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Authors: Becca Jameson

Awakening Abduction (5 page)

BOOK: Awakening Abduction
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James tossed the pants aside and settled between Hannah’s open legs, spreading them even farther with his hands.

Hannah gasped again and struggled to hold her knees together.

“Don’t. I want to see you. God, you’re sexy. Your cum is glistening against your lips. I have to taste you.”


He knew this was all new to her, too many sensations in just a few short minutes, but he couldn’t stop. As soon as his tongue swiped a trail across her pussy, he groaned in delight at her own personal flavor and she dropped from her position propped on her elbows to flat on the bed. Her exquisite taste, sweet and salty at the same time, almost floral, all Hannah, filled his senses.

Her knees relaxed and James pressed her bent legs deeper into the mattress while he flicked his tongue over her clit.

“Ahhh. James…” Her body tensed. Would it be that easy? Again so soon?

James wished he’d paid more attention to his brothers and friends when they’d bragged about their matings instead of ignoring their good fortunes. Perhaps then he wouldn’t feel so inept when it came to understanding Hannah’s appropriate responses.

Of course, none of his relatives or friends had mated with anyone who didn’t know who and what they were or what the long-term implications of the claiming were.

Dainty, firm fingers burrowed into James’ hair. He couldn’t tell if she was trying to push him away from her center or pull him closer into her. She probably didn’t know either.

“Relax, baby. Let me make you feel good.” He nibbled around her clit, not quite touching it again after that first flick of his tongue, and she settled slightly, but didn’t let go of her hold on his hair.

“You’re delicious. Tangy and sweet at the same time.”

“God, James…do something.”

“This?” James sucked her clit into his mouth and didn’t let go while she writhed beneath the unexpected onslaught. His grip on her thighs held fast. She was strong for such a tiny thing.

“Oh God… Oh

So close. Her pulse raced beneath his tongue. Leaning one shoulder into Hannah’s thigh, James freed one hand and pressed two fingers into Hannah’s sweet center. He froze for just a moment when he hit her hymen. His fingers didn’t quite tear it, but he knew his dick would. He groaned softly against her clit as he thought of being the first and only one to press past that thin layer.

Pressing his cock firmly against the mattress to stave off his need, he nipped her nub with his teeth.

.” She nearly screamed his name. And it sounded so fantastic coming through her lips.

Her tight walls pulsed around his fingers and his dick grew harder than he’d ever been, begging to trade places with his hand and feel the ecstasy of her pussy. He had to stiffen his legs to keep from coming against the sheets where his cock lay trapped.

How the hell was he going to avoid making a fool of himself when he took her? Surely he’d shoot off before he even got all the way in the first time.

It didn’t help his situation one bit that Hannah’s orgasm kept milking his fingers, even when he eased off her clit and began to gently stroke his tongue over the hood and circle the nub while she came down.

When Hannah’s grip loosened against his scalp, James pulled his body up hers and rested his elbows on both sides of her head to take her mouth in a demanding kiss. He knew he was forcing her to taste herself on his lips, but hoped she’d find the experience arousing.

Hannah moaned against him, licked his lips and devoured him as though starving. When she sucked his tongue into her mouth, he paused, the gesture threatening to push him over the edge. The mock blowjob was an excellent indication his life would be complete with this woman.

“I need you,” he mumbled when she let go and gazed into his eyes. “But I need you to be sure.”

“James, you’ve made my body hum twice in ten minutes. Please, stop stalling and take for yourself.” Her hips lifted against his torso, his cock so close to her opening the head rubbed against her wet folds.

“Baby, I don’t take. I only give. Any resulting pleasure for myself is just icing on the cake.”

“Lord, where did they teach you to be so poetic?” The smile on her face seemed to reach her ears.

“I want to know what it feels like to be filled with your…cock. Please?”

James grinned at her slang vulgarity. “Honey, you’re so tight. Even your hymen is intact. And I’m not a small man. It will hurt the first time.”

“I know. I’m not completely innocent.” She gripped her bottom lip with her teeth.

