Awakenings (A Witch's Coven Novel Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Awakenings (A Witch's Coven Novel Book 1)
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“He slid two fingers into me. I was wet and he made a come hither motion inside me and then took his fingers out and had me suck on them. In that moment, I would have sucked a stick covered with tar. Then he pulled his fingers out of my mouth and slid them back inside me, and this time he kissed the top part of me where the little bump is down there, and he licked faster and faster, sliding his fingers in and out of me. I lay back on his bed and heard the crackling of the fire and my breathing went fast and I just wanted to let go and to keep feeling this wonderful wash of joy that started to build up inside. And then he pulled away and stopped.”

“What?!” If Cameron were near me, I would have hit him for her. “Why did he do that?”

“I begged him for more, and he kissed my thigh again and this time I didn’t laugh. He kissed my other thigh, then the top portion of where my hair began, and he buried his face there and slid down until his tongue licked me again, and I squirmed and grabbed onto the covers and relaxed, feeling a building up of joy within me. I just wanted to release it, but this feeling of pleasure continued to build up within me and I relaxed in it, letting go, allowing myself to enjoy him. I turned my head toward the fire and saw the flames flickering and took a deep breath, held it, and relaxed. I don’t know how long we did this, but Cameron stopped licking me but kept his fingers inside. He grabbed my fingers and stuck them in his mouth and sucked on them. Then he pulled them out and said, ‘Touch yourself.’ I put my hand down there, and I started to rub the ball of nerves at the top. He curled his fingers within me and touched something deep inside that caused me to gasp and want more. I picked up my legs and balanced them in the air and then sucked on my fingers to make them wetter and then rubbed slow and sure on myself. Cameron did not say another word, but he kissed me and then quickened the curling of his fingers inside me to match the speed of my rubbing.

“I tensed my legs and they began to quiver. I took a deep breath, held it, and rubbed harder, allowing the ball of pleasure to tighten within me, building it up and up until I lost myself in the crash. A wall of pleasure washed over me and my legs shook and Cameron moved my hands and then lightly licked me, and a second wave, lesser than the first, washed over me, and I shivered and gasped for air. I could hear the fire crackling and just started laughing. I could not stop as a feeling of pleasure washed over me and I rolled to my side and expected Cameron to mount me and to finish himself off inside me. But he didn’t do that.”

“You had
la petite mort
.” I stared at Denise in awe. When she only looked at me with a confused expression on her face, I said, “The little death. You had a sacred moment with him.”

Denise nodded slow and thought out her words carefully. “Yes, it did feel like I was dying a bit. I thought the world had stopped for a moment and then everything crashed on around me.”

“I’ve read about it in books, and that’s how it’s described.” I felt embarrassed and changed the subject. “What did Cameron do next?”

Denise was easily persuaded to get back to her story. She spoke low and glanced down the hall, but miraculously, no one disturbed us. “Afterward I rested on his bed for a bit, and he sat on the bed next to me. He had his legs crossed, watching me with a smile on his face. ‘Did you enjoy learning some Latin?’

“I told him that I did, and then he asked if I would do him a favor.”

“Did he take his cock out and it was dirty and he wanted to put it inside you?” I asked.

“No.” Denise shook her head. “Why would he have treated me like that after being so nice to me earlier?”

I shrugged, thinking of the men who had tried to rape me in the summer. “I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet now.”

“Cameron pulled a shirt out and held it in his hands. ‘I’m going to put a blindfold on and I’d like you to watch me while I touch myself. Would you be okay with that?’

“His mannerisms and how nicely he asked me things caused me to trust him. I told him that I would be fine and thought that since I didn’t have too much experience in seeing boys naked, that this would be interesting.” Denise folded her hands together and lowered her voice even more. “He tied the shirt around his head and lay back on his bed. The fire burned warm and bright with the hot coals turning to red, orange, and almost white in color. Cameron pulled up his shirt and rested his hands on his muscled chest. He turned to me and said, ‘I feel funny being watched so I like to pretend that I’m alone. It makes it easier for me.’

“I stayed close to him on his bed, at the far end, and nodded, but realized that he couldn’t see me. ‘I would let you be with me if you’d like. You were so good to me.’

