Read As You Desire Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

As You Desire (13 page)

BOOK: As You Desire
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Chapter Twelve

Lona opened her eyes to find Niri sitting on the edge of the bed with a mug in her outstretched hand.
She was alive and Rafi…
Lona turned her head to see Rafi lying next to her.
“Is he okay?”
Lona shifted her attention away from Rafi’s face to Niri’s.
“He sleeps to recover. You must drink and sleep to recover, too.”
Lona slowly shifted into a sitting position, feeling incredibly weak and tired.
“Drink this.” Niri handed her the mug, filled with some fragrant, steaming liquid.
“What’s in it?” Lona looked into the mug and back at Niri.
Niri smiled. “Would it matter if I told you the names of ingredients you’ve never heard of?”
Lona took a sip, surprised to find the hot brew had no taste at all, despite its pleasant smell.
“Finish it all and sleep. When you wake, you’ll feel a lot better.”
Niri nodded her approval as Lona continued to drink from the mug.
“I’m so glad you were not mortally injured.”
Me too,
Lona thought, but she was suddenly too sleepy to speak.
Niri took the cup from her just before it slipped from her fingers. Lona settled back against the pillows as Niri held the mug to her lips, making sure she finished the last swallow.
“Good…good. Now, sleep…sleep…”

Lona woke up to the sound of Rafi’s heart beating steadily beneath her ear.
Is this a dream?
She opened her eyes in the sunlit bedroom and smiled.
It wasn’t a dream…she was alive, safe in Rafi’s arms.
She slowly stretched her limbs, expecting soreness or some remnants of the

overwhelming fatigue she’d felt hours before, but nothing hurt. In fact, she felt full of energy, grateful for every muscle moving in coordination as she desired. She snuggled against Rafi’s warmth, lifting her head from his chest to stare at his handsome face. He looked so peaceful and sexy with the rugged five o’clock shadow highlighting his jawline.


Lona reached up to touch his chin and Rafi drew in a deep breath as he turned his body towards hers. His arm tightened around her, but he didn’t open his eyes.
He was apparently still sleeping.
Sleeping in the buff
She glanced down at her own body to see the silky teal chemise hugging her frame. The soft material rode up, revealing her nakedness underneath as she admired the deep colour. Lona sighed, enjoying every sensation of Rafi’s skin on hers. She lifted her leg over his hips as she rubbed her face against his chest.
This is heaven on earth—
Lona froze as Rafi mumbled in his sleep. He shifted his hips closer to her, making her aware of his hardening cock between them.
Her body’s response was immediate. A rush of heat whipped over her skin as desire and longing unfurled within her. Lona kept her eyes on Rafi’s face as she slid her hand between them to trace her finger around the ridged crown of his cock. She loved the rigid, velvety texture of his skin beneath her fingertips. Her hand wrapped around the shaft as she remembered how good it felt inside her. The scent of her thigh-dampening arousal wafted up between the sheets.
She wanted him—wanted to celebrate life in the most basic of fashions.
Lona smiled at Rafi as he opened his eyes, squeezing his rock-hard length in her hand. She held his sleepy gaze as she caressed his cock with slow and gentle strokes. After what she’d been through, she didn’t want to talk. She only wanted to be with the man she loved.
The revelation filled her with joy as Rafi moved over her to settle between her thighs. She ran her hands up his thick arms as he leaned in to her wetness to kiss her smile. He pulled away only long enough to help her strip the silky chemise from her body.
Lona arched her back as Rafi’s mouth fell upon her breast. She gripped his hair as he nipped and licked the sensitive peaks, wanting him to take her before she begged him for it. He seemed to sense her urgency as he moved away from her breasts to settle on his knees. Lona yelped as he yanked her forward, spreading her thighs wide. She moaned as he rubbed the head of his cock up and down her soaked pussy.
“Rafi, please…”
He smiled as he slowly sank into her.
There were no words for the sensation of him filling her body, so she mewled and moaned her pleasure. Her legs went up around his waist as he began moving within her, taking her with him as unrelenting passion claimed them both. Lona closed her eyes as the blissful inferno surging up in her made it hard to breathe. She cried out as Rafi stroked her faster and deeper, letting her legs fall from his waist as she climaxed. Her eyes fluttered open as the force of her orgasm drew a cry of delight from her throat. She gripped the sheets, whimpering as the orgasmic shudders continued to ripple through her and Rafi came with a rough groan.
Lona let out a lusty laugh as Rafi shifted his weight and slipped from her body to lie next to her.
“That’s a helluva way to wake up… Good morning.”
Lona smiled, feeling bashful about her brazen behaviour now that she was momentarily sated. “Good morning.”
“I would ask you how you’re feeling but, judging from the rosy glow on your cheeks and the way you pounced on me before I was even awake, I’d say you’re good.” Rafi leaned up on his arm to kiss her. “Very good, in fact.”
His deep, sexy voice made her blush even harder as she grinned.
“Hey, I didn’t pounce!”
“No, you grabbed my co—”
Soft knocking made them both look at the closed bedroom door.
“Um, guys, it’s Niri.”
“Niri, Lona’s fine.”
Rafi looked back at her.
“Right, Lona?”
Lona glared at him, embarrassed about what Niri must think.
“I’m sorry to intrude, but I still would like to see Lona for myself and I have a message for you both from the High Council.”
Rafi groaned. “Fine. Give us a moment.”
“I’ll make some coffee.”
They both listened to the sound of Niri’s departing feet before turning to one another. Lona watched Rafi swing out of bed, wishing they’d had just a little bit longer to relax in one another’s arms before facing the world. A genie was dead at the hands of two other genies and the High Council would want answers.
“Are you and Maurelle in danger of facing trial for Rue’s death?”
Rafi ran a hand through his tousled hair, his naked muscles drawing Lona’s attention despite her concern.
“We were left no choice but to use force. The High Council will understand.”
Lona stood up and walked over to him. “What if they don’t?”
“They will.”
Rafi’s eyes softened as he stared down at her.
“Don’t worry, Lona. Everything’s going to be okay now.”
Lona yelped as he bent down, swinging her up into his arms. “What are you doing?” She giggled as he held her.
“It’s shower time.”