“Yes you are. And I apologize in advance for the pain. I promise it will only last a second and then… And then the most exquisite sensation you’ve ever experienced. At least that’s what I hear.”

“Too much talking. I ache for you.” Hannah pleaded with her eyes and her body, which writhed beneath him. She couldn’t help it. That much he knew. Thank God he hadn’t completely flunked out of Sex 101. At least his father had had the prerequisite “talk” with him so he’d know how a claiming went and what would happen to the female, at least in theory. He’d had sex with plenty of women in the last several years, but still felt a bit inadequately prepared to claim a mate, especially one who had no education of her own on the subject. It just wasn’t the same.

“Hannah, you don’t realize the implications of this yet and I hope you don’t hate me later for not being more thorough in explaining things, but at least you should know I don’t take this lightly. Our…joining, it’s for life. After I take you, you’ll never have another. You won’t even want someone else.” James held his breath and watched her face. He owed her this much, plus it bought his cock time to calm down enough to not shoot off at entry.

Hannah stared into his eyes. “You have some really strange ideas, and if I was in my right mind, I would surely find all this disconcerting, but lucky for you, I’m not. All I know is this feels right and if you don’t suit up and get inside me this instant, I will combust.”

Suit up?
. He’d not thought of that. She’d want a condom.
Of course, you dumb shit. She’s worried about pregnancy, diseases you don’t have

“Hannah,” he kissed her softly, “I’m clean, and any concerns you have don’t really apply to…” What the hell was he supposed to say?

“What modern man doesn’t carry a condom these days?”

James froze, his dick suffering against her entrance. He silently begged her not to stop this process.

His forlorn gaze must have reached into her pleadingly, because she pulled him closer and kissed his lips. “I don’t fucking care right this second, as much as I may regret the decision later.”

James released a breath he didn’t even realize he held and lifted himself off her body. He hoped she wouldn’t mock his plan, but in order to claim her properly, he needed to take her from behind. She needed to be in a position of submission.

When he stared down at her confusion, he couldn’t do it. She needed this first time to take place face-to-face, in accord with her expectations of sex.

Next time, he assured himself. There’d be plenty of opportunity.

James grazed his fingertips over her entire torso, gazing down at his good fortune. When her skin began to heat in desire and red splotches of pleasure rose up across her chest, he plucked gently on her nipples and lowered over her, poised at her entrance.

Grasping his rock-hard cock, James dragged the head against her folds one last time and then released himself to slowly press into her.

As Hannah’s sweet folds enveloped his stiffness, James gritted his teeth against the need to come, held himself suspended stiffly over her body, hoping the absence of all her skin against him would buy him some time.

His forearms started to shake under the strain.

His efforts were in vain, however, because Hannah was granted the wiggle room to press up toward him and force him to the hilt.

Twin inhalations followed as James lowered himself to blanket her body, gazing into her eyes for any evidence of discomfort.

Hannah held her breath for a heartbeat and then smiled as she exhaled. “Move.”

Who was he to deny the request?

Never releasing his own breath or relaxing his jaw, James slowly pulled out and then plunged back into her depths. “So…fucking…tight. So hot.”

The words forced him to breathe. He wouldn’t last long. How could any woman be this tight? Even his hand couldn’t grip him as well as her body did.

This woman was his, he knew it with his entire being. And he needed to consummate the deal right now before he came. His wolf demanded it.

James jerked free of her grip on his cock and flipped Hannah onto her stomach so fast she never saw it coming.

The sound escaping her lips didn’t sound like one of displeasure however.

“I need to take you from behind, sweetheart. Not every time, but definitely this once.”

Hannah managed to hold herself up with her forearms, her ass raised in the air in offering, and James wasted no time pushing her knees apart and pressing back into her warm pussy. He gripped her hips with both hands and started a fast rhythm that would only last a few strokes before he came.

It wasn’t mandatory for Hannah to come for the claiming to be complete, but no way was James going to leave her out of the experience. He trailed one hand under her to stroke her clit while he pressed into her.

So close, both of them. She breathed erratically, her pulse beating against his hand seemingly in rhythm with his cock pressing in and out of her. The moment his orgasm seemed imminent, James pinched Hannah’s clit between his fingers and pressed as deep as he could into her body.

