Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark) (24 page)

BOOK: Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark)
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“Rest. For what I have planned tomorrow, you’re going to need it.”


in his entire life, Koldo spent the night in bed with a woman. His woman. Something he’d wanted. Only, what he’d truly wanted was to strip Nicola, strip himself, kiss her, have her, have her again—and maybe again—and fall into a deep sleep. Then wake up and have her again. Physically, however, she wasn’t ready for that.

Maybe he wasn’t, either.

Next time, he needed to slow down, get them both ready. He’d loved the sensations coursing through him so much he’d verged on losing control. If that had happened, he could have taken her too forcefully. Hurt her the way he’d always feared.

A sobering thought.

A horrifying thought.

What a man feared came upon him. He knew that. So it was time to stop giving in and start fighting these worries the moment they came. To practice what he taught.

As they’d talked, and she’d snuggled into his side, he expected the rest of his arousal to fade. But it hadn’t.

It had only gotten worse.

As she slept, her warm breath fanned over his neck in a decadent caress. Her heart beat in sync with his, connecting them in the subtlest of ways. Their scents blended, male musk with feminine sweetness, and all he’d wanted to do was pick up where they’d left off.


Everything had to be perfect for her. He never wanted her to look back and wish or regret. He would rather die. He wouldn’t be another tragedy in her life. He would be something else.

I have to be something special.

All of his strength was needed to remain still, ignoring the achiness of his body.

By the time the sun rose, he was trembling—and sweating and panting and far more desperate. He untangled from Nicola, and even though she was the source of his torment, he hated leaving her. She muttered a soft sigh and rolled to her stomach, strawberry hair still in a ponytail and spilling all over the pillows.

Can’t dive on her. Really can’t.
He didn’t bother with a shower before he flashed to a nearby lumberyard and gathered what he would need to build a second, smaller home in the backyard of the ranch. His clothing cleaning him inside and out.

Next, he got to work. He’d decided to move his mother to Panama.

She was a part of his life. A part he no longer wanted to hide from Nicola. Last night, telling her about his past, he’d discovered a peace unlike any other. He’d liked it. Now, he wanted her to know everything. He wanted to be completely honest with her. He wouldn’t just tell her, though. He would show her.

One hour sped into another as he worked that morning, sawing and hammering. Eventually he removed his shirt. Sweat rolled down his chest and back, and the sun beat against his skin. His muscles welcomed the strain.

“Would you like something to drink?” Nicola called from the kitchen doorway. “I made lemonade.”

He glanced up—and wished he hadn’t. The arousal returned full force, as if he’d never moved away from her. She’d taken a shower and pulled her damp hair into another ponytail. Those storm eyes were bright, her cheeks rosy. Her lips were still plumped from his kisses. She wore a tight white T-shirt and jeans with rhinestones around the waist. So young. So fresh.

So his.

“No, thank you,” he replied. If she came out here, he would grab her and never let go.

“Are you sure?” She held up a glass filled to the rim. “You look really, really hot. And I mean that in every way.”

He paused, the hammer raised midair.

“What are you doing out there, anyway?” she asked.

“Building a cage.”

He expected her to throw another question at him.

She didn’t. She said, “I bet you’re working up quite a thirst.”

I am. For you.
“You don’t want to know.”

“I’ll bet I do....”

Oh, no, you don’t.
“Are you flirting with me?”

“I am.”

Killing him.
“Go back inside, Nicola. Now.”

A dreamy sigh left her. “
commanding. I never thought I’d have a snarly handyman fantasy, especially after I got mad at you for snarling just the other day.”

He almost ditched the tools and stomped after her. Almost.

She walked away. A few seconds later, Axel strolled out the door, his dark hair disheveled, his blue eyes glittering as he drank the lemonade that had been meant for Koldo. His wings were tucked into his back, and he wore the customary angel robe, the white gleaming in the sunlight.

“Hey, you know anything about an immortal named William of the Dark? He also goes by the alias Ever Randy. Because all of a sudden, for no reason, he’s decided to track me down,” Axel said between sips. “It’s really getting to be annoying.”

