Ariel's Song (In Bed with the Enemy) (8 page)

BOOK: Ariel's Song (In Bed with the Enemy)
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“I wasn’t feeling well,” she

ran a hand over his face and through his hair, unfastening the tie holding it back. “Why didn’t you ask anyone to find me? You went with me, you had to come back with me,” he said. “Why Logan, Ariel? What kind of relationship do you have with him?” he asked, raising his tone a notch.

fter her discoveries tonight, Ariel didn’t think it a good idea to say much. “He’s helping me with something.” A burning sensation ate her inside out. Had he loved Penelope at one point? Made love to Penelope the way he did to her?


Why wasn’t she scared of him instead of feeling jealous?

He’s helping you do what?”

Hard eyes stared at her

hadn’t seen him this upset before. Since he hadn’t mentioned the secret partition, now was probably a good time to get out of his study and lock herself up in her bedroom. Tomorrow, when her mind wasn’t muddied, she’d think of something. Until she discovered what existed behind the shelf, she’d keep her mouth shut.

“I’m sorry
to say this, Colin. My dealings with Logan are not any of your business. I’m not asking you what kind of relationship you used to have, or still have, with Penelope.” She shifted her feet realizing she’d said too much.

’s brow furrowed. “What does Penelope have to do with us?” He took a step toward her. “When you go out with me, you’re with me. You don’t leave with another man. Understand?”

She straightened her back
, glancing past him to the half closed door. “Stop it. I’m going to think you’re suddenly jealous.” Ariel took a step to her right, setting more distance between them, getting ready to bolt.

Maybe I am, Ariel.”

She snapped her head back to look at him and touched her throat, feeling her fast pulse. Penelope’s truth or lie, this confrontation with him, and the secret shelf overwhelmed her. Add her missing brother into the mix, she’d soon turn into a nutcase. And what the hell did Colin mean?
Someone please wake me up.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be. We’re fuck buddies, Colin. There’s never been any promises between us. It’s always been sex.”

You’re wrong,” he said.

am I? Isn’t it true every time something happens, we argue and end up fucking our brains out?” A fight now wasn’t ideal for her state of mind, not if it’d end the way their fights always did. In bed.

tugged off his bow tie and flung it on a nearby chair. “We aren’t fuck buddies.”

Please. You know the same as I do, it’s what we are.”

He bridged the gap between them.
“No.” Colin grasped her arms, pulling her toward him, claiming her mouth in a searing kiss.

The heat of his lips on hers
traveled down her body, drawing her to him the way it always did, rendering her powerless. Her body, the number one traitor, surrendered to his caresses, to the sweet nothings he whispered in her ear every time he made love to her. Correction. Every time they had sex. Not tonight.

Ariel found
strength buried deep inside her, she broke the kiss and pushed away from him. “I can’t do this tonight.” She looked into his confused eyes then spun on her heel.


Colin heard the sound of her steps fade in the distance. He exhaled. What the fuck happened tonight? Where did things go wrong? Julianne told him Ariel left the auction soon after she’d chatted with Penelope.

Penelope. Penelope. Penelope.

the hell did she tell Ariel to make her sick and leave without going to him first? It irked him that Ariel asked Logan to take her home, instead. His childhood friend was becoming a nuisance. Colin glanced around his study, recalling the details of Ariel’s background check, trying to put bits and pieces together. Something didn’t click for him. Where the hell were her only two relatives? What the fuck was Logan helping her with? He’d find out soon enough. If Ariel needed help, he’d help her, not his friend.

’d also have a come to Jesus chat with Penelope. God, the woman had a harder skull than a crocodile. One way or another he’d break into it to make her understand he wasn’t interested. She better get her fucking infatuation with him out of her head.

How did such a
perfect evening turn into a bloody mess? He’d tried to right things with Ariel the only way he knew how and kissed her. She’d looked like a goddess in her dress. He’d planned to make love to her all night long, and she’d denied him. She never did. Why now?

admitted to being jealous of Logan. He wanted him out of the picture as much as he wished Penelope went away with her lies, too. Damn it, was it too much to ask people leave him and Ariel alone?

