Read Big Bad Easy Online

Authors: Ursula Whistler

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Big Bad Easy (6 page)

BOOK: Big Bad Easy
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Ida grinned and patted her arm. “Come have dinner with us on Friday. We’re cooking out for my great-granddaughter’s birthday. Big party, and you’re invited.”

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Zara knew it would be a huge gathering of family and friends, even if Ida made it sound like a small affair. A huge street party was how she met the lady in the first place. That was just for a Sunday afternoon barbecue.

“And, I expect to hear how good he is.” Ida put her hand on the door knob.

“Now, Ida.” She shook her finger at her.

“Honey, I need some fun in my life. I’m not getting any action. Get on with yourself and that hunk of a man.”

She gave Ida a hug and steeled herself for the laughter she knew she’d see in Jameson’s eyes. As she approached him, she avoided his eyes. “Thank you for walking Ida home. I’m just three blocks away. I can make it myself.” Being alone would be best at this time. While the streets of her neighborhood weren’t well-lit by the pale yellow streetlights, they were quiet, no traffic to speak of, and always a dog walker or two out and about. She’d be safe from harm and from her overwhelming urge to jump the bones of gorgeous hunk of a man.

“Absolutely not. Consider me your private security detail for the night.” He offered her his arm. He must have tossed away his beer, so she did the same, depositing it in a neighbor’s trash can.

She took his arm, solid muscle beneath her hand, and let rivulets of desire travel through her blood to her pussy. “I arrange private details for work all the time. They aren’t cheap.” Damn, she adored being this close to him, their arms brushing against each other. Her body thrummed with need.

“For just tonight, I’m offering a deal. Free detail for up to ten blocks.”

“Excellent. I think I can afford that.” She flashed a smile at him as they navigated the uneven sidewalk broken and uplifted by the trees in the neighborhood filled with duplexes and big homes broken into apartments.

He returned her smile with a grin and a raised eyebrow. The blue of his eyes glinted as they walked under a streetlamp. “What exactly did you tell Ida about me?”

Aw, shit. He was fishing, and as much as she wanted him, there was the whole cop/victim thing. She couldn’t exactly do an internet search with the question: Can cops have sex with someone involved in a case? “I said you were large.”

He brushed against her hip, sending renewed tendrils of need through her. “You had to have said more than that.”

“I might have told her that I was interested in you, but I can’t remember due to the creep who hip-bumped me and then got all in the poor kid’s face.” She had two ways to approach this, being coy or being blunt. Coy didn’t fit her.

“Too bad. Ida might’ve told me everything.” He let his hand slide down her arm. He wrapped her hand in his. Smoothed-over calluses warmed her cool hand.

For Zara, it was as if he’d taken possession of her. A physical statement of the undercurrent running between their erogenous zones. From the heat coming from his side, Jameson wanted her, too. This night could quickly become amazing. “I can tell you.”

“I’m waiting to hear it.”

They’d reached her house already. Walking without Ida had increased their pace, so she led him by his hand onto her side of the porch. She took a deep breath, still unsure if she should tell him this. If he said no, she’d punch him for caring about the rules, but she’d accept it. She had to. Catching the damn criminal was more important than sating the mountain of desire that she had for this man.

“I…” She couldn’t say the words. As she looked into his pale blue eyes that shone in the amber light of the street lamp, one axiom came to mind. Actions speak louder than words. She grabbed his head with one hand, his waist with the other and claimed his firm mouth with hers. He spread his hands around her back, pulling her closer.

Her breasts pressed against his hard chest. He opened his mouth to her, and she plunged her tongue past his teeth, searching for his tongue. When the smooth velvet touched her, something inside her melted, releasing all the bonds she’d placed on her need for Jameson. He angled his head and took the kiss deeper, further, asking for more as his tongue explored. She tasted mint and nearly laughed that he’d found time to put one in his mouth. He’d wanted this, too.

That knowledge released the vixen in her. She pulled his shirt from his waistband and sought his skin. Her fingers found the lines of the muscles on his abs. Hardness covered by soft skin enticed her. She unbuttoned his shirt and abandoned his lips for the planes of his abdomen. Dropping to her knees, she rubbed her face against the six-pack and gloried in the fact that she could see them, touch them, have them for hers. She licked and kissed and caressed. The skin on his hard abs tasted of salt, and she couldn’t get enough of his flavor. His moans and exclamations spurred her forward.

