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Authors: Sophia Wilson

Betraying the Duke (4 page)

BOOK: Betraying the Duke
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Chapter Eight

Sophia was not too interested by whom it was that had knocked on the door; they did not get many unplanned visitors.
Maybe it is another suitable bachelor they have called for me to wed?
she thought as she turned to her side, facing the wall alongside her bed, really hoping it was not. She was not ready to face this all over again.

Mary came running again inside the room in a frenzy.

“Sophia! Sophia! Get up! It is him! The Duke you were talking about! He is downstairs! He is waiting for you! Get up!” Mary said, overly excited and nudging Sophia.

“What?! The Duke?! Mary is this a trick to get me to come downstairs?! Because if it is, I will not speak with you, if that is the case!” Sophia said in shock, partly surprised and partly excited.

“No silly! I swear to you it is nothing of the sort! The Duke is waiting for you downstairs! He even said your name! And you were so right! He is incredibly handsome!” Mary said, trying to shake the shock off of her sister and get her to get out of bed.

“Truly? He must have found out where I lived, as I had been very vague in telling him! I have got to go downstairs and explain things!” Sophia rushed to her feet, straightening out her dress and tidying up her hair, trying to make it look the way it did when she had first made it.

She ran into the hallway and then slowed her pace at the stairs, trying to not look so eager, her heart beating fast in her chest. She was afraid someone else might hear it.

She went into the drawing room to see her parents already seated and the Duke seated in the seat where Elliot sat no longer than a week ago.

“Hello, Sophia,” the Duke said, standing up from his seat to greet her and out of respect.

“Hello, Your Grace. I am surprised you are here,” Sophia said, trying to form her sentences properly.

“So you do know him then, Sophia?” her father asked before the Duke could respond.

“Yes, Father I do. We…” she began saying before her father cut in.

“He has told us everything. I will leave you two alone to talk then,” Sophia’s father said, getting up to leave and her mother followed beside him.

Sophia watched them astonished, how easily they had taken all of it. She looked over at the Duke and he was already smiling.

She sat near him, still unable to understand what was going on.

“You spoke to them? What are you even doing here? Wait! Why were you not at the market today? I thought I would see you there!” asked Sophia, all at once, surprised by his bold behavior.

“Yes I did speak with them, I told them about how we met and they let me speak with you. I thought it would be easier if I handled things with your parents, it is the way I like to do things. Also, were you waiting for me at the market?” he asked, smiling at the thought of her wanting to see him again.

“No! I was… I was already going! I had forgotten to get something, so I went back again today. But that is no concern of yours. What did you say to them? And how did you know where I lived and why are you here?!” Sophia said, shocked and excited at this new chance that had come before her. Her prayers had been answered the minute she had made them.

“I told them plainly, that I like you and that I would wish to know you more. About how I found out you lived here, well, you told me yourself and then it was not too hard asking the directions to a very famous physician’s house. I found the house in an instant. Thirdly, about your last question, well like I said earlier, I like you and I want to know you Sophia, there is something about you that can keep a man like me awake in my bed at night, unable to sleep,” he said charmingly, being romantic.

“Your Grace! You are so blunt with your words!” Sophia said, nervously blushing.

“Is that not the way life should be? Honest and open! Nothing to hide!” he said, laughing and saying out loud.

Sophia smiled.
He is the one, I know it sounds crazy, but I believe in my soul it is he.

“You are right, Your Grace, this is the only way life should be,” she said, smiling at him.

He smiled back and they looked into each other’s eyes, both of them caught in the other one’s web, unable to look away. They were falling for each other deeply and deeply together.

Sophia realized what she was doing and forced herself to break free of his glance; she looked bashfully to the other side of the room, trying to not reveal it too much.

“It makes me smile when you turn away from me like that, a bashful and beautiful woman,” Duke Colborne said, noticing her shyness every time she tried to hide it.

Sophia did not think he did, and she was surprised knowing he observed her so closely. She smiled.
Wait, Sophia! What about knowing him more?! Know him better before you fall for him! Ask him about your dream! The right man will never want you to leave it, if he is the one, he too will support you!

Sophia was afraid to ask him, just in case he would disapprove of her choice. She did not want him to leave, she was falling for him and she did not want that to end, not when they had just met each other and every moment since then had been magical.

“Your Grace, I too, like you, but I am afraid there are some things we need to discuss before we continue to get to know each other,” Sophia said, straightening up and brushing her dress with her hand.

