Bears in Flight: Book Four - Supernatural Bounty Hunters Romance Novellas (19 page)

BOOK: Bears in Flight: Book Four - Supernatural Bounty Hunters Romance Novellas
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She tapped every tree as she passed it, pushed against as many branches as she could as she ran in circles. She wanted her scent spread far and wide and confusing the darn wolf. She knew she didn’t have long, and if she was going to survive, she needed to do what she did best when trouble came a’ knocking.

She stripped off her clothes as she ran, preparing for her shift. Her rabbit was pushing forward, ready for it. The last thing she did was drop her glasses, praying she could find them later. She leaped into the air and sucked in a breath as her limbs and bones shrunk and twisted into that of a snow-white bunny rabbit.

The bunny hit the ground running and sprinted as fast as her little legs could carry her. She could hear the crashing and snarls of an angry predator coming her way.
. She trembled in fear as she ran, but she was a determined critter. Whatever Julian had planned for her, she wanted no part of it. She was making it out of there a free bunny, or she wasn’t making it out.

She could hear him closing in on her; his heavy presence gained on her and she was sure that she would feel a killing blow at any moment. But it never came. Instead, she heard the strangled cries of a man.

The rabbit stopped and looked back, nose twitching, to see Julian was kneeling on the ground, stark naked and resting his head in his hands.

He could have caught her; he could have killed her, but instead he stopped and shifted back to his human self.

“Mia, I’m sorry,” he sobbed. “I don’t want to hurt you; I’m so fucked up.”

He looked up and saw she had stopped. He tried to smile, but he couldn’t; he looked broken and sad. A small part of Mia wanted to run over to him and comfort him, but, thankfully, her rabbit was thoroughly in charge at that moment, and the little beast wouldn’t allow it. It was clear that Julian needed help, and he knew it, but she wasn’t about to put herself in harm’s way again.
Not after what had happened that day.

The bunny watched him for a few moments considering her options. She considered she was better staying in her beastly form. If she did shift, she wouldn’t have her glasses, and she didn’t like her odds of finding them again without help. The rabbit at least didn’t have to worry about being near sighted.

She was considering what to do when a thunderous roar reached her sensitive ears, followed by the resounding slam of some very large animals bursting through the trees. They were led by an enormous and irate Kodiak bear shifter.

She almost hopped up and down with joy. Their mate was there! Their mate was coming!

Julian didn’t even look up. He closed his eyes and murmured, “Forgive me, Mia.”

Oh, darn it all to Hades!
She made a plea to her rabbit, and the beast relented and allowed her to shift.

The bear was almost upon on. Of course, now that she was human everything was kind of fuzzy; so either a giant Kodiak bear was about to swipe at Julian, or a brown blurry blob was about to attack.

“Logan!” she called. “Don’t hurt him.”

Mia knew he’d heard her when he let out a surprised yowl of displeasure. She tried to move forward and, typically, caught her foot in a root and went flying. Thankfully, she connected with something warm and furry, which swiftly changed beneath her fingers to something warm and smooth.

Logan dropped to the ground and pulled her into his lap. “Fuck, Mia, I was so scared,” he admitted in a strangled whisper.

She found herself shushing and soothing him. “I’m fine, big guy, I’m fine.”

“Why did you stop me?” he asked reprovingly.

“He needs help.”

“But he… he… kidnapped you, god knows what he would have done.” His chest heaved as his breathing accelerated.

Mia placed her hand on his face; she poked him in the nose at first, but it didn’t spoil the moment. “He could have really hurt me, hell, he could have killed me, but he didn’t.”

She felt him stiffen as someone approached. Mia scented the lion shifter, Wyatt. “Mia,” he called.

Logan tightened his arms around her and let out a low, warning growl. Wisely, the lion didn’t attempt to step any closer.
At that moment, getting between an emotional bear and his naked mate was not a good idea

“We found your glasses, and here’s some blankets.” Wyatt tossed them in their direction before moving away.

Mia closed her eyes as Logan pushed the glasses up her nose. She opened and smiled as her handsome mate came into focus. She shuddered; only an hour ago she was contemplating a future without her mate, and that was a sobering thought.

Logan pulled the blanket around her shoulders. Despite his best efforts to block out her view with his bulky body, she managed to peek over his shoulder and see that her father was being restrained by her brothers while Wyatt and some police offers led Julian away. He wasn’t resisting.

She felt a stab of sadness. They had been such good friends… or so she thought, clearly it had always been something more for him.

She pushed the thought away and relaxed into her mate’s body. She was safe; she had her mate and no matter what, they were going to be together.
At that moment, that was all that mattered.


A week later

Mia drove like a madwoman.
Darn it!
After all the issues they’d had over the past three weeks, she was looking forward to a night alone with her mate. But oh, no, she was summoned back to the office to finish off some paperwork for Ling.
Hell, if she weren’t such a nice little bunny she’d have some very uncharitable things to say about the red panda shifter.

Quickly parking her car, she dashed into the office, determined to do a slap-dash job so she could get on her way to see her mate.


The word died in her throat as she took in the sight before her. Fairy lights were strung all over the office; the furniture had been pushed to the side and on the floor there was a blanket and a picnic basket.

And, oh,
jeez Louise
, there was her bear emerging from the kitchen, absolutely naked and looking unbelievably scrumptious.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he drawled popping the cork off a champagne bottle.

Her cheeks reddened taking in the hard lines of his body, and his manhood jutting toward her. “Hey, what’s all…”

He smiled smugly and put the bottle down before striding over to her. She closed her eyes and braced herself to be swept up into a bone-crushing embrace. When that didn’t happen, she opened her eyes in consternation.