Her fingers sought out his belt, then the button of his pants. As she reached for the zipper, she trailed her hand down the full cock beneath the fabric. He felt as big as she’d thought, and her hands ached to hold his shaft. Wetness spread between her legs.

His fingers threaded through her hair. “Zara, I’m not sure we should do this.”

Neither was she, but working within was a primal need to connect physically. “I don’t care. I want to.”

“Here? On the porch?”

She glanced up at him, his eyes half closed in lust, and looked at her surroundings. From where she knelt in front of his full cock, all she could see were bushes and the cast iron railing of the porch. The light of the lamp barely reached her, although Jameson was fully illuminated. She grinned. “Yes, here. I don’t care who watches.” She unzipped his pants and tugged his huge cock free from the dark boxer briefs he wore. His shaft curved upward and to the right. Smooth skin stretched taut over its thickness. She licked her lips.

“Lord, woman, that makes me want you more.”

“Good, when I’m done with you, it’s your turn to please me.” She turned her attention to the swollen shaft in front of her. With her fingers, she touched the tip and spread the drop of moisture around. She licked the underside, and her body responded. Her thong would be soaked by the end of sucking him off.

He moaned and urged her onward with his hands in her hair. She smiled up at him as she opened her mouth. Teasing him, she licked again, encircling the head of his cock. He moaned, and she tasted the saltiness of essence again, swirling her tongue around the corona. With each moan, she took more of his shaft into her mouth, delighting in how wide she had to open to fit his width between her lips. She pulled off with a pop, and he let out a ragged breath.

“I’m so close. You’re amazing.”

“Mmm, good.” She grabbed the base of his cock in one hand and his sac in the other. She kneaded his balls as she took his length completely into her mouth. Relaxing her throat, she held him there with tiny sucking motions. When she released him, he gasped.

“Yes, baby. Keep it comin’.”

The deep throaty tone of his voice thrilled her. She wanted to hear it again. “What do you want?”

“Your mouth on my cock again. You feel so good.”

With another lick at the head of his shaft, she plunged him into her mouth again, holding him tightly as she bobbed back and forth. She ached to press her fingers to her clit and come with him, but she wanted his mouth there more. His moans came faster and deeper. It spurred her on to suck him at a quicker pace, her hand working the base as her lips caressed his tip. His cock throbbed. She tasted salty liquid, and he pulled from her grasp. His cum spurted onto the railing as he gave his dick one last jerk and moaned his release.

“I didn’t want to do that in your mouth.”

Her need to have him touch and taste her pussy consumed her. She zipped up his pants, careful to miss his cock, and stood. “I appreciate that, but I could’ve taken it. My turn. Here or inside?” She eyed the chaise lounge that took up a corner of her porch. Easily, she could take off her thong. Her skirt provided no great barrier, either.

“Here is fine.” He took her hips in his hands and pulled her in for a kiss. As he began to lower her onto the chaise, a police siren blared. “Damn! That’s my phone. I have to answer the call. It’s from the station.”

When his hands left her ass, she wanted to yell at him, but she knew better. It would be like ignoring a call to arms at the base in Iraq. A good soldier didn’t do that, and she already knew he filled the bill as a good cop. He’d started right in on her case, no waiting, no delays, real action. She leaned against the railing as he walked to the steps and down to the sidewalk.

“Fuck. Really?” Without coming back to say anything to her, he took off at jog down her street. Half a block away, he seemed to remember her. “Sorry. Got to go,” he yelled.

Her head dropped to her chest. “Dammit. So close. Next time, I get the orgasm first.”

Chapter Six

Zara fully expected to exercise on her own this morning. Jameson had left so quickly last night after she…She couldn’t even think of it without wanting to kick herself. She’d succumbed to her desires without asking him if he had the same urges. That had resulted in him getting a fabulous blow job and her going to bed in serious need of an orgasm.

She’d done what she could to get herself there, including inventing an elaborate fantasy around Jameson. He’d returned in the night, snuck into her bedroom, and crawled naked into bed with her. “Do with me what you wish,” he whispered as he rolled onto his back and hefted her atop him.