“Nice to know you like me,” he said, smiling playfully.

Sophia smiled at his wit.

“Well yes, otherwise you would not be welcome here!” she said, smiling at him. He laughed and she could not help but laugh with him.

“I am serious though, we do not know much about each other and I think we should discuss at least the main things before…” she said before the Duke interrupted her.

“Before we fall deeply in love?” he said, looking at her in admiration and then smiling charmingly at her. “But love is often over-rated, is it not?”

“Yes, precisely. And you should be so lucky, Your Grace, that I should even consider falling for a man such as yourself. You see, I have not had a suitor to this date that has approved of my profession choices and I would seem it unfair if I did not mention them to you right now. It needs to be told and I would like to discuss these things right now, so that they can be out of the way,” Sophia said in a more serious tone.

“Your profession? Well what is it then? Surely it cannot be so absurd that men have cowardly left the chance of marrying a beautiful woman such as yourself?” he said truthfully.

“You will be surprised. As you know, my father is a physician and growing up I have always admired his work. The way he helps people and takes care of them, providing cures. Watching him, I too want to be a physician. I want to join a medical school and follow his footsteps. Many men do not agree with this lifestyle choice, I wanted to know if you do or do not?”

Duke Colborne looked at her in complete shock and confusion, Sophia saw how his face had changed once she spoke of wanting to become a physician and she was ready to hear him condemn her of her choice.
He is just like them!

“That is all?” he asked, after a minute of silence.

“Pardon me, Your Grace?” Sophia asked, confused.

“Is that all you needed to tell me?” he asked again, reconfirming

“Well, yes,” Sophia said, unsure of what he was thinking.

“Those other men were fools! There is nothing more becoming than meeting a woman who is confidently passionate about wanting to become something great! And a woman wanting to be something both noble and prestigious as a physician is even greater. You are unlike any other woman I have ever met, Sophia, and I consider myself truly lucky that fate intervened in our path,” Duke Colborne said, admiring her more than before.

“Thank you, Your Grace, but surely you are jesting? This is what you like about me now?!” Sophia asked, utterly perplexed.

“Yes! I love your confidence, self-assuredness and boldness. When I met you, I knew you were unlike any other woman I have met throughout my lifetime, certainly not like my wife, but now you have only assured it more! You are a wonder, Sophia!” he said, praising her.

“Your wife? Are you ma…married, Your Grace” Sophia asked, shocked.

“I was,” he answered quietly, “But no more. But go on, Sophia; please tell me more about your dreams.”

“You do not know how happy that makes me feel! Oh this is wonderful! Who thought running into you would become the happiest moment of my life?!” she said before she threw her arms around him, embracing him, shocking both her and the Duke. He was taken aback by her unexpected embrace but he wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her back, reveling in the soft feel of her against him.

“Mother and Father will have to take back their words after they know of this!” Sophia said, consumed by excitement.

“Sophia, I am so glad you told me this about yourself and the fact that you did so honestly and with an open pure heart is truly admirable, but I too have something I need to tell you…” he said in a solemn tone now.

“What is it?” Sophia asked, uneasy all of a sudden.
This was too good to be true.

“Well, about my wife - she died. It has been four years since her passing as I was married quite young, like most Dukes are required to. Her death was unexpected and with her loss, I was deeply struck with sadness. I did not believe in love again. Many suitable and beautiful women would want to marry me, offering themselves but I was never interested. My mother would have wanted nothing more than for me to be wed again and give her grandchildren, but as hard as I tried, I could not love anyone, but then you came along. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew there was something special about you, something I could love. I knew I wanted to see you again but with no name or any way of finding you, I nearly lost all hope. Meeting you in the market again was my life taking its turn back into love and being happy. I knew I had to know you. I hope you are not uncomfortable with all that I have told you,” he said in a soft voice.

“No, Your Grace. I am truly sorry for your loss, Your Grace. It could not have been easy. I can tell that you loved her deeply. It does not bother me that you had a wife, not at all. In fact, the way you talk about me already assures me that you will love me with all your heart, and that is all I ask,” she said, putting a loving hand on his to comfort him.

“Thank you Sophia, you don’t know how much this means to me. I would have travelled around the world to get to you, but luckily fate had it such, that you were right here this whole time,” Duke Colborne said, placing a hand above hers.

They exchanged loving glances when suddenly there was a creaking sound of the floorboard from just outside the drawing room.

“Mary!” Sophia called out, knowing it was her.