“No.” The moment the warrior reached Koldo’s side, Koldo snatched the glass and drained the contents. “Mine,” he said.

not cool. Someone needs to learn the meaning of

“I’ll be sure to look the words up later.” Koldo handed him the empty glass. “Thank you for taking care of Laila last night.”

Axel tossed the glass into the bushes behind him. “Dude, that girl’s got problems.”

“I know.”

“I probably shouldn’t have slept with her.”

Koldo was in the process of hammering another nail and on his next downward swing, hit so hard the end of the board snapped. Surely he hadn’t just heard what he thought he’d heard. “You slept with her?”

Blink, blink. “What? I’m not a he-slut or anything. She was only my third lay of the day. And you told me to make her happy, right?”

Three. Three women. In one day? Koldo wanted Nicola and only Nicola, and couldn’t imagine sharing his bed with anyone else. Yes, he’d entertained the idea of returning to Thane’s club and taking the Harpy, and others, but he never would have been able to go through with it. He knew that now.

No other woman would be able to assuage the ache. No other woman would taste the same—sweetness and light. No other woman would be as soft. No other woman’s moans would be as intoxicating. Oh, yes, only Nicola would do.

“Why is that vein throbbing in your temple?” Axel asked. “Laila’s not your woman, right? Or is she? I’ve asked before but you’ve never said. Are you thinking about doing a sister-wife thing? Because it’s totally not the party in the box you think it will be.”

“No,” he gritted. “Laila isn’t mine.” But he wasn’t sure how Nicola would feel about her sister being with a Sent One that wouldn’t keep her. “If you hurt her...”

“Hey,” the warrior said, palms up. “I deprived her of Blainey Boo Bear, or whatever lame nickname humans like to give each other, and I owed her big fun—and no, that’s not the name of my penis, even though it fits. They’d swapped so many stories about their exes they were both depressed. I did her a favor, and she kicked me out afterward, not the other way around. She just used me and ditched me, and made me feel all dirty inside. So
of course
I’m hoping we can do it again.”

Koldo wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “And she didn’t pass out?” he found himself asking.

“Well, yeah. Yours did, too, eh?”

He shouted, “And you took her anyway?”

“Hello. I woke her up first.”

Koldo shook his head. The male had no shame.

“So we’re building a cage?” Axel asked, as he claimed a hammer of his own. “That’s what you told Nicola, right?”

“No more questions,” he said, looking away. His gaze landed on Nicola, perched next to her sister in front of the kitchen window, gazing out. She waved, unabashed at being caught staring. He swallowed a curse.

Desire wasn’t supposed to hurt. Was it?

* * *

were off, Koldo knew when Monday morning dawned in Kansas, and flashed Nicola and Laila to the rear of the Estellä building. The girls hadn’t wanted to be parted, and he’d liked the idea of having them both in the same location.

He materialized in the natural realm and walked the pair from the alley to the front door.

“You won’t grant my request and quit?” he asked Nicola. “Even though it’s dangerous here?”

“I won’t.”

Frustrating woman. “Why?”

“Because she won’t always have you, but she’ll always need the job,” Laila answered.

He...had no protest, he realized. He planned to keep Nicola, but he was as uncertain about his future as any human. Actually, his was more uncertain than most.

“Very well,” he replied, because really, there was nothing else to say. He stomped inside and into the confines of the elevator.

There were two other males in the tiny cart, and they pressed themselves against the far wall, getting as far away from him as they could. He forced his scowl to ease before the pair began screaming for aid.

“Don’t look at the women, and you’ll be fine,” he said.

Instantly they averted their gazes.

Nicola’s sweet perfume wafted around him, and his anger with her was lost to another punch of arousal. At what point would his body just shut down, the desire for this woman too much to endure? How was he supposed to ease her into making love without killing himself?

She leaned into him and whispered, “The last time we were in an elevator together, I wanted to sniff your neck.”

He sucked in a breath. She really was going to kill him.

