Because He Takes Me (Because He Owns Me, Book Two) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: Because He Takes Me (Because He Owns Me, Book Two) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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“Eyes down.”

I returned my eyes to the floor.

“Put your mouth on my balls.”

I hesitated for a moment, and another slap with
his cock across my face was my reward.

I lowered my head and sucked his balls into my
mouth, and he stroked his cock over me, giving me better access as my head
bobbed up and down.

“Shit,” he groaned huskily as I moved back and forth,
licking and sucking him hungrily, drunk on the taste of his body.

I was so turned on that I couldn’t help but
moan, and the sound seemed to excite him, the vibration in the back of my
throat serving to heighten his pleasure.

After a few minutes, he thrust his rock hard
dick back into my mouth, pushing it deep and holding the back of my head
He held me there as long as
I could stand it, until my eyes watered and I was left gasping for air.

When he finally let me go, my heart was
pounding and my chest was heaving.

He reached down and undid the handcuffs, then
helped me up.

Callum rubbed my wrists where the metal had bit
into my skin, then raised my hands to his mouth and kissed my fingers softly,
one by one.

“You okay?” he asked, his blue eyes swirling
with desire.
I nodded.

He pulled me toward him again, kissing me, his
tongue tangling with mine.
been freshly shaven this morning, but now there was just the tiniest bit of
stubble on his face, and it brushed against my chin as he kissed me.

I could feel his cock against my stomach, and I

Callum broke off the kiss and leaned his
forehead against mine.
around,” he whispered huskily.

I turned around and he pulled my hair back from
my face, twisting it together and tying it into a loose knot.

“I want to see your face when I fuck you,” he
whispered, his breath tickling the back of my neck.

He led me over to the four-poster bed.

“Wrap your arms around the post, Adriana,” he

I wrapped my arms around the post at the bottom
of the bed, and he snapped the handcuffs back around my wrists, looping them
around so that I was bound to it.

“Bend over as far as you can,” he commanded
from behind me.
“And stick your ass
into the air.”

I stuck my ass into the air, and he slapped it
with his open palm.
It was a hard
blow, right away and with no warning, not the kind of slap that was playful or
even a spank.
It hurt, and I cried

He hit me again, and again, and again, and I
gripped the post of the bed hard.
The pain was so searing that tears welled in my eyes, but pulsing
beneath all that pain was the pleasure, even more intense and confusing.
to hit me.
I liked it,
not just because it felt good,
because it made me
excited thinking that it was turning him on.

I braced myself harder against the post of bed
as he continued his assault on my ass.

Just when I felt like I couldn’t take it
anymore, he laid his body on top of
mine, his weight warm and
His fingers
found my clit and then I felt his cock slide up against me from behind, not
inside of me, but just on the outside, teasing me.

His chest was against my back, and his other
hand was holding my wrists tight against the pole, almost like he didn’t trust
the handcuffs to do it.

He kissed my neck and I turned my head ever so
slightly, making sure to keep my eyes closed and then his mouth was on mine,
intoxicating me with the taste of lemon and danger, leaving me drunk on him.

His cock slid against my wet pussy, parting the
lips with his width.

He teased me like that, and again, I was afraid
I would come if he continued.

Finally, he pulled back, stopped, and uncuffed

He picked me up, like he’d done outside, and I
wrapped my legs around him.
time, his cock pressed right against me, and I moaned.

He laid me down on the bed, pushed my arms up
over my head and cuffed me to the headboard.

I made sure to keep my eyes averted from his.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” Callum said,
reaching down and pulling one of my knees up so that he had better access.
I felt him push against my opening and I

“Wait,” I said, and he stopped.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t…
nervous,” I whispered.

“Adriana, look at me.”

I looked at him.
The moon was out now, its light shining
in through the open sliding door.
It cast him in shadow, his features slightly blurry, and I was thankful
for the darkness, thankful I wouldn’t have to see him in the light as I told
him how I felt.

“What are you nervous about?”
He brushed a stray stand of my hair off
my forehead.

“I’m nervous that I won’t be enough for
The confession caused a
surprising surge of emotion inside of me, and I felt my eyes fill with tears at
laying myself so bare for this man, this man who I barely knew and yet felt
more connected to than I’d felt to anyone in my life.

“Oh, baby,” he breathed.
“You are more than enough for me.”

He kissed me all over my face, down over my
eyelids and across my cheekbones before ending up at my lips.

He pushed again against my opening, and I felt
myself melt against the sturdy warmth of his body.

He waited a beat, giving me a second to stop
him if I wanted to, and when I didn’t, he pushed inside of me.

I gasped at his size, and how it felt inside of
There was a stretching
sensation, a pressure I’d never felt before, even when I’d lost my
He crushed his mouth to
mine, kissing me, and electricity moved from my mouth through my body, and I
felt myself relax, and I was able to take his cock easier.