Why did she think of them as
fuck buddies? They were much more and past that stage. He’d agree they always ended their arguments fucking their brains out, but after the other night in the entrance hall things changed. They’d progressed in the path he’d evaded until now. Didn’t she see it?

Ariel woke things in him he’d thought dead and buried.
She’d altered his life from the moment she’d crossed his path. He hadn’t planned on playing again with his band, yet he went to rehearsals every day. He’d hidden himself from the world, stopped being a friend to his friends, a brother to his sister, a son to his mother, and Ariel pushed him to do it all.

He’d even accepted to play
in front of thousands of people, something he’d sworn not to do ever again, yet he’d be doing it in a few weeks. Ariel pushed him and he acceded every time, with the exception of his decision for this public performance to be his last. Though, he’d started to give it some thought. Like it or not, as confused as it made him, Ariel was the reason behind everything he did lately. She’d rekindled his hunger for music.

slid his gaze around his study one more time and left in search of his room. He’d be lucky to catch any sleep. It’d be a long, cold night.



Ariel didn’t hear any more on progress made by the investigator Logan hired. All the leads to her brother’s whereabouts grew cold. She also hadn’t seen Colin in over a week. By the time she made it down to breakfast each morning, he’d already left for rehearsal. He never made it back until after she was in bed at night. She’d bet he did it on purpose.

Last weekend, she’d been scared, confused,
not knowing what to think or make of things, or even how she wanted to move forward. Since last Saturday night, they’d kept to their rooms. At first, she figured giving each other space a good thing. She hadn’t counted on it lasting for days. As the days went by and she spent cold and long lonely nights in her room, trying to ignore the fact she missed being in his arms weighed heavy on her.

Ariel glanced down at the papers in her hand as she walked down the hall to his music stud
io. Logan asked her to retrieve the folder with the addendums Colin signed.
She sighed. Everything circled back to him. To Colin. When wouldn’t it?

She missed their chats
, stupid fights, and their makeup sex. She’d come to terms and admitted her feelings toward him went deeper than her
we’re just fuck buddies
excuse. Oh, she had plenty of questions, doubts. Penelope’s twisted story continuing to play in her mind didn’t help either. Still, Ariel’s version of Colin wasn’t the same as Penelope’s. What would she find if she dug more into his past?

sounded from the end of the hall, filling her ears and her heart raced. He’d stayed home. Ariel quickened her pace then stopped right in front of the doors to his music studio. She smoothed down her hair and checked her dress. She straightened her back then opened the door and crossed the threshold.

“Aren’t you going to rehearsal today
?” She hoped her tone didn’t give her excitement away.

“No.” Colin continued to play.

The song wasn’t one she’d heard before. “I’m sorry about the other night,” Ariel said. She missed him too much to keep their fight going. Colin didn’t scare her. Penelope and her lies did. Ariel fought the urge to close her eyes and drum her foot against the floor.

His head came up
. “Ssh … don’t be.”

“What are you playing?” She remained
standing near the door, studying him, shocked to see he wasn’t dressed in his usual black on black. Today, he’d exchanged his plain black T-shirt for white.
Now, that’s refreshing.

“I’m composing a new song
.” Colin grabbed the pencil tucked behind his ear and drew a note on a music composition sheet.

Her curiosity got the best of her
, and wanting to break the ice between them, she said, “I’d love to hear it.”

He glanced past her
at the door. “You have to pay the price.”

sounds intriguing.”
Yes! Progress.

“Are you willing to pay my price?”

His hot gaze slid down her body, her fingers tingled with the need to touch him. “Maybe.” She lifted one shoulder, smiling at him.

seemed to consider his next words. “Lock the door and stand in front of the bay window.” He gestured with the pencil.

Ariel didn’t
give his request a second thought and complied. A thrill of anticipation ran through her body, imagining what he’d ask for next. She stood by the window. “Okay. Do I get to hear it now?”

