Read BeForeplay Online

Authors: Josie Charles

Tags: #funny, #best friends, #racing, #nurse, #friends and lovers, #friends and neighbors, #racing cars, #funny and sexy, #nurse and doctor, #funny account of adventures

BeForeplay (2 page)

BOOK: BeForeplay
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“Yes.” He’s licking his lips perusing my

“Hey, Romeo, my eyes are right here.” That
got his attention but it took a second. Why does this shit always
happen to me?

“Are you ready to go? The early matinee
starts in almost two hours. I figure that’ll give us enough time to
eat before the movie.”

“Let me grab my purse and lock up.” I grab my
purse from the entry table, make sure I have my phone and keys,
walk out and lock the door. When I turn around I stop. Fuck my
life. This has to be a joke, right?

Now look I’m not a snobby person but everyone
has standards and if they mesh good, if not it’s time to move

I’m staring at an old Ford Fiesta. You know
it wouldn’t be bad but it looks like he doesn’t even take care of
it. Oh yeah, I forgot what he’s wearing. Elastic waist jeans with a
Pokémon t-shirt that’s tucked in said pants with velcro instead of
laces on his tennis shoes. I do know with those choices we will not
have much of anything in common. I pray that this is a bet he lost
and it’s not for real because I don’t have the heart to cut my
losses in the driveway.

My prayers didn’t come true. We ate at the
food court in the mall and caught the dollar movie there also. I
told him I wasn’t feeling well and that I’d call a cab to take me
home. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. That’s the last time
I try online dating. Never, ever again.

I wake up and shiver from the memory of the
dream. That’s why I don’t do the online way to meet people anymore.
They can lead you on and make you believe anything. I’m genuine so
I expect others to be truthful too but it just doesn’t work that

Once I have my cup of coffee I head to the
backyard and my chaise lounge chair. I’m relaxing enjoying the sun
warming my skin when my phone dings that I have a text.

Tasha: How’s the sniffer?

Me: Broke how do you think it is? lol

Tasha: Are you out of bed yet?

Me: Yup. Out by the pool. Grab a cup on your
way back here.

Tasha: See ya in a few.

Five minutes later Tash and I are enjoying
girl talk and coffee. The best way to spend the morning, soaking up
some vitamin d.

“So, Danny tells me you gave him permission
to set you up with a guy at work.”

“Yeah, what can it hurt?”

She flips sideways in her chair so fast I
thought there was a bee after her. “I know who he’s talking about.
I met him at the company picnic. Sid, this guy is ripped. Like
mouthwatering, drooling, wet t-shirt contest H.O.T.”

My turn to flip, “You’re shitting me!”


“Wonder what the hell’s wrong with him then
if he needs to be fixed up.”

“Hey, that’s not fair. You’re gorgeous and
you’re being fixed up.”

“I work a lot, don’t go to the clubs looking
for men, forget online dating and you know I don’t do social media.
What’s his excuse?”

“Maybe he doesn’t do those things either. I
know when we’re at Danny’s work functions the girls are always
hanging around and trying to get his attention. If I was single I’d
date him just to look at him. And trust me I’ve dreamt of

This sends me into a fit of giggles and I
flop on my back. “You better not let Danny hear you say that. Hey,
what’s his name?”


“Just like a Greek God.” If only he winds up
as I’m picturing him in my mind. Mmm hmm.

“He does bodybuilding. I swear he has muscles
on top of muscles. When we’ve talked to him he seems really nice
and intelligent too.”

“So, why haven’t you tried to fix me up with

“Because you told me to never try to fix you
up.” She uses air quotes when she says never. Bitch.

“Okay, I’ll buy that…for now.” I used the
same said air quotes on the ‘for now’.

“If you guys do date and you get him between
the sheets you’d better spill every single detail. Do you

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. I need to get home and finish the
laundry and cleaning. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Love you.”

“You too, chickee.”

I must have fallen asleep because my phone
beeping woke me up. I look and it’s a text from a number I don’t

Unknown: Hi this is Alex Danny’s friend from
work. He gave me your number and said you might be interested in
going out.

Me: Yup. I work 12-14 hours a day 4 days on
and 3 days off. I’m usually available during the week if that’ll
work for you.