But he shook his head. ‘No, I don’t want to get you with child, and this will be the safest way. And I’m just getting to know you, we have plenty of time to learn more lessons with each other over the rest of the winter.’

“I smiled at that and replied, ‘I’d like that.’ He turned away from me and then pulled down his undergarments. My first reaction was that his penis was smaller than I had expected. But it was firm and curved a bit, bending inward toward his body. He took his right hand and went to touch himself and stopped. ‘I almost forgot.’ He pointed over toward the fire. ‘Can you bring me that jug over there?’ I retrieved the jug for him and went to hand it to him, but he pushed it away. ‘Pour some into my hand.’

“I took the jug and poured a little into my own hand first, and a dark yellow oil came out. I rubbed the warm oil between my two fingers and took a sniff. The fragrant scent of olives filled the room. Cameron kept quiet, waiting patiently with his hand out, so I poured the oil and too much came out with the extra dripping off his palm and onto his bed. With his left hand, he squeezed his sack, clenching tight. His penis stirred a bit and quivered and he took in a deep breath. Then he stroked himself with his right hand, pulling upward until his hand slid off. He moaned and then pulled on his scrotum and his penis twitched again. I moved closer so that I could see him better and leaned in. He stroked himself again with his right hand, and the olive oil dripped off onto his belly. What surprised me is that he had no hair around his penis and the tip looked different than what my brothers looked like.”

I nodded to Denise. “He was circumcised. It’s a custom that the rich lords follow. When he was a baby, they cut the tip of his penis off. It’s easier to clean in growing up.”

“I didn’t know that.” Denise pondered that for a bit. “I thought he was deformed and that this was why he had blindfolded himself. He didn’t want to see my reaction to him.”

“The families up north practice this more often than down here.”

“Well, anyway, he twisted his hand around the shaft of his penis and then pulled down hard, held it for a few seconds and then opened his hand letting his penis quiver again. I could see him contracting the muscles around his stomach and this caused his penis to move as though it was obeying his command. Taking a deep breath, he firmly grabbed his scrotum again and then slid the palm of his right hand over his penis up until it slid off and fell onto his belly. I came closer and put my hand on his side and he shivered. He turned to me and said, ‘You don’t have to touch me. It’s fine if you would rather not.’

“I leaned over him and kissed him on his chest. ‘I want to keep my hand here.’

He sighed and then wrapped his right hand around his penis and began stroking it faster, arching his back and sucking in more air. I watched him and saw how his hand made it to the head of his penis and then he would slide his hand back down again. He twisted and pulled, allowing the warm olive oil to drip off of him. The fragrant smell filled the room and mixed well with the burning fire. He stopped stroking himself again and removed both hands. This time I moved my right hand and clutched his scrotum. My nails bit into his skin a bit and he squirmed. ‘Not too tight. Easier, please.’

I nearly let go from embarrassment that I had hurt him, but I was more curious than afraid. I kept my left hand on his side and my right on his scrotum and he grabbed his penis again and stroked. Slowly at first, moving his hips up and off the bed and then he clenched his legs.

“I could see his thigh muscles taut with his toes curling down. I let go of his scrotum and then cupped it again, but this time using less force with my grip. He sighed and then slid his hand off his penis and took a deep breath. I took my hand off of him and then he grabbed his penis again and twisted the head in the palm of his hand, sliding his hand down the length of the penis until he touched my hand. He tensed his legs even more and then grunted with the effort and I saw a stream of white liquid shoot out of his penis and land on his chest. He grunted again and I watched him pull back up on the shaft and then quickly stroked it back down. Another spurt of white liquid dribbled from the tip of his penis and then fell onto his hand. He repeated the stroking motion and then cried out in pain.”

I grabbed Denise. “Did he hurt himself?”

She shook her head. “I was so upset. I grabbed him and asked if he were okay, and he contorted his body and grabbed at the back of his left thigh, knocking the blindfold off his head. He then laughed and said, ‘I have a cramp in my leg. I’m okay.’

