Baby (Black Rebel Riders' MC) (17 page)

BOOK: Baby (Black Rebel Riders' MC)
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"I bet you will be great at anything you do, what is it?" I can tell by the way his brows are drawn in and the smile that is playing on his delicious mouth he is amused by this. If he only knew all of the stupid thoughts running through my head...will I do it right...will I bite him...what if I suck at it. Okay wrong choice of words there, but what if he thinks I am lousy and decides he does not want me because I cannot do and give him what he is used to.

"I...I want to please you, I know you have desires, needs, and wants." I can't look him in the eyes, what if he rejects me.

"Rumor," he swipes his fingers under my chin, forcing me to look at him. His eyes meet mine, so caring, so understanding. "You already give me everything just by being with me. I don't want you to feel pressured to do something you aren't ready for."

"But I want to do this for you, please Rebel. Will you allow me to give you this?"  I don't want to be this timid shy girl who can't get any further than kissing a man. I know I need to take control, "Take your pants off." I try to say the words in a proficient tone and he smiles trying not to laugh at my husky voice.

Rebel doesn't speak; he gets up from the bed and does as I fancy. He is standing in front of me completely nude, but he is still gazing at me as though he is unsure and afraid I am going to have a trigger and freak out on him... I had not realized he doesn't wear boxers or underwear. He is remarkable to study. His body is in good shape, and he has many tattoos for me to investigate, but right now, his erect cock has my attention, it is so intimidating.  It's as though my body has taken over and is doing what I want it to do before I tell it to. My hand reaches out to stroke him, and he sucks in a breath. I like the way he feels as my hand glides over the tip of his length. The muscles in his jaws clinch as we move closer together closing the gap between us, I go down on my knees.

"Wait," he says and I am anxious. I have already done something wrong, but he just gives me a pillow from the bed to place under my knees. I glance up at him through my lashes and his eyes are trained on me, making me feel more confident. Wrapping one arm around his hips, I take hold of the base of his shaft with the other. With a flick of my tongue, I taste his flesh he moans, and then growls encouraging me. The bare smooth skin of his rear resting beneath my palm makes my hand twitch with the desire to slap his bottom. "Don't think about it; just do what comes naturally to you. I promise whatever you do to me, I'll enjoy it."  He beams sensing my hesitation.

So I do, I let my hands and my mouth roam where they please. And my oh my do they please him. Rebel is growling, moaning and hissing with every touch, lick, nip and caress I plant on his body. My hands travel his torso feeling the ridges and contours of his muscles and body. I find my way back to his protruding erection and I kiss the head of him, before taking him into my mouth. "Fuck," he mutters through his clenched teeth. "Sweetheart, I'm not going to last long, it's been a while." The notion of him with any one else doesn't even bother me right now, because I know he is here with me and he says it's been a while which means he has been holding out for me.


Sweet Jesus, Rumor is down on her knees in front of me with her lips wrapped around my dick, it is taking everything in me not to throw her down on the bed and make sweet love to her right now. But I know I have to restrain myself and allow her to set the pace. I will not pressure her or force her to do anything she isn't ready for.

My hands are gripping the back of her strawberry-blonde hair guiding her as my hips rock my cock further in her mouth. She may not have known what she was doing at first but she does now. I can feel the pressure of my orgasm demanding release, I try to pull out of her mouth, but she holds me in place swallowing every drop, savoring my taste on her tongue.

She goes into her private bath and I follow her to clean up. "Was that okay for you," she asks as she brushes her teeth.

Wiping myself with a damp cloth, I tell her, "Look at me," and she stares back at me through the mirror. "Do you see this smile on my face, you put it there. You are perfect." I kiss her on the temple and give her a minute alone while I collect my pants from the floor.