Her scream rent the air. Her vaginal walls milked him as he came and came into her depths. The most pleasurably intense sensation of his life with the woman he vowed to cherish for the duration.

Chapter Four


Hannah collapsed into the mattress face first, exhausted, sweaty, satiated beyond belief.

There was no way to erase the smile she felt spreading across her face. How had she gotten so lucky? Intense feelings assaulted her, none of them surprisingly unwelcome. Cherished. Dominated. Home.

James blanketed her from above, sliding slightly to one side to avoid smashing her, but close enough that she felt the desired pressure of his warm body. She wasn’t ready to separate the contact.

Through rough breaths, James muttered against her ear. “You okay?”

“Better than.”

He pulled wet clumps of hair from her face and she exhaled gratefully because right now she didn’t have the energy to do it herself.

“Did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to be so rough. I promise it won’t always be that way.”

“Not a bit.” She giggled slightly. “Well, maybe for about two seconds, but then the pleasure took over.”

“I swear you won’t feel that twinge of pain again. Next time your body will suck me in as though it remembers what mine can bring to the table.”

Next time. Hmm
. How many next times would there be? Hannah shivered to think this god was only hers out of convenience, that only the stress of the situation drew them to each other. As soon as they arrived in Seattle, he would surely resume his regular life. Did he have a girlfriend? Hannah nearly groaned.

“What’s going on in that head of yours, sweetheart?” Gentle fingers massaged through her tangled mass of hair, his words nearly purring into her ear. Was he always such a snuggler? Didn’t men tend to pull away, clean up and crash after sex? That’s the way she’d always heard it.


“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

Ah, see. Here it comes
. Perhaps he’d just been polite since it was their first time together, well, her first time ever.

Moments later, however, Hannah was shocked to find gentle hands pulling her onto her back. Gorgeous blue eyes smiled down at her and a warm cloth soothed over her face before he rubbed a path between her breasts and lower. She held her breath while he pressed her legs apart and carefully cleaned his cum from her thighs. When the cloth brushed up against her clit, she shivered.

“Sorry, baby. I know you’re probably oversensitized.”

Hannah couldn’t believe she let him do this, peruse her body so closely. He even shifted down between her legs to make sure she was clean and she shuddered beneath the intense gaze as she watched him inspect her.

The sun had begun to descend in the sky, leaving only the last remnants of rays in hues of orange, red and purple to light the room. When had he flipped the lights off?

When he finished, he set the cloth aside and resumed his spot alongside her, a distance that should have been disconcerting with no regard for her personal space, but somehow managed to feel welcome. In fact, her limp body demanded he stay as close as possible.

“So tired.” Her eyes wouldn’t stay open.

“I know, babe. Sleep. Take a nap.” He kissed her temple, lingering for a long time, inhaling deeply.

Hannah drifted out of consciousness, but she could have sworn she heard him mutter “mine” in her last moments of lucidity.


James was the luckiest bastard in the world. He stared down at the prize beneath him and thanked God the stars had been aligned when Maxwell Stone had chosen him to go retrieve his daughter.

He pushed thoughts of the confrontation from his mind. He couldn’t dwell right this minute on how pissed the man was going to be when they arrived because he was too busy thinking about his good fortune and planning how he would to take her next—after her nap.

Wolves needed very little sleep. Sure, he’d been bone tired when they’d arrived at the hotel, but primarily from the strain of breathing in her scent, trapped as he’d been in the Jag with her pheromones for an entire day.

He was aware women needed a lot of rest during a claiming as their body underwent the transformation into a full-grown adult wolf.

He frowned when he thought of all the things she didn’t know, primarily because he’d been too much of a horny bastard to fill her in before he took her.

Remembering his conversation with Meredith, James reminded himself
Hannah has no idea she’s a wolf
. Now she was about to undergo the change and guess who was going to help her?

She moaned in her sleep and snuggled closer against his side, if it was even possible.