Logan was kneeling before her with a goofy grin on his face, and he was holding a ring before her.

Her rabbit howled in delight. “Yes!” she squealed and threw herself at him with all her might. He didn’t move an inch; it was like a pebble against a mountain.

“You’re supposed to wait for me to ask,” he said in mock exasperation, but that didn’t stop him from clutching her body to his and scenting her neck.

Mia nipped the lobe of his ear. “And you’re supposed to wait until I say yes before opening the champagne.”

A deep chuckle of laughter rumbled through his chest. “Fair point.”

He set her down on the blanket and pushed the ring on her finger. She admired it in the twinkling lights. “It’s so beautiful.”

He leaned down and gave her a tender kiss; his hands skimmed over her body, brushing over the hardening buds of her nipples. “I’m so proud of you, you know?”

“Hmmm? For what?”

“For the way you handled that…
,” he spat. “For being brave, but for also being compassionate to him in the end. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you’re submissive, you’re the bravest person I know.”

Mia beamed at him. “Must be my scary snake genes.”

He maneuvered her so she was sat in his lap; she rested one hand on his chest so she could look at her ring.

“Not that I’m complaining, but why are you naked?”

She wriggled her butt against his growing erection, and he groaned.

“I’m just recreating the night we met.”

Mia giggled into his chest. “Ah, yes, I got attacked by a naked bear who thought I was a burglar and then said bear kissed me against my will.”

Logan huffed and grunted in time with his bear. “Best night of my life,” he grouched, “until you scurried off like a chicken.”

She slapped his arm. “I don’t scurry; I hop.”

“Yeah, you do, cottontail.” He ran his hand over her ass.

“Besides, I thought the next night would have been the best night of your life.”

He let out a lusty rumble as he ran his hands up and down her body. “Ah, yes, that was a very good night too.”

Mia placed butterfly kisses over his chest. “Hmmm, you’re right, and this is romantic, but…”

Logan watched avidly as Mia dipped her fingers through the waistband of her skirt; she pulled at the elastic of her panties. “Sorry, big guy, it appears my underwear is still on.”

“Let me help you remedy that,” he growled.

He flicked out a claw and sliced through her skirt and panties. She squealed in surprise.
Oh, that was her second favorite skirt!

He flipped her on her back and divested her of the rest of her clothes. Kneeling between her legs his eyes devoured every inch of her, his expression turned from playful to downright passionate. His eyes dissolved to the blackness of his animal, at once holding the promise of so much fierce and ardent love.

He dipped his head to her sex and ruthlessly thrust his burning tongue into her drenched channel.
Oh, screw the skirt!
He pushed a thumb against her nub as his wide tongue drove her wild. He lifted his other hand to rub her breasts, and pinch her nipples between his fingers. The bite of pain sent her over the edge, and she screamed his name as her body shook with release.

Logan loomed over her and pushed his steely manhood inside her, stilling to feel the pulse and clutch of her inner walls. As she came down from her high, he started taking her with long, hard strokes.

He settled on his elbows either side of her body. She smoothed her hands up and down his shoulders and used her legs to rub his hips. The feel of her limbs on him elicited a moan, and he sunk further into her body, speeding up and trapping her under his bulky form. He snaked an arm under her shoulders, and his other hand gripped her hip. Barely able to move, she showed her affection the only way she could, by nipping and licking at his chest.

“Fuck, Mia,” he growled, “you keep that up and I’m not gonna be able to hold back.”

“Don’t hold back,” she cooed into his hard body. “I want you; I need you, forever.”

Logan let out a soft snarl and crashed into her small body as hard as he could. He was met by a lusty moan and damn if that didn’t just make him worse.

He howled in ecstasy as she clamped her bunny teeth into his flesh, drawing a drop of blood. His bear let out a primal roar.
Yes, bite, bond, make the rabbit theirs forever.

“Mia… the blood… if you don’t stop…”

“Don’t want to,” she murmured. “You’re mine.”

A huge shudder wracked his massive frame, and his cock swelled inside her.

“Mia…” he warned.
This was her last chance

“Bite… bond…” she gasped.

“Yes!” he howled as he exploded inside her.

He hunched over her body and sank his teeth into her neck as eagerly as he sank his shaft into her willing sheath.
Yes, together forever
. His bear bellowed out his satisfaction.

Mia trembled as her own release followed, and she pushed her tiny teeth into his chest. The delectable taste of her blood, the feel of her teeth in him, bonding her to him for life was heaven – pure heaven. His arms tightened around her, wanting to keep her there forever, wanting to keep those feelings of love and desire flowing through them forever. Not to mention the happiness and…

He frowned, but it all became clear when he heard her amused voice.

“I’m enjoying this, but I’m getting a little squished, now.”

. He loosened his arms and turned them over, so she was splayed across him, his softening member still inside.

Logan tangled his fingers in her silky hair. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured, fully annoyed at himself.

Mia leaned up on his chest grinning. “Don’t be, that was amazing.” She kissed the bonding mark on his chest. “Mine,” she growled.

The fierceness of his rabbit mate sent his blood racing back to his sex. “Yours,” he agreed happily.

Her fingers traced the bite mark, “I’m a little sorry that no one else will see this.”

“Well, I’m happy for you to bite me anywhere you want.”

“Careful, bear, who knows how many bite marks you might end up with.” She contracted her muscles around his rapidly hardening manhood.

“Minx!” he exclaimed throatily. “My minx.”

“Yes, yours,” she agreed breathlessly.

And she always would be. He was her mate, her love, her bear.


BOOK: Bears in Flight: Book Four - Supernatural Bounty Hunters Romance Novellas
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