He moved slowly at first.

“Look at me,” he groaned, and I opened my eyes and
looked at him as he moved inside of me.
I wanted to touch him, wanted to run my hands down his chest, to feel
his beauty, but my hands were cuffed, leaving me totally at his mercy.

Our eyes locked, my brown ones on his deep
blue, and he began moving faster, thrusting inside of me.
His hands wrapped around my hips,
pulling me into him, like he wanted to get as deep inside of me as he could.

My want and desire built.

“Cum on my cock, baby,” he groaned.
“I want to feel that tight little pussy
come on me.”

The dirtiness of his words pushed me over the
cliff, and I felt myself constrict on his cock, felt my orgasm take over my
body, leaving me powerless.
writhed in ecstasy as wave after wave of the most exquisite, intense pleasure
I’d ever felt pulsed through me.

My toes curled into the sheets, and I pulled
against my restraints, trying to do something to ground myself in reality, but
the pleasure was too immense.
made me feel as if I’d lost control of everything.
I was senseless, disconnected from my
body and yet able to feel every thing at the same time.

Callum put his mouth to mine, muffling my
groans as we moaned into each other’s mouths.
A second later, I felt him stiffen on
top of me, felt a warmth between my legs as he came inside of me, filling me.

He collapsed onto my body, and the two of us
there for a moment, our hearts beating in tandem until
they’d slowed.

He reached up and unhooked my cuffs, pulled
them off me and set them on the nightstand.

He turned onto his side until he was facing me.

“Hi,” he said softly


“You okay?”
His hand skimmed my hip and slid gently
down over my ass, and I knew he was referring to how hard he’d spanked me.

I nodded.
“I think so.”

“I have ibuprofen.”


“I couldn’t…I couldn’t control it, it was too

“It’s okay.”
I wanted to ask him what it was he
couldn’t control, what it was inside of him that made him want to hit me like
that, what was it that could make him so tender with me one minute and then the
next inflicting that kind of pain on me.
But was it really pain if I’d found it so pleasurable?
The whole thing was confusing.

“Are you comfortable?” he asked.

I nodded.

He stood up and walked into the closet, returned
wearing a pair of loose grey pajama pants and no shirt.

He stretched his arms over his head, then
turned and began walking out of the room.
My heart fumbled with panic.
Was he going to leave me here to sleep in this bed alone?
I knew he’d said one night only, but
surely that included the whole night, and not just until he was done having his
way with me.

But a second later, he returned with two
cartons of Ben

It was so funny, so out of character for
him, that
I burst out laughing.

“What?” he demanded.
“What’s so funny?

“Seeing you with ice cream,” I said.

“Why is seeing me with ice cream amusing to you?”

“Because you don’t seem like the processed
sugar type.”

“And you don’t seem like the type to let me tie
you to my bed and spank you silly, and yet it just happened.”

“Good point.”
I felt the blush starting.

He held out the cartons, one of Phish Food, one
of Peanut Butter Cup.
“Which one?”

I chose the peanut butter cup, and he opened
the carton for me, setting the lid on the nightstand next to him.

He opened the drawer of the nightstand and pulled
out a remote, hit a button, and from the middle of the wall a partition opened
up and a huge Ultra HD flat screen television appeared as if from nowhere.

“You like action movies, Lemon?” he asked.

“Love them,” I said honestly.

“Come closer,” he said, and I scooted over
until my leg was touching his.

We watched movies and ate ice cream until three
in the morning.
I didn’t want the
night to end, but my eyes were starting to close.

“Time for bed, Lemon,” he said, clicking off
the television and shutting off the light.

I nodded and went to get out of the bed, but
Callum wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back in.
“Where are you going?” he murmured

“I need to get ready for bed.”

“You are ready for bed.”

“No, I mean, I need to brush my teeth and wash
my face.”



I don’t want you away from me for even a second.”
He pulled me closer to him and snuggled
against me.
My body clicked into
his perfectly, the curve of my back fitting into his stomach as he spooned me

After a few minutes, his breathing slowed and
deepened, and I could tell he’d fallen asleep.

The door to the balcony was still open, and a
warm breeze blew in from the Gulf, the sound of the waves ready to lull me to

This is it,
I thought to myself.
This is what it feels like to be truly content
and happy.

It was my last thought before I drifted off to sleep.




When I woke again, at first I thought I was

I could hear the sounds of Callum’s voice
filtering in from the balcony, his tone low and serious.

I sat up in bed, gathering the covers around my
naked body.

The sliding door was still open, the sheer
curtains rippling in the ocean breeze that continued to come in off the
I could see Callum out
there, bent over the railing, his phone pressed to his ear.
I glanced over at my own phone, which
was sitting on the nightstand next to me.
It was 4:03 am.

BOOK: Because He Takes Me (Because He Owns Me, Book Two) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
11.42Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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