A hand against her forehead proved what he already knew to be true, her core body temperature was rising. He wasn’t sure how long the change would take or how long it would last.

Needing his strength to face her when she awoke, James closed his eyes to join her in slumber, promising just a few minutes would rejuvenate him.

“We didn’t use a condom.” The words filtered into his semi-consciousness. Hadn’t he just closed his eyes?

James jerked himself awake. Darkness filled the room. Obviously he’d been asleep longer than just moments.

“James?” She moved against him. “What if I’m pregnant? I was so caught up in the moment, I just didn’t care. What was I thinking?”

Was that all the woman could think about? So what if she was pregnant? He’d be proud, excited even to see her round with his child, couldn’t wait in fact.

“Honey, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

She needed human assurance right now before he burst her bubble.

“You didn’t even pull out.”

Man, the woman had a one-track mind.

“No, I didn’t. But—”

“Seriously, James. This is important.” Hannah sat up and faced him. Could she see him as well as he could her yet? How long did it take to acquire the acute ability to see?

Clearing his throat, James considered how to respond to her concerns. She peered at him so intently, she had to be seeing more than she’d been able to before their mating. Did she not realize the strangeness of that fact?

“Hannah, I’m not trying to be complacent here, but we can’t change the past. I mean it when I say I would never leave you. Please, can we just put it out of our minds for now?”

He tugged her gently to his chest, bringing her mouth over his.

When she didn’t pull away in aggravation over his evasive response, he kissed her. A kiss that quickly became needy. Beneath the sheet, his dick made a tent out of the material. When would the fellow be satisfied?

Hannah’s soft, sexy noises filled the silence as she began to devour him in earnest, nibbling her way around his face, down his neck and across his chest. She found a tight nipple and sucked the bud between her lips before nipping at it with her teeth, driving him mad.

James flipped her small frame beneath his and took the upper hand, pressing his lips to hers, demanding entrance. She skated his entire frame with her fingers, reaching everywhere her hands could go, up and down his torso and butt. Her lithe fingers danced and skated across his skin, driving him mad, raising goose bumps in their wake, arousing every cell in his body as they teased.

With one leg between hers, James pressed his thigh into her hot center, forcing a gasped moan of pleasure.

Her legs spread wide, increasing the surface area and contact with his rough leg.

Her head rolled back and forth when he let go of her lips. “God, I’m so hot.”

The face of an angel, eyes half open, hair spread across the pillow.

James reached between them, replaced his thigh with his hand and plunged a finger into her core to drag out the moisture. The effort was in vain. She was already so wet and ready for him, her hips lifting into his palm, demanding release.

When he let two more fingers join the first, angled his hand and dragged the three over her G-spot, she nearly shot off the bed.

She was so incredibly responsive. Would it always be like this?

James pulled himself to sitting between her legs in order to watch the spectacle before him as she came undone. With his free hand, he gripped his dick, pressing his thumb firmly into the slit on top to keep from shooting off while he watched his mate unravel.

It was almost too much to endure, though, as Hannah unexpectedly brought her dainty fingers to her breasts and twirled her nipples between them. She even stopped rolling her head and latched her gaze on to his for a moment.

And then she shattered beneath him and James couldn’t help glancing down at her to watch her body succumb to his touch and hers.

Minutes went by while she slowly relaxed from the orgasm. Her legs fell limp, wide open to his meandering gaze as he took in her entire body all the way from her pert nipples, attached to the most perfect set of tits he’d ever seen, down to her pussy, soaked with her secretions and still pulsing around his fingers every so often. Her sex was spectacular, shaved in all the right places, leaving only a thin line of hair pointing to the hood of her clit.

Later, in the light of day, he would take her languidly with his mouth, enjoying her flavor and soaking in every single fold and crevice between her legs. Would her clit come out from behind its hood on its own when she was aroused enough? Or would he have to coax it out, pulling the hood back with his finger?

As if hearing his thoughts, Hannah gasped and the little nub throbbed beneath his gaze.

. She could hear his thoughts already.

He snapped his gaze to hers where she lay frozen, holding her breath. When she released it, her words were completely unexpected. Perhaps she didn’t fully comprehend she’d actually heard his future plans for her sexy bud. “I need to taste you.”

