Read AslansStranger-ARE-epub Online

Authors: JenniferKacey

AslansStranger-ARE-epub (3 page)

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She eyed him a moment longer, not wanting to look away, then closed the door. The brass plate clanged on the latch and she jumped, then faced him once more.

He stood with his gaze locked on her.

And then…




Looping the leather around his hand reminded her of a boxer, wrapping his hand before a fight. The image had quite an effect on her and then he tilted his head. “Did you follow my other instructions just as perfectly?”

Other instructions?

Moisture coated her pussy, reminding her quite succinctly the instructions he spoke of. She flicked open the snap on her purse and pulled her panties from inside. She tossed them to him and he snatched them out of the air with his other hand. “Apparently, I’m quite good at following instructions when I have the proper—motivation.”

Her knees shook as he lifted the black lace to his nose and inhaled.

“Fuck, you smell good.” He took her scent into his lungs one more time and then tucked her panties into his back pocket. “Hard limits?”

She knew he had more of a clue than he originally let on. Taking a deep breath, she tried to concentrate. She could not afford to fuck this up so she focused, hard, on what she’d already been thinking. “No blindfold. I want to see what you’re doing.”


She stared at him, and tossed her purse on the counter beside the T.V. “Of course. Not going to stop me, though. And not the reason for wanting to see what you’re doing.” He raised an eyebrow and she smiled. “Not the only reason.”

His teeth made a brief appearance. “What’s the other reason?”

“You’re hot and I want to stare at you.”

“Oh. Well. By all means. No blindfold then. What else?” He chose that moment to release the coiled leather until he held just the buckle in his fist. It looked like a whip or a leash and she nibbled her bottom lip again.

She tried not to shrug but it weaseled its way through her attempt to appear cool, calm and collected. “The standard stuff. No kids, no animals, no waterworks, no scat.”

He took several steps forward until he stood in front of her. And she just thought he’d looked hot across the room.


He was a work of art.

“Someone’s been doing their homework.” He lifted her chin until she looked into his dark eyes. They seemed to swirl as if they were a reflection of the tumultuous sea beneath the balcony.

“Yes, I have. And I don’t want to leave the suite. I’m not doing this for anyone but you and don’t want anyone else to see us.”

“Agreed. Everything I want is in this room. Outside it has no appeal to me.” He touched her cheek, her jaw, her throat. “Last chance, Aslan. Last chance to back out.” Moving closer, he backed her up until her butt hit the door. “Because when I lock this door—game on.”

She swallowed. Hard. And tentatively ran her shaky hands up his sides and around to his back. “I’m not going anywhere. I started this, and I want to see where it takes us.”

Tugging her forward a half a step, he opened the door, shifted the latch out of the way and the door closed. The metal tumbler snapped into place. The dead bolt hit home in more ways than one and a nervous giggle spilled into the space between then. Then he backed up toward the bed again, leaving her there in the entryway.


She smiled, despite her nerves trying to get the best of her. “Mayday.”

His chuckle warmed her. “Very nautically appropriate.”

“I thought so.”

“And not something you say every day?”

She laughed. “No.”

“Then take off your dress, and come here. Leave the heels. I’m totally going to fuck you in those shoes.”

Her stomach dropped and filled with butterflies.

She took a big breath and reached behind her for the zipper hidden in the back seam. Sliding the tab down relaxed the fabric at her shoulders, her ribs, waist and then her rear.

Having a bra on afforded her a bit of coverage as she shrugged out of the top of the dress, but it was made of the same black see-through lace as the panties now taking up residence in Zeke’s back pocket.

He could probably see more than a hint of nipple and they were tight. Aching.

Being turned on didn’t come close to how she felt as she slipped the rest of the dress over her backside. The lacy bra, coupled with nothing on the bottom, sans her gray heels… Take about feeling vulnerable.

“And the bra. I want to see all of you. I need it.” The muscle in his jaw bunched again.

She almost wanted to comment on how much he had himself under control and that he didn’t need to. That she could take him. All of him. But she thought she had a better idea.

