Read Anticipation Online

Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #bdsm, #interracial, #interracial erotica, #bdsm erotica, #vera roberts, #interracial bdsm, #bwwm fiction

Anticipation (2 page)

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Furthermore, he knew how important his
reputation was and he wasn’t going to chance it. What he had
cultivated in Southern California and numerous trips to New York
and beyond, had followed him and cemented his status as a
sought-after Dom. He was very flattered by the attention.

Finding a submissive, however, was harder
than he’d expected. While Sanora personally handpicked someone in
the form of his maid, Scott was unsure how to approach her.
are you into being tied up and spanked?
didn’t sound like a
great conversation piece. It did, however, sound like a very quick
lawsuit with sexual harassment allegations.

“You’re going somewhere, Boss?” Mariana
Harlow popped into the bedroom and stood beside him.

“Yes, I’m going on a small trip to New York
for a few days,” Scott continued to stare down at the suitcase as
he rested his chin on a thumb. “But I’ll be back shortly.”

“You got everything?” Mariana peeped into
the suitcase. She secretly was trying to find evidence of him
possibly visiting another woman. No condoms, no love notes, no
sweet stuffed animals. Maybe he really was going on a business
trip. It sounded better than her jealousy screaming at her it was a
romantic trip. “Clothes? Socks? Underwear? Toiletries?”

“I think so,” Scott finally glanced at her.
Even with her hair up in a tight ponytail and her face lightly
kissed with sweat from cleaning his home, Mariana was
breathtakingly beautiful. Her almond brown skin glistened and he
already began imagining how she would look underneath him as he
thrust inside her.

He softly shook his head to relieve such
inappropriate thoughts and quickly zipped up the suitcase. “I’ll be
gone just for a few days so you can take the week off from here.
You can come back on Wednesday.” He smiled at her.

“Oh, okay.” Mariana briefly wondered how she
was going to cover bills for that week. She had just started
working for him barely a month prior and though he’d recommended
her to his neighbors, Scott was her highest-paying client and she
depended on him more than she completely comfortable with.

“Thank you for everything, though, Mariana.”
Scott picked up his suitcase and walked her out to the foyer, where
he set the alarm, and then out the house. “I’ll see you in a

“See you in a week, Boss,” she smiled

“Scott,” he corrected.

“Scott,” she smiled again.

Mariana’s smile was so heartwarming and
genuine, Scott instantly felt better. He almost didn’t want to go
to New York but he made the prior commitment. “Oh, before I leave,”
he reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded envelope, “I’ll
see you later, Mari.” He got into his Mercedes, then left.

Mariana waved her boss off and unfolded the
envelope. She gasped at the six one-hundred dollar bills staring
back at her. Scott covered her bills for that week, with a little
extra. She briefly thought about how could he have known but she
shook away such silly thoughts. Scott was just very generous.

“One day,” Mariana swooned, “he’s going to
make a girl so lucky to be his wife.”


Armed with a chai tea latte, Krista stood in
front of the Boundary and carefully sipped the hot beverage as she
contemplated how badly she wanted to attend her first
She’d read the protocol – normal dress attire, no hugs unless you
know someone really well, and just common courtesy and respect. It
was a potluck so she played it safe and brought a Caesar salad. On
second thought, she wondered if she should’ve brought soda instead.
Maybe someone had an allergy to fish? Oh wait, maybe someone didn’t
drink soda? Her mind was racing and she already felt dizzy.

“You are green,” a female voice said behind
her and Krista turned around. She was met with a Black woman with
close-cropped red hair that was sculpted into a mini-Afro. The
woman was full-figured but owned her sexuality and silently dared
anyone to challenge her. “What’s your name, baby?”

“Krista,” the woman stammered, “my name is

“Krista, Krista, Krista,” the woman repeated
her name; each time the name became more seductive and thick with
honey. “Pleasure to meet you, Krista. I’m Mistress Nikkia. Welcome
to the Boundary. I take it this is your first munch?”

“Um, yes,” Krista nodded and shook Nikkia’s
hand. She then quickly pulled back. “Was that appropriate? Oh God!
Did I offend you?”