Mary came out from behind the wall she was hiding.

“Were you spying on me Mary?” Sophia asked, embarrassed.

“Maybe,” Mary said, cheekily.

“Mary!” Sophia said, with a hint of anger.

“Hello Mary,” Duke Colborne said, getting her in laughs.

“Hello, Your Grace, it is nice to meet you. My sister is usually lovelier when she is not yelling at me, you would agree?” Mary asked, cleverly.

“Your sister is lovely just the way she is!” Duke Colborne said, laughing at her antics.

“Mary, please go!” Sophia instructed her with her eyes.

“If you will excuse me, Your Grace, I must go before the monster in my sister awakens,” Mary said before running off.

“I am sorry about that, Your Grace,” Sophia said, turning to the Duke.

“That is quite alright. I do not have any siblings so it is nice to see the two of you,” he said, smiling.

They spent the rest of the evening talking and discussing each other’s like and dislikes before he left. He left right before dinner, saying it was not polite of him to come by like this unannounced and stay for dinner and promised that he would come by the day Sophia would cook for him. Sophia had blushed profusely once again, and he had gone.

He was the miracle that knocked on my door,
she sighed as she closed the door. Sophia was already in love. She knew others would think her crazy, but her soul told her that what she felt for Duke Seth Colborne was more than a passing fancy.

Chapter Nine

Her parents, who had been patiently waiting to leave unlike her older sister, had already resumed their usual evening positions in the drawing room; her father on the nicely cushioned arm chair and her mother sitting, slightly leaning, on the settee.

Sophia walked into the drawing room, her heart fluttering with a rush of beautiful emotions. Her father caught a glimpse of her and smiled. It had been too many days that the household had been gloomy; he too had noticed the immediate change.

“Sophia, what did you two talk about?” her father asked, as she stepped into the drawing room.

“About everything. We discussed about the future mostly,” she said to her father, who was eagerly listening.

“Did you happen to mention your specific interests to him?” her father inquired.

“I did and he fully supports it,” Sophia said humbly.

“Are you certain?” her father asked, shocked.

“Yes. Father, I wanted to say I am sorry for how things have been at the house lately, I never wanted anyone to get hurt, especially you and Mother. I have longed to become a physician like you; I wanted to pursue it and follow your footsteps. I’m sorry again. I just met His Grace by accident and then he showed up here,” Sophia explained, sincerely.

“I know dear; I feel that we have been too harsh on you. I’m glad a man like him has come along, I welcome him with open arms, he is what your mother and I have wanted for you, we want you to be happy and I can see that you are. We bless this union my child; we both have made mistakes, let us move on from this all being happy,” her father said emotionally before he embraced Sophia tightly. Sophia hugged him back, fighting back tears.

“Thank you, Father,” Sophia said, burying her face into his chest. Her mother smiled and hugged her too, kissing her on the top of her head.

Now to Sophia, everything felt right with the world again.


The next day, the Duke visited her again in the afternoon. They spent the day casually strolling outside, sitting and talking, sharing laughs and falling in love – at least Sophia was. She was unsure of how the Duke was feeling about her.

Sophia loved that he supported her dreams, and she thanked God for bringing him into her life. As time went on by, they became closer and closer together. His Grace would spend time with Sophia at her house almost every day. When three months had passed, Sophia and the Duke were strolling in the desolate grounds where they had met and Sophia noticed that he was acting particularly odd.

“Are you okay, Your Grace?” Sophia asked him after observing his odd demeanor.

“Yes, yes I am, I was just thinking…” he said after snapping out of his thoughts.

“Thinking about what?” Sophia asked him curiously.

“As we have grown to know each other, I think it is time for us to think about our betrothal,” he said out loud, plainly.

“Our betrothal?” Sophia asked, shocked yet filled with glee.

“Yes. I love you Sophia and I want you to be my wife, and I do not want to wait any longer than we have to!” he declared.

“Are you asking me to marry you?” she asked, smiling with delight.

“Yes. Will you marry me Sophia?” he asked holding her hands in his.

“Let me think about it,” Sophia said acting as though she was thinking it over.

“Sophia?!” the Duke said, confused.

“Yes! Yes! Of course I will! I love you,” Sophia said laughing.

“Oh thank Lord!” he said, relieved that she had only been jesting with him.

Sophia smiled at the man she had only imagined would walk into her life.
He is perfect; who knew one walk here would change my life forever.


BOOK: Betraying the Duke
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