Read Anything For Him Online

Authors: Lily Harlem,Natalie Dae

Anything For Him (13 page)

BOOK: Anything For Him
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‘Ah, yeah, here goes.’

With one jarring thrust Beefcake plundered into me.

I wailed as my whole body was thrust up the bed. But he didn’t stop, he came with me, grabbing my waist and dragging me further onto my impalement. The pain was exquisite, the filling so damn acute. My anus was still sore from Liuz’s entry earlier but this sting only added to the cacophony of brutally blissful sensation.

‘Oh, she’s like a fucking virgin in here,’ Beefcake groaned. ‘So fucking tight around my dick.’

He pulled almost out, then shoved back in with a heavy, slapping lunge. I braced my arms, locked my elbows, for there was nothing tender or gentle about the way Beefcake was now fucking my ass. He was going for it with gusto, incorporating all of his bulk and muscles to ram into my small body.

‘Oh, oh, oh, yes,’ I panted.

‘You like it, don’t you, whore?’ Beefcake said.

‘Yes, oh, your cock is so big. Fuck me, fuck me harder.’

‘Dirty Bitch.’ Beefcake grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back. ‘I’m going to come in your ass, and you’re going to come too, get it? Get it, whore? I want you to come too.’

‘Yes, yes,’ I cried. ‘Please.’ I tried to reach my clit. I needed some stimulation on my blisteringly aching bud.

‘Get down there, Biros,’ Beefcake ground out. ‘Lick her cunt so she comes with me. I can’t last long in here and I want to feel her squeeze my dick as she explodes.’

I was vaguely aware of Liuz moving beneath me, his shoulders jostling my torso. I tried to let him in, but the position was too awkward.

‘Fuck, no, like this.’ Suddenly I was lifted up, Beefcake’s cock still lodged deep in my ass as he moved us around.

I pitched my arms to the sides, disoriented as I was spun and my back hit his wide, hot chest.

‘Argh, oh God,’ I cried out as the angle of his dick changed in my rectum. He was sitting on the bed and I was sitting on him, his thick shaft lodged high and deep, every last inch of it.

‘Oh, yeah, that’s it, oh fuck, now I’m so fucking high in you. Can you feel every last inch, slut?’

‘Yes, oh, yes, but –’ I was hovering on the brink of climax. I just needed my clit and my pussy to have some attention.

‘Now lick her, fuck her with your mouth,’ Beefcake said hotly near the shell of my ear. ‘But keep your attentions well away from my dick, got it?’

Liuz, thankfully, wasted no time in obeying. He shoved between my legs and slid his strong, wet tongue up my sopping folds. Began treating my desperate clit to hard, circular rubs.

I grabbed hold of his thick hair and sank my nails into his scalp. I was mindless with the need to orgasm. He was going to take me there, where I needed to go. I trusted him.

‘Oh, yeah, writhe like that. Fuck yourself on me,’ Beefcake groaned, mauling my breasts, pressing them flat to my chest and then bunching them together. ‘You are so fucking dirty.’

Yes, yes, I was dirty, which was perfect because this filth was just the kind of thing I got off on and they were giving it to me in bucketloads.

Liuz worked my clit with even more tongue pressure. I moaned in delight, my head dizzy, as though all the blood in my body had rushed to my sex. It was swollen, pulsing, trembling, and when Liuz shoved his fingers into my pussy I could contain myself no more. I dropped my head back against Beefcake and dug my heels into the mattress. I rocked my body so I was grinding against cock and tongue, taking myself over the precipice of ecstasy.

‘Oh, oh, oh, I’m coming. Oh yes, fuck me, like that.’ My whole body tightened, stiffened then cascaded into a series of delirious spasms.

Beefcake let out a roar that turned into a wild groaning noise as he propelled his hips upwards. He wrapped his arms around me and twisted me onto my front. Liuz was forced to abandon his oral efforts as my face hit the mattress and Beefcake hammered out his release.

‘Ah, yeah, you’re loving it, loving it, fucking hell, yeah, argh–’ His dick erupted and after a final lunge he flopped on top of me. ‘Argh, yeah,’ he groaned into my ear.

I gasped for breath. His weight was so heavy. Air had been forced from my lungs as he’d dropped down and I couldn’t replace it. My pelvis was still contracting, my hips writhing, and I was savouring every last pulse of pleasure my intense orgasm had produced. But I could hardly breathe – breathing was becoming near impossible.

