Behind A Twisted Smile (Dark Minds Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Behind A Twisted Smile (Dark Minds Book 2)
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I was surprised. The house had been left to Evie by our maternal grandfather, while my sisters and I were given legacies of money. It had been in the family for five generations, and letting it go would have been a disappointment for Mum.

Evie sat up and put a bright expression on her face. “It can’t be helped, and as Martyn says, it is only bricks and mortar, after all. He wants something bigger and more modern.”

She tried hard but she didn’t fool me. Despite having lived with her husband there, she still adored the place.

“Mum might be upset…have you told her yet?”

Evie nodded. “Yes. She’s fine with it. She said we can’t stand still doing nothing, and if we want somewhere bigger then to go for it.”

“Really? She said that? What about you, Martyn? If I remember, you don’t own a property?”

“I did. I recently sold my last flat, and I’m just waiting for the money to come through. There was a hitch with the buyer’s mortgage, but it should all be sorted by the time we need to make a final decision on the new property.  Anyway, Mum—Belinda—has very kindly agreed to give us the difference in case there’s a hitch.”

I all but winced at his cool manner with the name-dropping. Belinda was
mother, Evie’s and mine, not his. Apart from Martyn’s familiarity, I also felt edgy about his casually spoken words. I wondered how much Mum was actually giving them and whether she had offered freely, or worse, had she been coerced? I held my tongue. I had no gripe with Evie; I loved my sisters, and she out of all of us deserved a break. Her husband, Michael, had treated her badly, and if Mum wanted to give her a contribution towards a larger house, then it was fine by me. But the thought of Martyn being involved left a sour taste in my mouth.

“And we believe we’ve found the right place already. Or rather, Martyn did.”

“Yes, it’s a place I’ve often admired. I couldn’t believe my luck when I saw the estate agent’s board go up outside early last week. I got on to them immediately and arranged a viewing, then told Evie and took her round. After the second viewing, I knew it was the perfect house for us. Not only that, Evie already has a buyer for her place. Cash buyers. They didn’t have quite the exact amount we were asking, but I suggested to Evie we take the offer. It was too good a chance to miss, as there’s no chain, and we want a fast purchase.”

“That’s lucky,” I murmured, my head spinning over the speed with which he worked. “So, what now? I assume you’re pleased with your new house, Evie?”

Evie looked up at Martyn with an adoring smile and snuggled into him. “I am. Martyn’s so clever to have found it. It’s got four big bedrooms and a good-sized garden. Of course it needs a little work doing to it—the bathroom and kitchen for starters—but nothing major or structural.” She seemed thrilled, so I accepted her word and said I was happy for her.

I placed my empty glass on the table next to my seat. “What happens now?”

Martyn poured the reminder of the wine into our glasses and slid the empty bottle onto the table. “Now we’ve sorted out the finance, we exchange contracts next week and all being well, move in soon after.”

This was moving too fast for my liking. I had an odd feeling. I thought he said he was waiting for his funds to come through and what about their ‘final decision’?

“Mum said we can stay with her if there are any hiccups, hasn’t she, Martyn?”

He nodded while taking a slurp of wine. “She has. Good old Mum. Come up trumps.”

I let my breath out, not realising I had been holding it in. For one horrible moment I imagined Martyn asking if they could come and stay with me. The sudden thought of him living in my space sent a shiver down my spine. Apart from the ghastly notion, my place was perfect for me and three would have been uncomfortable: one largish bedroom and the second, although a good size was more of a bedroom-cum-junk room. I had chucked some pieces of furniture in there, which I inherited years ago. I had been meaning to get them out and restore them for ages, but there hadn’t been time.

“That’s good. She’ll enjoy having more company around her. I know she and Darcy rub along, but she is only sixteen, and teenagers can be a right pain.” I relaxed back in my seat.

“She’ll take the opportunity to cook gigantic meals—you know how much she loves to fuss over us all. I’m just going to pop to the loo,” Evie said, standing up and leaving the room.