After a shower they both would have preferred to be longer, they dressed and joined Niri at the kitchen table.
“You both look well.” Niri ran a critical eye over Rafi before turning her attention towards Lona. “How are you feeling? Any pain?”
“None. I don’t know what you put into your special teas, but I feel amazing.”
Niri smiled, offering her a cup of coffee. “I’m pleased that you are suffering no ill effects from what happened yesterday. May I see the back of your hand?”
Lona looked at Rafi, who shrugged as she held out her hand. She watched the elf turn her palm up. There was a small mark on her wrist that hadn’t been there before.
“What is tha—”
“I wanted to be certain and now I am.” Niri ran her thumb over the small mark that resembled a flower.
Lona frowned, leaning in to inspect her skin. “Certain of what?” She glanced up at Niri.
“When a conduit interacts with dark energy, it draws out the conduit’s life, but surrounded by pure energy you would enhance…strengthen the energy source.”
Lona lifted her wrist as Niri let go to stare at the reddened mark. “What does that mean?”
“It means you could help many people with your gift, Lona.”
Niri’s aquamarine eyes shone with excitement.
“If you ever decide to channel your gift for that purpose, I would help teach you how.”
“How did this get on my wrist?” Lona asked as Rafi lifted her hand up to his face.
“The tea I gave you last night had an ingredient that I knew would generate this kind of physical response if you were the right type of conduit.”
“Niri, you can’t keep giving us food and drinks containing magical properties without our knowledge.”
Niri glared at Rafi. “It was perfectly harmless…
“Both times? What other time did you give us magical foo—” Lona turned her head in the elf’s direction as she gasped, “The muffins by the lake!”
Niri giggled. “Weren’t those delicious?”
“Did they make us…make us…?” Lona stumbled over the words, heat racing up her neck as images of Rafi taking her by the water flashed in her mind.
“None of my potions can make you into something you aren’t or make you do anything you didn’t already want to do. They simply make it easier for you to freely do so.”
Rafi groaned. “We can talk about this later. What’s the message you came here to tell us?”
The playful smile on Niri’s face faded a little.
“The High Council is requesting that you both appear before them.”
Lona exchanged a look with Rafi, a million questions racing through her head. Her stomach twisted in nauseating knots at the thought of standing in front of the High Council again.
“When?” Rafi asked, finishing his coffee.
Niri sighed. “Now.”