**Drag Creek**


I can't believe I am actually excited to see my sister. I have actually missed the bitch. I run out onto the porch after Aspen drops her off to greet her. Sunshine is following close behind me, and we are in a race to hug her first. "Hey city slicker, I was beginning to think you forgot your way home." Sunshine teases sweeping her up in a hug.  I grab Rumor's bag and steal her away to my room. We have some catching up to do.

We flop down on my pink comforter and I ask her to tell me everything about
Chicago, and we both avoid mentioning Striker. She tells me that her and Rebel have grown closer and I wiggle my brows at her earning me a pinch on the arm.

"So I have news of my own in the man department but you have to pinky promise to keep your lips zipped shut, I haven't told anyone yet." My sister is looking at me excitedly the suspense is killing me so I just blurt it out. "I'm pregnant." Her face drops. That was not the reaction I was going for. "What's the matter, aren't you excited for me?"

She takes my hands in hers, "of course, you caught me off guard is all. Don't take this the wrong way, but who is the father?"

"Trouble, he and I are going to sit down with Grim to discuss things this weekend so I need you to stay close by to be a buffer. I have no idea how he will react to the news."  She has a dumbfound look on her face, and she is eyeing me curiously, as though she doesn't believe me.

"Baby, I know about you and Striker, are you sure the baby belongs to Trouble."

"Cross my heart, stick a needle in my eye and hope to die if I am lying." I laugh at her, fucking Striker and his big mouth.

"Well then I am happy for you if you are happy," she hugs me but it feels as though she is uneasy.

We are in the kitchen helping Sunshine cook dinner, lord knows she still can't cook for shit, but tonight is important to me. Trouble is coming for dinner and we are going to talk to Grim tonight. I am sweating the life outta' me I am so damn nervous. Rumor promised to stick around tonight if I promised to go over to Foxie's with her tomorrow for lunch before she goes back with

Trouble knocks on the door and Grim lets him in. They go out on the back porch for a beer. I am in the dinning room setting the table and I can overhear their conversation. Oh my word, Trouble just asked Grim if he
could marry me. I thought we were going to talk to him together. Please don't let my old man kill him I say a silent prayer.

The opposite happens Grim tells him he was starting to wonder what was taking him so long. Huh?  Did I hear him right? My father goes into some spill about how he knows he warned him from me years ago, but as the years of passed on he knew that Trouble was turning out to be a fine brother and he couldn't be more proud to call anyone his son
after all Trouble did to protect me from the Rejects. This must be the twilight zone, I was expecting well shit I don't know what I was expecting but I thought for sure Grim would knock his ass out or something, but no he is ready to just hand me over. I scurry back to the kitchen as they come in to take their seats at the table.

Dinner goes off without a hitch and Sunshine is already planning our wedding now that Grim has announced that he has given Trouble his blessing to claim me. Grim sends Rumor over to the Roadhouse to tell them to get ready for a party. Trouble is giving me a goofy grin, and I can see that he really wants this. He even bought me a ring. He knows me so well the diamond is pink. Everything is going perfect, except for the fact that Rush is still out there somewhere and he thinks he has a fatherly claim to me.


Everyone has come out for our last minute engagement party. Foxie comes over to congratulate me though she tells me she is disappointed that I won't be her daughter-in-law, she always had hopes that I would marry one of her boys. I know the feeling—I always thought the same.

Grim is the happiest I have seen him since he and Sunshine lost my brother. This is a good thing; this is the good that we all needed after the shit went down with the Rejects. All of the clubs brother's are here and they haul Trouble downstairs to choir, I suspect he just was given his patch.

But I find I am mistaken when Trouble comes back freshly beaten. I rush over to him as Romeo helps him take a seat at a nearby table. "What the fuck happened to you?" What did you do to him?" I smack Romeo on the chest.

"Easy Baby, he knew the rules. He knew he would get a beating by claiming you. He'll be alright." Stupid club and their fucking rules. They could have killed him. I know they didn't but they could have,

Rumor brings Trouble over a jar of shine and he winces as I try to give him a drink. "Your so stupid Trouble, why didn't you tell me they would do this." I am so mad at him; I wouldn't have asked him to agree to my plan if I had known he was going to get his ass nearly beaten to death.