Alex: Any day after 6 works for me. How
about tomorrow at 7?

Me: That would be fine but just so you know
I broke my nose yesterday. If you don’t mind a couple of black eyes
and a bit of a swollen face I’m game.

Alex: Are you ok?

Me: Yup. I’m clumsy.

Alex: Glad you’re ok. If you’re sure you
feel up to it text me your address and I’ll pick you up at 7.

Me: See you at 7. 8951 Sand Cove Dr. in
Beachwood Estates. I’ll leave your name at the front gate. What’s
your last name?

Alex: Kostopoulos. See you tomorrow.

Oh shit, he really is Greek. He may be a God
after all. I hope so.

Me: Date with Alex tomorrow at 7!

Tasha: Woo Hoo!

Me: Want to go shopping?

Tasha: When?

Me: Anytime today.

Tasha: Give me 2 hours

Me: Ok

We were downtown walking around some
boutiques trying different things on and I found the cutest outfit.
A pair of light blue jeans, they come mid-calf and are cuffed at
the bottom. A white shirt, a light yellow spring cardigan sweater
and a pretty, delicate scarf. Three stores later I found a cute
pair of black, strappy, wedge sandals. Tasha thought I should put
more effort into my choice of outfit. I disagree and think it’s
cute, I like it so that’s what I’m wearing. Besides, I want to be



My doorbell rings about five minutes to
seven. I’m bracing myself even with what Tash told me. I open the
door and I swear he’s an actual Greek God. Almost electric blue
eyes. Dark, almost black hair that is kind of long on top and
shorter on the sides, not a one out of place. He’s wearing a black
long sleeved shirt with blue jeans and tan boat shoes.

When I finally get my wits about me I speak.

“Yes, ma’am. Sidney, I presume” His smile is
bright so I assume that’s a good thing.

“The one and only.” That made him chuckle. I
may have an enjoyable evening after all. Yay for me.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, let me grab my purse.” I walk out the
door and he’s still holding the screen door like a gentleman. I
lock the door and we start walking to his truck. It’s a nice new
truck too. He’s guiding me with his hand on my lower back and I
think my panties may be melting and running down my leg at this
point. He even opens the truck door for me. I have to tell myself
to calm down before I drool down the front of myself and start
humping his leg. I can’t take my eyes off of him when he walks
around and jumps in the truck.

“When we were texting I didn’t think to ask
what kind of food you like so I thought about a Mom ‘n Pop Diner
that I love, is that okay with you?”

“Sounds good to me. I’m not a food snob.”

He starts laughing and asks, “What’s a food

I turn my head to gauge his reaction. “A food
snob is someone who is picky about every little thing they

“Good to know.”

“So you don’t have a strict diet for your

His eyebrows are scrunched up when he asks,
“Who told you I compete?”

“Tasha, Danny’s girlfriend. She said you were
a bodybuilder.”

“Ah, I see. No, I don’t compete anymore but I
do try to stay in shape.” He’s smiling again.

“I can definitely tell that much.” I cover my
mouth so fast you can hear the smack. I didn’t mean to say that out
loud. I can feel my face burning so I can image how red it is. He’s
chuckling. And fuck me if that didn’t kind of hurt.

“Thanks. Don’t be embarrassed. I can tell you
keep in shape too.”

“I mainly get my exercise running around the

“Danny said you worked with his girlfriend.
What do you do?”

“I’m an RN.”

“Impressive. Do you enjoy it?”

“Very much. I love helping people. Every day
is different and satisfying by the end of my shift. Well, most
days. When we lose someone those days aren’t good.”

We get to the diner, when we’re seated and
drink orders are placed I ask, “What do you do at work?”

“My job title is a Civil Engineer but I do a
little bit of everything. I really enjoy my job too.”

We ordered our food and talked all through
dinner and dessert. When he dropped me off at home he asked if he
could take me out again and of course I agreed. He kissed me on the
cheek and said goodnight. He’s nice, has manners and is a damn fine
specimen of the human race.

After I was done jumping around and
squealing, I text Tasha.

Me: Wow!

Tasha: Told you so

Me: Not just looks but personality too.

Tasha: Cha ching!