James’ cock jumped to attention where it still lay in his grip. He groaned in pleasure and waited only a heartbeat. “Are you sure?”

“Never been more sure of anything in my life.” Hannah sat up, pulling her legs from where they lay limply around him. She crawled forward in a catlike manner and pressed him back into the bed. Nothing could have stopped her. Her strength lay not in her size, but in her demanding gaze.

James sprawled out beneath her and watched in awe as she took his pulsing length in her hand, examining the staff from every angle before lowering her mouth over him. James gripped the sheets at his sides when the unexpected happened.

Hannah didn’t lick the tip and swirl her tongue around the top and down the sides. No. She sucked him straight into her throat with no warning whatsoever and began a rhythm that would drive him to orgasm in no time, her pressure just exactly perfect, her firm lips seeming to know just what to do and when.

There was no way in hell she’d ever given head before. Why so confident? So assuredly accurate in regards to his needs?

Moans spilled from around his cock as she tortured the head with the back of her throat, pulling almost all the way out with her teeth grazing gently across the mushroom-shaped lip, only to draw him securely back into heaven.

Over and over, reading his mind, she sucked. So in tune with him already, so perfect.

His legs stiffened. He wouldn’t last.

When he reached for her head to pull her off and keep from choking her, she grasped his hands and pulled him in hard and deep.

James screamed her name and shot his cum down her throat while she never even flinched, swallowing every drop of him, not stopping until he was spent. She licked his still-stiff dick and balls to ensure no drop escaped her greedy lips.

“Mmm, you’re delicious.”

Not what he’d expected from a novice. “How did you…know?”

Hannah climbed up his torso, hovering over his cock, and gazed intently into his eyes. “I have no idea, but whatever filled my head with that idea is also demanding I do this.” Without a pause, she slammed her pussy over him, swallowing his dick in less than a beat. “God, that feels good.”

Her head was thrown back, and Hannah’s ample breasts swung in front of him. His heart beat nearly out of his own chest as he reached to grasp the swaying globes and squeeze them beneath his palms. “You have no idea.”

A rhythm ensued, James lifting his pelvis into her and Hannah crushing her hot tight opening over him, grinding her clit into him on each pass.

She was the most beautiful creature on earth and he was glad he could actually enjoy every moment of their joining, having only come moments before she mounted him.

“Jesus…so good. I can’t get…enough.” Her brow furrowed with the frustration and James reached between them to rub her clit with one hand while pinching a nipple with the other. Most women would have found the pressure he exuded in each place to be too much, too intense, but the pleasure-pain proved exactly right for Hannah. She moaned loudly and pressed both her chest and her nub against him, demanding more.

Increasing her speed, Hannah slammed her body over and over above him and James reveled in her wanton release. His cheeks heated. To think she was all his, this needy, voluptuous, sexual goddess.

When Hannah leaned forward slightly, James removed his grip on her clit, pinched both nipples with one final intense squeeze of domination and then reached around her bottom. He pulled her soft globes gently apart and used two fingers from each hand to graze around the entrance to her ass, knowing she would fly off in an instant when he breached the forbidden hole.

He never got the chance. As soon as he barely touched the surface, all her senses heightened and she spun out of control, groaning through clenched teeth while her pussy tightened to grip his cock and pulse rapidly around the length.

Incredibly, even though he’d come only minutes ago and hadn’t been concentrating on himself since the moment she’d mounted him, the vision before him sent him careening over the edge with her, his eyes momentarily glazing over when he came.

Even his legs shook with the unexpected exertion it took to join so thoroughly with her yet again.

Hannah’s head slumped forward while her pussy continued to spasm around his slackening cock. Her hair covered her face, purposely, he realized. He could sense her embarrassment coming off her in waves. Why now, after everything they’d done tonight?

“Baby, that was so beautiful,” he reassured her. She had to believe in herself, own her sexuality. Demand everything from him she needed whenever she needed it. It was his responsibility to assure she knew this.

BOOK: Awakening Abduction
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