Grim walks over to us with a smile plastered on his face, "you did good son, took it just like a man. Just like I knew you would." He kisses me on the cheek and tries to get me to take a drink of apple pie shine to calm my nerves.

"I can't drink," I snap at him.

"Can't or won't," his brow furrows and all I can think is oh shit, he is really going to kill Trouble now. 

"Christ," Romeo mutters before getting between Grim and Trouble.

"You knocked her up first, you are lucky we just beat your ass and you are still breathing."

"Come on brother, she isn't a kid any longer, she's old enough and he followed all the rules but one. He is going to marry her and treat her right. That's all that matters grandpa." Romeo laughs as grandpa rolls off his tongue.

"That shit isn't remotely funny." He smacks Romeo on the back and they go off leaving me to tend to my man and his wounds.


Summer has passed by in a flash; the leaves are starting to fall as I help Trouble paint the nursery walls in our trailer. Foxie is renting out her and Slim's old place to us. It feels surreal being here with Trouble when growing up all I ever desired was to live here with Rebel forever. Funny how some things change while others remain the same.

We are trying to get the room finished before he leaves this weekend for
Chicago. He is driving up with Tread to make a run. If things go as planned Tread will be staying in Chicago to handle the runs there and Trouble will take over back here in Drag Creek. Tread wasn't to thrilled about going from what I hear, I guess because of the history he shares with my sister.

We are waiting until the baby is born to find out the sex, I want for it to be a surprise to us both. Trouble hasn't officially claimed me, though everyone knows I belong to him and he to me. We are waiting until after the baby is born. Inkman can't tattoo me while I am pregnant anyhow. I am finding myself drawn to Trouble more with each passing day. He has been perfect even when I don't deserve it, when my hormones get the best of me and I cry over the hurt I carry with me because I will never be able to share the joy of this baby, with its real father—Striker.


Sunshine is coming over later today; she says she has information on my mother. When Sunshine was a teenager, she became pregnant and she gave her son up for adoption. She is still in contact with the woman who handled her case and was able to pull some strings to find out about my mother and why she was put into foster care in the first place. I haven't told Rumor that Sunshine was digging into the past of Gypsy Red, I don't know how she would feel about it and I may not tell her it just depends on what Sunshine finds out. Grim was set against it, he says the more we find out about my mother the more hurt it brings. I know she hurt him, and betrayed him, but there are things I need to know. I want to know where she came from, what made her the way she was. What was her connection to Rush? I need to be able to understand all of the things people say she did.

I am in my second trimester and the baby is starting to really kick, some days you can see a little foot or elbow poking out, I am not sure which. I rub my hands over my belly as a ripple waves across my stomach. Trouble sees that the baby is moving and kneels down in front of me to feel it too.  He rubs his rough calloused hands over my stretched skin; I am getting a few stretch marks. Trouble calls them my beauty marks. He kisses my stomach as he whispers sweet nothings to the child growing inside of me, and I thread my fingers through his hair. We have come a long way since he first agreed to raise this baby with me. I can't say that I am in love with him when a part of me wonders had I told Striker the truth about my baby, if he and I would have worked out somehow. It isn't fair to Trouble but he claims he understands. I don't want to hurt him and I am really trying to make us a real family. We haven't slept together and I want to try to see if we have real chemistry. I love him but we are lacking or rather I am lacking that desire, but I want to make him happy. For now, it is enough.

"Stay just like that, both of you; it is going to make a perfect picture to hang in here for the baby."  Sunshine comes barging in without knocking, it has become a habit of hers lately, not that I really mind. It isn't like she is going to walk in on us doing the deed any day soon. She grabs her phone and starts snapping pictures of us.

BOOK: Baby (Black Rebel Riders' MC)
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