Nikkia laughed. “Oh yeah, you’re definitely
green,” she smiled. “It’s okay to touch me. You just shook my hand,
you’re safe.” She winked. “C’mon, let’s go inside before we both
bake out here.”

Krista walked into the Boundary and was
astounded by how
everything was. No one was in
assless chaps or carrying whips. They wore jeans and T-shirts. No
one was being led by a leash. They carried purses and wallets. No
one was referred to as
. Instead, they
were called by their normal names – Ricky, Jessica, Erica, Ashley,
Tomas, and Curtis.

“Come over here and place the food on the
table. We’ll have a brief roundtable, just getting to know each
other. Then we’re going to break bread and have a good time,”
Nikkia smiled. “It’s okay to be nervous. Everyone’s nervous the
first time.” She winked.

After briefly introducing herself to
everyone and getting a brief introduction to the Lifestyle, Krista
had lunch with her fellow submissives. She wanted to jump in and
ask questions about Master Scott and Saint Nick specifically, but
she wanted to bide her time. For all she knew, maybe no one knew
who they were. Maybe they were just two Doms in a sea of many.
Maybe she was just going to be wasting her…

“So are you ladies ready for this weekend?”
A submissive, Ashley, asked around the table. She was a skinny
White girl with sea-green eyes and curly brown hair. She looked
like a real-life Bratz doll but somehow cuter. “Can you believe
they’re both are going to be at the Dungeon? I mean, what are the
odds, right?”

“I heard Saint Nick called in a favor from
Master Scott and he’s treating him to Whitney for her birthday,”
Another submissive, Erica, commented. She was a Black female with a
build that could only be described as being
. She wore
her hair in poufy black Afro.

“That’s one helluva birthday gift,” Jessica
commented. She was a submissive Asian girl with jet-black long hair
and porcelain skin.

Krista’s ears perked up upon hearing Scott’s
and Nick’s names. She decided to act cool, despite scouring the web
for tons of research on them. “Who are they?”

“Only two of the hottest Dominants ever.”
Jessica replied. “Whitney is one of Saint Nick’s submissives. She’s
been with Him for a year now.”

“Every girl at this table has had them at
least once.” Ashley said.

Krista immediately burned with jealousy and
she felt silly for she hadn’t even seen a picture of either Dom.

“Whitney is the only one who’s going to have
them at the same time.” Erica replied.

“In front of everyone,” Ashley added.

Krista took a large gulp of her salad. “What
do you mean? Like a threesome?”

“Honestly, I don’t know!” Jessica laughed.
“I guess it would be a threesome. I know they’re both going to have
her. Saint Nick is doing a
medical play
demonstration and
Master Scott is going to assist him with that.”

Krista searched her brain, trying to think
of what
medical play
was. She then remembered a trip she
took to a local sex shop and how the sales rep showed her different
instruments and explained how they were used. She slightly
shuddered at the thought of some of the instruments being used on
her sex. She couldn’t comprehend any type of pleasure from

“You should come with, Krista!” Erica
suggested with a lot of enthusiasm. “It’ll be so much fun and you
get to know more about the Lifestyle there!”

“Will I meet Master Scott and Saint Nick?”
Krista inquired.

“Hmm…maybe.” Ashley replied. “But a word of
caution – if you want to be introduced to them, it’s best you
approach them directly. Don’t stare or gawk at them or they’ll get
weirded out and ignore you.”

“What would I say? Is it allowed that a
submissive approach a Dom?” Krista asked, thinking it might have
been against the D/s protocol.

“You can approach them! They’re actually
really easy to talk to. Again, don’t come off desperate or again,
they’ll ignore you. They won’t deal with desperate subs.” Jessica

“Get to know them and offer to buy them a
drink. Saint Nick loves a good wine and Master Scott loves a good
whiskey, though Saint Nick is known to indulge in vodka every once
and awhile. The good stuff, though. Not the cheap shit.” Erica
added with a laugh.

Krista made the mental notes and silently
prayed she would remember them. “Okay. Got it. How would I talk to
them about submitting to either one of them?”

“You’ll cross that bridge when the time
comes,” Ashley smiled, “wear something hot and cute. This weekend
is going to be a life-changer.”

Krista took a sip of her iced tea. Ashley
didn’t know how right she was.