“I wonder how you would have reacted.”

Laila gagged. “If you guys get any more lovey-dovey, I’m going to puke.”

Nicola slapped her on the arm. Laila slapped her back, and the two erupted into a childish fight and a fit of giggles.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. The men raced out, and the girls ceased their antics, acting as if they’d never attacked each other. Silly humans. But their play lightened his mood. Oh, to have a playmate.

He wasn’t sure whether or not Axel had slept with Laila again last night, but either way, her color was better, and there was a bounce to her step.

Koldo wanted to put that same bounce in Nicola’s step.

He took her hand—soft, delicate—and ushered her to her office. Jamila sat at one of the desks out front, dressed in a tight black dress, her dark hair piled on top of her head. Sirena was nowhere to be found.

Guard her,
he projected into the Sent One’s mind. An ability he was more and more comfortable using, he realized. Anything for Nicola’s safety.
With your life.

Jamila blinked in surprise, but nodded.

He yearned to kiss Nicola goodbye, but couldn’t allow himself the luxury. At the moment of contact, he would convince himself it would be okay to take things further. Already his muscles were knotted. His blood was fever-hot. His palms itched.

“I’ll be back,” he growled, and didn’t wait for Nicola’s reply. Her expression was one of confusion, but now wasn’t the time to explain his thoughts—and if he tried, he would only make things worse.

The moment he cleared the doorway, he entered the spirit realm. He stalked through the entire building, searching for unattached demons and lurking Nefas. He found neither.

He should have forced Nicola to quit, but...he couldn’t bring himself to argue with her. He didn’t want her mind on his stubbornness, didn’t want her to think he was mean. How ridiculous was that? He

He just, he wanted her focused on her healing.

And that wasn’t an attempt to buy her affection, he told himself. Even though, every time she looked at him with those big stormy eyes, he experienced a desperate urge to hand her the world.

He materialized in the natural before pushing through the door to the accounting offices. Jamila was exactly where he’d left her, but now, Sirena was also in place. Sirena, meaning
And she was certainly that—for other men. She was the girl who had slept with Dex. The girl of questionable origins.

It was time to talk to her, and find out what she had planned.

When he loomed in front of her desk, she glanced up from polishing her nails. “Well, hello there, gorgeous.” Her bold gaze perused him from head to toe, lingering on his chest, between his legs, making him feel like a piece of meat. “You decided to return. I’m glad.”

He flattened his hands beside her keyboard and leaned forward. “What are you?”

A sultry grin revealed a mouthful of pearly whites. “What do you want me to be?”

The pale haired, blue-eyed vixen failed to tempt him in any way, even though she would have been a more appropriate choice for his mate. Though she was small, she was stronger than a human, with a greater muscle tone hidden underneath her bulky clothes. He wouldn’t break her, and her health wouldn’t fail.

“What are you?” he repeated.

“Why, I’m Nicola Lane’s coworker. What else?”

“You know what I mean.”

She bopped the tip of his nose with a fingernail. “Do I?”

He’d always resented the fact that he couldn’t taste another’s lies. “You do.”

“Maybe I do.” A pause as she returned the lid to the polish. “You’re Koldo, aren’t you? The Sent One with a will of steel and a fist as hard as iron. I’ve been hoping to meet you for a very long time.”

She was here for him, then, not Nicola. Sent by his father? he wondered again. To...what? “I’m a Sent One, yes, but I’m also Nicola’s protector, and I’ll destroy anyone who thinks to hurt her to get to me.”

“Well, you’re not doing a very good job with your protecting duties,” she announced, and tsked. “I could have killed her at any time. And I wanted to, I admit it. Resisting has proven difficult.”

A flicker of rage practically burned a hole in his chest. He could feel his teeth and nails elongating.
“You’ve done something to strike at her, haven’t you?”

She flicked her tongue over one overlong canine. “I have, but before I start bragging, you should know I’m the one who raised the false alarm about the demons. I knew you’d return again and again to investigate. And guess what? You have.”

BOOK: Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark)
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