Read Best I Ever Had Online

Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Tags: #Erotica, #menage, #romance, #anal

Best I Ever Had (2 page)

BOOK: Best I Ever Had
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Whatever they did, she felt safer. Morales threats stopped coming more than a month prior, but the papers mentioned him on a weekly basis. Still, the lull did little to comfort her. She missed her jobs at the community center and the library. Missed seeing people and talking to her friends. Sure, she had Quinton. He cared and made sure she never got too lonely. But he wasn’t enough. Most of all she missed Sam.

Emma sighed. Thinking about the past and what she couldn’t have depressed her. “I’m tired of being miserable,” she muttered. But what was she going to do? Call Quint? Poof Sam into her room? Damn.

The white wicker lounger creaked as she shifted. Sunshine glittered above the tree line and sent shadows dancing across the concrete pad. A perfect day to lay around on the balcony with something other than a book. She tossed the book onto the table, then strode back into the apartment and retrieved the toy from her bedroom. A little play on the balcony wouldn’t hurt.

Untying her bikini top, she slid the soft material off her shoulders and dumped it next to her and sat down again. Emma blew the annoying ebony locks from her forehead. Her nipples pebbled as the light breeze passed over them. Sunshine kissed her skin. Heat seeped between her thighs. What if Quint turned around? A shimmer of excitement raced up her spine. Let him look. She needed the release.

“I can see you, bad girl.” Quint folded his arms and stood. He stepped between her chair and the leading edge of the railing where anyone at the same level could see her. “I’d say put that away, but you’d ignore me.”

“I would.” She sighed and closed her eyes. Emma palmed her breast and tweaked her nipple. She suppressed a moan and reached for her vibrator. Every nerve ending in her body stood at attention as she twisted the dial. The hum of the vibe split the otherwise silence of the late day. She drew lazy circles over her breasts with the toy and delighted in the sensations spiraling to her core. She raked her fingernails down her belly to the apex of her thighs.

Now if Sam showed up and Quint made good on his threats…heaven.

Emma moaned and rolled the vibrator over her denim-clad mons. If Sam were there, she wouldn’t be wearing a stitch of clothing. She imagined the rasp of his whiskered cheeks as he licked her.

“Sam,” she gasped.

A shadow darkened over her closed eyes. Was that the scent of aftershave? Or cologne? She wasn’t sure, but damn, it smelled familiar… and sexy. “Quint, don’t try something you won’t follow through with. I’m serious. Fuck me senseless or leave me alone.”

“Do you want me to leave you alone? It’s been a long time.”

Her heart thumped in her chest and her mouth went dry. Emma concealed her breasts with one arm and shielded her eyes with the other. The vibrator buzzed between her thighs. Damn it. She needed to turn the stupid vibrator off.

The humming stopped, but not from anything she’d done. Sam’s hand covered hers on her breast. He took the toy and placed it in his shirt pocket.

A million thoughts ran rampant in her mind. Why was he there? Were they safe? Did Morales know Sam’s location? “Sam? You’re here. How? Why?” she stammered. “I thought you were still out hunting for Morales. He’s coming after me, isn’t he? Quint?”

God, she hated being scared. Hated not being able to trust. Most of all, she missed Sam. Broad shoulders wrapped in sinewy muscle, a mocha-colored goatee dusted his angular jaw, trim waist encased in snug denim. She longed to gaze into his eyes, the color of the sea during a storm, but he’d donned polished aviator sunglasses.

“I’d hoped for something along the lines of, I’m happy to see you, babe. Instead you want to fuck my best friend. Honestly, I’m not surprised. He’s handsome and we’ve been apart for a long time.” Sam rose from his knees and stood before her. He hooked his thumbs into the loops on his faded blue jeans. A plain white gold wedding band adorned his left hand. “Quint won’t be fucking you because he went back inside. Will I do instead?” A wicked grin curled his lips. “I
your husband.”

“You’re here. Either Morales is in jail or we’re going on the run. Oh my God.” A million questions sat on the tip of her tongue. She sat up and yanked her bikini top from the balcony floor. Her hands shook, hindering her attempt to clothe herself. “What happened to the smuggling ring?” She fumbled to cover herself with the tiny triangles of fabric. “I haven’t seen anything in the papers. Are you okay? Do we have to run?”

“Calm down, little one. Everything is fine.” Sam unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it down his arms. He wrapped the garment around her shoulders then held out his hand. His voice dropped to a whisper. “I don’t want to fuck in front of witnesses.”