Martyn and I glanced at each other. At least, he glanced while I glared.

“I thought of asking you if we could stay here,” he said with a glint in his eye. “I remember your bed being very comfortable.”

“The place is far too small. Besides, you’ve got a damn nerve,” I hissed.

“I apologised for last time.”

This time I gave him a real scowl. “You bloody well know what I’m talking about.”

He leaned towards me until our heads were almost touching, and he grabbed my wrist. “Oh, that. I should watch it if I were you. The police don’t take kindly to people making false accusations. I have a watertight alibi for that night.”

“Right. And what about your messages?” I scoffed while trying to pull my arm away.

His grip tightened. “Yes, we could have stayed here if I’d insisted. It would have been fun. Sharing with two sisters, both of you knowing I’d fucked you rigid. In fact, it often goes through my mind about fucking you both at once. And you know what? I bet you’d have loved it. I still like to think about your tight little—”

There was the sound of footsteps, and Evie entered the room. Martyn released my arm and sat back casually, not once releasing his snake-like stare from me.

Evie stared first at me and then Martyn. I watched a series of emotions race across her face until she finally turned to me. Her expressionless voice was cold but controlled. “Is everything all right?”



Chapter 13

Jon and I had seen each other most evenings ever since that first time we had ended up in bed. It was a wonderful feeling knowing we were on the brink of a lasting relationship which, so far, seemed faultless. I adored his lovemaking and wondered how on earth I had thought him nice but ordinary on our first meeting at the gym. In fact, the sex was never boring or anything like ordinary.

The last time, Jon pinned me up against the kitchen counter and placed his arms either side of me, locking me into the confines of his body. His piercing green-and-topaz eyes held me captive, and I felt like I was drowning, struggling to breathe as he moved closer.

Moving ever nearer, he continued his torturous teasing by softly blowing across my bare neck and shoulders. My eyes fluttered as his lips connected with the tender flesh at my collarbone, causing goose pimples to race across my skin. My legs went weak at the knees. My breathing quickened as his body leant dangerously against me. With one hand he tilted my head back so I had to stare into his face. I slid my hands over his hips and met the bare skin of his body where his shirt had risen.

Oh my God…his skin felt like it was on fire!
I wanted nothing more than to trail my tongue down the contours of his muscles.

With a measured movement, he traced one of his slim fingers over my cheek and down my neck. Closing my eyes, I sighed as he slid his finger further down, feather-like over my breasts and stopping at my navel. I felt his hot breath against my face as his mouth connected with mine, soft and confident. He lingered for a moment, his lips touching lightly to mine, teasing me.

I wanted more ... a lot more.

I tasted wine; I smelt his all-male scent. I gasped, fighting against the feeling of drowning and grew bold. I pulled him closer, opening my lips further, inviting him in. He groaned and took my face between his hands, holding me prisoner to his feverish kiss, except I knew I was no prisoner. I was exactly where I wanted to be.

I couldn’t believe he made me feel like this, so passionate with this one kiss. My cheeks were burning, and I could feel a delicious ache between my legs, spreading the warmth to every nerve ending of my body.

However, it was after spending three evenings in a row in bed that I decided we ought to get out more in case Jon thought our relationship was based on nothing but sex. Besides, Faye had been making noises about meeting my new man and not keeping him all to myself.

We agreed to meet in a pub she and I had long favoured, and after introductions, we four settled down to a pleasant evening. I realised not long after we met that Jon was one of the most relaxed and easy-going men I had ever met and that evening was no exception. The evening went smoothly; everyone was friendly and taking turns to buy a round and a few bags of crisps to nibble. We were discussing Faye’s new job and then, out of the blue, the pub door swung open, and who should walk in but Martyn and Evie.

“Moya!” Martyn said loudly, giving Evie a nudge in my direction so she couldn’t fail to miss us. They threaded their way through the tables and chairs until they were standing grinning in front of us…at least, Martyn was, Evie still looked a bit po-faced as she passed her glance over me.