* * * *

Rafi could see the tension in Lona’s body as they waited for the High Council to enter the hall and take their seats in front of them. He took her hand in his, wishing he had time to kiss her as the door opened and all eight High Council members walked in. His gaze fell on Maurelle, but she did not look his way as they all took their seats. He waited for her to stand up as the usual spokesperson and was surprised when Sagen, the oldest male genie in the Djinn Brotherhood, stood up instead.

Rafi straightened his back as Sagen pushed back his royal blue hood to reveal long, dark hair despite his age. He felt Lona’s fingers tightening around his and squeezed her hand as Sagen cleared his throat.

“Thank you both for coming.”
Rafi bowed his head in respect before meeting the grey eyes pinned on him. As if they had any other choice
to show?
“Rue Trevori was killed by the hands of two of our own.”
Rafi glanced at Maurelle again and this time their gazes locked before she bowed her

“We understand why you both used your powers to defeat him. It is the unanimous
decision of the High Council that neither of you is to be sentenced for murder. Rafi, you are
free of your charge, Lona Vilan”—Sagen turned his attention towards Lona—“who we are
convinced had no prior knowledge of or hand in Rue’s treachery. Lona Vilan you are now
the beneficiary of all monies and assets Rue left behind. Please wait here following this
hearing for the member appointed to help you with this transition.”
Rafi clenched his jaw as Lona pulled her hand from his. He had wanted to be the one to
tell her about the High Council’s request that he keep her under his care until their final
decision about her innocence had been made.
“Rafi, you are now officially given back Djinn duties and responsibilities. We are
honoured by your service.” Sagen bowed his head low. “Good magic.”
“Good magic,” Rafi repeated hollowly as the High Council members filed out of the
huge room.
He waited until they were alone to turn to Lona.
“You’re officially free of this mess.”
Lona nodded, her eyes over-bright as she held his gaze.
“You won’t have to worry about money or a place to live… Niri even wants you to
work with her.”
“What did he mean when he said you were free of my charge, Rafi?”
“I was asked to keep you safe while they made their final decision about your
The tension in Lona’s body made him want to enfold her in his arms until she was as
happy as she’d been only hours before.
“I thought you asked me to stay because you wanted to help me.”
want to help you.”
“In the beginning you did, but the real reason you were so
was because you were
ordered to keep an eye on me by the High Council.”
“No—” Rafi cursed as another male wearing a brown robe entered the room with
several folders in his hands.
“My name is Vale. I’m here to help the beneficiary as the High Council requested.” “Can you give us a minute?”
Vale bowed before stepping out of the room.
The heavy thud of the door matched the pounding of Rafi’s heart as he looked at Lona.
The tears shimmering in her eyes broke him down faster than anything else in the world
could have.
“Lona, listen to me. I was asked to keep an eye on you and I did, but that request had
nothing to do with what happened between you and me. I want you in my life even now that
we’re both free to go on with our lives.”
Lona chuckled but the hard tone was nothing like Rafi knew her real laugh to be. “Soon, you’ll be summoned by someone who randomly finds your vessel and I’ll be
picking out new furniture for the new home I just inherited.”
“Rafi, no matter what’s going on between us now, we both know there’s no future in it.
You’re a genie. You’ll have to poof away at a moment’s notice.”
Rafi felt every cell in his body shrink as Lona shook her head.
“I don’t want to say goodbye to you now…how will I say goodbye to you a thousand
She’s right.
He couldn’t ask her to share her life with him when his life wasn’t his own. Rafi stared
at her, wondering numbly how he’d got to this lonely place again. He didn’t want to let her
“We could make this work.”
I love you.
Lona wiped away one tear falling down her cheek.
“I can’t say goodbye, Rafi. Can you just leave?”
Something died in his soul as he bowed his head. He fought to hold back his own tears
as he lifted his head to meet Lona’s watery gaze.
“As you desire.”
How he managed to get out of the hall was a miracle in itself. He barely apologised for
bumping into Vale on his way out.
What had he done to deserve losing the woman he loved twice in one lifetime? Tears clouded his vision as he stumbled into a garden alcove. He slumped on the stone
bench, placing his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands as he forced himself to
breathe in and breathe out.
I never should’ve agreed to keep Lona in my care.
He never would’ve if he’d known there was even a chance of falling in love with her.

BOOK: As You Desire
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