I squirmed and tried to push up. The blindfold added to my fear of not being able to catch enough oxygen.

‘Mmmph,’ I managed, pushing my arms against the bed. ‘Get … off.’

‘Hey, give her some air.’ Liuz’s voice.

Beefcake ignored him.

‘Come on, you want to fuck her again, she needs a pulse.’

The weight lifted from my chest. I sucked in a much-needed breath, inflating my flattened lungs.

‘Yeah, even I ain’t into that,’ Beefcake said breathlessly.

He pulled his cock from my ass with a small popping sensation and my tight pucker contracted. He lifted up and the bed rose as he stepped away.

I didn’t move, just lay there, feeling thoroughly fucked.

‘Where did I leave my drink?’ Beefcake asked.

‘Over there.’ Liuz’s voice, tight, strained.

Footsteps then silence.

My thoughts turned to Liuz. He would be pleased with me. I’d done what he’d asked. I’d been fucked up the ass to appease his debt and I had come loud and hard.

There was the bang of an empty glass on the counter.

‘I’m going to save that other fuck for another night,’ Beefcake said. ‘Let’s say tomorrow, to encourage you to sort out that shit by next week, Biros.’

‘Yes, it will be gone by next week. I promise you.’

‘It had better be.’ There was movement towards the door. ‘Because I know where you live now.’

Chapter Ten

With my ass pleasantly stinging from the previous night’s much-wanted abuse, I stood behind the large tree in Liuz’s street. I performed yet another mental list check: beanie hat and sunglasses on; food in my backpack; camera around my neck for quick access; voice recorder in my back jeans pocket.

It had taken me a while to fall asleep once I’d returned home last night. After going through the events of the evening and dissecting everything, I’d then concentrated on what had been said. Beefcake had mentioned alcohol, ‘none of my watered-down poison’
and I assumed that was his business – hooky liquor. It was a problem I’d touched on before in a story, people selling alcohol they’d bought in Europe, diluting it and attaching freshly sealed caps and British labels. If Beefcake turned out to be a pain in the ass – in a different way – I was sure Trading Standards would welcome my anonymous telephone call.

But that might get Liuz in shit

I didn’t want that, but who knew what could happen in the future? Liuz might hurt me more than I was prepared to take, so I filed that plan in the back of my mind in case I needed it later.

It was always good to have a plan or two.

It had rained overnight, and the earthy smell of wet mud lingered in the air. The grass verge beneath my feet was spongy, and I was mindful of my footing. I didn’t fancy spraining my ankle again anytime soon. Today I had to be alert, not allow myself to become distracted by the beauty of Liuz when he appeared. And he would. He’d written to me earlier, thanking me for letting Beefcake use me as he had, and told me he’d be heading out today to try and clean up the mess he’d found himself in so I wouldn’t have to do it again. I gathered he meant selling the alcohol, visiting the buyer he’d mentioned to Beefcake last night, possibly trying to get the purchaser to hand over the cash faster than they’d originally agreed.

Did that mean Liuz cared enough about me that he didn’t want Beefcake having access to me whenever he wanted until Liuz had come good on their deal? Or was it a purely selfish, jealousy thing on Liuz’s part – that he didn’t like sharing me? I hoped it was both, because the warm and fuzzy emotions those thoughts inspired made me feel loved and wanted. Special. Worth something to someone. Despite the somewhat sordid bent on everything, it was always good to feel loved.

I stared at Liuz’s window to take my mind off what I’d already analysed in bed last night. I could only go over things so much before they became blurred or a tangled mass of questions I couldn’t answer. I needed a clear head today.

His curtains were closed, still with the slight gap in the middle where we’d peeked out at Beefcake. Every time I thought of that episode it came back with startling clarity, as though it was happening all over again. It had been branded into my mind as new experiences usually are, and I hoped the images wouldn’t fade with time. They were one set I’d prefer to keep vivid forever.

It wouldn’t be long before Liuz came out. It was nearing noon, the time his emails went silent every day. Right on cue, the main front door opened and he emerged from the building, looking divine in light-blue jeans that hugged his muscled thighs and a black bomber-style leather jacket with woolen ribbed cuffs and hem. The fleeting wonder of how that wool would feel if I rubbed it came to mind, and a surge of moisture flooded my sex, my stomach rolling over in my excitement. How did such a small thing set me off? Or was it just him and everything about him that brought on such a reaction? I didn’t have time to give it much consideration, because he closed the front door and jogged onto the path, walking towards my hiding place with determined strides. Hands in his pockets, head bent low, he strode past me, thick-soled black boots beating the pavement. His scent followed in his wake, and I sniffed long and deep. Another flood, another stomach roll.

