's doing the same to
you - then you can reveal that we didn't do anything at all."

"Just touched."

"Just touched," she smiled, trailing her hand
up his chest now. "And kissed."

She leaned down again, to kiss his mouth, and
when she rose again, her bra fell away to reveal her beautiful bare
breasts, two handfuls of joy peaked by stiff little pink

She smiled as she saw him catch his breath,
responding involuntarily to the sight she presented for him, and
then she was leaning over him again, smothering her breasts over
his chest, kissing his mouth as she lifted her leg up to straddle
him again, this time pressing her cotton-clad pussy down on his
rigid cock.

As she sat up, gyrating on top of him while
gently stirring his manhood with her pussy, he reached up to hold
her sweet little breasts, coaxing them, exploring them

She said: "Caitlyn's a very lucky girl," and
it was clear as she pressed herself down on his cock that she was
aiming her complement at his manhood.

"I'm going to have to call her soon," he

"Just wait a little bit longer," Sofia
breathed, leaning down again, to place her breasts over his face,
urging him to take her stiff nipples into his mouth.

He held her waist with both hands as he
kissed and licked his way around her breasts, taking each nipple in
turn into his hot mouth to tease out her moans, her flesh so soft
as it pushed against him. 

Then she was kissing her way down his chest,
caressing his skin with her breasts, until she was heading for
dangerous territory, nuzzling into his abdomen just above the
waistband of his boxers, her hand closing over his hardness.

Leo was pulsating with energy, his insides
nothing but molten lava as the beautiful French girl acquainted
herself with his cock through the thin material of his underwear.
As she handled him, and then gently nudged her nose against his
hardness, and was actually kissing his cock very slowly through the
fabric, Leo found himself increasingly concerned that they wouldn't
be able to control themselves - that he wouldn't be able to control

He forced himself to think about Caitlyn,
what she might be thinking if she were watching this. Would she be
angry, one way or the other? 

"What do you think we'll do tomorrow?" he
asked her, as though it might distract her from going further,
allowing him to avoid offending her by suggesting she stop.

She halted her kisses, and nuzzled her cheek
against his hardness, trying to hug his cock. 

"We're meeting for drinks at five, no?" she
said, looking up at him now with a big beaming smile. 

"But after that," he said. 

"Well, " she said, running her nose gently
along his covered shaft again, "I think we'll see how Caitlyn has
done with Marco, and how you have done with me after a nice
leisurely day."

"I think we're doing okay," Leo said, hoping
that she didn't think he was an idiot in his attempt to delay her,
to distract her.

"We're doing great," she said with a devilish
look, kissing his hardness again, slowly from the tip down to the

"So assuming Caitlyn's doing well with Marco,
what do you think might happen tomorrow evening?"

She looked up at him, and asked: "You're
saying that we're going to pretend that we've... how do you put
it... gone to fourth base?"

Leo smiled, "A home run? Yes, I was thinking
we'd be saying that."

"I think..." She said, "I think maybe you'll
need some time to be with Caitlyn again."

"Just the two of us?"

"Yes, don't you think?" Sofia smiled, resting
her chin on his cock as she looked up at him. "It's been a big step
for you two, even if we are only pretending."

"It has been a pretty big step."

"And then, when we're all ready, we'll meet
together again, the four of us." Sofia giggled, "We'll have a
proper party, right?"

Leo laughed with her, "Right."

Now with her arms straddling his thighs,
Sofia tucked her fingers over the waistband of Leo's boxer shorts
at his hips, and she was very slowly easing his underwear down,
just a fraction at a time. Leo gulped as she revealed the very tip
of his bare cock. 

"You know," she said, "If we're pretending,
we should do our research."

"How you mean?" 

His heart was drumming against his chest,
seeming almost to be trying to make a bold escape, as she revealed
the top inch of his organ, restrained against his body by the
elastic in the waistband of his underwear.

BOOK: Anarchy of the Heart
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