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Authors: David Lomax

Tags: #Teen, #teen fiction, #young adult, #science fiction, #ya, #teen lit, #ya fiction, #Fantasy, #young adult fiction, #Time Travel

Backward Glass (24 page)

BOOK: Backward Glass
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About the Author

At age eight, David Lomax was transplanted to Canada from his native Scotland. The same year, his parents read him
Tarzan of the Apes
, and he decided to become a writer. He didn't get all of the cool jobs his other writer friends did to make their biographies sound interesting, such as train driver, elevator repairman, or insurance underwriter. He was, briefly, a waiter. But not a good one. He currently divides his time between four great passions—writing, reading, teaching high-school English, and his wonderful family. He lives in Toronto with his awesome wife and three precocious children.

BOOK: Backward Glass
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