Sam’s jaw twitched and his expression remained blank as he guided her through the doorway. “Not yet, anyway.” He yanked the door shut and pulled the curtains. “Better.”

“Better for whom? It’s hot as Hades in here. Are you sure things are okay?” Emma pressed her lips together. She didn’t know the whole story and being snippy wouldn’t help the situation. “I’m sorry.”

“I turned on the air.” Sam folded his arms. The tribal bands tattooed across his forearm rippled as he moved. “Quint loves you and he knows I do too, Em. I’ve got great news about your safety and I’ll tell you in a little bit.”

“Tell me now.” She gripped Sam’s shoulders, digging her nails into his flesh. She couldn’t wait—she needed to know the news. Apprehension swirled in her veins. “I’ve waited a long time to know he’s not going to hurt me. Is he dead?”

“Slow down, love.” Sam trailed his fingers along her arms to her wrists and loosened her grasp. “We caught him. Locked up and no bail. He’ll never see sunlight outside prison walls. Promise. The Feds have him. He can’t get out no matter what technicality he finds.”

“Really?” Her heart raced and she squeezed Sam’s hands. “Sam? Don’t kid me. We’re really and truly safe?”

“Yes, you’re safe.” He walked her backwards to the bedroom and eased her onto the bed. “Right now I don’t care about anyone else but you and me. I’ve been immersed in the case for too damn long. I want to touch you, kiss you, and fuck you. The rest of the world can wait.”

As much as she wanted… no
… this man, Emma tried to hold her emotions in check. The man gave her a radioactive glow each time they made love. He knew the right places to touch and lick to make her scream. But he’d left before and could do it again when another case beckoned. And what about Quint? Would he leave her for Quint? She swallowed her pride and forced a smile to her lips.

“So upfront and cocky. You don’t know how much I missed you.” She tried to sound assured. Tried being the operative word. “But you’d better tell me everything when we’re through. I trust you, but I like details.”

“I’ll tell you whatever you want—after. I can’t focus on anything but you when you’re dressed like that.” Sam leaned toward her and removed his sunglasses. His eyes lit with fire—for her? She squirmed under his appraisal. “When did you start using things like this out in public?” He held up the toy. “And minus your top. I told Quint to help protect you, not encourage you to streak.”

“I didn’t plan on company other than him.” Emma yanked his shirt tighter to her chest. “I told you. I haven’t done anything with Quint. He’s not interested.”

“I wouldn’t say that.” He took the toy from her and threw it. Plastic and springs shattered against the wall with a thump. “There’s interested and there’s permission. He had one but not the other.”

“Hey.” Emma winced at his words and actions. “You broke my favorite toy.” She parsed Sam’s words. Quint wanted to explore a sexual relationship with her? No way. He loved Sam too much.

“I want to make you happy, Em.” Sam’s breath skittered along her upper chest and raised goose bumps on her flesh. “I want to make you burn. No toy is going to do that.”

The rasp of his voice broke through her defenses. He continued to ignore her questions, but she didn’t care. Emma gazed into his darkened baby-blues. What she found made her heart beat even faster. Repentance. Desire.
She licked her lips. The man personified sex on a stick. “How do you suppose you’ll improve my mood, Sam?”

Sam smoothed his calloused hand along her collarbone to the base of her throat. She trembled. The muscles tightened and her skin sizzled.

“I said it before and I meant it. I want to lick every inch of you and hear you scream my name, Em.” He stopped a whisper from her lips. “Only my name.”

“What about Quint?”

Instead of answer, Sam swooped in for a kiss. Emma gasped into his mouth. Her knees wobbled as he swiped his tongue over hers. Forget the loose top or her fears. She wrapped her arms around him and ground her pussy against the bulge in his jeans.

She never could resist her man. “Take me, Sam.”

“My girl still wants me. Halle-fucking-lujah.” Sam groaned. His voice dropped two octaves to a rough bass that made her womb quiver. “Jesus, I missed you.”

“Missed you, too.” Emma nodded. “Show me.” Her heart thrummed in her ears and her breath caught in her throat. She wanted him for the rest of her life. She guided him to her soaked cut off shorts. She should’ve felt exposed. Instead, she felt complete. “Right here, right now, Sam.”

Sam ripped the t-shirt up over his head, giving Emma teasing glances of the chiseled muscles of his chest. Her gaze followed the thin trail of crisp mahogany hair that disappeared below his belt to where the true pleasure lay trapped. Emma shrugged out of his shirt. The brisk air in the bedroom kissed her dewy skin. She fumbled with the zipper on her shorts.