God, that man had the ability to send me to my knees.

I ought to be careful of that, of letting him have control like this. But what was I supposed to do? It seemed my body had a mind of its own, and no amount of telling myself to take a step back and not get so attached wasn’t going to work. He had me, hook, line, and bloody sinker.

Stepping out from behind the tree, minus twisting my ankle, thank God, I followed him like I had before. He didn’t head for the warehouses this time but came to a halt at a bus stop around the corner. Great. How the hell was I supposed to get on the bus after him without being seen? To wait in the queue without him sensing me there? And I was sure he’d sense me if I got up close. How could he not? We were so in tune with one another.

I was still a fair few paces behind him, but good old fate was on my side again. A double-decker bus trundled up to the stop, and Liuz disappeared inside. I watched him through the windshield. He paid the fare and took the staircase. I ran to board while he couldn’t see out of any windows.

Once on the bus, I plastered on my best smile and stared at the driver. He was a rum-looking, dark-haired man who needed a good razor and an undisturbed night’s sleep if the stubble on his jawline and dark shadows under his eyes were anything to go by.

I realised I had no idea where this bus was going.

The driver stared back, eyeing me as if I had air inside my skull instead of a brain. He sighed. ‘Where to?’

Shit. ‘Um, a round trip. Fancy a bus trip. Nice bus trip. Yep, a good old journey on a bus. Can’t beat it.’ I closed my mouth before I bleated anything else and made a complete fool of myself.

He frowned, his chest inflating with another sigh – a weary one, I’d bet my last quid on it – and jabbed a few buttons on his ticket machine. Paper streamed out – far too much for a bus ticket in my opinion – and I ripped it off. Glancing at the cost, I swung my backpack off my shoulder and ferreted about for my purse. Another sigh from the driver. I hadn’t expected a bus ride, hadn’t thought to have my purse closer to hand, and the driver’s hot stare on the top of my head as I bent it wasn’t the most comfortable of experiences. Of course, my purse decided to play games and remain hidden. I had a moment’s panic where I wondered if I’d even remembered to pack the bloody thing. Just when I felt the need to bolt off the bus and abandon this insane mission, the purse slid into my hand. I pulled it out, paid, and scuttled the hell away from the driver.

I sat at the back on the relatively empty lower deck, occupied by an elderly lady with a red-and-black tartan shopping bag tucked between her Hush-Puppied feet and a male youth, unwashed for a couple of days if I was any judge, iPod in hand, bobbing his head to whatever music youths listened to these days. I squished myself into the corner and slouched so the headrest of the seat in front kept me hidden. Feeling safe that I’d covered everything, I settled down as the bus heaved away from the kerb. Where were we going? I slipped my purse into an outer compartment of my backpack, zipped it securely, then studied the ticket again. It didn’t tell me much, just a series of acronyms that could mean our destination was anywhere.

The bus stopped and started so many times to let people on and off that I stifled the urge to scream. I felt tense at not knowing where we were going, the bus only touring the streets of Brixton; but in a way I should be pleased we weren’t going anywhere more further afield. At least I was fairly close to home and could get back quickly if things turned pear-shaped.

And what if they did? What if Liuz was meeting another man like Beefcake, one who had a penchant for handing out right hooks that resulted in broken noses, among other things? I shuddered at the thought. It was all very well me getting involved with Liuz, my own little bit of rough; but with other bits of rough on the scene, what had started out as my need for a sex rush could turn into something rather nasty. No one knew where I was going today – and really, they wouldn’t want to know about my latest escapades anyway – but if something went wrong, no one would be able to find me for days. Or ever.

I had to stop thinking like that. These men were dangerous, yes, but come on, did I really think they were high-ranking gangster types who could have me disappear without a trace?

Unfortunately, yes, I did. I knew enough from snooping for my job to spot a dodgy man when I saw one, and Liuz and Beefcake were dodgy. I liked to think Liuz was less so. I couldn’t imagine him knee-capping someone, resorting to terrible violence to get what he wanted; but then again, I didn’t really know him, did I? He’d only shown me the side of himself he wanted me to see, a knife with a sharp edge that could cut if mishandled but was perfectly OK to play with so long as I was careful and just held the handle.

BOOK: Anything For Him
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