Her imagination ran amok as her hand worked her clit. Her fingers spread her juices between her swollen lips. What she really wanted was his bulk on her, to feel his hips pressing into hers as his cock stretched her pussy. It had been too long since a man filled her. Fingers weren’t enough, but they served her purpose as she brought herself to orgasm while thinking of his blue eyes and the thrum of his deep voice.

At least she hadn’t gone to sleep completely frustrated, and she’d take care of the other part of her restlessness out with a good, hard run. She pulled into the parking lot, locked her ID in the glove box and shot from her car. Jameson wouldn’t be here anyway. She’d probably screwed up her chance to get the damn thief caught as well. This would be a brutal run today, punishment for a stupid move.

“Hey,” Jameson’s voice called out from behind her, “is that how you treat a workout partner? Leaving them behind?”

“What?” She twisted and jogged backward. He ran toward her, already covered in sweat. It beaded above his eyebrows and dripped into his eyes. “I figured you didn’t wait for me as late as I am.”

“I did some pull-ups. Had a competition with some of the younger guys out here.” He matched her pace.

She fought the urge to wipe the sweat from his brow and wished that he’d gotten that sheen from pumping hard into her. “Who won?”

“Sheer numbers? Me. In quickness, though, they beat me by a mile. I’ve got a lot more bulk than they do.”

Knowing the men he’d been in competition with, she appreciated that he could admit defeat. Those guys were ripped in the way of underwear models. It’s like they exercised and lifted just to perfect the shape and definition of their muscles. She worked out for strength and endurance. “Sorry I’m late.”

“You’re not that late. I only got into that pissing match with them because I’m frustrated.”

How dare he say that? Wasn’t she the one left standing on the porch quivering with need? He surely didn’t have to use his hand to come last night. Her mouth had done that for him. “You’ve got that backwards. I was the frustrated one.” She left the paved path for the outer running trail beat into the ground by runners. Today was the day for a long run—fast, furious, and punishing.

He caught up to her. “I’m sorry I had to leave. I really am. I didn’t want to go. I got a call. Did you read about the body discovered last night?”

“No.” She shivered. Death shouldn’t be so much of a bother to her, but it always brought to mind the buddies she’d lost and the one whose hand she’d held as he drew his last breath. “I don’t read the paper until my break at work. Was it a drug hit?”

He blew out a breath. “I wish. I mean, I don’t really wish it were, but it would be better than knowing someone offed a single woman. Made me think of you. This lady lived alone, ground floor apartment. No real suspects yet, but this is all off the record.”

“I won’t tell anyone.” She talked to her colleagues at work about work. Her personal life was hers to keep, and the information Jameson just told her would stay with her, too.

“This is going to be a tough case to crack. Only suspect was the boyfriend who reported it, but he has a good alibi. I hate working homicides. You’ll have to be doubly careful when you walk home from the bar.”

She wanted to reassure him that the guns and roadside bombs in Iraq hadn’t killed her, so no prick in New Orleans was about to have her number. “I’m pretty careful.”

“But you would’ve walked home after you got Ida in her door. You’re out. Exposed. If someone really wanted to do you in, he could. Depends on the motivation.”

“Don’t be so morbid. No one wants me dead.”

“I’m pretty sure that Ms. Velasquez didn’t think she was a target, either.” He touched her arm. “But you’re right, I shouldn’t be so negative. How many people a day walk around this city without anything happening to them? Guess I’m just worried.”

A sinking feeling hit her gut and it wasn’t because of the jogging. “With this murder, are you about to tell me that this takes precedence over my case?” She’d understand if he said yes, but she’d be hopping mad. If the NOPD had given it attention as soon as it happened, she’d have some resolution instead of three other women as angry as her that this creep was still on the loose. But, murder was more important.

“No. Don’t worry about that.” He dodged a tree limb. “I’m only assisting, following up small leads. Your case is my priority.”

“Good.” Her paced slowed a bit as she reached a calmer state. He’d not wanted to leave last night, and he wasn’t abandoning her case. “But, look, I’d get it if you had to put off investigating my case.”

He barked out, “I don’t work homicides any longer.” He sped up. He must have some serious issues about that subject. She glanced at him. Something lurked below that calm, confident exterior. His mouth was set in a tight line and he puffed instead of breathed.

BOOK: Big Bad Easy
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