“That’s right, baby.” Sam tossed the discarded garments onto the floor. “I want to see all of you.”

Sam grasped the frayed edge of her shorts and pulled. The scream of ripping denim ricocheted through the room. “No bottoms?” Sam crawled along her body and planted his knees on either side of her hips. He cupped her chin and nibbled her ear. “You shaved.”

Emma threaded one arm around his neck and spoke against his lips. “I like being bare.”

“I like you bare.” He took both her hands in one of his and arranged her on the bed. “You’re so wet.” His gaze seared her. “For me.”

“Sam?” Her heart pounded. “Make love to me, Sam. With Quint watching.” She held her breath. More than she should’ve. He’d hovered in her life for the past six months and become a fixture in most things she did. With him out of the room, things felt off. Yes, she loved her husband, but she loved Quint, too.

“I want Quint to watch,” she whispered. “I do.”

“Quint?” Sam dragged his fingers over her pussy lips. “You’re sure?”

“More than ever. He’s your lover, too. Why would I count him out?” The more she talked out what she wanted, the stronger she sounded. Being honest with herself and Sam comforted her.

“Em?” Worry and confusion shone in Sam’s eyes. “When? How? We were cautious.”

“Yes, you were, but even cautious gets people into trouble.” She arched her back, showcasing her breasts. “You started this fire. Don’t let it burn out. Have him come in here or finish me yourself.”

“Quint,” Sam shouted. “Quint?”

The door creaked and footsteps padded on the floor. Quint appeared over Sam’s shoulder. “You rang?”

“Pull up a chair.” Sam kept his gaze fixed on her and rubbed his cheek along her inner thigh. “Enjoy the show.”

After he exchanged glances with her, Quint eased the rest of the way into the room. “Thank you, Jesus.” He sank down in the beat up armchair. One hand palmed his crotch while the other hand gripped the arm of the chair. “About damn time. I have permission?”

“You have mine.” Emma licked her lips. This was real. Him, Sam, all of it. Her breath lodged fast in her throat. Their first time all together and she wouldn’t change a minute of it so far.

“Do you like having him here?” Sam flattened his tongue along her sensitive skin, grazing his teeth over her labia. “Like knowing he’s hard right now? Like me tasting you?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” she managed. Sparks shot from her clit to her lower belly and bounced to her brain. The sensation overload overwhelmed her. “Feels good when you stroke me down there. It tingles.”

“Fuck. So soft. Silky.” Sam palmed her breast and tweaked the nipple until she cried out. “You’re mine.” He scooted off the bed. “Mine.”

“God, that’s hot.” The click of Quint’s zipper caught her attention. “Love this.”

“Our girl is hot as hell.” Sam chuckled. Emma struggled against his grasp on her wrists. “So hot,” he added.

Emma shivered as Sam kissed a path of fire back and forth on her inner thigh. He knew when to graze her with his teeth to bring the right amount of pain to their play. He flicked his tongue along the naked patch of skin where her curls usually covered. She bucked at the rough of his cheek against her sensitive skin. She bit back a grin. The last bikini wax session paid off. Love and lust sizzled through her veins. Everything he did felt so good.

Sam dug his nails into her ass and suckled on her mons. The burn from his touch licked at her from within. Her pussy quivered, and she bucked off the bed. Her legs trembled and fever overcame her. Sam spread her labia and dragged his teeth over her clit. Rational thought left her brain.

“Oh,” she whimpered. “More. God, please.”

Sam chuckled. “I love when you beg.” He left her pussy and gripped her ankle. He worked his way down her other thigh and stopped at her core. Each kiss caressed her like a lick of fire. He blew cool air over her heated skin. Emma panted, unable to drag enough air into her lungs.

“Touch me,” she begged. “Please?”

“You’re right. You deserve extra attention.” Sam nodded once and released his hold on her. “Quint. Now.”

Quint shoved the chair into the wall as he scrambled to the bed. He placed both hands on her breasts, kneading her. “Damn.”

“I don’t have any rubbers,” Emma blurted. Having both men touch her sent a new rush of pleasure and desire coursing through her brain. She rubbed her breasts on Quint’s hands.

“That’s so hot,” Quint whispered. “God, I want you.”

“We’re good, Em. You’re the only woman I’ve made love to since we met.” Sam flicked his tongue behind her knee then turned his attention back between her thighs. “Just you, sweets, and Quint. We’ll manage.”

BOOK: Best I Ever Had
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