His upper lip twitched
into a sly grin. “No. Remove your clothes. I want you naked.”

stared at him in wonder and silence filled the room. How did she not see this coming?
Always expect the unexpected with Colin.

“Got a problem with that?” He angled his head.

Yes. No. Yes.
“No.” She’d imagined by this time he’d have already kissed her and that they’d be busy removing each other’s clothes. But he’d proven her wrong. He had yet to move an inch toward her.

What if I say you’re my muse?” he asked.

The intensity in his gaze sent shivers down her middle.
“Am I really?” She remained still.

He exhaled. “The thing is I’ll never finish composing my next number one hit if I’ve lost my muse,” he said, a ghost of a smile on his face.

Wasn’t this what she wanted? Her core contracted
, making her aware of how wet his words made her. “You don’t play fair.”

“I never said I did
.” Colin tapped the pencil on the music sheet. “Come on, gorgeous. Strip off your clothes and sit on the window.” He gestured behind her.

Ariel removed her clothes and sat on the pillows on the bay window. She licked her lips
, holding his gaze. By the look on his face, he either admired her body or at minimum planned what he’d do to it next.

“Lean your back on the glass and spread your legs so I can see your pussy,” he said.

Heat traveled from her toes to her face. His words enflamed her body and her core pulsed with the ache of expectancy. He pushed her limits. Wait, did she even have any limits when it came to Colin? No. Save for the night of the auction Ariel never denied him anything. It’d been the exception to the rule.

naughty request made her shameless. Her excuse? She was his muse. Or so, he said, and she’d like to believe it. A chill went down her spine when her back touched the cold glass. Ariel spread her legs wide, baring her naked core to his eyes.

took a deep breath searing her in place with his gaze. “Lick your fingers,” he said. “Every time I play a note I want you to touch yourself. I want to see you become undone by my music. Can you do that for me?”

Ariel slid the tip of her tongue across her lips. “I can try.”
Her voice cracked with her desire to please him.

nodded and rose to his feet. He positioned his violin on his collar bone, holding it in place with his jaw. He curled his left hand fingers around the base then placed the bow between the end of the fingerboard and the bridge. He pulled it back striking the first note to the song.

licked two fingers from each hand and seductively dragged them from her mouth to her breasts. Colin played the next note and she circled her nipples with her wet fingertips, making her tips tense.

His scorching gaze
didn’t leave her face, her body. His eyes followed everywhere her hands touched. His head rocked in rhythm with the song every time he played a new note. His hair tie fell, landing at his feet. Loose strands of hair veiled his face.

squeezed her nipples next and put enough pressure, shooting an electric flow in a straight line to her core. It ached. It yearned for release and they’d only gotten started. The melody filled her ears overflowing her senses. The notes were a featherlike caress to her skin, traveling in and out of her body, making her insides warm with want, with need. She licked her fingers once more and left a wet trail as she slid them to her pulsing pussy.

sucked in her breath, and her own arousal teased her nostrils. His song seduced her. The tune made love to her body, kissing every erogenous zone in its wake. Ariel parted her moistened folds, her thumb rubbing her clit. A soft moan left her lips.

“I want you to finger fuck yourself,” Colin said as he continued to play.

She obeyed, slipping two fingers in her slick entrance. Her muscles clenched around her fingers. Her free hand cupped her breast, playing with her nipple. The smell of her arousal, the notes of the song filling the space between her and Colin, intoxicated her with desire.

hit high notes, which meant the end of the song neared. She imprinted the melody to memory. It’d forever run through her bloodstream. Ariel didn’t want to give it up yet.

“Let go
,” Colin said.

I can’t.” She closed her eyes, thrashing her head from side to side as the last notes of the song lifted her to heavenly heights, tearing her apart as she obeyed his command to let go. Ariel cried out, her orgasm flowed through her with a vengeance. Unable to catch her breath she thought she’d die of pleasure.

Hard hands gripped her hips
, pulling her to the edge of the bay window seat. Colin entered her in one full thrust. She whimpered. Music no longer filled the air in the room, the sounds of body on body did.