She and Faye knew each other, of course, and after hugs and introductions all round, I heard Simon suggesting they join us. My heart sank, but I knew that unless I made a scene there was nothing I could do.

As the evening wore on and everyone seemed to be getting on, I began to unwind. I watched Martyn carefully, but he was on his best behaviour, even standing his own round which impressed me no end. It was a first as far as I remembered.

Faye admired Evie’s ring, chatted about the new house, and when I saw how contented my sister seemed with Martyn, I felt churlish again. He smiled at her, caressed her hand and whispered secrets into her ear, which made her blush.

I yawned and looking at my watch, saw it was a quarter to eleven. I had been putting in long days to cover all my clients before my rooms closed for the renovation work, and it was beginning to take its toll. The thought of a warm cosy bed and maybe a quick cuddle beckoned. I slipped out to the loo at the back of the building before the drive home.

On my way back, I felt a hand grip my arm, and startled, I glanced behind me.

“So, he really does exist, then?” Martyn murmured close to my ear.

“Excuse me?”

“When we met him at our engagement party, I did wonder if he was a put-up job. Someone you’d roped in for the night.”

“I’m not even going to answer that, not after your last insulting comments. Get out of my way, Martyn.”

His answer was to move in closer, until I found I was pressed up hard against the hall wall, his knee between my legs. He had moved so swiftly and got me in such a grip that I found I couldn’t move to kick him in the balls. He ground his groin so hard into mine, I could feel his erection. The loos were right at the back of the old pub and some way from the public bars. It was pretty dim lighting down there, too. I repressed a shudder. I was scared, but I wasn’t going to let him see it. I squirmed to get free.

“I said get out of my way. If you touch me again, I’ll scream.”

He laughed, licked my ear very slowly and then stepped well back, his hands held up in front in case I kneed him. I saw how his mouth was twisted into a smile which held no mirth.

Shocked, I closed my eyes and trembled. I felt dirty, as if I had been raped.

“The police didn’t believe you last time. What makes you think they will now?” he whispered.

I pushed past him, panic gripping my throat as I stumbled away. I don’t know how I managed to walk back to our group, composed and acting as if nothing had happened. Assault is assault, no matter how minor, and I felt violated. Worse of all, I couldn’t say anything to Evie, and I doubted she would have believed her fiancé had just sexually assaulted me.

I smiled at everyone gathered round our table. “I’m sorry but I’m really bushed. Jon, do you think we can go soon?”

He met my eye and immediately drained the last inch of his pint. “Of course. I was thinking of calling it a night myself.” He stood up and picked up his jacket from the back of his chair. “Nice meeting you all.”

There was a chorus of ‘’Night’ and ‘See you again’ as we left.


Later, we lay in my bed, unclothed but without having made love. Jon must have sensed something was wrong because he took me in his arms and, instead of talking, caressed my back with long, comforting strokes.

I lay watching the shadows dancing on the walls as a car or two moved past the building. Eventually he shifted position. “Sorry, my arm’s going to sleep. Moya, are you going to tell me what’s up?”

Ever since we had left the pub, it had all gone round and round in my head. Should I say something? What should I tell him? Or would he think I was a neurotic female and frighten him off?

“Have you ever gone out with someone and then realised after a few dates that the initial attraction had worn off? I mean you felt nothing for them?

I felt him stiffen and immediately turned my head so I was facing him. “No, I’m not talking about us, silly.”

“Thank God for that.” He squeezed me gently before answering. “Once or twice I have, especially when I was younger…raging hormones I guess. Is this about Martyn?”

I made a slight nodding movement with my head.

“Thought so. You looked… shaken when you came back from the ladies. I assumed he followed you after a minute’s wait. Don’t worry, I don’t think anyone else noticed. What did he say to you?”

BOOK: Behind A Twisted Smile (Dark Minds Book 2)
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