Reaching behind her, she unhooked her bra and let it fall on top of her dress. With large, natural breasts, she knew how lucky she was that they were still high and perky. The hunger on his face made her feel like a movie star.

“Hang up the dress so you don’t worry about it. And I want to see you. Step out of it toward me and then bend at the waist. Show me what I’m going to be using tonight.”


Such a dirty word, and her pussy clenched as she stepped out of the pool of red fabric and did as he instructed.

She leaned over, baring herself to him. His rumble of approval nearly took her to her knees. There was definitely a bit of extra shimmy in her step as she put away her bra and hung up the dress. She kept expecting shame or embarrassment to hit her, since she grew up being told kink in any form was bad. Wrong.

But it turned out they were wrong. She felt—free. For the first time in a long time, and the gorgeous man with her had a lot to do with it. He could have any woman he wanted. And he sure as heck didn’t have to say yes to her proposal. It might have taken a bit of convincing but she knew it was something he wanted. Needed, maybe?

The fire in his eyes had been there since the first time she’d seen him.

They were the same, him and her, and she knew it. Two sides of the same coin perhaps?

He grabbed her by the throat and she eeped as he yanked her forward the last step. The tip of his nose touched hers and her fingernails on both hands dug into his wrist. “Hands behind your back. Breath play was not on your hard limit list.” He squeezed her throat again to emphasize his point.

Slowly, she convinced her hands to relax and she put them behind her back, holding the opposite wrist so she wasn’t tempted to latch onto him again.

“Good girl,” he praised as he relaxed his hand and replaced it with his belt.

She sucked in a breath and a sigh slipped out.

Good. Girl.

Two four-letter words combined to make a whole big bowl of happy.

“Thighs apart. I want to feel how wet you are and see if you can put your money where your mouth is.” Skepticism rolled off of his words.

He doubted her? How much of him doubted her, she didn’t know, but he was about to be quite surprised.

Moving her feet a bit wider, his other hand was already there, his fingers spearing through her intimate folds to find her—

“Fuck, you’re drenched.”

“Yes, Master—”


His abrupt refusal of the word made her heart sink in her chest. He was going to call it off. Before they even got started, he was going to freak out and she’d be left wanting. Again.

He slid a finger inside her and her eyelids closed, her head bowing in submission. Another finger joined the first, filling her, stretching her to be able to take him.

“Master is clinical. Aloof. Remote. As if I am separate from you or above you. I don’t like any of that. Call me… Sir. It’s more—personal. Understand?”

There he stood. Bare-chested with well-worn jeans setting off his good looks and tan. He held the end of his belt, pulling on it slightly, constricting the leather around her neck. With the edge of the leather in his hand, he tipped her head up again.

Her eyelids fluttered as he fucked his fingers in and out of her. Slow, deep, steady. He was solely focused on her and her answer. And he was in control of both of them.

“Yes Sir,” she happily answered. Never had two words felt so right. Fucking her with his fingers for a couple more strokes made her toes curl.

“Mmmm… I definitely like the sound of that.” Scissoring his fingers inside her, he watched her face, not missing anything. “But when you come, you say my name.”

She nodded, almost on the verge of coming already, but then he slowed down, pulling his fingers from her wet pussy, dragging them along her clit. He sucked them clean. One at a time and then both together. “You being turned on by me is so hot.”

“How could I not be? You’re so…yummy.”

“Yummy?” He grinned, but didn’t say anything else. He pulled on the belt, tightening it enough that her breath caught in her throat. “It looks like a collar.” He touched her skin above and below the leather and need raced to her clit.

The scent of her pussy reached her and she thought about how the fragrance would get into the leather. That he’d have to take a piece of her with him wherever he wore it. The thought… She’d never been so close to coming so quickly.

He pulled the loop of the belt through the buckle, removing it entirely from her throat and letting it fall to the floor. Touching her bottom lip, he kissed her. “No pouty lip. I have plans for you that won’t allow for the belt, and right now I’d much rather touch you.”

“Well, when you put it that way how could a girl refuse?”