She placed her hands in back of her for support
, swaying her hips in rhythm with his lunges. Colin claimed her lips in a scorching kiss.

“God, you look beautifu
l, gorgeous,” he whispered against her lips. Ariel kissed him back, drawing his tongue inside her mouth, sucking on it.

Colin groaned
, driving faster into her slick channel. “I’ve missed you,” he said with a growl, letting his own release claim him. Ariel secured her legs on his hips and brought her hand to his nape. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him down, deepening their kiss. He sank his fingers in her flesh, adjusting her hips to his faster pace until he was completely spent.

Still catching his breath, he touched his forehead to hers. “You’re moving into my room
today. No more separate rooms,” he said looking into her eyes.

“No more cold nights.” Ariel
smiled, angling her head, she kissed him.


Not seeing or talking to Ariel for the past week took its toll on Colin. He’d wanted to give her space. Heck. He’d needed space to clear his head and get his thoughts in order. Too many things happened he hadn’t planned for.

The party last weekend, all the people he’d talked to,
Penelope’s chat with Ariel, and his jealousy of Logan’s relationship with her overwhelmed him. Even after a week, his mind remained as disorganized as ever, except for his feelings toward Ariel.

He’d already accepted
she brought things he’d buried to light. Wasn’t it enough? Why did he have to start feeling too much? Colin needed her. He needed to see her, hold her, kiss her, make love to her, and right things between them. He’d reached his limit and used the legal documents as the bait to get Ariel to come to him. Did that make him an asshole? Perhaps, but he didn’t regret it one bit. He had her back by his side.

Gorgeous.” Colin strode in his study. Ariel sat behind his desk. Its enormous size swallowed her small form.

Ariel dragged her gaze from the
scattered papers on the desk to him. “Mozart.” She smiled, standing up. “It’s a good thing you’re here. Marissa asked me to have you review the last details on the contract for the concert coming up—”

“I’m not here to talk business.” He walked behind her and
turned her around to face him, his arms circling her waist. “We are going to have a picnic. I have a basket ready for us.”


Colin leaned in and covered her mouth with his, swallowing her objection. “No buts. Let’s go,” he said, his nose touching hers.


He kissed her again, pulling her upper lip into his mouth, nibbling it with his teeth. “Didn’t you hear me? No buts or ifs, gorgeous. I want us to spend some time together.
Out of bed

palmed his chest, breaking the kiss. “Why, of all the things I never expected you’d say that. Are you complaining?” She raised a brow. Her eyes danced in amusement.

“You’d never hear me complain about that. In fact,
I have a better idea. Let’s have our picnic in bed.”

laughed and pushed him away. “You’re incorrigible.”

He grinned
. His hands slid down her waist and cupped her ass as he pressed his groin on her belly. “Yes, I am. Come on, let’s go before you change my mind.”

Ariel slapped his arm. “Before I change your mind? Are you trying to be funny?”

Colin laced his fingers with hers and led her out of the house to the rear garden, picnic basket in hand. Ariel gave him a side glance, a crease between her brows. “Is everything all right?” he asked, tightening his hold on her hand.

“I didn’t think when you said picnic it’d be here. I
thought we’d go somewhere else.”

“Nope. I
want it to be you and me.” He glanced at her. “We can go elsewhere if you’d like.”

“No, no. This is perfect
.” Ariel smiled at him.

They walked in companionable silence for a few minutes, as
he guided her away from the house and up a hill. When they reached the top, Colin let go of her hand and removed a blanket from the picnic basket. She helped him unfold it and set it on the ground. He stopped for a moment, taking a breath of fresh air as he admired the spectacular view of the beautiful gardens surrounding his state.

“It’s so
astounding,” Ariel said.

studied her, pleased she liked it. “Yes, it is.”

set out the food his housekeeper packed for them. He placed cold sandwiches on one side of the blanket while Ariel set cheese, fruit, and dessert on the other side. Colin served the chilled Riesling and handed Ariel a glass.

BOOK: Ariel's Song (In Bed with the Enemy)
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