Alex and I had been seeing each other for
almost two months when I decided to stop seeing him. I was
extremely disappointed. We were talking about things we want in
life and I learned he doesn’t want children. He’s nine years older
than me so I don’t think it’s a decision he made lightly. I want a
house full of kids. My own, adopted, foster, it doesn’t really
matter how I get them as long as I have a house full. We both
agreed there was no sense in seeing each other romantically but
will remain friends. It sucks because he is a very attentive lover
and damn fine to look at, naked or clothed. He’s a good man though
and I hope he finds someone that wants the same as he does in



I’m excited about today. It’s the official
start of my housewarming party weekend. I’ve stocked up on all
kinds of liquor, wine, beer, mixers, soda and water. I’ve also
bought a few air mattresses. If you don’t have a DD or take a taxi
then you’re staying the night, and we plan on partying all weekend
long. I made some of the food the rest I had catered. I also bought
steaks, chicken, sausage, burgers and dogs for the grill. I think I
have plenty of everything. We’ve rearranged schedules and traded
off so everyone from the emergency department and some of the other
nurses and doctors I know can come.

I have cards and chips for poker. Two dry
erase boards for Pictionary, my favorite game ever. And a new net
and volleyball for the pool so we can play drunk pool

I gave everyone an invitation so the security
guards wouldn’t have to keep calling me to ask if they’re invited
guests. I’ll have to remember to take them up some food later.

Tasha and Danny were the first to show up.
They thought I might need some help but I had it all ready and
waiting. Everyone else started showing up after that. Then I get an
odd text from Emily, one of the nurses I work with.

Emily: Would it be ok if Jack brings his
piercing kit and pierces us at your house?

Me: Umm sure?

Emily: Bitch you rock!

That made me laugh. Her twin Erica works with
us also. Those two are the craziest girls I have ever met. They
usually have me about to pee my pants with the adventures they talk
about. They are into some kinky shit and have no problem sharing
the details.

The party is in full swing and we’re having a
blast. I can’t believe all of the people that came. Mostly everyone
who was invited came and some who weren’t, but came with other
staff members. Fine by me, the more the merrier.

Tasha, Danny, Erica, Brandy and myself are
sitting on the patio furniture telling blind date horror stories
when Emily comes bounding up.

“Hey bitches! Who wants to get pierced?”
She’s smiling like a Cheshire cat.

I ask,. “Exactly what kind of piercing are we
talking about?”

“Hood, of course, but I’m sure he’ll pierce
you wherever you want to be.”

“Fuck! I’m out of here.” Danny’s a little red
in the face when he gets up and leaves.

Tasha asks, “Isn’t it supposed to make you
more sensitive?”

“You guys come in the house, Jack has
everything almost set up and you can ask the sexpert.”

We all laugh and follow her in the house and
into one of my spare rooms. She’s right. Jack is all set up and
even has sterile paper across my bed.

“Hello ladies.” He’s looking at all of us
like the dirty, cocky boy we know he can be. “Is everyone getting
the vertical hood piercing?”

We all say hi and I ask, “I have a question.
Isn’t it supposed to make you more sensitive?”

“Yes, ma’am. Please tell me you’re getting
pierced too so I can finally say I’ve been in your pants.”

Everybody busts up laughing except me, I turn
a little pink. Damn, Jack and his flirting.

“Aw, Sid, I’m just messing with you. I’ll put
my doctor hat on. Everybody have a seat so I can give you my
speech.” We all sit down and he continues. “What happens is I’ll
first check and make sure you don’t have a vein going down the
middle where the piercing goes. If you do I won’t pierce you. Then
I’ll check to make sure you have enough depth. Third, I’ll place a
needle receiving tube, pierce and place the jewelry. It’s easy and
you’ll only feel a sharp pinch. And yes, it does make most women
more sensitive. Any questions?”

Erica asks, “What about sex, do I have to
wait for weeks?”

“No, you don’t but if you do have sex make
sure you use condoms and if you have oral sex make sure he uses a
dental dam. I have a sheet of aftercare instructions and
suggestions. Anything else?”

I raise my hand like we’re in class. “What
about swimming in the pool?”

“I would wait until you’ve healed. But that
can be as little as a week or can take up to four.”

BOOK: BeForeplay
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