“She can’t anyways.”

Oh. He was right. She couldn’t. Not unless she spoke her safeword. Damn.

“Sit on the edge of the bed. The very edge. Yes. Back on your elbows. And spread your legs. I want to see how wet you are for me. Fuck. So wet.” He backed up a step and she thought he did it just so he could see her better, but then he released the button on his pants, slid the zipper down and pushed them over his lean hips.

His cock sprang free as soon as the material released it and her mouth watered. Commando. What a delicious revelation. And he was wet. The tip of his cock was so wet with pre-cum it looked as if it was about to drip.

“You look, thirsty,” he growled.

Her gaze darted up to his face and then back down to his shaft, which he worked with a tight fist. “Parched.”

“Uncharted territory.”

“What is?”

“Being so wet.” He stepped forward again. His cock pointing right at her mouth.

All she could think was,
about time
. She needed him. Desperately.

Instead of fucking her face, he collected a single drop on the end of a fingertip and painted her bottom lip with it. She licked it off and his flavor hit her taste buds as if it were a drug.

“Open up.” He let her suck his finger into his mouth and she moaned.

His taste? Delicious. But it wasn’t just him. It was her taste too, mingled together on his finger. If it had a name, it would be Perfection, because it was. “More.” Her lips formed the word, but her need spoke it. “Please,” she added in almost desperation. She needed him.

“Not yet. I have to taste you.”

“But you already tasted me. From your fingers.”

He kissed her lips, her jaw, collarbone, even swiped a tongue across one nipple before he hit his knees before her. Nudging her legs even farther apart made her feel completely exposed and a little dirty. Having the heels still on added to the allure.

Loving it didn’t do the feeling rioting inside her justice.

“But I need it from the source. Fuck, you smell good.” He licked her pussy. Not a dainty lick or a tiny taste. No. He flattened his tongue out over her ass hole and licked, hard, until the tip of his tongue flicked her clit.

Her head fell back between her shoulders and she pointed her toes against her heels, straining to get closer to his mouth.

“Are you ready to come for me?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Then look at me. I want to see your eyes when I make you come…for the first time.” He fit two fingers in her pussy and she locked onto his gaze just as he pushed his thick digits in to the third knuckle. Stretching her, filling her, licking her clit.

Fucking her hard is what she expected, what she thought she wanted.

But instead, he curled his fingers higher, tapping on her G-spot, matching the rhythm of his tongue on her clit.

Sensation raced from her limbs to her spine and then down to her clit. Tilting her hips up a fraction of an inch, she got him honed in on the right spot.

But then he moved, licking up the sides of her pussy lips, fucking her core once hard and then stilling. He’d roll the flat of his tongue over her clit again, she’d strain almost imperceptibly to the perfect spot and he’d move.

Exasperation made her clench her hands into fists and her jaw bunched under the pressure.

“You’re not coming until I decide to give it to you.”

His words. It took her a minute to process them. “You know how close I am? You know I’m right there? And you’re not letting me come?” It sounded catty even to her own ears but—

“Correct.” He licked her again, staring up at her from his knees, and she’d never seen anything more dominant. “This dynamic you’re looking for isn’t about you pushing my buttons to get what you want. It’s not about taking what you want, just because you want it. It’s about you getting out of your head and letting yourself be taken, filled, used.”

He was…right.

“But I don’t know how to get there.”

“I do.” Those same two words again, and this time they made her heart stop. He pulled free from her pussy, shoving her back onto the bed, and her elbows gave out. He followed her down, lying on top of her, one fist in her hair and the other gripping his cock, rubbing the tip in her wetness.

There was no more discussion. He fit the head at her opening and pushed inside, fucking her in short bursts until he was locked deep inside her.

“No condoms.” She meant for it to be a question. She did. Almost.

“No. We both had to be clean to get on the cruise and I saw your birth control pills on the counter in the bathroom. Bare. I need you bare.”

The intimacy of it left her breathless. She’d never needed anything more than she needed him in that moment.

BOOK: AslansStranger-ARE-epub
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