He rolled out of bed and walked the cramp off. His right foot was misshaped, but otherwise he looked normal. I sat there feeling helpless that I had somehow hurt him. When the cramp lessened, he sat next to me and hugged me close and then kissed me on the mouth. ‘I am fine. You didn’t do anything wrong. I just had a muscle cramp.’

“I hugged him and then kissed him again. He held me for a bit and massaged my back while I listened to the fire. I think I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder, and a bit later he woke me. ‘It’s getting late and you have to go back to your room. Would you like to practice some Latin later in the week?’ I laughed and then quickly dressed and left the room.”

Denise finished her story, and I just sat there in awe. “What an amazing story! When are you going back to see him?”

“Tomorrow night. I can’t wait. He is a thoughtful lover.” Denise heard the door open at the end of the hall. She picked up her bag and motioned for me to do the same. “Do you think I’m doing the right thing?”

“Enjoying yourself and having fun? Yes, of course! I’m jealous of you.” I almost spoke Charles’ name, but thought it best to keep who I liked to myself.

“I am a bit worried though. I’m hoping he continues to treat me nice. With the war, I don’t wish to be turned out of this house. I would have nowhere to go.”

I lowered my voice. “Be smart and don’t allow him to be inside you so you don’t have a baby. Have your fun, but remember that you’d be the one to carry the baby, and he would probably deny the child is his.”

Denise arrived to the end of the hallway and then started walking down the stairs. “You give good advice. I’ll be careful.” She stopped on the stairs and said, “I have no sisters to talk to this about. Thank you.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I am your friend. I’m happy to listen.”

We walked on to drop our bags into the storeroom and talked more about the cold, the rationing, and men. With the war so close, we took the time we had to enjoy as best we could.


Alessia wrinkled her nose at me. “Did your friend Denise really tell you all of that?”

“No, not in that detail, but I got your mind off of the mayor’s son, didn’t I?” I took a drag on my pipe and watched the smile break out on Alessia’s face.

“I did forget him for a bit.” She stretched her arms up over her head and yawned. “You tell a good story.”

“But hopefully, you learned a few things. The mayor’s son isn’t the only boy in the world, and it’s more important to find the right type of lover than to go after someone who is popular and conceited.” I watched her reaction to my words with interest.

“He’s not a conceited boy. He’s since told me that he loves me and wants to be with me!” Alessia replied.

I blew smoke at her and then said, “Now you know what you can do with him without risking a child. Get to know him first and see if he’s a tender lover or does he just want to stick his cock in one of your warm holes.”

Alessia blushed and looked away. “No, he wouldn’t treat me that way. We’ve talked a lot in the last few weeks and he loves me.”

“Then if he loves you, you know exactly what you can try with him to see if the two of you are good lovers. Test him out, try him and see if you’re compatible. Love is great, but practicing the mechanics of it all takes some work.” A flash of lightning distracted me, and I turned toward the window. “Though, learning each other’s bodies and how to make love together can be one of the best parts. Tell him what you’d like to do with him, and he’ll find a way to meet you.”

“But I’m embarrassed to say these things to him.”

“Then you’re too immature and shouldn’t be with him.” I stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Alessia to her thoughts.

Chapter 3

Weeks passed by and summer turned into autumn. The winds came, blowing the red, orange, and yellow leaves off the trees. Winter would arrive and the town would be buttoned up for the cold. Travel on the roads would be impassable and only a few ships would come in to the docks. The storms and ice flows in the river would be too much of a risk for any sane merchant. Still, I had hope buried in my heart that he would come back to me. A foolish hope that I would not share with anyone for fear that if spoken aloud it would shatter, and I would have to go through the long and dark winter months alone without a light to guide me ahead.

To keep myself occupied, I focused more on my teaching. Initiates were busy this time of year. I kept them working hard both physically and mentally. Exercise, reading, and writing were the main staples of my teaching. I hoped one day that I could broaden my coven and take on more teachers, but that would take more planning and hard work. I found it difficult to manage the few girls I had now. Seven initiates trusted me with their futures and I did not wish to let them down. With the days getting shorter and the lesson load increasing, I kept a watch out, especially for Alessia. I worried about her, knowing too well the temptations of young love.

BOOK: Awakenings (A Witch's Coven Novel Book 1)
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