After the munch, Krista stopped by the mall
to go shopping for some sexy clothing in preparation for the
weekend’s play party. She then went back home to the apartment
she’d shared with her best friend. She was utterly exhausted from
learning everything she could about Saint Nick and Master Scott and
decided she just needed to sleep before she thought of a game

She’d received a text from her best friend,
followed up by a phone call. Krista thought about just canceling
the call but she knew how persistent her girlfriend was and the
phone call was going to be followed up with a visit. “Yes?” Krista
answered the phone.

“I haven’t seen you all day,” Faith D’Amato
replied over the phone while she curled a client’s hair. “What the
hell, Kristabella?”

“I’ve been out,” Krista yawned and stretched
out in bed. “I had to do some things.”

“Oh yeah?” Faith put away one curling iron
and picked up a bigger one to curl her client’s hair. “Like

“Like some private things,” Krista replied
back. While her best friend wasn’t that conservative and had more
than her fair share of porn, vibrators, and lubricants at the home
she’d shared with her husband, Krista wasn’t sure if Faith knew
anything about BDSM other than the song by Rihanna. “Can’t a girl
keep some things private?”

“Touchy, touchy,” Faith laughed over the
phone, “Okay, super freak, if you don’t want to tell me what you
were doing, that’s fine. You know you’ll tell me eventually anyway.
What are you doing this weekend?”

“I have some plans. I’m going to an exhibit
with some friends and that’s about it.” It wasn’t quite a lie.

“Oh okay. I wanted to see if you wanted to
come over for game night. Eli is inviting some people from his work
and I was wondering if you were available as well…?” Faith loved
playing matchmaker.

“I’ll take a rain check on that but I’ll be
over for the next one. I promise!” Krista replied.

“Awesome. Let me know how the exhibit goes.
Talk to you later, bestie.” Faith hung up.

Krista put her phone aside and stared up at
the ceiling. She wondered how the exhibit was going to go. She also
wondered how much of a lie she can stretch to her girlfriend.


Present time…

He stood in front of what he liked to refer
as the Den of Sin aka Nick’s kink closet. He opened up French doors
and revealed a walk-in closet, that was about the size of an
apartment living room.

He stepped inside the closet and silently
admitted he was impressed by what he saw. All of the toys and
implements were sterilized, labeled, and neatly placed. From
floggers to paddles to whips in various sizes and shapes. Another
shelf had many sensory deprivation toys from masks, ball gags, and

Scott took notes. His play room was going to
be bigger and better.

Although Sanora had put him through the
ringer in Italy, Scott was still a relative novice to being a Dom.
He didn’t trust his flurry of one-night stands to reveal that part
of him and he definitely wasn’t looking for a girlfriend in any
date. He knew the type of arrangement He wanted – just one woman
and preferably someone obedient and didn’t question His motives and
decisions. He also wanted someone long-term if at all possible. He
wasn’t sure if He had the patience for a smart-ass woman.

So when he received the call from Nick about
a request one of Nick’s submissives had made, Scott jumped at the
chance. The request happened fall in line with the same time he
made his usual trek to New York for the festival and he decided to
kill two birds with one stone.

“I see you’re mentally copying my style,”
Nick stated behind his close friend.

“Just getting ideas,” Scott smiled as he
walked to a metal box attached to a butt plug. “Electro

“I haven’t had the opportunity to use it yet
but I think Whitney mentioned she wanted to try it.”


“Possibly,” Nick shrugged and joined his
friend inside the closet, “we’ll just have to see how she’ll be
after the first orgasm. She might not be ready for it.”

Scott admired a small set of Wartenberg
wheels. “How many do you plan on giving her?”

“Two,” Nick folded her arms and Scott raised
an eyebrow before Nick clarified himself, “that’s how many
plan on giving her.”

Scott picked up another set of electro pads.
“What’s my limit?”

“However many she can handle. She’ll let us
know when she’s had enough.”

“Got it,” Scott turned to one of his best
friends. It was by chance they met a year prior, at a private party
their Mistress was hosting. The moment the Doms met, they
immediately connected and found they had a lot more in common
besides the Lifestyle. Frequent trips across the country were
shared by the pair and they always stayed at each other’s

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